675-08-27 - Archery and Discord

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Archery and Discord
Summary: Barbeta challenges her father twice: Once in a little archery contest. And then in a heated discussion about her wishes and her reality.
Who: Barret Brais, Barbeta Brais and Debrah Kiari
References: re:Jarvis Bainsworth, re:Luanda Brais
When: August 27th, 675
Related Logs: Several
Date of RP: 27/08/2014
Where: Training Yard - Mergorand Castle, Beresgond, Two Rivers
Room Desc: Later!

A rare sight indeed is unfolding before the residents of Mergorand Castle, at least those present in the training yard. Because the king himself has taken it upon himself to do some archery practice on this wonderful day. Attired in a plain but light leather armor, Barret Brais looks at least ten years younger than usual, the joy at this delightful distraction evident in his features that show the signs of many years and many losses. A deep grumbling laughter can be heard throughout the yard, when he aims at the target, pulling the bowstring a tad, while focusing on the bull's eye. Courtiers surrounding him falling silent and inhaling in that moment of suspense that always precedes a shot - and especially one that is carried out by the King Of Two Rivers himself.

That silence will be broken by a soft voice of the young girl, who approaches the King from behind, "Father! What a surprise! I found you here, when I was ready to pay a visit after my own practise..." She curiously fixes her gaze on the bull too, waiting for a shot.

Then it will be made, and the King will turn to his daughter, he will see her in quite a new attire, not so usual for the girl, who promised to express her mourning through her clothes till the day she will die. There is a color in all that black black figure! Indeed! The gown, which nicely fits at the bodice and has a waistline that leads to a full skirt is decorated with dark brown corset made out of leather. The high rising collar at the back of neckline that sculpts low across the chest bares the girl's pale skin, where modest silverly necklace is dangling.

Barbeta is carring the bow and some arrows herself. There are two gaurds and handmaiden from the Kingdom of Golden Lion behind her.

His daughter's appearance seems to startle the King, as he is just about to release the arrow, and it goes astray, flying past the target without even hitting the outer ring. Bushy brows move upwards, when Barret turns, a light flicker of indignation soon fading when his brown eyes settle on his younger living daughter. "Barbeta," he smiles. "Could you please remember not to sneak up on me next time I plan to impress my loyal subjects with my talent of shooting with the bow?" An amused chuckle leaves his lips, as his gaze drifts to the target and he sighs. "I am really getting that old, that I am no longer able to hit the target even?" Some protest can be heard from the courtiers, polite assurances that the princess did distract him. "Anyway, what are you doing here, on this wonderful morning, child?" The king inquires, as his attention returns to Barbeta and he studies her with a proud flicker in his gaze. "Pondering to shoot some arrows yourself?"

Barbeta just giggles,seeing how her father miss the target and hearing all tehse comments later. Then she raises the hand with bow and arrows, "Sure, father! Are you so old, that you can't remember, that your youngest daughter is trying to become professional hunter?" She giggles once again, comming closer to a small table,where she places her arrows, taking just one of them.

Then the girl moves closer to the father again, "You know, what?" Her eyes are sparkling with amusement. She looks in a strangely good mood, "I challange you to the duel or archery. We take five shots each. The looser is indebt for the winner. So, if I will win, I will be able to ask you anything, and you will agree. If you win, then you will ask me anything, and I will have to agree. What do you think?"

The day is still young enough yet that the Duchess Debrah Kiari has afforded herself some time to walk among the grounds. Her hair is up in a tight bun wrapped with a braid, yet her attire is more plain than usual. A simple dress of forest green with silver accents along the hems. One thing to note, is that she walks alone, and upon coming into the archery grounds she pauses when she sees King Barret alongside a lovely young lady conversing - and both seeming to be practicing their archery. A soft smile finds her features and her hands clasp before her but she says nothing for the moment, silence afforded so those intending can practice their art uninterrupted.

A soft chuckle comes from the king at Barbeta's suggestion. "This bet seems already to be in your favor, after you have watched me blunder already. But, certainly, I am up to the challenge. The question is, what will you do /if/ I should win, my little one?" On bushy brow is lifted as brown eyes come to linger on Barbeta, a bit of mischief sparkling within them. "Or rather... what I should ask of you, hmmm?"

Then Debrah arrives and the King straightens, waving to the Islander with a friendly smile. "Ah. Duchess. Barbeta. I believe you have already met Duchess Debrah Kiari. What about you, Duchess? Do you know how to use a bow? Do you want to join our little contest?"

Barbeta giggles and shakes her head,"I have no idea, father. It is up to you! So,let me start!" The girl approaches the needed line and was ready to aim at the bull, when her father speaks with the islander. So, Barbeta lowers her bow and turns to offer a woman polite curtsy, "Your grace... I am happy to meet you again. I do hope, that everyone are treating you properly, yes? If you need anything, let me know and... we will change that, yes, father?" She brielfy looks at the man, before turning backto the target. The girl aims once again.

She freezes for amoment. The young Princess nore blinks, nor breaths, before letting the arrow free! Actually, she won't start moving till her arrow will hit the target.

<FS3> Barbeta rolls Marksmanship: Success.

Debrah hums gently, a soft smirk never leaving her lips. "I am afraid skills of the bow are one thing I've yet to ever learn. Still, if you do not mind me lingering to watch, I would be delighted." A nod and then her attention turns to Barbeta for a moment. "Rest assured, Your Highness, everyone has been treating me very kindly. I do appreciate such generous hospitality." At least saying that before watching the princess fire off a shot, and so she goes silent for the moment.

"Oh pray stay with us and bear witness to our little contest here," the king replies to Debrah with a smile. He raises a bushy brow, a low whistle leaving his lips when he sees Barbeta's first shot hitting the outer ring. "Much better than my attempt from before. But... let me see." He takes a fresh arrow from the quiver, takes aim and shoots, his forehead wrinkled in concentration. After all he has to prove he can still hit a target, even if his age slowly takes its toll on him.

<FS3> Barret rolls Marksmanship: Success.

His first shot hits the outer ring as well, and Barret lets out a pleased chuckle. "Not bad, eh? For an old man such as me?"

Barbeta cusses very quietly, when she makes a hit, but not so good as she expected. Then she goes back to the quiver, where she takes another arrow. Then she turns to the islander, while her father takes a shot, "And I thought, that each woman in your lands know how o use a bow, and a blade. Am I wrong?" She raises a brow curiously.

But then her father makes a shot, very similar to hers, "Oooh! Now, I... I am not so sure about my victory.." She giggles and moves to take another shot.

The girl aims the same way as at first. Though, this time it takes a bit more time to release the arrow.

<FS3> Barbeta rolls Marksmanship: Good Success.

"It is simply not a skill I honed. I was more interested in caring for others around me." Debrah replies to the princess' question. "So picking up a bow and letting loose an arrow is not a thing I could readily do, you see?" Having watched the king take a shot, and then the princess again, she tilts her head in a curious fashion. Wondering just how this contest was pointed, and yet, it seemed like it was more geared so father and daughter could spend time together. A quaint thing for Debrah to witness.

Barret frowns a little, when he sees Barbie's second shot hitting the adjoining ring that is closer to the center. "You do like to challenge your poor father, hmm?", he inquires with a chuckle. "Seems I need to step up my game." Brown eyes narrow as they focus once again on the bull's eye. Taking his time with this arrow, he will release it, when he exhales, hoping it will be steady enough to achieve a better hit than that of his daughter.

<FS3> Barret rolls Marksmanship: Good Success.

And indeed! His second arrow hits the target in the same ring as Barbeta's. Barret smiles and shoots Barbeta a glance. "Not bad, eh?"

Barbie nods slowly at Debrah's explanation, but then the girl just concentrates on the tiny contest. She claps at her father's shot and for a moment looks a little bit worried, "Oooh... I am strarting to fear," Barbie winks for the man and steps to take her own shot. This time, she is being very quick. One two three and arrow is released!

<FS3> Barbeta rolls Marksmanship: Good Success.

"Hrrrm," the king will comment, frowning a little. "You do like to offer me quite a challenge. You have been practicing of late, haven't you?" With a low sigh he takes the next arrow, trying to make up for the youthful enthusiasm of his daughter with the calm and experience of those of slightly advanced age. A smile on his lips as he takes aim and shoots.

<FS3> Barret rolls Marksmanship: Good Success.

And again both arrows hit the second ring. "Hah!", Barret smiles, pleasantly surprised.

Barbeta giggles, "Oh, yes! I practice each day, father! I ride for a hunt each week! Sooo..." The girl laughs, and watches how her father makes exactly the same shot like she did. The girl shakes her head again, "Oh, no no no... Two shots left... Tension increases!" She takes one more arrow. This time, the girl delays a bit, before making a shot.

<FS3> Barbeta rolls Marksmanship: Good Success.

"I am actually quite proud of you, little Silver Leaf," Barret smiles. "I think few fathers have daughters that are so skilled with bow and arrow. I am impressed." Words of praise that precede his own next shot. Aimed carefully, before the arrow flies towards the target.

<FS3> Barret rolls Marksmanship: Good Success.

"I think, that you should be proud of me, then my skills will be higher than yours. For now... It looks like we are equals? Don't you think?" The girl comes closer to her father and tiptoes, placing a peck on his cheek, "For my own luck, father!" And then she glides to make that last and most important shot.

<FS3> Barbeta rolls Marksmanship: Good Success.

Barret smiles when his daughter offers him that kiss to his cheek, his gaze will become soft and his warm smile will express his pride. "A good shot again," he comments, brown eyes flickering ever so briefly when he sees Barbeta's last arrow hit the second ring again. Then taking aim himself, and releasing his own arrow with his next exhale.

<FS3> Barret rolls Marksmanship: Good Success.

Barbeta sighs, "What shall we do?" she asks after her father's last shot? Maybe we shot shooooot at the target for as long as one of us will make not so good shot like the other?" She asks taking another arrow and glancing at her father in question. if he will agree, she will let another shot.

And there, the final arrow hits the second ring as well. The king looks pleased, and shoots his daughter a pleased glance. "So I suppose it's a draw?", he remarks, holding the bow in his one hand, the tip resting on the ground. "And nah, that way we could go o shooting till far into the night. I feel we are quite even today. Anyway. What would that thing have been you wanted to ask me about?"

The girl sighs and places her bow on the table not so far away. Her guards will makesure to gather the arrows, and the bow.

Barbeta comes closer to her father and starts speaking more in a whisper. She looks a bit sad, "You see... I was looking for a wedding gift to lady Livessa. I wnated it to be the best artist in our Kingdom. I was looking for a talented one, who could become the best teacher for her. She needs the best one, because she has talent..." The girl chews on her lip for a moment, before grinning, "You know, how these really good artists are... well... strange. I found one. I want him to become teacher of Livessa. Though, he is a bit paranoid. He doesn't believe anyone. He refuses to come here, because he thinks, that someone wants to kill him. Likely, from envy. He will come here just if the princess, I, will come to take him myself. So... I want to do this. I will take as many gaurds as you will require, and I will take my handmaiden. Please... Can I go? Plus, I am so good on archery! I will be alright!"

The King will lean into Barbeta's whisper. "Why? Where is this teacher you speak of? Why not have him sent for?" His brows furrow slightly as he turns and studies his daughter attentively. "A dozen guards, and two knights.", he finally concedes. "And tell me where you are going, or I will not allow it." His tone is friendly, but determined.

Barbie giggles, "I told you, he won't believe that these men will be taking him to me. He may run away.He is...paranoid!"She shrugs and then jumps to claps her hands around father's neck. She places prolonged peckon his cheek now, "I love you, father! Thank you. Thank you so much! You won't be disappointed! It's the village of Redfield." And she smiles warmly, brightly, calmly.

At the mention of the city, King Barret Brais will look a bit thoughtful. "So far up north? I do not believe that is safe, Barbeta. Don't forget there are barbarians in the area. I doubt I can let you venture that close to the border... And to the Dark Forest..." He ponders for a moment longer, then shakes his head. "No really, Barbeta. And besides. You did not win." There, his way out of the dilemma.

Barbeta's smile fades and she nods slowly, "As you wish, father... Is that because I am a child? If that would be Luanda, you would allow her to go there? Right?" Girl's shoulders flops down. She sighs sadly, "I thought, that at least /you/ see not a child in me. It is not enough, that your servants sneer at me, but also you..." She lowers her hands and turns to walk away with the lowered head, slow pace. She takes just two steps before adding, "I try to do anything, to do duty as your sons... That you wouldn't feel their loss... I could take their place for you and be useful, but... I understand... I am just a child for you and you are blind to my talents..." Then she walks further.

Debrah had stayed silent while father and daughter had a match, and then a discussion. Though something about it all, in the end, draws Debrah's attention. "If I may, your highness..." She attempts to stop the girl before she is too far off. "If you were my own daughter wishing to embark on such a journey I would not allow it. Not because of your age or skill, but because the duty and love of a parent - to keep the safety of their sons and daughters - is most important. I would venture to guess that should anything happen to you - regardless of your ability to hold your own - your father would be crushed...as would anyone else who loves you so." She lifts a single shoulder in a shrug before shifting to straighten her clothing a bit. "Forgive my boldness, your majesty, but sometimes one must look beyond what they think is obvious to see the light that shines elsewhere."

Barret takes a step towards his daughter, his hands moving to grab her gently by her shoulders. "No. Not because you are too young. It's because I could not stand to lose you. Neither Luanda nor you, Barbeta. After all the others that have already been taken from me..." His voice is heavy with sentiment, the pain clearly visible for his daughter to see. Her remark about servants sneering at her has the king raise a brow. "Now wait a minute... what do you mean?" He will stare after her, but he will not stop her. "You are a princess...", Barret mutters, shaking his head. "And you will not go!" This added with more emphasis.

Debrah's comment will earn her a nod from the King. "Indeed. I fear... my daughter is in the midst of these teenage difficulties. Hardly comprehending the motives of her own father. Questioning them whenever she can." He shrugs, and smiles faintly. "No need to forgive you, Duchess, when Barbeta acts like a foolish child she so does not want to appear to be."

Barbeta stops when Debrah speaks. The girl turns to the two others. No, she doesn't look angry. No, she doesn't look sad. She just looks really disappointed. She inhales some air to say in a whisper, "Nobody will ever understand, what does it mean to be the last in the family. You always remain as a child. I know, that my father loves me. I know that I love him. But what worth is love, when you are not needed? He has Luanda. She will bring him the heir, and wonderful alliance. I?.. What will I do? I want to be his son, whom he lost. I want to help my father in all the matters, but... No, I just will be in the need for him to some kind of a minor alliance, I guess... Because I will never agree to marry a man from the Kingdom of the Golden Lion, and because the heir to the Kingdom of Estoria has his eye on Princess Madalyn. Nor that I really want marriage. I envy women from the isles, who can be dames. They can do things..."

The girl actually didn't leave anywhere... so she might heard Father's words to Debrah? So,maybe that is why she adds, "I am not a child, but when I am not need for anything else but to be a child... Then just that is left for me..."

Also, she adds, "And Luanda is even allowed to the Council... And what do I get? I have to listen how sir Jarvis makes fun of me whole day..."

"You are seventeen," Barret replies with a low grumble. "You are jealous of Luanda, because she holds the office that the Golden leaf of the Maple holds, according to our traditions? Child, you are a woman. Not a prince. No heir. But I am already exploring possibilities to solve that problem. You want to marry? You want to help forge an alliance? Why didn't you tell me in the first place? Instead-" And there he breaks off. "Oh. This is about Lord Jarvis Bainsworth? What did he do?" The glance he shoots her is definitely curious.

Barbeta waves her hand casually, "He done nothing,what you didn't do. He just called me a child. I was not aware that your servants can call your daughter in public as a child in quite contemptuous tone! But... I do not think, that you care..."

Barbeta just sighs again, "You know, how I love you? You know how I want to help you. You know how I spend my whole life to learn, practice and never disappoint you. And do you know, why I do this? In order to prove you, that I can be as talentas as Luanda or ven more. Yes, I am jealous. Why? Because she is allowed to learn much more than me,when I may be even more talanted than she is. Though, where do I get a chance to use my talents? Doing stuff all alone for myself. Because you just don't want to see that your other daughter is no longer a child. You know, what I want? I want position in the Council. I want to help you and our people. If you so easily broke our traditions burning all the temples, why can't you break this tradition? After all, we do not have brothers. You need someone from your family beside to help you. If I am oldenough to marry, I am old enough to help you in the states matters. Why you do not wnat to understand this? So, I want to be a part of the Council till you will find me husband. But also I do not wnat my husband to be arrogant duke. I want him to be the King or the heir, because it will be way more valuable alliance than marring me off to... a tiny lord,who already is loyal to you. You may call me hungry of glory,if you wish, but all I wnat is to be actually helpful and significant. And if you actually care for you daughter, then you won't be angry, but you will listen and will hear my pleading. You won't forget it, but you will do something about it."

Debrah raises a brow while listening to a slight rant and then gives a tilt of her head. A curious thing, indeed, as it seems the Isles has made a rather impressive impact upon those from Two Rivers that know their way. Then the triade continues, and Debrah raises a brow once more. Something else for her to consider, and perhaps propose to the King, once she's sent word off to her Queen about it. The youngest highness wanted worth, this may prove to be interesting indeed. "I believe I shall leave the two of you to discuss matters. However, if there is something I might be able to do... perhaps in a little while we can discuss matters privately, Your Majesty?" Her gaze flickers to Barret for a moment before a slight smirk finds her lips and she awaits his reply. "If not then I shall simply retire to my own leisure until dinner is served, hmm?"

King Barret Brais stands through all of Barbeta's long speech, and he cannot help but shake his head. "You. Are. Seventeen.", he repeats. "You are /not/ the Golden Leaf. You have been given any opportunity to learn. I may consider your request, but you should rethink your way of bringing your concerns forth. COnsider the way you may appear to other people. Because." He inhales. "All I see and hear here before me is a spoiled child. A displeased child that thrives to be what she cannot be. A man. So you want more power? Are you meaning to tell me, you'd like to be married to a prince of the Isles...?" He nods in Debrah's direction, catching her hint. Or taking her remark as such. "If that is so, then tell me, please. But do not assume that the world is against you. That is not very helpful and also not true. But so typical in a way for how a girl of your age likes to see the world. Be patient. Learn. And we will see how you can serve the Two Rivers, child."

Barbeta offers a deep curtsy for the King as a servant should do, "Your Highness, I am sorry for ruining your day with my concerns. If you will excuse me, I will leave now..." And then she turns to walk away. The girl becomes once more that Barbeta, when she was, then the girl lost her family. Once again so dark, so speechless, so scary at some point.