675-09-09 - Stormy Times

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Stormy Times
Summary: Vandrik arrives back to the Isles now prepared for marriage to Imma, only to find out some news that has changed an aspect of his betrothal.
Who: Madalyn Onimus, Imma Grunhaid, and Vandrik Yldon
References: None
When: September 9, 675
Related Logs: None
Date of RP: September 9, 2014
Where: Castle of the White Dove
Room Desc: This scene took place over the entrance hall, great hall, and west passage of the castle.

With the storms blowing so hard on the islands, it's rather impossible for anyone to travel anywhere without getting wet. Having trudged straight from the docks, immediately after landing, Vandrik is soaked to the bones. However, it's not necessarily cold out, so other than the fact that it makes the clothes he has on cling to him, the weather isn't that unbearable. Especially for a lifelong knight who's spent his fair share of time in inclement weather to the north.

Vandrik is just making his way into the castle, now, and is still wearing his light armor, decked out in Two River's regalia. Because he's trying to make an impression or something. Chain mail is worn over a tunic, with a light breast plate and small shoulder pauldrons over that. Affixed under the pauldrons is a short cape, black and red, the colors of House Yldon under House Braise. And while Vandrik's helmet is under one of his arms, there are no visible weapons on his person. He does have a leather tube, though, which probably contains documents of some kind.

Madalyn happens to have been walking by the balcony at the knights arrival, and turns to regard him. Seeing the two rivers attire, her eyes brighten and she changes course, heading down the stairs toward the knight, guards and handmaidens hurrying along behind her. "Greetings!" she calls, not particularly lady-like. "Are you recently from Two Rivers? How is the king?"

With a messenger dispatched from the docks as soon as his ship docked, it's almost perfect timing that Imma and her own guard and handmaiden arrive as well from the direction of the private rooms, the maid fussing slightly about something before leaving well enough alone. Pausing, the young woman hears the greeting given by Madalyn, her gaze following the other as she hurries forth. Yet, the knight soon draws her gaze, bottom lip worried, deep thoughts showing upon her expression before she finally steps forwards and continues towards Vandrik, though not immediately giving greeting of her own - the princess has first dibs!

Vandrik looks very cross as Madalyn approaches, his brow knit together in frustration for some reason. Most likely the terrible weather and poor traveling conditions, since he is literally /dripping/ wet. However, as Madalyn descends and calls out to him, his face relaxes to his more natural grimace. He blinks several times as the Princess makes her way down the steps, at once surprised at her appearance as much as the retinue of people who follow her. It takes several seconds for his mind to provide him a guess as to who she may be; he'd been given a 'whos who' lecture on more than one occasion before his return, but it still takes time to put names to faces. Once the realization is made, he is quick to kneel and bow his head, crossing his arm over his knee as he sets his helmet on the ground.

"Young Majesty," Van replies. "Yes, I have just arrived from there. The king fares well. I bring the greetings of House Yldon, of House Brais, and of the realm of Beresgond to the people of the Isles and Her Royal Highness, and by extension, to you, Young Majesty." This is quite clearly a rehearsed introduction.

Madalyn sighs slightly as the knight kneels. "Please, you do not need to kneel. Stand up. You must be quite wary from such a trip in this weather. It is hardly smooth sailing," she directs, waving her hands upward in emphasis. "You will have to forgive me, but I do not believe I have heard of House Yldon."

Vandrik rises when bidden, tucking his helmet under his arm again. "Aye, 'tis not fair sailing, to be sure," he agrees, nodding. "But, we pressed through anyway, as ... well, I just needed to get here as quickly as possible." He moves to run one of his hands through his hair before remembering that he has gauntlets on and instead just looks down at himself and the puddle quickly forming beneath him, before sighing. "House Yldon is a retainer of House Brais, minor, but in the same region. I am not entirely familiar with how your government is structured, but I would imagine it is similar to any other house which has holdings here on this Island, but is not of the ruling house. My family has lands, a keep, and some political favor with the king, but no retainers of our own."

Madalyn nods at the explanation, smiling brightly at the news. "There are few more deserving of service than King Barret. We do have such houses as well, but what brings you so far from your liege and in such a hurry that you would brave a storm like this to get here?"

Quiet has Imma been until then, the young woman finally stepping forwards into the conversation, curtseying to the princess. Rising only once given leave, she speaks then, "His House serves Brais, much the way as my family, Grunhaid, serve as Solicitor beneath Zorich." She's studied! But with the final question, there comes that flare of worry as she glances towards Vandrik. Clearing her throat as she blushes, she murmurs, "We are betrothed, and are to be married by the Queen's orders."

Well. That's a really good question. With a very long and complicated answer, apparently, as Vandrik's mouth works and he almost starts trying to explain several times. After a few seconds, he grimaces and takes a short breath. And then, there's Imma! With an answer! That makes Vandrik grin, as she explains it /much/ more concisely than he would have. "Yes! Yes, that's it. And we are to start a new House, on the island of Haidyl And I have been sorely delayed in returning by some of the ... well, it was supposed to have happened already. So, we pushed through. And here I am," he says.

Oh, right! Imma's there, too. Vandrik obviously realizes he forgot to say hi to her after a moment and visibly starts, turning to bow to her as well. "Lady Grunhaid." And as he straightens back up, he goes to run his hand through his hair again, but that stupid gauntlet makes the gesture look rather ridiculous. It's obvious he's quite nervous or flustered at the moment.

Madalyn claps her hands together excitedly. "Oh excellent news! Weddings are such beautiful affairs and you two look well suited to each other. I am sorry to hear that you were delayed, but at least you are here now. Have you two met before?"

"Hailyd." The quiet correctly is made aside to Vandrik when he gets the name of the island they are to take over wrong. Turning back to Madalyn, Imma smiles, still blushing, "Sir Vandrik won my hand in the tourney of the knights during the festivities that had everyone here." Before she might say more, he's greeting her, and she turns back to smile at him, "Sir Vandrik." However, she offers a nod to the princess, "We spent a little time before he left for Two Rivers, though it's been a while." Months now.

"Well, yes," Vandrik starts to answer. And he looks as though he's about to try and explain again, but graciously, Imma takes care of it again. He offers her an appreciative smile, nodding in agreement. "Yes, but it was only a few days where we met the staff of our castle and told them a little of how we wanted things sorted out," he adds. "And then I left, and then the borders were closed for some time, and then I was strongly advised against returning until just recently. Also, I'm sorry, milady, but it did also take me much longer to find a new sire for my apprentice, as the numbers in our ranks have been thinned lately by all of the bandit raids." This last bit offered as an apology to Imma.

"We were supposed to have been wed within three months, according to the betrothal, but I believe the mitigating circumstances warrant extending the contract, as it was out of our control," Vandrik rehearses. He's obviously been coached as to what to say, as he looks more like he's trying to remember the explanation than come up with it on the spot. "So, I've returned to speak with the Queen and to make sure we still have the agreement. Also, we were to meet with her, anyway, so I may swear fealty and we may name our house together before we are wed."

Madalyn sighs, a slight frown creasing her lips. "I presume that I am at least partially to blame for the delay then. I do apologize if that is so," she tells him, contritely bowing her head. "Hopefully, things with the queen will go quickly for you and you'll be able to start your lives together."

Imma begins to say more, but falls quiet as Vandrik speaks, once again looking aside to the dripping knight. Her dark head is nodded a few times at his words of their trip to the island, their conversation with the servants there. With the offer of an apology, she makes a quiet dismissive gesture, "I knew it could take longer once things happened." Like the borders being closed and such.

"I believe the queen will keep the contract between our countries." Imma does offer, though she fidgets, "Hopefully you've given thought to the name while you were gone?" Curious is she.

Vandrik shakes his head. "You don't need to apologize, Young Majesty. I don't think any one person could be held accountable when two nations are at odds with one another," Vandrik says, offering a soft smile. He then looks back to Imma and shrugs. "I thought your initial idea was fine. A combination of our names makes the most sense to me. And it isn't difficult to remember; it's also quite similar to the name of our Island," he says.

Madalyn smiles as she raises her head again. "Well, when one is the heir it is a little easier to find blame in such situations. I am sure I can arrange some lavish wedding gift to help ease the frustraiton of the delay," she offers. "Still, I should let the two of you catch up. It was a pleasure learning of your story. Hopefully, I will see you around the castle again." With that she prepares to go back up the stairs.

As Madalyn prepares to leave, Imma offers another curtsey, "Good eve to you, Young Majesty." A pause, and she adds, "I believe we will be here until the wedding at least.." So they will likely run into one another yet some more!

Once the princess is gone, Imma turns towards Vandrik, offering the knight another smile, gaze taking in his dripping form, "I took the privilege of making sure that there was a bath prepared in your room.. I know the sooner you get out of your armor, the better it will be. If you like, we could meet in the library, unless you're hungry, then can see if the kitchen might make a tray for you?"

Vandrik grimaces and turns a little red at the offer of a lavish wedding gift, shaking his head. "I ... th-that wouldn't be necessary," he tries to say. But, the noble has laready turned and left, so all he can do is bow deeply at her back and straighten himself once again. He turns to Imma and smiles genuinely, now, the first since she's seen him.

"Well ... is the Queen not available? I had thought to see her straightaway, as we're already sorely past the deadline outlined in the contract. I'd tried to send word, but I was told even letters were not being accepted," he says, frowning. He then looks himself over again, looks back at Imma, and then back at himself and the nice puddle he's created. "No, you're right. Bad enough that the Princess saw me thus. A bath, first. Could you send someone to the ship to fetch a change of clothes for me? A fine outfit, though, not my usual clothes. I need to be well-dressed while we are in the castle."

"I do not think she's available at the moment. I know she's got your message, as well as my own." Imma answers easily, "She will meet with us soon enough, this I am fairly certain of." Oh yeah, there's been some changes, and she's not wishing to discuss them herself! As he glances over himself and her, she nods, "I can send someone there and back, if you like." Turning, she finds a nearby servant, talking to them for a moment. The young man hurries off, likely to find someone to ride out to the docks. Returning to him, she offers, "IF you allow, I can show you to your room?"

"Oh. Well. Um ... sure? But, really ... I don't really plan on moving into a room here, even temporarily. I want to unpack once, and be done with it. You wouldn't /believe/ what a chore it was, trying to get all of my belongings into little boxes. I feign do it again until absolutely necessary," Vandrik says, smirking. "But first," he says, an impish grin on his face. He then reaches out and tries to snag Imma's arm gently, apparently intent on pulling her close to him, even in all his drippy-ness.

Imma listens, and then peers at him quietly, "But.. " Stammering for a moment, she begins to say something more, but finds herself being drug in closer to him. It's a surprise, one that causes her to stumble slightly, into him and all his dripping, wet armor! Gasping just a little, she tilts her head to look at him, "Sorry.." For falling into his arms, almost.

Vandrik just smiles down at her, catching her fall and wrapping his arms around her, encompassing her in a wet but fond hug. "I must know, Lady Grunhaid," he asks, cooing her name again. "How has my absence faired on your heart. Have you been as eager for my return as I have? I have thought about the night before I left every time I've seen the moon, and it nearly drove me mad."

Imma will end up a little damp, not that she complains. Much. Held warmly in his arms - well, besides the cold damp armor, of course - has her laughing softly, "I have thought of you often, Sir Yldon, over the days and weeks since you left." Hearing the last has her blushing, smiling shyly at him, though the smile fades just a little as that errant thought runs across her mind of the changes that has been made. Uncertainty might be glimpsed then upon her face, "You may wish to stay here, as the Queen could see your wish to remain aboard your ship as a snub of her hospitaltiy."

Vandrik was all smiley and snuggly, giving Imma the dreamy-eyes, until she points out the potential problem staying on the ship might cause. This snaps him back to reality, his face shifting back to seriousness even though he doesn't let go of Imma. Not right away, anyway, until he remembers that they're in the castle, at which point his grip immediately loosens and he steps back. He looks around suspiciously, frowning and pursing his lips. He mutters something under his breath, probably cursing in his native language as he looks Imma over in her now-damp dress. "I'm sorry, milady, you're quite right," he says. He then curses again and rubs his palm against his temple. "Damn! I'm not here more than a few minutes, and already I'm behaving like a boar. Damn it all," he curses himself again. "Please forgive me, I shouldn't have grabbed you so, especially in my present state." And Vandrik actually does look quite concerned.

Set back upon her feet before he steps back, Imma brushes at her skirts, though as he starts muttering and blaming himself for such, she shakes her head, reaching out to touch his greaved hand, "Take a breath and relax." Her gaze meets his before she reaches up to brush back a lock of hair from his face, "Move a few clothes. You do not need to move /everything/ from the ship. I do not know how quickly the Queen will wish to move ahead with things, and you can't be expected to go back and forth between the castle and the docks all the time either." The docks are a bit of a ride! "And, I'm fine. As is my dress. A little water hurts nothing."

Vandrik looks all out of sorts and upset until Imma reaches up to touch his hair. He stops cursing himself and does as she bids him, taking a deep breath and relaxing. A little. He nods to her suggestion, his lips still pursed tightly. "Still. I will try and control myself and be on my best behavior while I am here. I want to make a good impression. Especially since things got so bad between our nations. I don't want to give the Queen any reason to doubt my resolve or my ability to lead our household," he says quietly, privately so hopefully no one else can hear him.

"It's good, Vandrik. Try to relax." Imma offers further before she hears his words, and she stands there uncertain, especially as he continues to speak and ends on /that/ note. She's an open book about so much, that it's likely obvious that there's something not quite right. But before he might question, she steps back, "Come, let me show you to your room so you can get out of the armor, and bathe. Then we'll find a tray.." Change the topic, change the topic!

Vandrik nods and moves to follow Imma, not dripping nearly as much now as they move through the castle. If Imma were watching Vandrik, it's quite clear that he wasn't watching /her/ to catch her hesitation. He still very much has the look of a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. A look that will continue to abide until he's been bathed, shaven and dressed in a very nice tunic and pair of breeches after his bath.

Imma guides him to the room set up for him for the moment, where servants wait with a steaming bath. If he has no one to help him from his armor, one of the servants will act as squire for him. Leaving him to get cleaned up, she returns to her own room to change her dress, and to check on the tray in the kitchen.

By the time he's done, Imma has sent word that a tray is prepped, and awaits him in the great hall seated at one of the lower tables. There are a few other nobles and couriers here, some eating, many talking, a few even playing games of chance. Now in a gown of deep green, Imma sits with her handmaiden nearby, listening to a minstrel playing a flute nearby.

Of course, Vandrik hasn't any clue where the Great Hall is. Or even how to get out of the area where is room is. But, that's one of the benefits of sending someone to fetch him- they can lead him back. Thus, he finally arrives at the table where the tray of food has been left for him. He looks quite a bit more at ease, now, and refreshed. He bows to Imma before sitting, "Milady." He then looks at the foreign food and grimaces a bit, before smiling sheepishly. "I ... had gotten accustomed to Two Rivers cuisine while I was away. I had forgotten how different our palette's were."

Upon hearing his voice, Imma blinks, turning her head, "Vandrik!" Rising from her seat, she bows her head to him, then sits again quick enough so he's not left standing too long, "Feeling a little better?" Clean and dry. The food is a mix of things from the sea, along with what might seem strange birds and animals that they eat upon the Isles. Foreign, and yet hopefully not too bad! "Tell me what you like to eat and perhaps I can point out what you might like best?" There's truly a mix of items for them both - yes, she's waited to eat - to eat for their late dinner.

Vandrik waves his hand before claiming a fork. "Milady, I've eaten gruel mashed together of whatever grains we could forage when on extended engagements. I am sure there is plenty here that I will find pleasant to eat," he says, smiling. When he notices there are settings for the two of them, he blinks a little. "Imma ...," he asks, looking at her quizzically. "You didn't wait for /me/ to have your supper, did you?"

"Still, if you have questions, I can at least answer them?" Imma then offers, reaching out for the pitcher of the island 'ale' that is commn to pour into the waiting glasses. As he questions her, she looks up at him, "Why would I not wait for you? It would have been strange for me to eat when I could do so with you?" Awww. She wanted to be able to share the meal with him!

Vandrik is about to protest about how it was silly for her to wait, but winds up just closing his mouth and looking sheepish instead. "Sorry," he admits. "I suppose I'm not used to having anyone be particularly inclined to take their meals /with/ me." He then looks over the plate for a few seconds and then back at Imma, his brow twitching as he thinks. "Okay, then," he finally decides. "Why don't you tell me what /you/ enjoy, and I shall try it with you. Our meals in Two Rivers are very plain, by necessity. Breads and stews, mostly, with whatever meats we're able to manage. Our kingdom is still recovering from the famine and plague, so food is still ... well, if not scarce, then certainly not varied," he explains.

"I do. It is a time for us to talk, to get to know one another still." Imma points out before setting the pitcher down, and offering him his glass. "I like seafood - fish and shrimp. I do not mind some of the wild meats we have here..." She'll point out some of the various things on the tray - from the prawns, to the shrimp, fish and even roasted parrot or monkey. Many different vegetables as well. "That is one thing we have here upon the islands - the sea always provides for us, even should the land not.."

Vandrik nods and looks at the seafood. Funny-shaped things, shrimp. Especially if you're seeing them for the very first time. Vandrik stabs one with his fork and lifts it to inspect it for a moment, listening to Imma. Then, with a smile and a shrug, he sticks the whole thing in his mouth, chews it a little, and swallows it, tail and all. "Hmm ... that back part of it is a little crunchy and hard to eat, but otherwise it's not bad," he announces, smiling.

Imma picks up a shrimp as well when he does, though before she can explain how he has to tear the tail off - assuming it's been peeled up to that point - he goes and puts it all in his mouth, "Hmm.." Then, she starts to laugh, though she truly tries to hold back, "You aren't supposed to eat the tail." She finally murmurs, going through the motions with her own of pulling off the tail fan before eating the meat itself.

Vandrik watches and then turns a little red, unable to /not/ grin at himself. "Well, maybe I'll start a new fad while I'm here. Prove we men of Two Rivers have sterner stomachs or something," he says, shaking his head at how silly that sounds. "So ... you ...," he says, trying to imitate Imma's tearing of the tail and instead splitting the shrimp in two. He grimaces slightly and then chuckles, grinning at Imma. "... it is a good thing there are plenty of these for me to learn with."

"Sterner stomachs, hm?" Imma questions, only to laugh a little more. She doesn't comment when he tears the meat in half, merely shows him again, "They are good. I like them merely boiled with seasonings, though when added to other foods - stews and soups - they are good as well." A few more are eaten quickly before she cuts into some baked fish.

Vandrik nods and has it down rather quickly, butchering only 2 or 3 before he's figured it out. And then it's on to other foods. "Oh. I should say ... I can't cook. ... wait, will we have to cook? We won't have to cook, will we?" he asks, confused suddenly. "Well, if we /did/ ever have to cook, you'd have to do it, because I can't even cook /our/ kind of food, let alone ... this kind of thing," he says, gesturing at the spread on the tray.

Imma quirks a brow upwards, "I can cook, a little, but yes, we'll have a cook. Remember?" Did he forget the servant that cooked for them while they were back at the island? But perhaps he thought it a temporary thing! "No worries, we have a cook, who's gotten a few helpers in the kitchen. The missives from the seneschal have been rather interesting. All has been coming along fairly well. Needed a few repairs to the stables after a storm blew a tree over.."

Vandrik nods as he listens, occasionally looking down at the food quizzically before trying something else. He eats in relative quiet, not really commenting on the food, though he does occasionally nod or widen his eyes as he tries things he's unaccustomed to. He washes down a mouthful of food with a swig from the ale Imma had poured him and then looks at his cup with a quirked eyebrow. "This is ... what is this? It's almost more like wine than mead. Oh, but of course, the Isles probably doesn't produce as many hard grains, right?" he asks. Then, a thought catches him and he grins at Imma. "Look at me. Considering what types of food is produced? Discussing repairs on my lands? The fact that /I/ have a stable?" Then he grimaces and corrects himself. "/We/ have a stable. Pardon. But, still. /We/ have a STABLE."

Such quizzical looks earn comments from Imma, explaination of what he is eating given here and there. "It's..." She names the drink, something like wine, a fermented fruit native to the jungles. Amusement appears, though his words once more have that odd expression crossing her face, her gaze dropping to her plate where her fork pushes around her food. Not hungry any longer.

Imma's reaction blanks Vandrik. Obviously confused, he takes a few more bites, chews, watches, puts more food in his mouth, chews, swallows, and watches. His brow furrowed in confusion, he finally pauses and just sits there for a few seconds, waiting to see if Imma reacts further. "Come, milady. Why suddenly quiet?" he asks, leaning his head down a little to see if he can catch her gaze. "Are you ... are you no longer excited to occupy our home? I had thought ... well, perhaps I was mistaken, but I was under the impression that having lands that are in /your/ name was something of a dream come true for you. Even if you-," he stops, as the thought strikes him. His jaw tenses a little and his eyes narrow. "Are you upset because I said it was /my/ stable? I already told you, I did not intend to lord over you."

When he ducks his head, he can see that she's once more worryng her lip with her teeth, looking rather uncertain. Not angry at all. When he questions, she finally looks up, shaking her head, brows furrowing as she finally speaks, "I am still very excited, Vandrik. Our name. Our lands. I am not upset that you named them yours.. " She lays down her fork, taking up the napkin to dab at her lips before setting it aside and reaching for her drink. "The queen... " She searches for words, or what to say, and merely shrugs, "There will be things to discuss. "

Vandrik appears releaved when Imma says she's still excited, visibly dropping his shoulders a little and exhaling, even going so far as to smile slightly at the mention of 'our name, our lands.' However, Imma's next actions remove that contentness from his face, instead replacing it with open suspicion as he watches her. "... I see," he says, wadding his napkin and setting it on his plate, obviously done eating as well. He also reaches for his drink, following Imma's lead, though he just continues to watch her closely.

The meal is now ruined. At least, it is in Imma's eyes. Sighing softly, she finally takes a swig of her drink, though the cup is quickly set back down again. "Would you like to take a walk?" She would have suggested the garden, but with the current weather, such would be a bad suggestion! Lifting her gaze, she meets his then, finding herself under his thoughtful consideration. "It's ... nothing you have done. She.. I.. " She really isn't one to keep secrets, and right now, wishing the queen would walk in and explain things to him!

Vandrik /obviously/ doesn't believe Imma in the slightest when she tries to say it wasn't his fault. "I don't know who else you could blame, as you weren't cross until /I/ was speaking," he says. He frowns, folding his arms across his chest and leaning back in his chair as he looks at Imma. "I'm sorry I said something which proved so disquieting to you. It wasn't my intention. We've already discussed how I've no experience in courting, so if I've blundered, by all means, tell me how so I may correct my behavior. I would not have you suddenly quiet in my presence, as I very much enjoy listening to you speak."

Now Imma is getting more and more fidgety, and rises from her seat as she shakes her head, "It is not you. I swear.." Quiet are her words as she murmurs, "Let us walk?" There's a pleading look offered to him as she waits for him to rise and offer her his arm which she will take without hesitation. She's not upset with him by any means. If he accepts the suggestion, she'll lead him off out of the great hall, the pair to be followed by her handmaiden who's stood nearby this whole time. From great hall to the passage, they might slowly make their way.

Vandrik's eyes narrow as he watches Imma rise and fidget so. He lets her stand there for several seconds uncomfortably, shooting a glance over at her handmaiden as well to see if she's as uneasy. He considers Imma for several seconds, and then nods, standing. "Very well, Lady Grunhaid," he says, though this time it's not in his usual affectionate tone. He does offer his arm, letting her lead him away.

Imma takes his arm, and leads him off into the nearby passage, letting them clear of others besides the handmaiden that might not show any troubles. She's obviously not paying too much attention to their conversation, merely making sure to keep an eye on them.

It's not till they are off down the hall, away from others, that Imma finally squeezes his arm lightly, calling him to a halt. "Did you hear of all the troubles that happened here right after you left?" The robbery, the questioning, the brief hold of Two Rivers ships leaving the docks. A lot was going on then. She isn't fidgetting as much, but she's.. nervous?

Vandrik nods, though he remains quiet, his jaw clenched shut. He's obviously fairly disgruntled at the moment, but keeping his temper in check the best way he knows how- keeping his mouth shut and thoughts to himself.

"Between the robbery and everything else that happened here, the Queen was mightily displeased when the Duke wrote to her and threatened to start a war.." Imma says after a moment, "Then she sends the princess to Two Rivers to marry your king... as agreed between them both.. only he didn't marry her. I'm not sure what all happened, only that.. it left the Queen with further displeasure with Two Rivers." And so, after a deep breath, she murmurs, "The Queen has let it be known that she has withdrawn the notion of seeing how it might work with you as the head of the family. She has not withdrawn our betrothal, or anything of that nature.." She is quick to say the last, once more to catch her bottom lip between her teeth as she whispers, "I wanted her to tell you, but.. I cannot lie to you... or let you continue thinking one thing, when it's another.." She's rambling now, words coming quickly, whispered. She's worried, and not wanting to upset him, though she knows this will likely not leave him any happier!

Vandrik watches her, listens to her, then waits. His eyes shift to the side as he thinks about that. Then, his head twitches to the side as he looks back to Imma, corners of his lips tugging upwards as he tries not to smile. "You're mistaken, Imma. We have the contract. Signed. By her own hand, nonetheless," he says, the smile breaking fully now. "We've both already signed. You can't just go altering the terms of a deal, after you've /signed/ it." He even goes so far as to laugh and shake his head over it. Because it's what he wants to believe.

As he starts to smile, to even laugh? Well, it takes Imma back a little. NOT the reaction she truly thought he might have! And so, she stands there, staring, wrapping her head about the fact that he is NOT upset about this news of hers. Until she thinks upon his words, "I don't know if there was a contract or not, but.. one might say your King has already done such when he did not marry the princess, but instead, took her in as his ward.." That, and well, when you're the Queen or King, you can make or break contract as you see fit, right? Maybe?

The fact that Imma doesn't immediately see the logic in his statements serves to stop his laughter. The fact that she brings up a good argument to the contrary stops his smile. He then goes back to looking suspicious. "... you're ... /serious/," he says. His eyes narrow. "But we /have/ contracts. You signed. /I/ signed. We /both/ signed ...," he states, frowning. "So ... what, then. I don't even get a /chance/ to lead? Because of your own country's /ridiculous/ accusations and actions, /I/ am not fit to lead?" he asks. And yeah ... he's starting to get a little worked up.

"I am, yes." Imma is quite serious. Never more so! But as he begins to get a little worked up, she reaches out to touch his hand if allowed, stepping closer after giving a quick look up and down the hall tosee who might be around, who might overhear his words, "We signed. Tell me this, Vandrik - does the matter of who is named as head of the family truly matter?" Her gaze meets his then, her voice soft, "It will be /our/ family. /Our/ island. /Our/ home."

Vandrik meets her gaze back with his own, steely glare. He allows Imma to touch his hand, but he doesn't reciprocate the gesture in any fashion. "/Yes/ it matters. Of /course/ it matters," he hisses back, mindful that the walls have ears. "It is a sign of my weakness, of Two River's weakness. It's a capitulation. Not only must I kneel and swear to serve your queen, but I must also relinguish my right, as a man, to head my household and lead my family as /I/ see fit?" he asks, freeing his hand from hers so that he can jab his index finger at himself.

Imma's nervousness seeps away at his words, his anger perhaps touching upon her own. Quiet is she, letting him have his say before she answers, "Just as I was ordered to do so? When we were to live here, in the Isles, where it is females who inherit?" A brow arches upwards, "Think of this - if it'd been reversed, with me gaining the right to rule over you in Two Rivers. How might you have felt then? Beyond my first few comments when the Queen presented the idea of her plan, I have said and done nothing against the idea of you leading the House." And so she steps back from him, dropping her hand, "If you must blame anyone, then blame the duke who wrote the Queen and demanded of her as if she was lower in rank than he. Blame your King who went against his own word... " But don't blame /her/ for being the messenger! Ahem. "I had hoped... well.. I guess this will give you reason enough to back out. I understand if it is so.." And now her anger fades, and in it's place is a certain sadness. A death of the future for her, for without their marriage, she goes back to being third born daughter.

Jaws clenched tightly and hands balling into fists as he tries to keep himself contained, Vandrik glares at Imma. He then raises a finger, shaking in anger, as he accuses. "I /never/ should have trusted you. From the beginning, you didn't want to accept me as the head. Even when we visited the island, before I left, you said you'd never submit, that you were going to help run things no matter if I asked you to or not." He leans down a little so he can look Imma right in the eyes. "You spent /days/ after the announcement to speak to me. Not until we were almost /at/ the island did we have a conversation. /Don't/ try to tell me you were okay with this from the beginning."

As he blames her then, Imma just stands there, eyes widening and mouth dropping open in disbelief. "I never said that! I said I would help run things until you learned what needed to be done! I was trying to help you the whole time we were there when you got overwhelmed by it all!" HEr words are hissed out, body tensing. "Yes, I was upset. As you are /right now/..." She points out then, "But I did change my mind. I did talk to you. As I got to know you a little, I had hoped to make it work, because in the end, it was what my Queen wished of me." Stepping back, she shakes her head, "Think what you wish of me, but I have not done anything against you. Not since we talked at the island. I have waited here for months, doing what I could from here for our future. Excited about what might come. And once the Queen decided differently, dreading this moment because I /knew/ how you would react. And that you'd blame me. " Shoulders slump then, and a glimmer of tears comes to her eyes, "It's your choice. If you wish out of it, I will agree. I won't be married to someone who's going to be upset and constantly take it out on me when I am more than willing to make it work."

Vandrik's face contorts in anger when she tries to claim she was just trying to help him. He is about to say more, but then he looks at her handmaiden. Suddenly very calm, Vandrik straightens up, adjusting his tunic. "/I/ do not break my agreements. As a man, my word is my bond, and I gave you mine on the island," he says, voice flat and cold. "We are betrothed. I will marry you. And I will do my best to serve you as long as your customs demand of me. Until then, I will be taking my leave back to our ship until such time as the Queen is ready to see me. I am obviously not to have any comfort in the Isles." And with that, Vandrik turns and heads back the way they came.

"I do not break mine either. I do not wish you to /serve/ me. I wish you to be my husband, my companion... my.. friend." She merely offered him the chance to back out if he wished. Or if it would be better. Imma isn't sure what she's saying by now. His anger at her, his words hurt and left her in tears. She stands by, watching him stride out, soon to turn and head quickly and quietly back to her own rooms. Oh, yes, the tongue waggers will have much to discuss. Nothing is ever secret around the castle!