675-08-23 - On the Road

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On the Road
Summary: A small group of riders is on its way up north, heading for Whitstock.
Who: Baldwin Ivounel, Saide Argyris, Slider, Selia Rainswater, Jarvis Bainsworth and Jefferay Norman
References: re:Barbeta Brais, re:Rayne Devantry
When: August 23rd, 675
Related Logs: 675-08-23 - Horse Without Rider
Date of RP: 28/08/2014 - 02/09/2014
Where: On the road from Beresgond to Granville
Room Desc: A rainy road leading North; in the scene set

The weather has changed a little for the worse, since the early morning; the sky is slightly overcast, as more and more clouds of the light grey sort gather; enough to obscure the sun and bring a light chill - the chill of a late summer that feels almost like an early autmn. The wind has picked up a little as well, tearing at the cloaks of the small group of riders heading north. There are no more than a dozen of them, three knights, and nine commoners of various professions and specializations.

One of the knights is Sir Baldwin of Equis. He losens the grasp about the the reins, allowing his horse to launch into a temporary gallop, until he has reached the riders at the front. A quick glance is shot towards Sir Saide, along with a nod and a faint smile. The young man will stay silent for a moment, though, when his thoughts drift towards what at passed on the late morning at the castle.

Jarvis Bainsworth had received them in his office half an hour after greeting them in the courtyard, and apart from Master Marcus, Lady Saide and himself they had met with the others that were to accompany them on the mission. The only other noble was soon introduced to them, a Lord Jefferay Norman, scion of a lesser noble House of Woriscant as well as a formidable archer and hunter, well acquainted with the woods, a man in his early twenties, quiet but eager to prove himself. Among the commoners there were some trackers and hunters, a healer, this a woman in her early forties, and some youngsters who would be able to deliver missives to Mergorand Castle or at least to Castle Whitstock in the Duchy of Granville, where they were heading next.

"Lord Jarvis," Baldwin remarked after introductions had been made, and then cleared his throat. "Regarding that horse... I've asked the stablehands if they were familiar with it, and one of them recalled the animal as being..." A brief ominous pause had followed. "...the horse of a handmaiden of Princess Barbeta. 'The odd handmaiden' as he called her. It may not be the most valuable animal but it is not the tame and lame sort either. And that handmaiden... the stable hand didn't seem to recall her name, she whistles a specific melody, and the horse would come to her, like it were trained to react to it." Another pause had followed, before the knight looked up and added more information. "And this isn't the first time the horse returns without a rider. This horse has come here on its own many times, in fact. Although never with any injuries."

The Leader of Spies nodded to the information, pale grey eyes narrowing as if he were making a mental note. "I will look into that. But that should not delay us. I'd say after I've told you all you need to know, you get ready to depart as soon as possible. We have already tarried too long, and we need information about our enemy in the Dark Forest. If I should be able to find out more about this detail today, or anything else that may help you in your task, I will send a messenger to Castle Whitstock."

A sudden cold senstation against his cheek, maybe of a single rain drop that would announce a minor downpour, will draw Baldwin to the here and now momentarily. A glance is shot upwards to the darker cloud drifting over their heads, before his attention returns to the road ahead.

In all likely Marcus would have been provided a horse to ride. Though a man like himself on a horse is not well suited. He has a bit of trouble, saddle already making his behind sore but at least he can adjust as they ride along. Marcus is possibly riding in the middle of the group, since this way he can help or hide from either end.

When at the briefing in Lord Jarvis's office the conversation went to the horse coming back, this made Marcus a little curious, very curious after all. Livessa was a handmaiden...or lady in waiting? Marcus frowned for not taking into account in that detail. No, she were getting married soon, not the right one.

As the conversation turned to the Dark Forest he listened again and he seemed to be listening intently. Information gathering, now this is what he was brought for. So the more he listened the more plans started to form in his mind.

There is a smile even now on his face, perhaps excitement, in either case he is nervous but ready.

Selia is riding on the small wagon at the back of the group. In it are supplies for the camps. She watches as the others seems to know what they are doing. Everyone has their own agenda. As does Selia. She hopes to meet a Barbarian. But for now she just makes herself comfortable in the slight rocking of the small wagon.

The Lady-Knight Saide would be up near the front of the group. A side glance to Baldwin as he approaches and she offers him a slight smile in greeting but nothing more. There is a quick glance upwards to the skies which were becoming more overcast with clouds and a sigh escapes past her lips. Still, she says nothing, as her mind is currently occupied by the events past when the Lord Jarvis called to speak with them. He had charged her with coming along in this group heading to the north, to perhaps find what happened to the rider of the rider-less horse and what dangers or threats may lie beyond.

For now, in the present, Saide kept quiet and a keen eye on their surroundings. She was swift with a sword, and considered herself very perceptive. It was one of the things that had led to her very rare knighting a year ago when she saved the king from an otherwise would-be assassination attempt. When the rain begins to fall, she scrunches herself just a bit and mutters a curse or two under her breath before straightening once more. Ever the Knight and not the Lady, she was not side straddling her horse, but rode it as all the male knights would with a leg on either side, giving a click of her tongue she guides her horse a little further up - perhaps to scout ahead, perhaps to get away from the group a moment. Always the loner it would seem.

Among the commoners who were called to join in this escapade, there is a scraggly boy who was hired on to be one of the missive messengers. Though he had another agenda as well, a hidden one that for now only he knew. Still, for the moment, he was sitting in the cart and Sir Baldwin had joined the leaders up front so the package he already was holding would have to wait for its delivery. A token from wife to husband that was - as they always were - meant for the Knight's eyes only. Of course, Baldwin would recognize this lad as the one Rayne sent to him a couple times before the events that led to their marriage, but for now the boy had shown no true recognition on his own part.

Marcus keeps on riding, he keeps thinking about a lot, what, where, why's and whom. Though as he observes the surroundings, he can't help but notice a few things, it keeps him smiling some. He has seen the other people join them, which it makes a small party but not too big to be a problem. Now as he continues to ride along, he does notice a individual he has not seen in a very long time. So he rides up or slows down in which ever direction that Selia is at and then turns his head to look at her. " You do know this be dangerous right?" he says this in a whisper, more perhaps because she is only one of few he has come to trust. Now he looks back to the front, but keeping a ear open to her words if any. His eyes roaming about, watching the ones in front and on occasion towards the back.

More drops join the one Baldwin has felt against his cheek when the rain slowly grows in intensity, a fact that will bring a frown to the knight's face. The hood of his cloak will be drawn over his head, which impairs the scope of his vision and hearing at least in part, while his grey-blue eyes remain fixed on the road ahead, rising briefly when he watches Saide riding a little ahead and his brows twitch upwards ever so slightly. He may think her a curiosity indeed, a female in that position she holds, but so far he has been wise enough to keep such thoughts to himself. Same goes for his doubt that sending her along with them had not been the wisest decision on Lord Jarvis's part.

Another odd decision being the cart that accompanied them, carrying some of their provisions and a few commoners. The vehicle would be abandoned probably as soon as they would find less established roads, as would be the case in the Dark Forest. Reigning in his horse briefly, Baldwin will fall back a little, enough for the cart to almost overtake him, before a light pressure of his heels will urge his steed along at a pace that will keep him beside the waggon. His gaze will brush Marcus and the young woman he is engaged in conversation with, before it will find the boy, and his eyes will linger on the lad, waiting to catch his gaze. After all he had recognized him as soon as he had spotted him in that office of the Bainsworth.

Most people did not have to voice anything to Saide. She knew the talks, the rumors, even the thoughts of most people. From the simple ones of how she shouldn't be in that station regardless, to those accusing her of having planned the entire thing out to seem the hero and gain the favor. Still, she couldn't believe anyone would choose to be in this sort of position unless they were willing to accept most people's distrust, and ill favor. Saide just did not care. She had something to prove and in time, she would prove it. Still, on the other hand, she kept herself in such isolation if only to spare her ears from the talk she figured was always had about her. It was likely a thought that she was easily disposable that caused the Lord Jarvis to send her on this mission with the others.

So the rain would fall more heavily and Saide would give a grunt, shifting to draw her own hood over her head. She wasn't too terribly far from the group - as she could still be seen - and she still kept an eye and ear on their surroundings. Even if they were only headed to familiar territory just yet - one could never trust the roads.

The lad in the cart would keep himself occupied for a moment longer until he swore he felt eyes on him. Shifting his gaze to Baldwin when he notices it is the Knight's gaze that was upon him, he would lower his head immediately. "Sir Knight.." Saying that much before giving a quick glance around and then shifts to offer him a wrapped bundle. "A simple package from my mistress. She says she hopes it reminds you of home while you're gone, Sir." Knowing the Knight perhaps would not open it now, but soon maybe.

As the rain starts Selia pulls a tarp over her head. It keeps her mostly dry. At the meeting she had stood at the back. A cook is not usually invited to discuss the adventure. She had even been surprised when his lordship had questioned her on the availability of certain food stuffs. As Marcus drops back to whisper to her she nods. "Life is dangerous. But " she grins up at him, "You'll not leave me behind to die if it comes to that." Then she reaches for a small paper packet and hands it up to him, "Licorice drops" Don't pull a face. Mrs. O made them."

Marcus continues to watch as they move along, as the rain starts to come down, his hod goes over his head and and keeps the rain from bothering him to much. He is used to travelling in all types of weather and prepared for most as he takes in to account their destination and further. As Selia speaks he smiles with a chuckle and nods. " Alright but I tell you, best be prepared to hide and or run, would hate to see my favorite lass that brings me drinks and food get hurt." He looks about then, noting Baldwin and the others and noting Baldwin riding closer. After looking back to Selia he raises a brow and reaches out for the treat and smiles. " Well, I am going to have to thank her again and soon, once we get back from this small trip." he just hopes it is not as dangerous for them , though he intends to make the best of it. " You learned to cook yet Selia?" all this in hushed tones.

Raindrops continue to fall, and Baldwin continues to study the lad on the cart, his knees pressing lightly against the flanks of his steed to keep it trotting at a moderate pace. A smile will lighten up his features when the boy mentions his wife, and his hand will move to accept the wrapped object. Turning slightly he will stow it away in one of his saddlebags while he continues to ride, a casual action that does not prove much of a challenge to an experienced rider such as him. "When did she give you this, lad?", the knight inquires, his tone friendly and just loud enough that the boy can hear him over the sounds of wheels moving over the muddy road, and the monotonous sound of the drizzle.

His gaze will shift briefly to Marcus and the young lass, brushing them for a moment, noticing they are in conversation, and although he does not manage to overhear anything they sa, it suffices to notice a certain familiarity between the two of them. Should any of them look his way, he will offer a brief nod, before his gaze will drift back to the boy on the cart.

Selia looks towards the knight and smiles nodding then turns back to Marcus, Enough so that you won't starve but no where near as well as Mrs. O" she watches the road and the muddy sludge that is thrown up by the horses. "I hope we find someplace dry to sleep tonight."

The lad that had kept Baldwin's attention would smile as the Knight takes the package and stows it away. Though at that question he would gain a rather quizzical look before giving a bit of a smile. "Just yesterday, Sir Baldwin. I went to see if she had any errands for me and she asked me a very special favor." Saying that much before he would try to grasp something to shield himself from the rain.

The late afternoon was turning to early evening - a thing that would be hidden by the storm overhead. After a time, Saide would reign in her horse a bit until she was still and facing the entourage coming forward. "It grows late. We should set up camp, shelter ourselves from the rain for the rest of the night. Come. I've found a place." Systematic. Automated. Once those who were leading the entourage would take note of her words, she would turn her horse to lead the way to the proposed camp site.

Grey-blue eyes will narrow a tad, when Selia returns his gaze, but Baldwin is pretty sure he has not seen her before, as he meets her smile with a slightly fainter version of his own. A nod given next to the lad, at his explanation. "Maybe... when we send you back to report I might ask you to deliver her a letter from me.", he remarks vaguely before offering the boy a reassuring smile. "Aye, the weather is changing for the worse," he concedes, seeing the lad reach for some matter of protection against the downpour.

Alas, it will take them a few more hours till the rain slowly subsides. It is almost evening when the clouds grow less heavy and allow some late afternoon sun rays to pass through. Saide's proposal will be met with a nod, although Baldwin will check the place she picked with observant eyes. "Aye, this will do," he finally says in the lady knight's direction, before he looks over to Lord Jefferay Norman, the young man that had been introduced to them as Lord Jarvis Bainsworth's cousin. "We will need to talk later," the Knight of Equis will remark, glancing from Lord Jefferay to Lady Saide. "As we will be the ones to make decisions, if required." Being noble and all.

Marcus continues to ride by Selia and the cart and does on occasion chuckle at her words. " Well, at least I will not starve with you around. I'd keep you but then the other patrons would not have the pleasssure of your fine smile and great personality." still he says this all in a whisper. As time flows byt the idle chat continues but his eyes are on the sorroundings as they travel. At the notion of finding a place to camp and guided by the female knight he follows. It is obvious he does nto care who leads, in the end he will do what is needed to survive and do his job. Then he looks at Selia, for a brief moment there is a bit of doubt but then he smiles. " Well, it will be a challenge, you'll do just fine." Now he will do what is needed to help, he is been payed after all.

The rain and wind and just bad weather would be a lot worse if Marcus was not around. The soft conversation ebbed and flowed but the day dragged along any way. Selia perks up as the idea of making camp and getting something to eat. She even smiles at the Lady Knight if their glances happen to cross.

The young lad who had Baldwin's attention engaged in conversation for the moment would give the Knight a smile. "I do believe my mistress would like that very much, Sir Baldwin." The young man would speak that much more until he heard a voice from ahead of them. His attention drawn by the Lady Knight a moment before he would tuck himself out of the rain as best as possible. "Just let me know when it is ready, Sir Baldwin, and when we go to make our reports I shall also deliver it straight away." That much more offered then before he settles beneath his cover.

Those few hours pass and when Saide calls for their group to pause, she watches as Baldwin approaches and then affirms her choice. She would give a soft grunt before clicking her tongue and moving her horse further closer to where the proposed camp site is. Once there, she dismounts a moment and waits for everything and one else to arrive before helping the preparations for their camp. "I would not have said anything and ventured onward, if this were not thought to be suitable." A comment made in passing to Sir Baldwin before she moves away when the young Lord approaches them. Though at what Baldwin says next she raises a brow to. "Very well."

"It is in order," Baldwin replies, maybe a slight irritation flickering in his gaze at Saide's reply. "Lady Saide, I did not mean to p...put your ability to find an appropriate c...camp site into question. As for the talk... We hardly know anything of each other." Apart from some rumors, and oh, it seems there may have been some recent ones about the knight, and of course Saide may have had been a similarly hot topic once among the rumor mongers some time ago, when she had earned her current position.

"Lord Jefferay." A nod will be offered to the Norman as he approaches. He is of similar age as Baldwin, a young noble lad with red hair and freckles, making up for his thin physique with his agility, an ability to move almost silently through difficult terrain, as well as very keen eyes. This nobleman of House Norman had already earned himself a name as one of the best hunters of the realm. His path had not been that of a knight, but that of a ranger in his home, the Woods of Woriscant.

"A good thing the rain has ceased," Lord Jefferay remarks with a pensive smile, his eyes drifting upwards to study the clouds briefly. "Looks like we'll get better weather tomorrow. Hopefully we can reach Whitstock by early afternoon."

It seems they are lucky enough that preparations of the camp go almost without anyone needing to issue respective orders. Horses will be kept close by, the cart as well. Tents will be errected. Given the size of the group there are four of them, each intended to hold three to five people, in case none of the noble would have insisted on having a tent on their own. As things are, there would be one tent for the females, including Lady Saide, Selia and the healer. Baldwin and Lord Jefferay would share a second, and the rest would be resting in either of the two remaining tents.

The healer is already preparing a fire, using some wood they had brought along, which had been protected from the moisture of the day. Baldwin is seeing to the horses with the help of two lads. They will lead them towards a nearby brook, where the animals can quench their thirst, and some water skins can be refilled.

Marcus helps with the unloading and even manages to unpack and remove the saddle of the horse. Seems he has a way to remember things and then does not forget it. As soon as camp is set up, Marcus goes off, seems he is heading out to take a look, watch from afar or to make sure no one is going to sneak up on them. Though he does take a head count but he goes without saying much, other than nodding towards Selia. Soon he is off and he makes little to no sound as he does so.

The cart is unloaded, the camp set up, a fire is started and everything seems to be taking shape. It was enough to satisfy Saide for the moment who soon takes a look around camp before noticing that Marcus is gone. She lets out a sigh, but then recalls what his task was at the moment and so she lets it go. In the meantime, she gives a few clicks of her tongue and calls her horse forward, shifting to mount it once more. A final glance around and then she turns on the horse and rides it out a little ways from camp. Keeping herself close, but not too close, enough to raise an alarm but also defend the camp if necessary. Any type of food, drink, or rest would be a secondary thought in her mind.

It seems neither Lord Jefferay nor Sir Baldwin will be content to stand around issuing orders, instead they will both give a hand in erecting the tents, only issuing instructions where needed to complete the task at hand in a reasonable amount of time.

The Athereyne knight will now and then cast a glance about the camp, noticing the unloading of the cart is almost finished. One brow goes up when Slider moves away, although a shout for the man dies on his lips. Then seeing Saide calling her horse and mounting it as well, to disappear will leave Baldwin shaking his head, as he shares a glance with the Norman. "I assume they will patrol about the camp," he remarks pointedly. "Although I suggest we should encourage announcements of such plans... At least that would be the way we do such things in Athereyne..."

Once the tents are up and the camp fire is burning sufficiently to allow for some hot broth or stew to be prepared for the group to warm themselves, drenched as they are still from the rain of the day, Sir Baldwin will take it upon himself to speak to those remaining, calling for volunteers among the rangers to hold vigil at night, and picking himself a rather late shift, to begin past midnight.

And so, after sharing the meal with the others as they are gathered about the camp fire, Sir Baldwin will stare into the flames for some time, immersed in his thoughts, before his hand will reach for the wrapped bundle, he had almost forgotten about. His grey-blue eyes will linger on it for a moment, pondering. Before he shrugs and puts it back into his saddlebag. He would save that for later, for a time when memories of home might be the thing to cling to whilst venturing through the foreign and most probably hostile environment of the Dark Forest.

As for now. Their journey had just begun.