675-09-02 - Like a... Captured

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Like a... Captured
Summary: Slider goes out on a scouting run, has an epic fight, and ends up in what could be worse trouble.
Who: Slider
References: re:Selia Rainswater
When: 675-09-02
Related Logs: 675-08-31 - Aftermath of Playing with Guts
Date of RP: 2014-09-11
Where: Dark Forest - Unknown World
Room Desc: Beyond the northern border of the Kingdom of the Two Rivers is a large swath of dark green. This area is known as the Dark Forest by the residents of the Two Rivers. Once one is walking under the canopy it because obvious why it has this name. The canopy overhead is so thick barely any light from the sun gets through, in fact it seems the only way to judge night from day is whether the forest is dimly lit or is pitch black. The trees here are massive and climb into the sky seemingly without end.

Some might wonder if this is how forests used to look before humans arrived and started to chop them down for wood. The Dark Forest is no less quiet then any other forest however, as all manner of sounds are heard most of the time, both day and night. Still the dim to no light might make some uneasy as they travel beneath the dark green above.

It had been days since Selia had gotten sick and roughly two weeks since the party crossed the border into the Dark Forest, as the party delayed their progress for a bit to see to Selia, Slider is sent out on yet another scouting run to see what can be found; food, a man-made trail, or anything else of note. Slider had caught something himself, though fortunately not remotely as serious as what Selia was suffering from. As going over the same ground would be pointless on a scouting run, Slider finds himself further out from the camp as he ever has before, though fortunately the largely untouched flora makes it reasonably easy to find one's path back when they know what to look for. Especially compared to the paths those large wolves leave in their wake compared to a human.

Slider has been concerned with Selia's health but over all he thinks she is going to live and that alone gives him strength to go out and scout as asked. He may have caught a mild cold but the weather and dampnest of the area may do that to some, he is no exception, he is human after all. As he goes out further, he keeps track of where and which direction he is heading. The further he goes he ends up marking a tree, a small cut to indicate where he came from and which direction to head back to. He is sure to keep quiet, moving slowly on occasion if he hears something that his ears pick up. His weapons always at the ready but it's his skills to move silently is what really keeps him safe and perhaps deadly to some. So he continues on, looking at the vegetation, seeign if there are plants that grow here that he may take a sample of one as well, always scouting, always looking and perhaps hoping for some miracle.

<FS3> Slider rolls Perception: Good Success.

<FS3> Slider rolls Botany: Good Success.

<FS3> Slider rolls Perception: Good Success.

<FS3> Slider rolls Apothecary: Good Success.

Slider is able to find several plants he hasn't found previously, this area seems rich with them. That or he's just very observant and knows what to look for. Some of them look similar to plants useful in treating illness and physical wounds as well, only a lot larger then what is found in Felaguria. Though it will take time to properly prepare and study their effects. Something more important is noticed as Slider collects samples, a low, rumbling growl or purr-like sound coming from nearby. It doesn't sound like a wolf whatever it is.

As Slider gathers the plants there is that sound, low growl like sound that makes him stop what ever he was doing and looks around. He scans the nearby terrain, listening as best he can as he slowly starts to pull out his longer blade and as quietly as he can as his other hand pulls out the smaller kukri. Not many know he is skilled in blade use, not any know he can use two weapons well with either hand. As he eyes the area for movement, he shifts slightly, trying to face anything from a certain direction of sound. If need be, slowly back away at first, if nothing, move forwards. All this time he is trying to be very, very silent.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- ?=2+4 Vs Slider=Stealth < ?: Good Success Slider: Good Success < Net Result: DRAW

As Slider moves closer there is the occasional smacking sound as the low rumble continues. It is about half a minute later the source comes into view. A large figure laying among the ground cover licking its large paws and face. It doesn't appear to notice Slider as yet, though that could change at any moment.

Slider stops and does not move any further as he see's the large figure. There is a slight hesitation, there is a slight fear but then he smiles. He has always looked for challenges, trying out things that he should not becasue it was nearly impossible. Now, at this time the creature has not noticed him, not yet. His mind wanders, what if it does notice him and all he does is chase him down and perhaps kill Slider. He shakes that thought away, then there is that other option, move in and attack first, try to kill it with two quick attacks if possible. Either way he is and msot likely going to be found, he has been lucky this far. Then he starts to see which way the wind direction is, if any, if he is down wind from it or not. So most likely he will attack but try to take this advantage, may as well try it now. So that is what he will do, kill the beast and perhaps not get killed himself, so now he moves in, using stealth and movement to hsi advantage.

<FS3> Slider rolls Survial: Success.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- ?=2+4 Vs Slider=Stealth < ?: Success Slider: Good Success < Net Result: Slider wins - Solid Victory

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Slider=Blades+1 Vs ?=2+4 < Slider: Good Success ?: Good Success < Net Result: DRAW

<FS3> Slider rolls Survival: Good Success.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Slider=Athletic Vs ?=3+5 < Slider: Good Success ?: Success < Net Result: Slider wins - Marginal Victory

Slider is able to sneak up on the beast, and attacks. The animal is taken completely by surprise and attempts to disengage from its attacker. There seems to only be superficial damage on the animal, but Slider is still engaged with it. Now Slider has a 'very' close view the animal is indeed huge. While it is nearly three and a half feet at the shoulder in height, it is heavily built and stocky. It almost seems like a large cat of some kind, until the teeth come into view. Two massive canines protrude from the jaw like knives around seven inches long.

Slider had not anticipated that the creature had this tough of a skin as his blade slid off the skin and muscle. Now that he knwos the angle the beast has and how it moves, Slider is watching it. He has seen cats move, this is a much bigger version but now, now that he has instigated a attack, he has to press on. So Slider moves quickly and hopes to swiftly move attack and move again, keeping it from attacking him, making it the hunter instead of himself.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Slider=Blades Vs Smilodon=3+4 < Slider: Good Success Smilodon: Success < Net Result: Slider wins - Marginal Victory

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Smilodon=3+5 Vs Slider=Defense < Smilodon: Good Success Slider: Great Success < Net Result: Slider wins - Solid Victory

Slider is able to move fluidly, landing a slash with one of his two blades while almost dancing away from the smilodon's attack with ease. The large beast is clearly bleeding now, though it appears more minor.

Slider is testing hismelf to a creature that is meant to bring down things bigger than himself. Then front teeth could punture through his arm easily and so Slider keeps moving, always moving. If the creature moves to attack him, he may be in trouble, so Slider keeps on moving and attacking and so he just runs up as fast as he can up a tree's trunk but at the same time jumping back away from the tree to attack the creature from above.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Smilodon=3+5 Vs Slider=Defense < Smilodon: Good Success Slider: Great Success < Net Result: Slider wins - Marginal Victory

<FS3> Slider rolls Athletic: Success.

<FS3> Slider rolls Unarmed: Failure.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Slider=Reaction Vs Smilodon=3+5 < Slider: Good Success Smilodon: Good Success < Net Result: Smilodon wins - Marginal Victory

As Slider attempts to get away the smilodon swipes at him with its large paw, though Slider avoids any contact as he runs up the trunk of the tree and backflips trying to land on the best. An impressive move that works, unfortunately as Slider comes down he is unable to grip to any part of the animal, perhaps surprised it actually worked, or the beast just doesn't want to give a piggy-back ride. Whatever the case Slider slips off and ends up landing on his side. Obviously attempting to roll away to get some space the saber-toothed cat doesn't appear to be as impressed by the acrobatics and swipes at Slider again. This tiem the paw catches the nimble fighter, fortunately as Slider was already rolling away the claws miss the mark, though the impact of the paw does send him rolling much faster then expected. The plus side is Slider has some distance, though the beast is certain to close the gap again, downside is Slider's shoulder will be throbbing for awhile after the adrenaline stops pumping.

Slider failed in doing what he intended and tried his best not to get his face clawed away from his head. His shoulder gets the impact but that is alright, he can still move, agility against a beast with agility and power. This is insane but now it's a fight for survival and he knows this. His heart pumping and the grin appears on his lips then. If he does nto survive, at least he will make his mark on this beast, it wil know not to mess with us humans. So Sliders charges in all nimble like, trying to do his best on the offensive.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Slider=Blades Vs Smilodon=2+4 < Slider: Good Success Smilodon: Good Success < Net Result: DRAW

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Smilodon=3+5 Vs Slider=Defense < Smilodon: Failure Slider: Good Success < Net Result: Slider wins - Solid Victory

The fight continues as Slider manages to give the smilodon a close shave as its claws scrape a few thin layers of leather from Slider's torso armor.

Slider knows this may go on for longer than he can stand in the enduranced based battle. So as he continues to move, he starts to note it's patterns, hos it moves, how it attacks and how fast. He has been lucky so far as he has evaded enough but soon it will strike and it will hurt badly. So, object is to get a eye, blind it at least, make it harder for it to hit and perhaps have and advantage on that certain side when attacking it. So that is what he tries, he moves in and with a swiftness he tries to cut the eye of the beast.

<FS3> Slider rolls Tactics: Failure.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Slider=Blades-2 Vs Smilodon=2+4 < Slider: Good Success Smilodon: Success < Net Result: Slider wins - Marginal Victory

< Smilodon: Good Success Slider: Good Success < Net Result: Smilodon wins - Marginal Victory

Once again the two clash, though Slider doesn't manage to take the beast's eye out, it does leave a minor cut that will scar across the animal's face. No surprise the smilodon is hardly pleased with this as it lashes out with another paw, the claws cutting into Slider's body, fortunately the cuts on his arm are minor enough to not be concerned with now and bleeding isn't too bad.

Slider knows that he has to take the creature out and quickly, by the look of the thing it can hunt for hours and perhaps days. Once again he starts to think, the eye almost worked, perhaps again and this time the other eye. ALl this moving through his mind as he dodges not enough against the creatures claw aatack. Minor wound but for now he must atatck and does so, once again for that eye but this time the other, he has to blind it, it may save his life.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Slider=Blades Vs Smilodon=2+4 < Slider: Success Smilodon: Failure < Net Result: Slider wins - Marginal Victory

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Smilodon=3+5 Vs Slider=Defense < Smilodon: Good Success Slider: Failure < Net Result: Smilodon wins - Solid Victory

Slider moves in and once again fails to blind, but he does leave a matching scar on the other side of the beasts face. This pleases the smilodon less as a low rumble escapes it, seemingly more from its chest then its mouth as it lunges, slashing with its claws which not only knocks Slider down as he seems to be left no chance to respond, he claws also grow through the leather armor leaving four deep cuts across his chest. He is now bleeding a fairly good bit, though quick enough attention would remove any danger, but he is now on his back with a very painful chest wound.

Slider feels that burning pain across his chest, which will match the previous incident he had on the Isles. Silly he was to think he could take on a beast like this, though there is that victory of succeeding but he knows he is in trouble, the bleeding mostly now. Though with determination on his mind, he cares not, he goes and attacks again. It is the eyes, he must ge tthe eyes, even if it scores again, it may run after it gets blind. All this flowing as he is moving, all this seeming to be in slow motions as he rolls and attacks, always moving, always attacking, man over beast.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Slider=Blades-2 Vs Smilodon=2+4 < Slider: Good Success Smilodon: Failure < Net Result: Slider wins - Solid Victory

<FS3> Notus rolls 2: Success.

<FS3> Slider rolls Reaction: Good Success.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Smilodon=Body Vs Slider=Defense < Smilodon: Failure Slider: Good Success < Net Result: Slider wins - Solid Victory

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Slider=Blades Vs Smilodon=2+2 < Slider: Failure Smilodon: Failure < Net Result: Both Fail.

<FS3> Notus rolls 2: Success.

A loud, almost deafening roar of pain erupts from the smilodon as the kukris sink into the beasts eyes. It manages to rip free and tries to flee, driven by the instinct to get away more then anything else. Slider manages to cut the beast off, though has to shift a bit to avoid being ran down by the much heavier animal, this throws off Slider's attack causing him to miss the beast entirely in what would almost certainly have been the final blows as the beast just keeps trotting off, slamming its shoulder into a tree as it flees with total abandon.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Slider=Blades Vs Smilodon=2+2 < Slider: Failure Smilodon: Failure < Net Result: Both Fail.

Slider, felt the kukris blind the creature, his determination over the beast has given him triumph over it. As teh beast goes all over the place, he manages to swing and miss but it rams into trees and keeps on going. Slider feeling guilty for not been able to kill it, goes after it, trying once again to give it the finishing blow.

<FS3> Slider rolls Perception: Success.

As Slider attempts to put the beast down mercifully, the erratic movement and the growing awareness of his injuries results in Slider missing the animal entirely as it continues to run about wildly in pain and fear. That is until it suddenly comes to a halt, its forward momentum sending its chest into the ground as its legs appear to buckle and it slides a foot or two before it tumbles and rolls kicking up debris from the ground. When it finally comes to a stop it just lays there lifeless, though what cause it to sudden stop is anyone's guess as it is now several meters away from Slider.

Slider can't seem to see where the beast went but he knows that it will die soon enough. He groans in pain now as the pumping heart starts to slow down and then he decides it is best to leave it be now. Slider knows he needs to get to a place where he can hide and deal with his injuries for now. At least keep the flow of blood down, enough to get back to the camp.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Slider=Stealth Vs ?=2+5 < Slider: Success ?: Success < Net Result: DRAW

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Slider=Perception Vs ?=2+4 < Slider: Success ?: Success < Net Result: DRAW

Whatever it was that brought the smilodon down in the end Slider focuses on slowly making his way back to camp, leaving the animal behind.

<FS3> Slider rolls Perception: Great Success.

<FS3> Notus rolls 2+4: Success.

Slider continues to move back to camp, always moving slowly and using his ability to move silently. He does on occasion look back, just to make sure he is alone, it's probably from his profession and the ability to survive.

As Slider cautiously makes his way back, nursing his wounds as best he can for now there are sounds coming from where he left the smilodon. Perhaps not a surprise as scavengers and opportunistic predators won't wait long to prey on a corpse in a forest, what does catch Slider's attention though are that the sounds aren't those of animals, it is that of humans. Any thoughts it might be another scouting party from the camp is crushed immediately, whatever they are saying its not in any Felagurian language Slider has heard, even in passing. Lookign back after hearing the sound he can also make out in the distance figures that might be humans clustered together and possibly moving. It is hard to judge from the distance but there are at least three of them, whoever or whatever they are.

Slider see's the three humans, knows the language is not one he has heard before so it must be the barbarians of the north. If he goes the way he came it will lead them back to the camp and perhaps more trouble than it's worth. So no, he is not going to go back, he is going to lose them as best as he can. Looking around as he moves, vearing off in another direction to keep them from going to the camp. His thought on the men are they are not injured, probably well armored and may be good with their blades, plus there is three. Looking up into the trees he notices how close together they are. There is a thought then, even if they do find him, can they follow him if he travels through the trees, way up above. It's his only chance, so he looks around for a quick way to get up the tree and then climb as high as he can, then move along the branches, may as well try it.

<FS3> Slider rolls Athletic-1: Good Success.

<FS3> Notus rolls 2+4: Good Success.

<FS3> Notus rolls 2+5: Good Success.

<FS3> Slider rolls Stealth-1: Great Success.

As Slider takes to the trees his plan seems to be at least partially successful as the locals don't seem to spot him, however the vantage point shows one of them gesturing to the ground and they seem to continue to follow his trail, at least for the time being.

<FS3> Slider rolls Athletic-1: Success.

Slider was climbing good enough, even injured he managed to get a ways up. Keeping from making to much noise as he climbs makes it a bit more difficult, here he is hoping to get up as high as he can and stay there for a bit of time but then he slips, falls and lands hard on his back.

As a human suddenly falls from the sky the three humans quickly close the gap of a few meters from where their trail got cold as Slider finds himself looking up with a throbbing back, arm, and chest to see two men with spears pointed down at him, as the third, an archer has a drawn bow aimed at him. Perhaps a bit surprising the archer is a woman who says, "Peace. Stay. Safe." in a highly broken form of the common language of Felaguria. She speaks very slowly, and its clear she doesn't know the language well as she has to talk very slow and even then barely says the words properly. If she tried to speak at normal speed its unlikely her words would have been understood at all with her thick accent.

Sliders vision seem to focus and unfocus and his breath taken away from the fall. He tries to think, move but to no avail, his body is not responding. As he comes to focus properly he notes the two spear wielding individuals pointing them at him and then he notices the woman, with a bow drawn and ready to launch at him. He is slowly catching his breath but the pain from his injuries of before and now seems to come to full affect, he is hurt. Since they have not killed him, that means they are at least willing to take care of him for a bit. It is the broken common that he gets and understands from the woman. Meaningfull words but do they actualy know what it means...peace, stay..safe. He takes his chance then, better they take him now instead of them finding the camp. So Slider nods slowly and speaks in common. " Stay, safe." he hopes that they understand what he means or it will be a short trip to death soon enough.

The woman cocks her head a bit as though confused, then releases the tension on her bowstring. The arrow remains nocked, but its no longer drawn. The bow is still pointed at Slider however as the woman says something to one of the two men who lowers his spear and walks over, cautiously reaching down towards Slider's weapons.

Slider looks at the woman , she seems a bit confused but he stays where he is. Now as one of them starts to go for his blades he shakes his head. " NO!" instinctively, though in reality there is no way he can fight them off. Perhaps after a time he will give them the blades, not until he has put his point across, they are his.

As he says 'No', the bow is redrawn and the second spear is threateningly thrust at him, as though to show he doesn't have a choice if he wishes to live. After a pause the second spearman reaches down to take every weapon Slider has, tucking them into his belt, relying on his companions to put a quick end to Slider if he tries to stop the disarming. Once his weapons are taken away the female says something else in their language and the spearman kneels down besides Slider, switching his spear to his far hand, keeping an eye on Slider's hands to make sure he doesn't try to reach for his weapons, then looks at Slider's chest and arm critically before standing back up and saying something in response. The female nods to her companion and releases the tension of her bow once more and gestures with her weapon in an upwards motion as she steps closer, taking a hand off the weapon leaving the other to hold onto the bow and drawn arrow both. She then offers a hand, as though to help Slider up.

As they take his weapons he lets them take it, stubborn as Slider is, his insticts to survive win over and he lets them have it, there may be another way out soon perhaps. When they finaly take his weapons he still had stayed where he was. It is then that the women extends a hand out to help him up, at least he thinks. It takes him a moment to react and he reaches up, gripping her hand with his good arm and standing up. He feels pain, he knows he is still bleeding but he has no choice, live and go with them or die and be killed by them. Before he lets go of her hand he points at himself with his other hand. " Marcus." a name, one of many he uses.

The woman pulls on Slider's arm to help him up, showing she has some muscle to her, not overly much but enough for an athletic build under that tunic and leather armor at least. Once he is standing, she moves to lead the way back towards the giant cat, as the spearman that didn't take Marcus' weapons moves to follow behind, keeping Slider at spearpoint to make sure he doesn't try anything and the spearman with his weapons moves to flank the woman, both of them watching their surroundings. It isn't long before they find the corpse, where two more spearmen have already gutted the animal and tied it to a couple wooden poles. Looking to their companies new 'addition' they watch Slider cautiously as the woman gestures to the corpse and asks in the same very slow, broken common, "Kill?" in a tone that is clearly a question.

Slider follows along, his hand moving to his chest to keep a good bit of pressure on it. He has had injuries like this before but last time there was a healer who helped him a bit after the injury happened. Now as they walk back the way they came he follows, looking around, seeing what they may be looking at but then pretty much giving up of running, he is in no shape for that now, plus they have his weapons. He did not ice that the woman was strong in grip, which means the men are stronger and possibly stronger than himself and maybe better hunters. As the come upon the dead beast he fought earlier he looks at it, they have done their job, they will be using it for food, as it should be. Silence is his speciality and even as they look at him he knows they are not sure of him. It is the womans word that he gets and understand. " Yes, I killed the beast." he says in a mattter of fact. Though if they start to speak again, he will see what he can get from their guestures if any, replies and reactiosn to each other. The words spoken, the yway they speak and patterns, all make a map into the language of the north, he hopes.

The woman looks at him as though trying to figure out his words, finally when one of the men asks a question she replies in their language. One thing that is noticed is when she says 'smilodon fatalis' the men clearly look impressed and look to the corpse on the ground. It is only a moment before the four spearmen move to heft the poles onto their shoulders to distribute the weight of the large animal between them, The woman returns the drawn arrow to the quiver on her left hip and slings the bow across her back. All of the men but one sling their spears across their back via a leather strap tied to the haft, as the forth man gives his spear to the woman, who then gestures with it, as though telling Slider where to go as the men start to carry the corpse deeper into the forest away from the camp.