675-09-03 - In Search for the Missing

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In Search for the Missing
Summary: Saide and Baldwin set out to pick up Slider's trail with the help of two of their rangers.
Who: Saide Argyris and Baldwin of Equis, scene run by Notus
References: None.
When: September 3rd, 675
Related Logs: Happens on the day after 675-09-02 - Like a... Captured
Date of RP: 15/09/2014 - 23/09/2014
Where: Dark Forest, Unknown Lands to the North of Two Rivers
Room Desc: Beyond the northern border of the Kingdom of the Two Rivers is a large swath of dark green. This area is known as the Dark Forest by the residents of the Two Rivers. Once one is walking under the canopy it because obvious why it has this name. The canopy overhead is so thick barely any light from the sun gets through, in fact it seems the only way to judge night from day is whether the forest is dimly lit or is pitch black. The trees here are massive and climb into the sky seemingly without end. Some might wonder if this is how forests used to look before humans arrived and started to chop them down for wood. The Dark Forest is no less quiet then any other forest however, as all manner of sounds are heard most of the time, both day and night. Still the dim to no light might make some uneasy as they travel beneath the dark green above.

It had not been the best of nights. Certainly not. When one of their scouts had not returned, Sir Baldwin's worry had grown with every hour that had passed. Still. To send out a search party after sunset seemed to be a bad idea. The knight had laid down for some hours of uneasy sleep, only to find himself awakening now and then, stirred from his sleep by a sound that made him shoot an attentive glance about the camp - only to find the guard on duty every time shaking his head in response to his unasked question. Slider had not returned. When the knight had finally risen to his own late shift, the worry was still present on his face. It would hardly be dimmed by the hours that followed, as tranquil as the night had been so far it continued; occasionally interrupted by some odd shrieking of the Dark Forest fauna in the distance, a sound he had meanwhile gotten used to.

And now dawn is upon them, when darkness slowly subsides, and the trees and bushes around them would become visible in the faint twilight that precedes the dim dusky grey light of day characteristic of the Dark Forest - as none of the warmer and stronger rays of the rising sun would really manage to penetrate the thick growth of trees. A deep sigh leaves the lungs of the Athereyne born knight as he rises from his spot at the fireplace and walks over to the tents. Selia's sickness had required for her to be moved to the smaller tent Baldwin and Lord Jefferay had shared before, while they would move to the commoner men's tents, one to each. The women's tent was occupied by the healer and the female knight.

Breakfast is had in a slightly dimmed atmosphere. There are less conversations as usual, and most of those present concentrate on eating some of the rations of stale bread and drinking from their waterskins. Into the silence cuts the voice of Sir Baldwin of Equis as he rises. "You may have noticed that Master Marcus is still missing. He hasn't come back from his scouting mission yesterday. I'd suggest you all finish quickly your morning meal. After that some of us will try to pick up his trail." He turns and calls the names of some of the rangers. Lord Jefferay stands beside him now with a slightly pensive mien, before he confirms the two rangers that will be part of the search party, of which Lady Saide and Sir Baldwin will be in charge. The rest will stay behind at the camp under the command of Lord Jeff.

And so they set out, a small group of four. On foot. Following the general direction they know Slider has left for - northwards.

Saide had done her duties to patrol, and sleep when she needed to - or could. Currently, she was sleeping, but she was aware that one of the scouts had not returned. The night went on and aside from the random noises that came from the residents of the dark forest, for the most part Saide was able to sleep through the night. When the dawn came, Saide would rise, slipping from the tent to join those at the fireplace. A glance around as she would note that Baldwin was walking towards the tents a moment and then there was the consuming of breakfast around the campfire. It was when Baldwin broke the silence that the female knight would give him her full attention and also her attention would go to Lord Jefferay when he spoke as well. Slider was missing, and there was the need to go and find him to make sure he was alright. As the search party is put together, she finds herself traveling with a few rangers and Sir Baldwin himself.

Setting out, on foot, she would keep perhaps unusually quiet. Or maybe that was simply her way, quiet, observing, and as out of the way as possible.

Further into the dusky twilight of the Dark Forest they would venture, with those capable of tracking at the front, following the game trail that leads northwards - a path Slider himself would have followed probably. One who is not versed in tracking is Sir Baldwin, so he lets the others go first; two experienced rangers and Sir Saide, if she should wish. The knight may try to move as silently as possible, but he is after all not used to it. His grey-blue eyes study their surroundings attentively, whenever he casts a glance here and there.

<FS3> Notus rolls 2+4: Success.

It isn’t long before the trackers are able to find a trail that is distinctly human as opposed to the local fauna… Unless there are animals with a similar size to humans which are also bipedal. After following the day old trail for a few hours they come across a large depression like some kind of large animal laying down. There is also blood in the area as well as a trail leading off suggesting some kind of drawn out fight leading off into the distance for at least a few meters or more.

There is definitely excitement in Baldwin's grey-blue eyes once the trackers find the trail of a human. Instinctively his pace picks up a little as he is no longer falling back as he did before and catches up with the others. When they spot the traces of some huge animal a few hours later - at least the amount of flattened undergrowth points towards such - he will shoot Saide a glance before he lowers his gaze, hands clenching into fists. Barely managing to keep his voice to a whisper when he mutters: "Master Marcus, he must have somehow managed to hunt down an enormous beast... or others have, and he came across them..." His eyes widen at the many possibilities, seeking once again reluctantly for some affirmation of his theories with the lady knight. "The blood," he continues next, studying the darker, brownish spots on the ground clearly concentrating on the flattened area, but also leading away. "It must have been the animal's." At least the knight hopes so.

When the rangers point towards the signs of a fight, the news makes the young knight frown. "Either more animals, or... barbarians," he continues next. "As the large animal is gone, I'd assume the latter. Animals would have devoured the huge beast here and now, leaving only the carcass behind. So yes... barbarians..." His voice has been lowered to a murmur. "Maybe they got Master Marcus, maybe he was able to hide in time and followed them. Either way, he has not returned. He needs our help. That is, if he's still alive..." Baldwin falls silent for a moment, lowering his gaze. Then looking up with an alarmed look he will gesture for them to move on, pointing in the direction of where the blood trail leads. "There's no time to be lost.", he says, keeping his voice low. "On we go. But... carefully. And as silently as possible."

Sir Baldwin of Equis will once again fall back behind the others, aware that his own skills of stealth are hardly developed. He will do his best however, moving forward with as little noise as possible.

Saide would glance over to Baldwin as he finally made a closer approach to them, though she had kept herself at the forefront a bit due to having a bit of a skill in tracking, and she offers the other Knight a sort of melancholy smile. At the assessment Baldwin gives over what they have found, she nods her head and scans the area for a moment, keeping eyes and ears open to anything ... somehow out of the ordinary. "Yes, we can only hope something like that was the case. Though I've no true idea of the man's skills, he seems the sort who can hold his own." She would mostly agree with him while watching him take note of the other spots of blood and what the surmises spilled it. Saying nothing more, she turns her attention to the rangers with them.

The signs of fighting are seen and Baldwin weighs in once more. "Wouldn't it be more wise to call them natives?" She inquires gently before glancing around once more, but what Baldwin says next seems to bring a look of surprise from her. "You always have a way about looking at the situation? I would think it wise to know all we can before assessing or even assuming what has happened. For all we know perhaps Master Marcus decided they weren't so bad, and in a twist of fate joined them in whatever animal killing survivalistic ritual they may have..." Well, it was one way to look at it! Though with them moving on, Saide would follow suit, leading the way with the rangers, keeping as silent as she can while walking along.

After several meters they find signs of another drawn out fight, a lot more blood, and a trail leading off in a wavering path, almost driven by panic without regard for one’s own life. There is also a smell in the air, and the sound of heavy wing beats. Further along the ‘wild path’ is a collection of large black shapes, as one moves its clearly some kind of large bird. As the others are of similar size, it is likely a collection of large birds. What the avians are doing however a closer inspection would be needed as the undergrowth and distance covers whatever has their interest. There is also a couple human-sized paths crossing the area as well.

Baldwin shrugs in response to Saide's question. "Natives? We don't really know if they hail from these woods, do we? Besides, I'm used to the term 'Barbarian' when speaking of those that have started raids on Northern Granville..." His protest is faint however. Who cares what these people are named, when they pose a threat to them, as well as anything else that can encountered in these dark woods. The lack if proper light certainly is creepy and has its effect on the knight, making him even more jumpy and cautious than usual. "As for what happened to Master Marcus... Who can tell really? We can't be sure until we have found him, Lady Saide Sir.", he adds after a moment, in reply to Saide's comment.

The smell and the sound of wing beats has the knight glance about most attentively, and he almost freezes when he sees the large black birds that have gathered on one place on the ground. "How... odd," Baldwin murmurs. "Were it not... that these are some large sort of crows, feasting on some leftovers... maybe of the large animal? Or... some other...dead creature that has gained their attention." The words, although uttered at a low volume are directed towards Saide.

"Or perhaps native barbarians... I am certainly not trying to make light on the attacks they've made on Northern Granville..." Saide would respond towards Baldwin before taking a breath as they continue on their trek. The lack light has more than just Baldwin on alert, as Saide seems to move her head towards the direction of any wayward sound that they hear. Then she listens to what Baldwin speaks concerning Marcus and a shrug is given before that last title bearing name is given and the Lady Knight looks over to Baldwin. "I wonder if titles really matter out here in the darkness of the unknown. You may, if you wish, just call me Saide - Sir Baldwin." If she were being completely honest the 'Sir' he places at the end of her title every time he calls it makes her cringe a little. She knew -why- he called her such, but that didn't mean she had to like it.

When those wing beats find her, she pauses as well, glancing off into the distance to see those large birds gathered around something - or otherwise have their attention gained by the same. "Perhaps..." She would say that much before skimming the area a bit more. "There are a few crossing paths as well... take heed... I am none too fond of how they cross at this particular location..." Stepping closer, she would attempt to use a keen eye to spot something like a trap or some such.

As the two speak one of the birds rises up, elongated fully it proves to be over one point eight meters in height (just barely over six feet). If that wasn’t impressive enough it then spreads its wings which are three point ninety-six meters (nearly thirteen foot) span. With a few powerful beats it rises up through the trees, leaves falling down as the massive avian passes through. It is a large black bird with something of a white stripe across in chest and inner-wings. It also seems to have a pinkish, bare head. Some of the others start to take flight as well, they might be nearing the end of whatever they are eating.

Baldwin's gaze flits downwards, in silent acknowledgement of Saide's clarification on her view of the barbarians. Her reply in regards to using titles has him clearing his throat next, his grey-blue eyes maybe widening ever-so-slightly at the unexpected offer. "Certainly... Saide. Then I must insist you'd call me Baldwin as well." His tone is slightly bewildered though. He only meant to acknowledge her position as a knight of Two Rivers, which is /quite/ unique given her gender.

Then they reach the site with the black winged huge birds, and Saide would start to check the area for traps. Baldwin's gaze jumps to the birds when they stir and one after the other leaves whatever has caught the attention and takes off, for once demonstrating the impressive span of their wings as they fly and break through the canopy of leaves. The knight flinches, taken aback by their size, as he certainly had not suspected them to be that huge. "Gods..." A low mutter below his breath, as his eyes shift from the birds to where they had been busy before, as he tries to catch a glimpse from afar of what they were eating. One foot moves towards the area as he he takes a cautious step in that direction, his hand resting on the pommel of his sword, ready to defend himself should any of these huge winged beasts choose to attack him.

<FS3> Saide rolls Perception: Good Success.

There is a smirk and a nod of her head to follow. "Very well then, Baldwin." Saying as much, and she would take note of his tone, but for the moment she would delve no further along the subject. In truth, she held pride for the position she had, but she also had a rough time of it among the other knights under the Brais flag. Out here, she was simply a knight, her gender and the fact that she belonged to a lesser noble house meant nothing, would mean nothing, unless the barbarians knew a thing or two about such facts.

A few more glances around and Saide would relax her posture after a moment. "I don't see anything that is going to jump out at us..." Course, it is then that the birds begin to take flight, done with their feasting and perhaps going off to look for more refuse. "So...birds, wolves, and barbarians... certainly an adventure to write home about, eh Baldwin?" Saide would smirk to the other knight before moving forward once more. She would take note of the pools of blood, of the haste that they were left in, and their erratic placement. A sort of haphazard trail. "This must be a place they frequent...but the trails are both about a day old from what I can tell..." She looks over to Baldwin once more. "I can't discern much else... it's either one person went two ways, or two people at least went separate ways..."

As Baldwin draws closer two more of the birds screech at him, grab pieces of gore and flap their wings to lift off. Oddly there is no corpse here, there is a lot of blood, but most larger scavengers will leave at least bones, if not some bits of flesh. Here the only remainder is a large pool of blood and a few large black feathers. If there was no body, then what were the birds eating, organs perhaps? How would only organs be left without a body… At least by natural means? Now in this new position however a smaller trail leads north, initially it looks like the path of a large animal but a closer look reveals its actually two trails with a small gap between. The gap between, the undergrowth is only partly beaten down by whatever passed through the area. The two outer paths though looks about right for a human’s trail.

A nod, little more is offered in response to Saide's smirk. While Baldwin certainly is aware she may have deserved her current position, he cannot be as relaxed and casual towards her like she were one of the other knights. Her next question has him cough. "I... beg your pardon?" Had she spotted him writing letters, as he would do on evenings at the camp now and then? "My letters are mine own business... But if you are so curious, yes I am writing home to my wife." Taken aback again by her smirk, the knight will shake his head ever so slightly, at what he feels is a sudden casual breeching of a boundary on her part. The remark would not have bothered him possibly had it come from a man. And given the current circumstances he sees little source for amusement in it.

His brows will jump upwards next at her observation about the trails that have been left. "One day old, hmm?" Back to their usual routine, which manages to bring back some of the previous calm. However, when the other large birds rise into the air and fly away, one of them happens to pass over his head, and a drop of some bloody matter happens to hit one of his cheeks. His hand going up at once to rub it off, then studying his hand, as his eyes narrow.

"Ugh." Nice.

His gaze jumps to what remains of what the birds had been feasting on and he shudders. "No bones? Just blood and... some feathers? Either these creatures are able to devour the bones of their victims... or whatever they've eaten there were remains tossed there by someone. Organs, perhaps. Of a large animal, who knows." His voice is a murmur almost, as if he were thinking aloud.

Then grey-blue eyes move to study the trail and he ponders. "Walking side by side... mayhaps carrying something heavy between them...?"

Saide would blink, turning her attention a little more to Baldwin after a moment. "It..was merely an expression, Baldwin. Who you write whatever to is, as you say, your own business. I didn't even know you were actually writing anything at all..." She would sigh then, turning away from him once more to study the path before them. A little grunt is given when he acknowledges what she's been saying to him, and a further notion when he's hit with that bloody stuff just involves a shake of her head. No, she wasn't male. She gained knighthood by the grace of the king, and therefore no matter what, she would be seen as....different. It perhaps didn't help that she could barely hold her own in the midst of a fight with a dire wolf.

When he studies the trail along with her, she gives a nod of her head. "Seems that way. There is also only one way to find out I fear... unless you wish to set up camp and let one of the other rangers scout ahead..." Camp? What time of day was it? Perhaps odd to tell, and maybe it was an odd suggestion, but it was out there now either way.

There is a slight rolling of his eyes, the reaction to her words about writing. Somehow she continues to make Baldwin feel awkward. A woman who dresses up like a knight but still needed help when dealing with the Dire Wolves. But then again, any woman would make him feel awkward. Any with a few exceptions, one of them being his wife of course!

Her question has him shake his head with a determined smile. "No. No camp yet. Judging from the light..?" His gaze wanders about and upwards to where the huge birds had left. It is still dusky, a good indication it is not evening yet. "Follow the trail, I'd say," he then remarks to Saide, lifting a brow. "Like we did before. You and the rangers to the front, and I'll follow behind. If we are right, this trail may lead somewhere near a barbarian camp." The enemy. "So make sure we move silently and attract as little attention as possible." That coming from him? Hah.

"Or lack of light thereof?" Saide would add in her own thoughts on the matter and then she nods. "Never the less. Onwards and forwards I suppose..." Though she would give a sort of grin while moving up to join her place among the rangers to help keep an eye out for things. There was little to say as they continued walking, Saide keeping that keen eye out for anything or anyone that would impede their movements. Turning towards where Baldwin had indicated before, the trail that they both agreed seemed like two people carrying something heavy. Silent was something hard for a knight to be, especially in their armor, but Saide (at least) would do her best to not attract any of the attention Baldwin warned against.

The trail left by at least two humans walking side-by-side continues for awhile then abruptly stops. Looking over the area its clear the tracks were covered after the fact, what’s more they were covered well by someone very experienced with the local area and how to remove traces of a trail. Slider certainly didn’t hide the tracks and wild animals wouldn’t either, at least not the tracks of another animal that could be prey.

"Hrrm," the Athereyne knight will grumble once it becomes clear that the trail cannot be followed further. Not willing to accept things are as they are, he'll suggest to search the area where the tracks end more thoroughly. "There must be some hint... Like, we need to look for signs." Not that he would know which. "If we can't pick up their trail we'll have to... scout about the area. Split, so we can cover more ground...?" Less of a statement, more of a question really, aimed towards the female knight who is older and has maybe more experience in such situations.

Saide would listen to Baldwin, all while scanning the area with a brief eye to sort of assess just what they were facing. "Signs. Yes. See here? They covered up their trail..." She would point out that much to the other Knight, in a sort of matter of fact way - not that she was trying to outsmart the man or anything. "I don't know. If these were familiar lands, like anywhere in Two Rivers, I would say splitting up would be a good idea. Yet, these are unfamiliar lands, and we wouldn't want anyone not being able to find us or... for the sake of taking everything into account... run into these barbarians and meet a fate they do not deserve." Putting in her own idea before looking to the knight once more. "Do not get me wrong, I wish we could safely cover more ground, but... I do not think it wise. Unless you wish to take one ranger, and myself the other... perhaps we could have some sort of alarm? In case either of our groups run into something or...get into trouble?" Again, not that she hoped for such, but she wanted to take every possibility she could think of into account.

<FS3> Baldwin rolls Perception: Great Success.

Baldwin nods to Saide's observation about the trail having been covered up, his eyes darting to their surroundings when she mentions her doubts about splitting. "Hrrm." Again this sound leaves the depth of his throat when he is left to decide. But instead he casts a glance about them as if that would help his decision. At least it buys him some time.

Scanning the area to the north reveals nothing for Baldwin as Saide speaks. When he turns his gaze to the southeast however he catches movement in the distance, it is actually a fair bit away, something most wouldn't notice. Course at such a distance and the situation Baldwin could just be imagining things, but if what was seen is right, it did appear to be at least one, maybe two figures which seem humanoid.

The grey-blue eyes of the knight narrow and some air leaves his lungs as he exhales, clearly trying to focus on the movement in the southeast of their position. One hand moves to reach for Saide's shoulder as he mutters: "There! Someone. One, maybe two..." He keeps perfectly still now, listening into the silence for any noises, as he tries to glimpse more in the dim twilight of the forest.

Of course, Saide is paying attention to most things around them, but only in their brief surroundings. Anything further has gone unnoticed by the female knight while she attempts to figure out their next best course of action. Though she finds that Baldwin hasn't quite responded to her except for the occasional grunt or muttering under his breath and so she would begin to step forward a bit since the area seemed free of traps. Though before she gets too many steps taken, she finds a hand on her shoulder and her attention is gained by Baldwin. "What?" Looking in the direction to which he points, she squints a bit as if to try and help herself see further down the line. "Interesting." It is all she speaks while keeping herself silent then after, but she does take a step closer. "Should we try to follow them?"

"I'm not sure," Baldwin murmurs back. "They may keep watch. They may spot us when we approach them!" But then he shrugs. "We should try to sneak up on them maybe. Or if they are moving on, we could follow them." So, in fact what Saide suggested in the first place. The rangers are waved over and informed in hushed tones. Keeping their usual travel formation the small group will move towards the southeast.

"It's a risk we have to take. I have a feeling they might just leas us where we need to go.." Saide would comment, listening to all that Baldwin says further. Though he simply came up witht he same idea she had, he seemed to like his thought process a bit better. It was all the same to Saide, so long as they got a move on so they could get down to the truth of what's happened with Master Marcus.

<FS3> Baldwin rolls Stealth: Success. <FS3> Baldwin rolls Perception: Good Success. <FS3> Saide rolls Stealth: Failure. <FS3> Saide rolls Perception: Good Success.

The group continues on, it takes them roughly half an hour to reach where Baldwin saw the figures, though the rangers do a better job at remaining unnoticed and even Baldwin surprises himself at doing the same, Saide might as well be a bull in a glass house trying to run into a field.

When they arrive they only find the noises of the forest, at least until the last moment when they spot someone who looks like a hunter to the side. They have a bow drawn and aimed at Saide, though before a word can be uttered a voice says in a very heavy accent, “Weapon down. Peace.” in very broken common. The source of the voice is another individual with a spear, it isn’t long before at least four more with spears or bows can be seen near the surrounding trees in ambush positions.

Indeed. Baldwin seems so intent not to arouse any unwanted attention that he manages to break much less twigs under his steps than usual. His attention is directed to where he has spotted the figures in the distance. Although, some noise somewhere briefly distracts him, and as he shifts his gaze there he'll notice Saide some feet away but roughly beside him. Frowning slightly there, but then again, it could have been him, as he usually moved through the undergrowth with the grace of a boar. Brows going up when they reach the place, and Baldwin scans the area attentively with his gaze, the hand already about to draw his sword. Then freezing when he spots the archer aiming at Saide, his gaze jumping to the other man with the spear once he speaks to them. Drawing that sword all the way out now, because, mathematics, right? Four against two? Even if one of them is aiming at Saide, she may be lucky and her armor would offer enough protection.

That is, until his grey-blue eyes find four more silhouettes lurking behind the bushes. His weapon is instinctively lowered at least for a moment, as he shoots Saide a glance raising his brow in a silent question.

Saide would almost immediately pause in her steps once she's broken a few twigs beneath her feet. While that often wouldn't lend one much trouble, in an unknown place, where it seems like any new sound echoes tenfold, it could be the difference between life or death. Which is precisely what seems to be the case when she finds someone pointing an arrow in her general direction. Of course, her attention is then drawn by the one who speaks in the broken common tongue, only to then hear the distinct sound of blade against sheath and she turns an eye towards Baldwin. "Baldwin! Are you not listening? Sheath your sword...they have asked for peace." Saying this much even as more of these people come into view and while the Lady Knight had her hand on the pommel of her sword, she straightens up and waits to see how things begin to pan out.

Attention shifts about as all members of the small party have either arrows or spears aimed at them, The majority of the focus is on Baldwin, at least till he lowers his weapon. The one that spoke before gestures to their weapons and repeats “Down.” as though they aren’t sure their words were fully understood and wish to elaborate. Judging by their accent and how poorly spoken the word is, they seem to only have a basic understanding of the words, further evidence is how slowly they say the words this time and the last time, as though sounding out a word and do not know well how to properly say.

Following Saide's advice a bit hesitantly perhaps, the Athereyne knight will sheathe his sword. They are surrounded that much is true and outnumbered, although only slightly. Baldwin's gaze flickers a little when it drifts over their faces. The word and the gesture of the man is met with a shrug, as he raises both hands. "I've put the sword away. Peace." A small humble attempt at diplomacy that may allow him to keep the weapon perhaps. "Talk?" Shifting to one word sentences, maybe that will ease the communication? A glance is shot Saide's way. "If you have any ideas how to get us out of this situation I'd be most eager to hear them.", he murmurs at a low volume, assuming the non-Two Rivers people will not understand them.

Saide would nod when Baldwin sheathes his sword and then she looks back to the one who was speaking to them. Slow, and enunciating the words enough to show there was a little difficulty in saying them, or understanding their meaning, but at least they weren't being attacked just yet. "Down. Peace." She says, almost mimicking how Baldwin would speak to them, and how they were talking as well. Then Baldwin suggests to talk, and Saide could only perhaps wait for one of the others around them to say something in response to such. Though her gaze does turn to the other Knight for a brief moment. "I think we're on the best course of action right now, Sir Baldwin." Admitting that much before waiting for the others to speak once again.

Weapons remain on the group as one of them step forward cautiously and starts to reach for Baldwin’s sword as the one who spoke before keeps their bow drawn on the party and says, “Stay. Peace.” as the one who approached attempts to remove Baldwin’s sword from its sheath cautiously, their eyes remain on Baldwin, it is also revealed that the spearman who is trying to disarm Baldwin is actually a woman, though she looks in very good shape.

It is a reflex really, his hand darts forward, fingers closing about the wrist of the one reaching for the hilt of his weapon, as he clearly does not want to be disarmed. Not even by a woman! "No. Leave the sword.", Baldwin says, in a forced calm. His gaze shifting once again momentarily to Saide. "Peace. Aye. We are here to talk. Talk." Pushing the hand of the person away slowly but with determination, before his fingers let go of her wrist. Raising his hands next. "Talk. We are not going to fight. Okay?"

"Careful..." Saide would almost react in a general way when the one reached for Baldwin's sword and the knight reacted as he did. "Yes. Peace. Talk." Trying to keep her sentences short, and keeping a calm about her so these people do not see them as any kind of threat. She still had to remember there were weapons drawn against them after all. "If only we knew whatever language they're more familiar in talking in..." Offering that much to Baldwin as she actually moves to take a step forward. "Friends. Yes? We're friends."

As Baldwin forcibly moves the woman’s hand, tension noticeably builds, Saide’s attempts to soothe matters don’t seem to help much. Once the woman’s arm is released her spear comes up threateningly towards Baldwin’s throat as the word “Weapon.” is repeated in a very firm, serious tone that borders on threatening. There is no attempt to reach for the weapons again, but the spear remains threateningly close to Baldwin, seems they aren’t taking chances.

The sudden movement of the spear tip towards his throat has Baldwin freeze. His hands are still raised in that placating gesture, his head is tipped back a little as his jaw sets and he rolls his eyes in Saide's direction. Past the point they are already where they could have turned the fate in their favor, but he has already caused some stir once, not too long ago by perhaps favoring a more aggressive approach that has led to consequences.

The knight exhales in resignation, before he speaks. "Okay okay! Weapon. Right?" His right hand moving slowly to the pommel of his sword and he draws it carefully from the scabbard. The weapon is dropped onto the ground with a sigh. Grey-blue eyes are raised to stare at the woman with the spear. "Are you happy now?" A bit of indignation there in his tone.

Saide would release a breath she hadn't realized she was holding once she saw the spear being aimed at Baldwin's throat. Luckily, the Knight is not as hard-headed as he seems and is soon disarming himself. Saide would soon follow suit, resting her hand on the pommel of her sword in order to slowly unsheath it and lay it at her feet. "There. Weapon down. Peace. Talk?" Trying to get them back onto the road of peaceful discussion rather than having their lives threatened. Only she would also motion around to those which surrounded them. "Weapons down. Peace." Repeating herself, but with a stern tone as if to show that she wanted their weapons to be lowered as well since they were now left defenseless.

After a moment, however, she would glance to Baldwin. "Really? Have a little more tact if you will, Sir Baldwin. After all, we are both in unknown territory.."

As the weapons are dropped, including those of the rangers, while not happy they obey the orders of a knight. Another of the barbarians moves forward and starts to gather the dropped weapons, and if not resisted also gives a simple pat-down to check for any other weapons, taking any found.

Only after the weapons are all accounted for, at least those that can be found and taken, is the spear lowered. The woman then states, “Held, follow, peace.” She doesn’t seem to actually understand the common language much, if at all as she seems more just to be repeating a few words told to her.

Baldwin certainly has no more weapons on him. He will endure the pat-down with a stern face, his eyes flickering in silent anger as they linger on his new sword that is gathered and taken away. The rangers certainly show no resistance. "Follow? Now wait a minute!", Baldwin exclaims when he hears the monosyllabic remark of the woman with the spear. "We're here to talk! Just where are you taking us?" Biting another hotheaded remark down next before it can jump from his lips he falls silent and looks over to Saide.

"Baldwin!" Saide would interject at the other Knight's outburst before stepping forward to follow along with wherever they were being led to. "Do I need to force you to hold your tongue? You continue making outbursts like that and surely we'll end up on the wrong side of their weapons." Of course, her tone was sharp and yet still pleasant, but it was easy to tell in her expressions otherwise that she was not happy in the least. "I believe we are making progress. What do you think they would have done if we did not disarm ourselves? Which is a thing that the stubborn minded Marcus would likely not do...so perhaps we're still on the right path." She would say at least that much more before glancing onward to try and discern where it was they were being taken.

As the two argue, the barbarians seem to focus more on Saide, either because she is the calmer of the two, or they might think she is the one in charge as she seems to be berating the other over something. In the end one of them walks over and yanks down a few vines, which are noticeably thicker then most vines. They then move to try and bind the wrists of the four individuals from the south, at least if they are able to.

"We are already on the wrong side of their weapons," Baldwin replies to Saide with a low grumble, gritting his teeth when they come with the vines, the purpose of which it does not take much imagination to guess. "There.", he says with a 'told-you-so' raising of both brows. "Not the most desirable of all situations. My only hope is that Master Marcus is already where they are taking us." He will not resist when his hands are being bound. As even he can see it would be pointless.

Saide would shoot Baldwin a look, only to then frown and glances back to the one coming to bind their wrists with those vines. With her jaw clenched, she allows the one binding their wrists to do so, but she isn't happy about it by any means. "To us. This isn't peace." Saying as much before tilting her head one way and then the other, she waits for a moment to present itself whether they need to take of the defense or if they'll be let go to talk later.

Once bound the barbarians make their way to the west until they find themselves back at the large depression they found that a large animal was laying before fighting started. Shortly after they continue south, as they move to follow a trail. Seems at least the one in the front is a skilled tracker. A couple spearmen stay behind the bound rescue party, likely to make sure they don’t try anything as they continue south as a casual pace. Where are they going?

Baldwin trots along, keeping beside Saide if allowed. "Talk, eh? Peace, eh?", he grumbles below his breath. "They took my sword. Gifted to me by the master weapon smith Ottis Penderghast. I had it how long...a month? Finest sword I ever had..." the knight continues, letting his gaze drift with a sullen look over the barbarians escorting them. "I'm not sure they want to talk. Maybe that's their way of luring us in. They don't speak Common too well. One has to wonder where they've learned it?" Or who trained them to repeat words in Common like parrots.