675-09-07 - Wedding Ceremony in Woriscant

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Wedding Ceremony in Woriscant
Summary: The Ceremony in the Blessed Clearing
Who: Avaline Brais, Alajos Fennim, many NPCs
References: REFS
When: 78-09-675
Related Logs: RELATED
Date of RP: 07-09-2014
Where: Blessed Clearing, Duchy of Woriscant, Two Rivers
Room Desc: Surrounded by the thick undergrowth and old beech trees, this clearing is graced with more light during the day, the ground a carpet of grass and moss that rises ever so slightly towards its center, where one single ancient beech sheds shelter from the sun. Many believe this place to be blessed by Peetairas himself, and even now, after the worship of the Gods has been forbidden, a soothing tranquility can be found here. There is a brook crossing the clearing southeastwards, burbling merrily to the chirping of the birds in the trees.

The big day has come. On the duke's request the actual ceremony in the clearing would be a small affair with only the closest family members present. They are standing in a semi circle in the peaceful clearing, dappled by golden sunlight. At the front is the ex-high priest of Woriscant who is still the highest-ranking person in the duchy to perform his ceremony. With him are Alajos and Cousin Ralph, the former doffed out in a brand-new deep blue top coat, white breeches and high polished black boots. There's a lot of sparkly silver on the coat, but it is slightly dampened by the white cloak, lined with fur, on the ducal shoulders, which falls down to his knees. The young duke stands ramrod-straight, staring at some unspecified spot in the clearing while they all wait for the bride to arrive - being led by her uncle, the king himself.

It was indeed that day. A point of no return had been passed. There had certainly been no lack of help to see her readied that morning....hair, dress, those faint turns of makeup. And no doubt endless fussing many times over. It had been enough to make Avaline want to scream, but she had endured, because she was expected to and rather well had to. But now it was time. Avaline gave a smile to her uncle as her hand settled upon his arm. Ot was a smile she kept to place as he escorted her into the clearing. Even if it was just a small gathering, she was expected to look happy! Well at least not distressed. Perhaps the natural soothing tranquility to the area helped some to calm what nerves existed. Her long blone hair had been done up within an intricate fashion, worked about a simple golden circlet. Her dress was a pale blue that went well with her eyes. Finely taiored to draw out all those sublte curves of that form. The fine boning in her bodice adding to that end. There is subtle gold beading and lace worked about the gown, making it a thing of beauty all it's own. A necklace with a single blue saphirre is worn about her neck. She glides easily at her uncles side as her escorts her up to where Alajos stands with the ex-high Priest.

There's no Chopin, but at least a small band of minstrels playing a chirpy tune to greet the bride's arrival in the clearing. All heads turn to look at Avaline, taking in her appearance carefully. Even Alajos can't resist staring at her until she's almost reached him at the front, where they stand surrounded by a bunch of sweet-smelling floral arrangements. He looks like he might say something, but nerves got his tongue. At least he manages a little smile at Avaline and an inclination of his head at King Barrett in greeting. He's been rehearsing this several times, he knows what to do. Right? Right. He offers Avaline a hand so she can step beside him and they can both turn slightly to face the ex-high priest.

A bride is expected to look stunning on her wedding day, even if it is a poiltical wedding, or perhaps all the more so. And it does seem the seamstresses had done their job well. Avaline does her best to just look forward, and not to look around to those there and take their apperance in as well. A small little smile is given to Alajos when he is reached. She bows her head to the ex-High priesst. A soft smile goes to Kin Barrett when he places a kiss to her check before he takes her hand from his arm and places it into the one Alajos holds out, that symbolic gesture of giving the bride away. The King then withdrawing to stand with the others. A faint breathe is drawn before Avaline gives Alajos another bit of a smile before facing the ex-high priest along with him. Just a faint squeeze of her fingers to his hand.

The EHP intones a greeting, first to the happy couple, then the guests, before wrapping a ceremonial ribbon around the hands of bride and groon. Thus symbolically tied to each other, he launches into a longer speech about happy unions, duties and pleasures, especially among the ducal families of the realm and this particular ceremony being a sign of hope for the beleagured Duchy of Woriscant that the terrible days of the plague and its aftermath are now firmly behind them and that the handsome new ducal pair will lead them all into a brighter future. All the couple can really do is to stand and smile and wait.

Pale blue eyes look at the ribbon when it is wrapped about their hands, before rising and watching the priest as he launches into his long winded speech, as priestly sorts, even ex-priestly sorts. Actually probably espeiclaly EHP sorts, given he doesn't have much opening to preech and lecture any more! Avaline does well to keep a look of interest and all during the entire thing. That fine little smile keeping in place.

At last the EHP comes to an end of his long-winded speech and to the actual point of the whole shindig. "Lady Avaline, Lord Alajos... you are about to begin a new period in your lives. Are you ready to accept the challenges this provides, to accept that there will be rainy days and storms to weather until the sun shines again and to accept each others' weaknesses as well as strengths, to be rewarded with happiness, joy and fertility until the end of your lives?" He looks to Avaline first, because well, ladies first.

Wait, there is a point to all of this? There is small little nods from Avaline as the EHP goes through the expected things to expect, face....the he says fertility and she just swallows a bit. Granted, it made her sound like a field that need to be planted. There is just a small breathe drawn, a slight glance towards Alajos before Avaline dips her just a touch to the EHP,"I am ready."

The same drivel is repeated to Alajos who also confirms that he is ready and willing. More waffle is spoken as the EHP instructs them on the secrets to a happy marriage, being forgiving and patient of each other, not forgetting a sense of humour and the importance of honesty, faith and mutual support. Finally he is ready to accept the rings from the king who's been tasked with taking care of them and speaks what suspiciously sounds like an old fashioned blessing over the rings before he holds them out to Alaos who picks up the slimmer one and pushes it - rather nervously onto Ava's finger.

The EHP has certainly missed having a congregation! So many things to work on, along with...getting to yet know each other. It was a tall order to ask...for both of them. But still not unexpected, common enough in this political unions. A small breathe is drawn as Alajos slides that ring upon her finger, it (the finger that is) bending just a little after he's put it on. Such an odd feeling, and why did it seem to be...so heavy. Surely in her mind that. But then it is her turn and she picks up the remaining ring and slides it upon Alajos' finger in turn.

Alajos' hand may be a bit shaky, but the made-to-measure ring slips on and the ribbon is removed since they are now symbolically tied by their rings and promises. And then comes the moment - the EHP takes a step back and inclines his head. "You may now kiss the bride..." said with a gentle smile of encouragement. A little shaky, Alajos reaches for Avaline's hands and holds them in a slightly too-tight grip as he leans forward to place his lips onto hers for what may perhaps be a surprisingly firm kiss.

Married...they were married...and...wait...Avaline blinks when the EHP brings up the kissed part. Not like she didn't know about it. It's just...you know...its time. And married..kissing. There i a little tremble to those hands when Alajos take them up, probably not minding the tow tight grib, cause hers isn't exactly light in return. She leans forward, it was expected of her...to partake of the kiss. There is just a faint blink when it does come as a rather firm kiss, and not some quick little thing. A lovely bit of red rises in her cheeks at that, kissing in front of so many people!

Once the ducal coupe locks lips, the minstrels begin to play again and the small audience bursts into a round of applause and cheering. The EHP says a few words to close the ceremony and shakes the couple's hands. Then there is a general round of handshaking and hugging until it's time to leave the clearing and return to the castle. A pair of fine white horses, especially decked out in flowers, is waiting for Alajos and Avaline to take them.

And yes, over there...to the side, Ralph is wiping away tears. his little Alajos is getting all married.

Applause? That just makes Avaline blush further, a deeper reminder that this kiss is witnessed. Like it was supposed to be, but still. The girl was raised to avoid such things, and boys and always watched. So...yeah. As hugs and handshakes are given round, congradulations. Avaline imparts as appropriate, her hand gently resting on Alajos' arm when not, as expected, appropriate now that they were...married. Gulp! Her finger faintly bending her and there, a finger touching over that foriegn ring that resided there now. There is a gentle look over the horses, how they are decked out with the flowers,"They do look lovely."

"Not as lovely as the bride.", Alajos whispers, the first chance he has to offer her a few private words while he accompanies her to her horse and helps her mount. Her servants will be at hand to help her arrange her wedding dress while seated side-saddle on the horse. Alajos moves to the other horse and once mounted, leads the way back to Woodwatch Keep. The king and everyone else following behind in fine carriages.

The whisper brings a gentle blush to her cheeks again, making well to make her a proper blushing bride! Murmuring back softly,"The groom is most handsome as well." But then soon she is getting up on that horse with help, certailny needed with the gown! It wasn't quite made for riding. But it is mandaged and it is all situated just so for the ride back to Woodwatch Keep...which is truly now her new home. There is definitly no turning back now!