675-08-30 - Letters for Rayne

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Letters for Rayne
Summary: Three letters for Rayne
Who: Baldwin of Equis, Rayne Devantry (as she will read them)
References: re:Solinus Istivean, re:Slider, re:Saide Argyris
When: Letters from August 25th-30th, 675
Related Logs: 675-09-02 - The Package
Date of RP: 25/09/2014
Where: Dark Forest
Room Desc: Trees, undergrowth, dim light, howling wolves in the distance

Two letters, to be brought by the messenger boy:

August 25th, 675

Dearest Rayne,

We have left Beresgond two days ago, the weather was incredibly bad, still, I spotted that boy who is accomapying us, and he gave me that package from you. I have not opened it yet, I have to admit. But I'd rather wait for a few more days, as I'd like to have this anticipation linger for a little longer.

It seems there has someone already gone missing in the North, as a riderless horse showed up at the castle prior to our departure. Maybe we can find some more leads on our way up north. Lord Jarvis has picked only a few for our mission. It may be interesting for you to know that Master Marcus is also in our small group, as well as Lord Jefferay Norman, a man of Woriscant. Also the female knight Lady Saide Argyris who is a little odd. I am not sure why Lord Jarvis chose to send her with us, to be honest. A few more fighters would have made more sense, I believe.

She is not the only woman though. There is our healer, Miss Denfield, she is nice in a motherly way. And our cook, whom Marcus seems to be actually quite well acquainted with. Alas, seeing him with her brings only memories of you back, and how I already miss you. memories of our last evening will have to keep me warm until we meet again

Yours entirely,


August 27th, 675

Dearest Rayne,

Yesterday we left Whitstock and we are still on our way towards the Dark Forest. Duke Solinus had received us for a brief audience. He wished to be informed about the purpose of our mission, as we are passing through his lands and in a way he and his Duchy are suffering the most at the moment from the attacks of the barbarians. Bainsworth had instructed us to report to him and in certain cases of urgency, messages may be delivered more swiftly via Whitstock. They have a number of trained doves there that can be sent to Mergorand directly, should the need for such occur.

I found the Duke to be a sombre man, reasonable, but clearly in mourning as most of us are. He definitely has changed since my squiring days in Granville. So coming back to Whitstock under these circumstances felt in a way odd. There are definitely less people roaming the streets. Whitstock appeared almost like a ghost town to me. I haven't been there since before the days of the plague. It was in way very depressing and I was relieved once we set out again and left the city behind us.

I can already see the dark green mass of the Dark Forest in the distance. I am sure that we will reach it tomorrow. However, before we will enter these dangerous woods, the messenger boy will be sent back to Mergorand with a report for Lord Jarvice. I intend to ask him to take the two letters I have written so far and deliver them to you.

Words cannot express how much I miss you already,

Yours entirely,


Another letter, as sent with another messenger on August 31st.

August 28th, 675

Dearest Rayne,

Today we passed the border to the Dark Forest. It was a strange moment, when we followed the road that leads in there, and it seemed to vanish only 20 feet further in the undergrowth. At first we were able to ride, but there often are areas where we need to dismount. It is really dark in here, there is a reason why this is called the Dark Forest after all.

I hope you do not mind if I continue to write about what we encounter, I could as well fill many pages with assurances of my missing you, how my thoughts tend to linger on you many times a day. You know however, that putting my feelings into words is none of my strengths. I have never been good at that kind of flowery talk, and on the other hand I feel you do not need to be assured of my affection over and over again, when you know it is the thing that keeps me going.

I had to interrupt my writing as we had to break camp. And yesterday I could not find the opportunity. So I will resume where I left off two days ago. Alas. Today was a bad day. We were attacked be the hugest wolves I have ever seen! Three of them there were, and one of them managed to kill one of the horses. Lady Saide's horse, in fact. I could tell she is mourning the loss of her steed, from the look in her eyes. However, none of our group were harmed. Lord Jefferay has written a report for Lord Jarvis on the incident, and I believe on the morrow we will send a messenger to deliver it. I will send this letter along with it, to be delivered to you.

I hope you are doing well. In a way I am glad you are not here, in this dusky hell. The lack of light is hard to get used to.

Let us hope we will be able to return soon, as I cannot wait to hold you in my arms again,

Yours entirely,
