675-08-30 - A Mission's First Casualty

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A Mission's First Casualty
Summary: The small goup led by Saide and Baldwin has finally arrived in the Dark Forest, where they encounter one of the perils lurking there.
Who: Saide Argyris and Baldwin of Equis, scene was run by Notus.
References: None.
When: August 30th, 675
Related Logs: 675-08-23 - On the Road
Date of RP: 06/09/2014
Where: The Dark Forest
Room Desc: Beyond the northern border of the Kingdom of the Two Rivers is a large swath of dark green. This area is known as the Dark Forest by the residents of the Two Rivers. Once one is walking under the canopy it because obvious why it has this name. The canopy overhead is so thick barely any light from the sun gets through, in fact it seems the only way to judge night from day is whether the forest is dimly lit or is pitch black. The trees here are massive and climb into the sky seemingly without end. Some might wonder if this is how forests used to look before humans arrived and started to chop them down for wood. The Dark Forest is no less quiet then any other forest however, as all manner of sounds are heard most of the time, both day and night. Still the dim to no light might make some uneasy as they travel beneath the dark green above.

They had reached the northern border two days ago. In this case the border was marked by the dark trees that were looming before them, trees that had given the forest beyond its unmistakable name, the Dark Forest. One hand had moved up when Sir Baldwin signalled a brief halt before they would enter the territory of the enemy, his grey-blue eyes wandering over the small group of less than a dozen that were still with them. The cart had been left in the last village they had passed, and now the three nobles and some of the commoners were ahorse, only the healer and some of the messengers rode mules, with another pair of mules being used to carry their provisions. And after that brief meaningful glance, with no words breaking through the silence, the knight had inclined his head, the hand had returned to the reins of his horse, and with his gaze directed to the road ahead that would lead them into the woods, he had urged his steed on.

That had happened two days ago. Now they were riding ahead at a rather slow and cautious pace. Some of them were sent out now and then to check what lay ahead of them, but so far they had been able to progress without any incident. The only problem being the absence of any roads or paths, which slowed their progress immensely. The first two nights had been rather eventless as well. They had chosen the sites for their camp carefully, in areas where the undergrowth was not as thick to allow for those keeping vigil at night a better chance of spotting anyone who would approach them - which had not happened.

And now, on this late afternoon, the majority of the group is preparing the camp for the next night, while Sir Baldwin has ventured out on foot, to check the surroundings.

There had been a slight bit of apprehension from the Lady Knight when they reached the border between Two Rivers and the Dark Forest. Though this was mostly for the sake of preparing herself mentally that they were certainly going where none had ventured before. With their cart left behind at the last town, and only mules and horses to carry themselves and their belongings, it at least made it a bit easier to traverse. Yet not by much.

Especially as they continued for the next couple days through the woods. With no set path or road to follow, they were leaving a lot to faith and chance which did not settle well with her at all. Still, the two days that passed without incident did have her feeling a little better, and on the third day when setting up camp once more, she would help around a bit before taking note that Baldwin was setting out on foot.

She would follow him a bit, at least to the edge of their campsite and then calls after him, "You sure going out on foot is the wisest thing to do, Sir Baldwin?"

Sir Baldwin pauses and turns, when Saide calls after him. "I am not going out," he clarifies, a faint smile flickering over his features. "Lady Saide, I was about to take a turn about the camp site, to check out the surroundings." Adding the latter part swiftly before she could jump to conclusions he needed to relieve himself, which was, at least at the moment, not the case. A thought however, that is enough to make the knight feel awkward.

Saide raises a brow and then gives a slight smirk of her own before shifting to turn around as if to head back to camp. "Very well then. Perhaps next time you should warn someone, hmm?" A side glance back to him with the very faintest of smirks still present on her lips before they form into a near scowl once more. A thing of hers, something that over the course of a few days would be noted as a quirk of sorts - how she never really smiled. Smirks and such here and there but that was all. "Just be careful." A final thing added before she would turn to head back in to camp though she does give a sweep of her gaze over their surroundings as well.

<FS3> Baldwin rolls Perception: Good Success. <FS3> Saide rolls Perception: Good Success.

Again, her reply does bring a slightly irritated glimmer to the knight's eyes, as has happened now and then on their journey so far. "I did mention it to Lord Jefferay," he clarifies, "and no. I did not sneak off like that, Lady Saide Sir!" His voice is not very loud though, and at the next moment his head turns, his eyes widening. Has he heard a sound from the dark woods ahead of him? The sound of someone - or something - approaching? It is enough to shoot Saide a glance over his shoulder, one hand going slightly up. But no sound will leave his lips - if she stops and has heard it too.

That scowl continues from her and Saide gives a sort of sigh before shaking her head some. While his voice isn't loud, the inflection of his tone which shows he is irritated does jolt her a little. Though it wouldn't be but a moment or two longer before she was walking away - and stops in her tracks while glancing back behind her. Something out there in the woods, it had Saide shifting to walk towards Baldwin once more but only a step or two, ever silent.

As the two stop to look out into the wilds for signs of what made the noise it seems quiet, though a few moments later the horses and mules start to whinny and pull at their restraints. Something is out there they don't like.

There is flicker in Baldwin's eyes as they connect with Saide's gaze, although all irritation has faded by now. He looks alert, and his hand goes to the pommel of the sword by his side. Then when he hears the horses' whinnying he will dare to venture a little further ahead, his gaze scanning the dark undergrowth before him as he tries to move as silently as possible.

<FS3> Baldwin rolls Stealth: Success.

Saide's main concern is not wanting the rest of the camp to be startled by the sudden reaction the horses and mules are making. Though she doesn't wish Baldwin to go and face the unknown alone either. A sigh before she dares to step forward, keeping her footing light, and silent if possible, but also hoping to catch up to the other knight. Her own hand moves to the hilt of her sword to be ready at a moment's notice.

<FS3> Saide rolls Stealth: Success. <FS3> Saide rolls Perception: Success. <FS3> Baldwin rolls Perception: Good Success.

A low curse leaves Baldwin's lips as he spots something big moving towards the area to his right where they had tied off the horses close by. And without any further attempts to stay silent he moves over there as quickly as possible, "the horses!" is tossed over his shoulder in Saide's direction, as he runs as swiftly as he can through the undergrowth, drawing his sword as he moves forward. "Something's out there!", he calls at a higher volume now, warning those within the camp of the impending danger.

<FS3> Baldwin rolls Reaction: Success.

A pair of glowing orbs emerges from the brush up ahead silently. Not so silent is a sharp screech to the right from one of the horses. Baldwin's call goes out prompting people to grab weapons, however its a bit too late as a large figure leaps out of the darkness and tackles one of the horses to the ground, as its screeching turns into a death rattle is the beast bites its throat. As the party draws closer to find a large wolf of all things over the body of the horse, the others panicking and trying to break free of their bonds. The wolf is about a foot and a half tall at the shoulder and looks to be nearly seven feet in length.

Saide blinks and then shoots her gaze towards the horses before her own movement would be towards them as well. Though she almost screeches to a halt when the bigger-than-average wolf leaps into view, tackling one of the horses and essentially killing it. Her sword is drawn, and she takes a moment to look around, those eyes, the sounds the wolf makes, she wonders if the wolf is alone or if there is a pack nearby.

Air leaves Baldwin's lungs when he sees the beast. "No!" that being the cry that leaves his lips when he sees the large wolf taking one of the horses down. He cares less for what other dangers may lurk in the woods than the lady knight does obviously, as all of his attention is on the dying horse and the monster on top of it. There really is no hesitating on his part as he leaps forward and attacks the thing with his sword!

<FS3> Saide rolls Reaction: Good Success.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Baldwin=Blades Vs Dire Wolf=4 < Baldwin: Good Success Dire Wolf: Failure < Net Result: Baldwin wins - Solid Victory

As Baldwin lunges at the large wolf, his sword cuts in deep as a howl of pain emits from the beast and it backs off, badly hurt. Meanwhile as Saide turns away from the glowing eyes another wolf jumps out of the brush and lands a foot away, just barely missing its attempt to pounce on her as well. However this also leaves a wolf nearly as large as the other one right next to the female knight.

There is a spray of blood that leaves its trace on Baldwin's face, when his new blade cuts deep into the monster and the wolf backs away. The knight goes after it, as he prefers not to allow it to escape. He will aim to deal it a death stroke, his eyes locked on the huge animal. The sounds from behind him where Saide is reach him but take a bit of time until their meaning sinks in. For now, he is out to kill /this/ beast.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Baldwin=Blades Vs Dire Wolf=4 < Baldwin: Good Success Dire Wolf: Good Success < Net Result: DRAW

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Baldwin=Reaction Vs Dire Wolf=2 < Baldwin: Success Dire Wolf: Failure < Net Result: Baldwin wins - Marginal Victory <FS3> Opposed Roll -- Saide=Blades Vs Dire Wolf=4 < Saide: Good Success Dire Wolf: Good Success < Net Result: DRAW

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Dire Wolf=4 Vs Saide=Defense < Dire Wolf: Success Saide: Great Success < Net Result: Saide wins - Solid Victory

Saide takes a few steps back in surprise as she finds herself being overcome with a sudden wolf. Knowing that Baldwin was having rounds with the first which attacked their horses, she would regain her composure a second later and charges in to attack the wolf which lept at her. A draw back of her weapon and she would attempt to plunge her sword into the wolf's form.

The injured wolf manages to move away somewhat from baldwin as he moves to finish the animal, though neither of them gain any real advantage. The large wolf then attempts to turn around and flee, but the knight moves to easily cut off its retreat. Meanwhile Saide's attack also fails to make contact, though only just as the second wolf attempts to snap its jaws onto the female Knight, Saide proves far to quick and the second wolf doesn't even get close.

There is a bit of a triumphant glare when Baldwin manages to block the escape of his wolf. Still, the danger is there, and he knows he has to kill the thing, in order not to attract more monstrosities from the woods. He moves swiftly, and launches another attack on the animal, one that will hopefully land a death blow. No time nor attention can be spared, not even for Saide and her battle with the other wolf. He has to trust into the fact she is a knight, and that she can handle the situation.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Baldwin=Blades Vs Dire Wolf=4 < Baldwin: Success Dire Wolf: Success < Net Result: DRAW <FS3> Opposed Roll -- Dire Wolf=Reaction Vs Baldwin=Reaction < Dire Wolf: Failure Baldwin: Failure < Net Result: Both Fail.

Saide rolls away, knowing she missed the wolf, and was missed by the wolf as well. Spinning around, she charges at the wolf again, raising her sword and making an attempt to impale her blade into the wolf again. She wondered how Baldwin was faring against his own wolf and even at the end of it all she wondered if they would be attacked by anymore in the near future. "Who's idea was it to bloody come out here in the first place?!"

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Saide=Blades Vs Dire Wolf=4 < Saide: Good Success Dire Wolf: Success < Net Result: Saide wins - Marginal Victory <FS3> Opposed Roll -- Dire Wolf=4 Vs Saide=Defense < Dire Wolf: Failure Saide: Good Success < Net Result: Saide wins - Solid Victory

The injured wolf and Baldwin continue to make no headway against each other as the wolf attempts to flee again instead of fighting the strange creature with the extra painful claw, though both the wolf and Baldwin nearly trip over themselves or each other in the escape attempt. Saide's attack against the wolf does strike home, though the wolf jumps back quickly enough to prevent the injury from being life threatening. It attempts at slash its claw at her, though the female knight proves hard to hit.

"Scared already?", Baldwin quips back at Saide, too engaged in his own fight to fall back into awkwardness and stuttering. Another attack of his blade is evaded by the wolf, and then both lose their balance almost while one seeks to escape and the other tries to prevent that. The knight curses under his breath, as he brings his sword down again, this time with all the might and swiftness he can muster.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Baldwin=Blades Vs Dire Wolf=4 < Baldwin: Great Success Dire Wolf: Success < Net Result: Baldwin wins - Solid Victory

"Hardly scared!" Saide would return the quipping, giving a grunt as she strikes the wolf. While her strike is true, she realizes it is not a fatal blow and barely manages to escape another swipe from the wolf, but escape she does. Turning towards the creature once more, she charges again and moves to strike once more. "Damnable wolf!" Trying to put everything she can into this movement with hopes to end this fight quickly.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Saide=Blades Vs Dire Wolf=4 < Saide: Good Success Dire Wolf: Good Success < Net Result: DRAW

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Dire Wolf=4 Vs Saide=Defense < Dire Wolf: Failure Saide: Good Success < Net Result: Saide wins - Solid Victory

Baldwin manages to finally land a blow, and its a deep one, puncturing straight through the heart of the large wolf. Meanwhile Saide faces off with her own wolf, just barely missing the mark as it moves at the last moment. The wolf attempts to bite Saide again, but the female knight continues to prove better at avoiding overgrown puppies then hitting them.

As his blade finds the heart of the monster, the knight of Equis finally exhales. His boot moving against the beast as he pulls his weapon free, followed by more gashes of blood from the wolf. Turning then swiftly, he glimpses Saide and her wolf now for the first time, and he will rush to her side. "Need help?", he inquires with a grim smile, not really waiting for her answer as his sword comes down on this beast - it seems Sir Baldwin is in a slashing mood today.

Saide gives a grunt as she lands and turns towards the wolf once more. "Not re--" Though she has no time to truly speak on such a question when she notices Baldwin slashing at the animal. With a shift of her weight she charges the beast once more, raising up her sword and attempting to strike at the wolf again to bring it down.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Saide=Blades Vs Dire Wolf=4 < Saide: Good Success Dire Wolf: Good Success < Net Result: Saide wins - Marginal Victory

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Dire Wolf=Reaction Vs Baldwin=Reaction < Dire Wolf: Failure Baldwin: Success < Net Result: Baldwin wins - Marginal Victory <FS3> Opposed Roll -- Dire Wolf=4 Vs Saide=Reaction < Dire Wolf: Great Success Saide: Success < Net Result: Dire Wolf wins - Solid Victory

Baldwin just barely misses the mark on the nimble wolf, as Saide is able to give it another cut. Not overly injured, the remaining wolf realizes it is now outnumbered, and its injuries going and attempts to escape. Though it slips past Saide easily, Baldwin isn't as easy, as the beast is cut off.

Another curse leaves the lips of the younger male knight when this wolf wants to get away as well. For now he only wants to stop the beast, swinging his sword once again, before it comes down, aiming for the animal's side. "No wait, where are you going..." His teeth are bared in manner not unlike of the wolf, as Baldwin grumbles at the animal, maybe a means to distract it from his attack.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Baldwin=Blades Vs Dire Wolf=4 < Baldwin: Great Success Dire Wolf: Failure < Net Result: Baldwin wins - Crushing Victory

Saide whirls around just in time to notice the wolf trying to slip away. In the end, she takes note that Baldwin has cut the wolf off, and on top of that, has fallen the beast as well. She scoffs, lifting her sword to sheath it and then glances around. Assessing the area, and the loss they suffered. Only question was, whose horse had been killed?

Baldwin slams his sword through the skull of the second wolf as two of the commoners make their way over, look over the bodies and report, "We killed another trying to get at the horses, unfortunately we lost one." Looking to Saide with an apologetic face.

Baldwin's head comes up as he had stood there, leaning on his sword, his breathing a bit heavy from the exercise of the fight as well as the adrenaline rush. A nod will come in response to the commoners' report. "Too bad. Which one was it...?" His grey-blue eyes drift over to where the dead remains of the horse are, and in the moment the remark is offered to Saide his eyes widen as he finally recognizes the animal. "Sir Saide," he mutters. "I am... sorry I couldn't be there in time to prevent this." Straightening he looks over to her with regret. "We will think of a replacement, or some way to provide you with a steed while we are still on this mission..."

Saide blinks a little, her breathing also heavy from the work out and then she looks to the commoners who are giving them a report. When they turn to her and offer condolences, she raises a brow and then glances over to the remains of the dead horse. Eyes going wide then, she soon steels herself and without any word, she glances to Baldwin and gives a single nod before shifting to make way towards the horse's carcass. Unsure what to do, she would stay there for several minutes, and if anyone dared approach, she would glare at them in hopes they would leave her alone a moment.