675-08-31 - Tincture Time

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Tincture Time
Summary: Royal High Oni Eleora visits Edris again, and meets with a decline.
Who: Eleora Machuri, as played by Notus, Edris Alachri
References: re:Adara Zorich, Nimoria
When: August 31st, 675
Related Logs: 675-08-23 - Eating Enough
Date of RP: 30/08/2014
Where: Edris Alachri's Room - Castle of the White Dove, Isle of the Crown, The Isles
Room Desc: Plain as this chamber of slightly less than medium size is, the first impression is one of overall tidyness. It offers room enough for two beds, placed at opposite walls, and may easily be the best room available in the servants quarters, as it is lighted by two windows. Edris has done her best to give it a bit of a personal note. There is one of her favourite woven rugs on the floor, a thick carpet that now fits perfectly whereas it before was too small to fill her quarters at the Night's Dream. A small assortment of rather modest dresses in slightly subdued colours are stowed away in a rather tiny wardrobe.

It had been a week since Eleora had placed strict rules concerning who could access Edris’ chambers after the former Madame expressed her concerns, and it seemed to have worked. The few visitors Edris has had has never been alone with her, not even Eleora herself. As Edris’ pregnancy has progressed and she has skipped the meals and drinks provided for her, yet still remaining healthy as she has been gathering her own food and drink, also with the medical treatments provided by Eleora herself.

Entering Edris’ chambers with her tray of tonics and components, yes it was that time again, time to ingest the horrible tasting liquids to keep Edris’ immune system strong, also helping to better balance the nutrients the mother-to-be needs for a healthy child.

“Hello again Edris, how are you feeling today?” Eleora begins with what seems to have become her customary greeting as she makes her way over to place the tray down on the end table by Edris, an added task to ensure not even the guards or handmaidens can try anything with the tray or its contents, as only Eleora and Edris are close enough to do anything with it.

Regardless of whatever measures Eleora had taken, Edris would not rely on them alone. She would continue to take her meals when /she/ felt like it, often venturing down to the kitchens, to pick up some random meal there, while taking care she would eat enough and of a variety that would be healthy for her and the child growing within her. The tinctures, if Eleora brought them, would be left by Edris' side, to take them later. In fact, the interval of drinking any of them would often be daily, and one vial would suffice for several days.

It may come as no surprise that Edris had never taken one single drop of them, and deposited of the tinctures in unobtrusive ways, sometimes by emptying them into her chamber pot, at other times she would have brought the vial along for a walk outside, hidden beneath her skirts, and emptied the vial below a bush.

Today, she does not plan to change her way of dealing with the tinctures. "I feel good," will be the reply of the redhead when she rises for the curtsey that the presence of the Royal High Oni demands. "But... a little sick, actually," she adds after a moment, when her gaze drops to the tray with the tinctures. Her cheeks look rosy enough, her gaze is spirited. It seems the walks outside are having a positive effect on her complexion.

Eleora nods and asks, “How long have you been feeling sick child?” as she attempts to check Edris’ temperature and pulse as normal.

A faint smile curls Edris's lips at the question. Her forehead will not feel overly heated, nor will her pulse be in any way abnormal. "The moment you entered with those tinctures," she admits softly, grey-green eyes rising to meet those of the Royal High Oni. One hand is instictively placed on the curve of her belly.

Eleora smiles broadly and says, “Yes the scary concoctions to keep you both healthy. At least I have heard you have been eating more diverse foods you have made yourself. I informed the servants to simply let you prepare your own meals for as long as you are able, as long as you don’t try to overexert yourself or pose a risk to yourself or the baby, even if you aren’t aware of the danger. As your body changes it can take time for some to notice how much their belly starts to stick out, or how close certain things might be. Anything further to report?"

A faint smile flickers over Edris's face, when Eleora speaks of the concoctions. "I have told you already. I would look after my own health just fine. I've eaten a lot of fresh fruit, fresh vegetables. Carrots, apples. I've cooked some meals myself, but also grabbed some food randomly at the kitchens. I am feeling well." She pauses. "And while I have not had any odd encounters of late, I am still aware of the situation."

Eleora frowns and asks, “Have you not been drinking the tinctures I’ve prepared for you?” in a bit of a disapproving tone.

Her gaze flickers a little as if Edris were contemplating on how to reply to Eleora's question, before it flits downwards, and she shakes her head. "I have not," she admits. "For the reasons I have told you about." Grey-green eyes are raised again to meet those of the Royal High Oni. "I feel the risk is in no proportion to the gain. I am a Whisper. At least last time I checked I still was. I am aware of what Lady Adara's possibilities. More than you probably. I do not mean to disobey the Queen's wish. But I feel this way I am acting according to what she would want. If she wants this child to live."

Eleora nods and says, “As I said, I do not believe Lady Zorich would seek harm to the child, at least she has given me no cause to question such. Nimoria I will admit voiced the option, though I doubt she would take action without the approval of the rest of the Fourth which she doesn’t have. Even if, as you say, Lady Zorich did seek the death of your child, i do not see how she could manage it. The components are in my chambers which I keep locked, or are on this tray which I keep close to me and let no one near, as you have seen since your brought this matter to me. Can you think of any way anyone could poison you or the child under such conditions, as you are never left alone in this room? If you can then we can discuss the matter further, however if you can’t I ask that you take the tincture today at least, just to show it will cause you no harm. At least if you trust in my word that I seek only to protect the health of you and your child."

"Holy Mother," Edris replies evenly. "Lady Adara Zorich may not have given you any reason to doubt her. Nimoria however has told me otherwise. And here I ask you, as she was right in oh so many other things she told me, why she should make up such a thing? What gain would there be for her, if this were a lie indeed?" She pauses, as her hand is joined by her other one on the curve of her belly.

"My child is fine," she continues. "I can feel her moving, kicking even. I will not drink any of your tinctures. Not because I do not trust /you/. I /do/ trust you, Holy Mother. But a lock can be picked. Guards can be distracted. One could use disguises. Tricks that are quite regularly employed by people of my trade. And here I am speaking about the Whisper business, not the brothel. Your conconctions and ingredients may be safe in your room, but only for as long, as noone with a bit of skill seeks to enter it."

Eleora nods and says, “I have left strict orders with my guards as well, one of the Fourth can be quite scary in her threats when the need calls for it. I will however agree to your terms, though if your health does change I will expect you to take what I prepare for you."

A relieved sigh will leave the lips of the redhead, and she will incline her head. "I thank you, Holy Mother," Edris replies softly, a smile curling her lips when she suddenly looks to her hands that rest on her belly. "Oh! She kicks me. Again!" A chuckle comes, when grey-green eyes are raised once again to Eleora's face. "She is fine! But yes, should my condition change, I promise I will take the tinctures you prepare for me."

Eleora nods and says, “Then we have an agreement.” offering a warm smile. “Is there anything more you wish to discuss? I have done what examinations I had need to."

"No. Thank you for your understanding, Holy Mother," Edris replies, smiling as she rises to bid Eleora Machuri goodbye with a curtsey.