675-09-04 - Influence?

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Summary: Barbeta speaks with Agostino after the latter has a long discussion with Barret.
Who: Agostino Barbeta Brais Esther
References: re:Barret Brais
When: 675-09-04
Related Logs: 675-09-04 - Foreign Relations
Date of RP: 2014-09-07
Where: Solar - Mergorand Castle
Room Desc: None currently available.

It had been several hours and Agostino had settled into his guest quarters. With that dealt with the Patrician of the Ningo casually explores the castle in silence, making no attempts to go anywhere he's not allowed he seems more just curiously exploring his new surroundings. He is currently alone as he slips into the solar of the castle, he is still wearing his wolf pelt cloak. The 'hood' of the cloak is down and he is dressed in a simple pair of trousers and a tunic which seem to be more Ningo then the style of the Two Rivers. He is also wearing a pair of strapped sandles, and at first glance appears to be unarmed. Once his guards were allowed inside his own weapons and armor were placed in his guest chambers and the armor of the guard from the two Rivers has been returned to its owner, or whoever has a claim on it if they have been denied its return.

Barbie comes inside the solar too a bit later. Esther is close to her princess, while one guard of Two Rivers and one Guard of Ningo decide to stay outside, and one from each nation steps inside with the Princess. The guard of Two Rivers eyes Ningo guard, and doesn't want to leave pdincess alone with strangers, while Ningo doesn't want to leave his leader or the princess with the guard of Two Rivers. So confusing, but tension is obvious. Then the girl notices Agostino, she offers a curtsy. She is wearing a proper wonderful gown of a pdincess, which stresses out her young womanly forms, "Good evening, I hope you like here..." She says in Ningo language with a huge, but cute accent. Likely, Esther taught Barbie that one sentence.

Turning his dark eyes back upon hearing the words of the princess Agostino offers a soft grin and says, "Good effort, though you ill need to learn much more if this marriage goes through Principessa." Given how often it was said during the negotiations just hours ago, the last word likely doesn't require translation. "It is tolerable enough, the mix of a fortification and a palace is a curious one."

Barbeta giggles and blushes a bit, when Esther translates everything. The handmaid of the young princess will translate each word and everything during all the conversation. That is why she is hear, "I am very curious to learn as much as possible about your culture, my husband-to-be..." The girl giggles and adds, "Do you like hunting? I hunt very often. We should do it together, that you didn't get bored..."

Agostino nods and says, "Many of the Ningo hunt. The marriage is still being negotiated I feel, though if it agreed to I'll say this. To be recognized as a noble the individual, regardless of their blood or upbringing, is left alone in the wilds. They then must make their way back to a predetermined location, typically the settlement they live. Normally this takes a few days or so, it doesn't matter how long it takes it matters whether or not you survive. If so then you have proven capable of protecting yourself and your people and only after this will you be treated as nobility or royalty." Letting Esther translates, perhaps a bit silently depending on how much Barbeta wants her non-Ningo guards to hear. He then says, "Normally this takes place before you turn sixteen, as that is legal age for the Ningo, though these are special circumstances and would most likely take place either before or after our wedding by Ningo traditions. As to hunting, such can wait until negotiations are further along. However this ends I'd rather get the details handled as quickly as possible, though your father is making matters difficult."

Barbie listens and nods, "I understand, but you make things difficult too. You have too many requirements, which are... a bit strange for our culture. From the discusaion we had, you watch us as aome kind of a lower culture. You showed disrespect to our culture, when you just refuse to have our people living in neutral zone. Haven't you learned, that sometimes in diplomacy win these, who ask less? You should agree with my father's wishes, at some point, if you will see that you can't change his mind. Then just slowly slowly change things the way you want them to be, after you sign alliance. The changes should be in baby steps, barely noticable. That is called tactic. I am not magician to make things happen, if you do not show effort..."

Agostino says, "I have compromised repeatedly, I agreed to allow your people to live along side mine from the start. The problem is your father wants co-ownership of a settlement we would build. My people would never agree to that, nor do my people have time to teach your's the way we build settlements. If this trade hub is to be built it must be built as quickly as possible or there is a risk from the local wildlife."

"Sometimes I wonder, if you are really so arrogant? Why you think, that you build better? My father wants co-ownership, because he is sure, that the settlement must be build by both of our nations, sharing the knowledge we have. We may know some things more than you do and otherwise..."

Agostino replies in a calm, casual voice, "That is the misunderstanding then. It is not arrogance it is trust and practicality. The time spent teaching your people to build in our style would take too long compared to the speed in which construction would need to take place. As to mixing styles, judging from what I've seen from this city and structure I'm not sure the styles would mesh well. Its not a matter of building better or worse, its a matter of speed of construction and what my people will accept. I will have problems enough getting my people to accept coexistence after centuries of wishing to conquer your lands. To build in our territory and have a foreign culture who doesn't know our methods of construction would not be approved. I'd risk a rebellion from my own people to agree to such."

Giving time for translation he continues, "That being said, we don't know yet if this alliance will even be possible, much less if it will last. Sharing technology isn't something you will do when you barely know if another can be trusted or not. Your people are biased towards your people as mine or with my own people. Only time will show how much we can trust each other. As trust builds then technology can be shared. To demand technology when the alliance hasn't even been confirmed only makes it appear as though you want to steal what we have, at which point you can use our technology against us if its better, if it isn't then you know yours is superior and that just means you should attack us now before we gain any of your technology. In truth all of the talk seemed to have been about what we have and what we are doing, I recall no mention of your father saying he would share technology with us, asked for or not. Which causes even further cause not to trust your father's motives.”

Barbeta turns to Agostino and fixes her dark gaze at his. She straightens a bit to look taller, and when she speaks, she speaks in a certain, self-confident voice, the Queen's voice already, "You are marring me, not my father! The negotiations will be finished, alliance will be signed. Two men, leaders of their nation, who can't agree on such simple things, like two kids in the box of sand, who can't share with one toy, won't stand up in my ways. It is time for you to learn, that I always get what I want in the way I want." She was speaking in a dangerous whisper.

Agostino smirks and says, "You can certainly try, the more success you have the more you will earn the right to rule among my people. Know this however, there are limits to how far one can be pushed, the same applies to the people of a kingdom. If your father will not accept that co-ownership would never be allowed by my people, then the trade hub will be removed from the negotiations so we can speed things up."

"Know... That I do not care about your trade hub. There are many more important topics, believe me..." Princess says and grins, turning her gaze away now.

Agosino nods and says, "I am more then aware. I have ruled my people nearly as long as you have been alive. It is also completely unreasonable to demand we give your people such a powerful strategic and military resource within our territory, such will never happen. I never once even made the request you turn over lands to my people, we said a gift of lands would be appreciated and would go a long way to show you could be trusted but was in no way required or needed. Yet you demand access to our technology and intimate access to knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of a settlement within our lands. To me that sounds more like you want us to build a settlement, then you will take it over from the inside and have a foothold in our lands to continue a conquest of our lands. My people will view it the same way, that is why co-ownership and assistance in building would not be tolerated. You and your people have no earned that degree of trust yet." in the same calm, casual tone.

"You just misunderstand us... We would share our knowledge with you too. You should understand us too. You are asking to gift you a part of OUR LAND," Barbie rolls her eyes, "And what gift we would get from you? Maybe you want to gift us a part of your lands too, where your pwople wouldn't be able to control it, nor build anything there? Yes! Maybe that would work? You gift us with a part of your land, where we build what we want and in our way. Your pwople will be wwlcomed to live there. And then we give a part of ournland for your people? Because now it aounds as if you want to get a part of our lands to build a fort and overtake us from that point... Not fair."

Agostino states, "I said from the start any gifted lands, which is completely optional would be used purely for farms, quarries, and other facilities to supply the local population of the trade hub only, I even offered that only your people would be allowed to work the facilities on the gifted lands to show we had no such plans. Aside from that the trade hub as it stands currently would be built in our lands, and your father still demands co-ownership of it. Your lands are your own, if you wish to build a trade hub there we cannot stop you. You make an issue about the possibility of us building fortifications on the 'gifted lands', I say once again to make the point the lands would be a 'gift' from your people to our's. I also remind you those lands are in no way remotely required nor expected to be given, it was a suggestion nothing more. In addition since the trade hub as it stands right now would be built in our territory the gifted lands are moot now as there are no lands in your territory close enough to benefit the hub, so to continue a discussion over 'gifted lands' is pointless as none can be provided close enough to supply the trade hub."

Barbie listens for translation and giggles. She steps closer to the man and extends her hand to him. She cups his cheek in her palm and patpats it gently, giggling and speaking in a whisper, "Alright. As I said, I don't care about that. You boys can play in that sphere. I just hope that you did not wasted yourself for the other wives and will be able to give me many strong boys and girls. That is the moat important thing I need from our alliance." Then girl withdraws and waits, staring at Ago. Esther can't hold her chuckle and blush, before translating Barbie's comment.

Agostino smirks and says, "I am still fertile enough, rest assured. A man or woman can have as many spouses and children as they can provide for, being a hunter will stand in your favor in that regard. Also remember that until you prove your ability to survive, even if we were to marry now by Ningo tradition you'd be treated as a commoner until you prove worthy of more. I would focus on your ability to survive and manipulating your father to our advantage. If you seek the power I suspect then you will have to learn our culture quickly so you can manipulate the position of prima Donna from my remaining wife.”

Barbie grins, when Esther translates, "Oh, be sure, that I will become your Prima Donna in the first week of our wedding.."

Agostino chuckles lightly and says, "Good luck, you'll need it. My remaining wife has had a strong following of many noble women since before I married her, you will be hard-pressed to match such a level of manipulation so quickly."

"Of course, dear, of course!" Barbie says, smiling, "She has noble women, and I have my Gods on my side..." Then she curtsies and turn to leave, "Time to rest, my husband to be... See you tomorrow..." And Esther, guards, Barbie - leave.