675-09-06 - Unfair Request

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Unfair Request
Summary: As Marcus remains a prisoner of the Ningo, he is given a request that he must make a tough decision on.
Who: Slider
References: re:Agostino re:Selia Rainswater
When: 675-09-06
Related Logs: 675-09-05 - Cage Talk
Date of RP: 2014-09-21
Where: Northern Barbarian Camp - Dark Forest
Room Desc: A 'clearing' by the standards of the Dark Forest, which is more just an area with fewer trees. Giant flora is everywhere from the moss to the trees themselves. This must be some of the most fertile ground in the world. The clearing is filled with everything from lean-tos made of sticks and leaves to large tents which looks to be made from a single pelt too massive to belong to anything that lives. A war camp by all accounts, the Northern Barbarians moving about seeing to the matters of their day. From time-to-time small groups will leave and come back. Sometimes it will be hours, others days before they return, a few still haven't. The shelters grow smaller the further out one goes from the center of the camp, in the western part of the camp surrounded on all sides by moderately-sized tents with pelts for walls is a collection of cages made from the branches of the local trees. The catch is the branches are so large they are nearly the size of logs in Felaguria.

<FS3> Slider rolls Linguist+1: Good Success.

Another day, or has it been two now? Whatever the case Slider still wakes up to the wooden posts that make up his cage in the Ningo war camp. Its obvious from the surroundings and the growing number of people, yes there does seem to be at least a few new faces in the crowd. The Ningo clearly have been preparing for war, so why are they just sitting around instead of working themselves up for a fight? Whatever the case Slider's 'warden' approaches carrying what looks to be some stew, "How you sleep?" in her own language. Slider had managed to learn more of their language, he still had a ways to go before he'd be fluent, but at least he was developing more of a grasp on things.

Slider waking up where he is sleeping has becoem a palce he can at least sleep with no reason to fear for his life at the moment. Though as he wakes up and see's a bit mroe people he seems to contemplate this , almost thinking outloud. Though as hus 'warden' approuches he smiles to her and nods slowly. " Thank you, very well." then he looks about again. " What is the matter, what is happening?" as he would try to say it in their language and the nrepeat it in his , if eventualy gets through.

She looks about and says, "Call for war. Word spreads slow." She then slides the bowl through the bars and asks, "Why did you have the plants?" in a curious tone.

A raiseof a brow as he looks to the people and then back to her, there is obvious concern or deep thought as he hears her say that. Though as she ashs about the plants he had gathers many days back he thinks . "Friend sick, needed medicine, plants may have helped, not to sure." he has not forgoten about his friend, still worried but determined that she is alive.

She nods and folds her legs under her taking a seat on the ground and says, "Some useful. How is friend sick?"

Slider takes the bowl and like always he starts to eat, he is hungry and as they talk he would eat, repsectfully in a way but still eating to show he does eat. " Fever, cold, sweaty, pains, it keeps happening and seems not to warm up. I know little of plants but theses that I picked I have no idea of."

She nods and says, "We can treat it. As said, we are peace now. Till we hear from the Patrician. Tell us where and I vow on the gods and my life we will help your friend and bring her hear safe. Fair?"

Slider looks to the woman, he has come to know her and understand but does he really know what they are really planning, this could all be a ploy. Does he trust them, no, not yet, that is still obvious but that is when his own life is at stake, he knew what he was getting into, Selia did not. It takes him a moment to think on it, think a bit more than he would like but this is a big, big decision. He has no real loyalties except his payment and who ever pays him, he has been promised payment but has yet received any. So he thinks, so much but why does he think on saving her life and perhaps dooming their little group if he does. " I will need a parchment to write in." that is all eh says, that is all he can tell ehr for now.

She asks, "Why? We don't know your writing. If map, say where to go from where you found." as she continues to speak in her own language, she's tried his words at times, though she is clearly more comfortable speaking in her own language.

Slider looks at her and shakes his head. " I will not be giving you a map, I will be writing up a scroll for you to pass on to them. It may explain to them why you are there and that no harm will come to them if you....you promise to bring her here and let others go, nothing else, only her." yes, he knows thsi is asking alot but someone has to be free and save her as well. " Promise not to capture others, they will fight and they will die and you r people will die as well. Only Selia, no one else."

She frowns and says, "Orders from Patrician. If any Southerners found, bring here, keep safe, take care of. We mean none of you harm. Even if war happens, we don't harm without cause.”

"Still need parchment and writing utensil. If you happen to run into them and knowing them fools they may even try to come and rescue me." Balwin, sometimes he thinks to much with his heart and not his brains. " Bring it so I can write, I will not tell you where they are but if you do end up seeign them or who ever, thsi will explain alot.”

She nods and says, "As said. Even if fight, they will not be killed." She then stands and adds, "That sickness can kill." in a soft tone then walks away, presumably to get something to write with.

Slider nods to her, he does beleave her but still, they may have such orders, his group does not, it may lead to soemthign that may not be ending up nicely. So he nods and waits for ther to return, though the words she mentioned that it may kill makes him frown a bit more. " She will live.”

It is several minutes before the woman returns holding a wood plank, a sheet of parchment, an ink well full of some kind of sweet-smelling reddish liquid and a quill. These are passed through the bars of Slider's cage as the woman says, "We do not seek death. Cannot promise life if we can not find her. She need not die.”

Slider seems to take in the redish luiquid and the paper to write on and he looks at the woman. " I understand, I hope this makes death not be so." trying his best to say it in their language. Then he starts to write, as best as he can, explaining the situation. "Sir Baldwin, this be Marcus. If you happen to come upon this scroll, it is to say that I am safe and well. Do not seek me out, they have a substantial amount of men and women here that can easily overwhelm you and the others. I know Selia is probably alive and still sick, these peple have promised to help her if they can bring her to their encampment. Do not attack, they wish not to harm us, only to hold us. Negotiations between teh Two Rivers and their lands seem to be happening now, as far as I can tell. Think before you act. Master Marcus. then after that, he lets it air a bit. " You have wax?"

She shakes her head and says, "Not here, it can be bound with a thong." in the Ningo language.

Slider looks at her and then nods slowly. He hands her everything back and then even the parchment. " I do hope this makes a difference, if not, things could go bad, real bad but I beleave it be my side that would lose." he seems to say in a honest sort of way.

She nods and says, "Our people will be careful, and do all possible to minimize harm. Where if your sick friend?" in a calm, almost sympathetic-sounding tone.

Slider looks at her, obviously he is hesitant about telling her but in theend he may think they may have already moved the camp, should have anyways. So he tells her. " South of where you found me, something like that, was mostly in a hurry to make sure you did not follow. I did leave marks on some of the trees to follow back."

She nods and says, "Trails are easier to follow. Do you know how many are at the camp? Good to know if we don't have enough space we can produce additional cages.”

Slider looks at her, there is that look he gives her that she is askign him way to many questions. " You have pleanty of good trackers. I do not think you need me to tell you this. As for the group I was in, there will be enough compared to your army." or what ever this is. He is done saying anything else about it, she or they can find them if need me.

She nods and says, "As said." she then rolls up the parchment and asks, "Need anything?”

Slider knows they should have moved the camp by now and he did not say numbers, that alone is good enough for now. He was ready to go back to just thinking and perhaps to exercise when she asks if he needed anything. He was about to say no and then just because he is curious and wonderign if they even thought of a request would come out of his lips. " You, tonight, keeping me warm." that is all he asks and then he goes back to stretching and doign some exercises, though with no weapons in hand, he feels a bit ackward.

She smiles softly and says, "I am married, though i could ask around those who aren't. One who can bring down a smilodon will get enough interest if you truly seek warmth tonight." they don't seem to be affected much by the thought of sex with strangers. That or he impressed enough people that the women are more open to the idea then normal.

Slider does not look to surprised, seems they have to keep warm some how but he also finds out things about their culture in a way. Marriage seems to be something they have as well and it may be sacred to them. So they have soem culture and they have guidelines. Right now he shrugs and then nods. " Ask but I'll choose, I don't just go with anyone but I have been stuck here for a few days, do need warmth." he is who he is, call it good relatiosn perhaps.

She nods and asks, "What you like most?" in a casual tone. Seems she knows enough to ask a man's tastes.

That makes him stop a bit and he looks at her, eyes her up a bit and then hmms. " Like you." she could be prettier but she could be uglier, she seems to look fine, still fit and not like she is going to break him. " Just like you or smaller, not bigger than me." hair color does nto make a difference to him, but they must have hair.

She nods and says, "I'll see who is interested. Is that all?"

Slider looks at her, obviously someone has mentioned something about keeping the prisoner happy. At her last question he shakes his head in a no fashion. " No, that will be all, thank you. Though, if there is to be a woman, I would prefer to be clean as well as her." life on the road, dirt, rain but it is always nice to have a clean body with a clean woman as well.

She nods and says, "We are clean, as much as I am." she certainly looks clean and there is no obvious smell coming from her. She then stands and says something to a few of the other Ningo and passes the parchment roll to another as she heads further into the camp.

<FS3> Slider rolls Body: Success.

<FS3> Notus rolls 2: Success.