675-09-15 - A Royal Slap in the Face

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A Royal Slap in the Face
Summary: A talk on the afternoon after signing the contract of the alliance does take rather unexpected turns.
Who: Barret Brais and Barbeta Brais
References: re:Luanda Brais, re:Agostino, re:Sigrid Bjornsvartr
When: September 15th, 675
Related Logs: Several recent logs about the alliance with the Ningo
Date of RP: 19-21/09/2014
Where: Solar - Mergorand Castle, Beresgond, Two Rivers
Room Desc: This room is usually very light during the day, as several windows allow the rays of the sun to enter. There is a table with chairs in one corner of the room, allowing for small meals to be taken there, as well as engaging in games of dice and cards. In anther part of the room, in front of a hearth of moderate size is a group of very comfortable wooden chairs, all of which have the coat of arms of House Brais carved into their backs. Here one can often find some noblemen engaged in the casual light conversation about current politics, as well as the occasional group of ladies exchanging the latest gossip whilst practicing their needlework. A door at the side leads out onto a large terrace, where the magnificent view over the Plains of Perescan can be enjoyed. During especially warm days the terrace is a popular gathering place as well, as it has been designed to give the impression of a charming little garden - with plants and flowers in clay pots placed at strategic places, as well as a flower bed to the far side.

It had been an eventful day. The signing of the contract had taken place in the council chamber, in the presence of some council members, Princess Barbeta and King Barret from Two Rivers, as well as Patrician Agostino and his guards from the Ningo. Esther had been there as well, translating when she was asked to. And all of those present had witnessed the signature of the two rulers, before they had added their own.

By now it is already late afternoon, the solar is moderately crowded with courtiers. The terrace however is not, and deliberately so, as a pair of guards hold vigil at the door leading outside. The king himself has taken a seat by a table on the terrace, brown eyes wandering over the flora arranged there. A flagon of white wine along with two glasses stands at the ready on the table as well as a bowl with fresh fruit and a plate with smoked ham and bits of cheese. Barret has once again sent for his younger daughter. The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes intensify as his face is twisted into a smile, a low sound coming from his throat that can be recognized as some sort of humming. Because the king of Two Rivers is in wonderful spirits today.

Maybe these, who were sent for Barret's daughter were not able to find her, or the girl was preparing for this meeting too much, but the King had to wait about half hour.

Though, when the girl comes, she looks so adorable. Her hair are nicely brushed and decorated with silver leaf. Her gown is most wonderful, nicely fitting around her slim waits. Barbie even put on some jewellry. Silver jewellry, of course.

"Father," she curtsies and smile grows in her features, seeing Barret in quite a good mood. The girl moves slowly to take a seat beside him.

Barret seems to be little troubled by the delay. In fact, he seems to be quite at ease with himself when his younger daughter finally arrives. He will rise from his seat to great her with a warm affectionate hug. "Barbeta. How are you? Now your fate seems to have been sealed." His arms let go of her as he takes a step backwards and resumes his seat. "Would you like some wine? It's a chilled white one, quite refreshing on such a late summer afternoon as this." He will smile at her as she joins him by the table.

The young girl gives a hug back to her father, squeezing him firmly, before taking a seat, "Yes, father. I would like to get some wine..." She smiles at Barret, "I am so happy to see your smile, father. I am so happy, that everything turned out as I expected." Barbeta grins and sighs, leaning back in her chair.

The king pours them both before he offers his daughter one of the glasses. "I am happy that you are happy, Barbeta. And after all, this alliance will mean the end of the battles that have weakened our North even further." A short pause follows when Barret seems to ponder the recent situation in Granville. But then he looks up and clears his throat. "But in fact, there may be more merry news coming our way, dear. Another betrothal has been finalized, and yes, there will be another wedding. Perhaps even before yours. Have you spoken to your betrothed by the way, about the date for the wedding feast? It may be easier to schedule things..." A sparkle of mischief has appeared in his brown eyes as he studies Barbeta, to raise his glass next. "To betrothals!"

Barbeta listens for her father and smiles fades from her features, "More betrothal? Is it about my sister?" The girl turns her gaze away and sighs quietly. Though, when offered, she raises that glass of wine and takes a sip, "I am not sure... I would like to decide on the day with ... Agostino. I am still not sure what titles they use. He mentioned, that he wants it to happen as soon as possible. After we will marry here according to our traditions, I will have to go to his lands and follow the traditions of his people..." Barbie grins a bit, "For that I need some time. I need to train myself or I won't pass. Agostino told me, that his people will never acknowledge me as the Queen and true leader if I won't pass survival test. They will cover my eyes and will leave in wilderness, if I understood right. I will have to find a way back and survive. Then I will be acknowledged. Otherwise, his two other wives will be above me..." Barbie takes another sip of wine casually.

At first it seems like Barret will give a reply to her question right away. A soft chuckle escapes the king and he shakes his head ever so slightly. "No, not Luanda. At least not yet. We are still awaiting a response on our proposal...", He smiles, looking a bit amused.

But then Barbeta continues, and her father listens most attentively. "You have to survive on your own in the wilderness? Sounds like quite a dangerous task... It will be your decision, of course.”

There is however a widening of his eyes at her mention of two other wives and he coughs, raising a brow. “I beg your pardon? Two other wives meaning… the Patrician is married still? And to two women?” The light tone has faded. Gone is the positive air of anticipation, that had lingered in the room so far. In fact, the king looks a bit pale suddenly.

“You knew this. And didn’t tell me?”

Barbeta turns her dark eyes to the old man. She blinks a few times, while her fingers squeeze that goblet in her hand. She does not answer so quickly to Barret. The young princess frowns, then chews on her lip, then opens her lips and whispers, “Esther told you. During all the meeting. Didn’t she? I mean… she mentioned that the man has two wives and children? It’s their tradition… Like in the Golden Lion, where the noble man can have one legal wife and as many concubines as he can… Just in this case, all wives are legal?”

Barbeta sighs and shakes her head, “Don’t make a big deal out of it. His wives are old. Not as good as I am. Don’t worry. They can get divorced any time. I will…. find ways to convince them to divorce Agostino. I will be his only one wife. Don’t worry father!”

The princess grins, “Better, tell me, who is betrothed then?”

Dark bushy brows furrow over slightly narrowed brown eyes. “You heard what Esther said during that first meeting in the council chamber. She translated he has been married twice before, and ‘now it is time to create a new family’, or something of the kind. She said nothing about that they were still alive. You seem to have had more conversations with Patrician Agostino - maybe he made mention there about this. And both you and Esther failed afterwards to bring this /minor detail/ to my attention.” There is hardly veiled sarcasm in his tone and also disappointment when Barret leans back in his chair, shaking his head.

“This is after all, not what we’ve agreed to.” the King adds after a moment. “Convince him to divorce them? Barbeta? Are you aware of what you are saying there?”

A wave of the hand the reply to her question. “I am not in the humor to tell you now, after receiving these slightly… disquieting news…” News of an ally not playing with open cards.

Barbeta rolls her eyes, “Father, you are being one of these old grumpy boring men again!” She takes a sip of her wine, “Do not pretend, that all world is just rainbows and unicorns. Do you honestly believe, that this alliance had to be based on an honest wish to walk around the gardens, holding each others hand tightly and stare at each other adoringly? I am talking about our kingdoms, not me and Agostino…” The girl takes another sip of her wine and turns to the King, “I am sure, that behind all this, they have some plans, which remain untold as we do the same too, father. We need them, they are in need of us for now. Though, it’s temporary. All these marriages between us and the Isles, us and Estoria, us and Golden Lion is a temporary way to avoid a huge confilct. It just allows us to plot more and find a way to get as many advantages as possible….”

The girl leans back in her chair, “It’s the game, father. The winner always is the clever one, not the good one. So, yes. I am aware of what I am saying. I will find a way to convince them to divorce HIM. Their culture is way more useful for us women, than ours, father. I am the clever one. You signed the alliance and that is all. It’s over. I will marry Agostino and I will get as many advantages for our Kingdom as I will be able to. I won’t be just sitting and thinking, how to survive without being tricky, being just honest, not hurting anyone, because then I quickly end up dead.”

She takes a longer sip of her wine quite calmly.

The king listens to Barbeta’s reply, and he shakes his head. A brow lifting here and there at the tone she employs. “I would not consider to lead a kingdom as some sort of game, daughter,” he finally comments. “The fate of all our people rests on mine shoulders. Of course you do know nothing about what it means to carry responsibility. You were not brought up to know, so you are of course not to blame. But allow me to clear up some misconceptions.”

He clears his throat. “Of course I am the last to believe in fairytales. I most certainly know more about the harsh reality of Two Rivers than you. I am glad you shared some conversation with our guest. Even more happy that he informed you of some of the traditions in his land. However, this particular information was not given to me nor others that signed the contract of the alliance. Whether it was withheld on purpose or just not given by accident remains to be seen.” Straightening, Barret’s expression darkens. “If it was withheld I’d say our alliance is having a pretty bad start. To be honest, I need to confer with the other members of the council if the contract is valid at all, under these circumstances.” Frowning at the stupidity of the situation, a deep sigh leaves the depths of his throat.

“As for your view of politics - I definitely do not share it. Trickery and deception can never be a good basis for an alliance. And no. Political marriages serve to provide us with lasting bonds to other kingdoms. They are /never/ intended as a quick means to get an advantage that is only needed for a brief time.” A shrug there, as if the king’s enthusiasm to explain these basics already seems to fade.

“So. Yes. I sent for you to inform you about another betrothal. As it is I who will marry again, as well.“ Here the king raises his glass, a faint smile curling his lips. “The betrothal arrangements have been finalized. Two Rivers will have a new queen, as I am to wed Sigrid Bjornsvartr, niece to King Hroaldr Gylkrohn, widow of the late Duke of Bjornstad in Estoria.” His tone showing perhaps more resignation than appropriate, given the nature of his announcement. A bit of irritation showing in his gaze, as he certainly has planned to offer the news in a different atmosphere, not that of disagreement and the odd feeling he had been tricked.

“Very well, father,” answers Barbeta Brais, placing her goblet on the table and standing up. She offers the King a curtsy, “Congratulations. Maybe a woman in your bed chambers will make you less grumpy and more understanding. Though, for now as far as I understand, the daughters from your first marriage are no longer needed for you.”

She straightens a bit before adding, “I am sure, that these wives were just a misunderstanding because of the language barrier. I would be most happy and most pleased to be allowed to proceed with my own marriage as soon as possible and to leave to my new home, where I might be more welcomed and valued. I wish my sister to find a new home too.”

Barbeta offers another curtsy, “I do hope that your new family will be less disappointing… Congratulations.” And then she turns to leave, if allowed.

It is a rare thing indeed that the king's gaze would become icy. It does so when Barbeta offers her curtsey, and more importantly, the remark that follows it. With a surprising agility given his age, Barret jumps to his feet. The back of his hand flying towards the Princess's cheek with a swiftness that comes from an action not so much sparked by calculation, but rather the instinctive urge to administer correction to her impertinence. There is not much force behind the slap, but enough to flip Barbeta's face to the side.

„What happens in my bed chamber is none of your concern.“, Barret grumbles then in hardly subdued anger as he glares at his daughter, his eyes dark and flickering with disappointment at her lapse. „You clearly forget yourself, child. I am still your king. And until the day of your marriage you owe me your loyalty and respect.“ A brief glance is shot towards his hand that has just struck at the princess, and a sombre and sobering calm returns. „Noone speaks of disposing of my daughters. But don't you agree, that we must do anything we can to ensure the next ruler of Two Rivers is of our blood, of House Brais? Pregnancies can hardly be calculated. Child birth is a dangerous adventure some do not survive.“

“What an innocent and ignorant girl you are!”

That maybe a more cruel pinch than the physical slap he had dealt her.

Barbeta even does not gasp, when she gets that slap. The girl just cuddles her hand to that cheek and dark curls of the princess covers her features. The chest starts raising up and down, up and down more quickly as if she would become more and more angry with each inhale.

"Nooo...." she hisses, "Of course, we are not disposed..." irony can be heard in her voice "Though, a stranger is a way more better way to keep the throne in the hands of Brais, yes?" She dares to raise her gaze back to a father. Her eyes are filled with tears, but not because of that slap. The tears are more of anger and sadness.

"My mother means nothing to you, if you so do not care and forget about TWO DAUGHTERS of hers and will chose another woman's children instead of hers. Did you love her at all?! Why do you think I was ready to give myself for some kind of barbarian, about whom I barely know anything? Just because I tried to find a good and needed alliance, which could give us many things and a future heir to our home between all of it! Your grandchild, my mother's grandchild would have the blood of Brais, or is that blood is too dirty, that you need another woman?!!"

Barbeta takes a few steps backwards from her father, "I do not recognize you anymore... Someone... you are just... different. Darker..." she shakes her head, "You always said, that you loved my mother, but now... You just chose another woman and... send Luanda and me away... Do you think that woman will be good? Are you sure she wont' see us as a threat to her children in succession? Are you sure that after your death she won't kill us? That happened many times in history! Or you just don't care?"

And she takes a few more steps away from the King.

The voice of the king is raised once again now, the deep baritone carrying over the terrace, and probably beyond. “Stop speaking nonsense, child! We have laws in this kingdom! Even you should know them! Just because I was willing to bend some laws to include any sons of Luanda and you into the succession line does not mean it will be eventually the case! Luanda and you will always by my daughters, the only children left from my Livia. Do you really believe I could ever forget her? Do you really believe I have not grieved for her, and for the children I’ve lost? Then you don’t know your own father. Believe me, if it were only for me, I would never ever marry again! Alas, I am a king. I have to do what serves my country. And so there really is no choice. Princess Madalyn Onimus was offered to me already three months ago. The betrothal, as you know, did not come about. I did not hear any objections back then from you. Many kingdoms seek alliances with us. And we need to renew bonds with our neighbours of Estoria.”

He steps away from Barbeta, gesturing for her to leave. “You are out of your mind. Your accusations and your hostily I cannot comprehend. I believe everything has been said. A good evening to you.” His gaze cold, despite the hurt flicker in his eyes.

Barbeta shakes her head, “I did not oppose to princess Madalyn, because I knew, that you are not crazy. You wouldn’t marry a CHILD!”

The girl shakes her head once again, “You forgot my mother. YOU FORGOT HER! YOU JUST FORGOT HER!!! At least have courage to acknowledge it.... You may lie to everyone, but you won’t be able to lie for yourself!”

She shakes her head the third time, “Exactly! You /are/ the King! That is why you can marry or you can not! You have all the right to chose your own grandchild to be the heir and everyone would agree! Luanda and I live with our people. I myself gave coins for our people, prayed with them, while we still had our Gods around. I myself carried an injuried orphan to the healer. They are my family as they are Luanda’s family. People would respect our children, your grandchildren, the blood of our mother, who would turn on the other side in grave, hearing your words, if she would have one! But she does not, because an illness stole her away from us. People around Kingdom were crying, because they respected our mother. She was their mother too!”

The girl straightens, “You stabbed your own people in their hearts once, when you took away their Gods. Bringing home that stranger, announcing her child as prior to us, you will stab your people second time straight into their hearts, because you will take their mother from them. Father, be careful. If you will stab them third time, people might stop trusting in you. Then you won’t have anyone to blame, but yourself!”

Barbeta inhales deeply, straightens up and storms out, not even looking at the King again.

A king who cannot help but shake his head as he watches the tempestuous departure of his daughter. His gaze dropping to the glass of chilled white wine in his hand next. "At least the 'stranger' will not be a child. In this at least you can't be wroth at me, Barbeta..." Muttered with a faint smirk as he downs the glass. Gestures for a servant. And sends that servant to fetch Lord Jarvis. "Now back to that...problem."