675-08-31 - Aftermath of Playing with Guts

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The Aftermath of Playing with Guts
Summary: Selia gets sick after gutting the dire wolf, which becomes a problem for the small group on the mission.
Who: Selia Rainswater, Slider and Baldwin of Equis
References: None.
When: 675-08-31
Related Logs: 675-08-30 - Dinner?
Date of RP: 2014-09-07/08
Where: Dark Forest, Unknown Lands
Room Desc: Beyond the northern border of the Kingdom of the Two Rivers is a large swath of dark green. This area is known as the Dark Forest by the residents of the Two Rivers. Once one is walking under the canopy it because obvious why it has this name. The canopy overhead is so thick barely any light from the sun gets through, in fact it seems the only way to judge night from day is whether the forest is dimly lit or is pitch black. The trees here are massive and climb into the sky seemingly without end.

Some might wonder if this is how forests used to look before humans arrived and started to chop them down for wood. The Dark Forest is no less quiet then any other forest however, as all manner of sounds are heard most of the time, both day and night. Still the dim to no light might make some uneasy as they travel beneath the dark green above.

<FS3> Selia rolls Body: Failure.

it is like 12 hours after the dire wolf dinner debacle. Selia has made down her bed under the trees away from the tent. Slowly she has started to feel badly. Not ill at first just achy. That turned to hot then cold and then hot again. She had eaten some of the burnt meat. maybe... But she had thrown that up earlier. She just curls down into her blanket and closes her eyes.

Slider had been here but the situation with the wolves was unexpected and took him by surprise as he got back to the camp after his small scouting he had done. So after getting back he had helped out as best he could and as people in time started to feel nto that great he would look into them, specially Selia. There is concern on his face and to heck to anyone else, he ain't caring who else is really sick, this is his tavern wench and he promised her she would not die unless he was dead. So he will take care of her, see what he can do, help her in ways no one else around here could fathom he has skills for. So he has been going over there with water, cleaning her forehead, keeping her warm and cool, what ever she is needed....stupid old man going to get sick himself, he don't care.

Selia smiles up at Slider, her face flushes with fever and her gaze vague. "I like Slider better than Marcus. he is nicer" she licks her lip "Mrs O likes him too." she says quietly. She pulls up her blanket, Marcus would notice the shivering. her teeth start to chatter. "Why is it so cold?"

Slider smiles at her and then puts on another blanket, if need be a horse blanket, he don't care, he keeps her warm. Cool rag on the forehead and then he chuckles lightly, smiling all the while. " Ah my dear Selia, you have taken care of me so many times, it's time to take care of you. As for Slider, he only uses people, Marcus tend to be nicer, your delirious again." he smiles and keeps on looking at her, taking in what the symptoms are. "I like Mrs O, she took you in and took care of you, plus she is nice to me." then as she starts to shiver he shakes his head. " It is cool out. Curl into a small ball or I can add more blankets if you like."

<FS3> Slider rolls Body: Good Success.

Selia curls into a ball and the horse blanket helps a lot. She slips into sleep for now.

Slider looks down as she does as told, he adds his own body heat to keep her warm until she falls asleep and once she is, he will leave her." May as well tell others, just incase they get symptoms." then he looks around, he may as well check things out, what kind of plant life they may have.

Baldwin is sitting by the fireplace, not exactly idle, as the stare of his grey-blue eyes betrays he is in thoughts. A piece of wood, some sort of branch he had been working on with his knife, lies beside him, a half finished work of a pointed pale. His hand moves once again towards his chin as he scratches it, and he casts a glance about the camp as if in search for someone. Lady Saide is absent for now, as is Lord Jefferay. Both are probably exploring their surroundings, in search of some game to hunt down for their next meals.

Slider see's Baldwin by the fire and he heads on over and takes a seat beside the knight as he does he looks at the fire for a bit of time and then look at the knight. "Selia is very sick Sir Baldwin. She will not be able to be moved and she must be maintained warm at all time." though he knows they have a healer, he is obviously concerned for the woman. "I would suggest no one be around her, I will look after her and if need be will stay." then he shakes his head and looks at what the man is doing with the wood. "Men tend to idle carve things, though yours has a purpose, may I ask what that purpose is?"

"Master Marcus," Baldwin greets with a faint smile as he shoots the approaching Slider a glance. That smile will fade however at the news. "Is she?", he inquires, letting his gaze drift to where Selia probably is. "How sick? And how come? She was alright yesterday evening. Maybe Mistress Denfield should have a look at her." Now referring to the healer they have with them, a woman in her early forties." Then Slider's advice to not let anyone near her comes, and the knight will raise a brow. "Why that?" He ponders the news for a while, before he hears his remark about staying behind, and he shakes his head. "We can't leave you behind, Marcus. We need you. I am sorry about Selia, but I'd think she should be looked after by our healer.

His gaze shifts to the piece of wood beside him and he smirks faintly. "Do you really need to ask? I thought you'd recognize a wooden stake when you saw one. Also the use of such wouldn't be unknown to you. I was pondering on how to defend ourselves against future threats of wolves, to protect the camp in a way that would spare our horses and us from sharing the fate of Lady Saide's steed.

Marcus looks at Baldwin and he nods. "I understand you need me but I promised Selia. Some people can easily break promises but I can't and I promised she stay alive as long as I was alive. I would hate to lose my favorite serving wench and would hate to have Mrs O be very pissed off at me for allowing such a thing to happen." it may sound funny to some but Slider is serious and as he looks at the stakes he nods. " Your best defense for that is to have horses tide near to us, though it best be the horses than the people. " then looking about a bit he thinks and wonders. ' These are very large wolves, just imagine what they hunt here and are they the prime hunters of this forest?" then as he stands up he looks around a bit. " If we are to stay, we can make traps but if we are to move on, we just have to keep alert and vigilant. As for Selia, she could ride on the cart with the healer but if the healer manages to catch what she has, we may have issues, specially with the only healer we have."

Baldwin reaches for a small twig and just breaks it between his fingers. "That is a hard decision, and one I cannot make alone," he mutters, his gaze restlessly roaming over the camp site, possibly in search for Lord Jefferay and Lady Saide. "The cart is not an option, " he says after a moment. "We left it at the last village before entering the Dark Forest." A curse leaves his lips, almost inaudible. "...by Grouldon's foul breath... These wolves were huge. I believe there are more. But still, we have a mission to accomplish." He pauses, as his grey-blue eyes return to Marcus. "I will discuss the matter. I am aware, this is not an easy situation. I would not want to leave Miss Selia behind either."

Marcus looks at Baldwin. "I know I made a promise to the King I would help out, was told I get payed once I get back. That been said, I have yet to be payed, I will be and I trust the king but that is my issue. I have someone I made a promise to and I intend to keep it." Marcus seems dead serious in this at the moment. " My skills are all over the place, I know enough but I am no expert in any of them. I have learned to survive and I intend to do so now and making sure Selia is alright. You can speak to your noble types Sir Baldwin but my life has always been of survival." Well, simple to see that Marcus has a few priorities set in his mind, even though he can be more than he has shown others.

I understand you very well. The importance of keeping one's promises is not unknown to me," Baldwin replies, not looking too happy about the situation. "I said, we would not abandon her. But I insist that the healer looks after her, before we decide on how to proceed. She may be able to tell us more. Delaying our progress about a day or two would probably be acceptable. More acceptable than losing a capable man such as you, as well as the cook." Even if the cook had managed to cause some unpleasant stench when preparing the meal last night. "And survive we will," the knight finally mutters as he gets to his feet. "If you would excuse me. I will go and look for Mistress Denfield and ask her to check on Miss Selia."