675-08-21 - News of Leaving
News of Leaving | |||||||
Summary: Baldwin comes across his wife in the woods and has some news for her. | |||||||
The day is coming to a middle when Rayne steps out of her home and into the woods she loves so much. A breath taken as she shifts to pick up a bow and quiver kept next to her door before she ventures away from the house for a moment. It was habit for her, to do things on her own, like cook and clean - and hunt for food. Which is what she was doing now, slowly stalking out a bit to where she knew rabbits had a burrow and deer usually roamed. Pausing just behind a tree, she would stand still to watch, wait, for the right moment to land a couple rabbits or a deer for herself and Baldwin.
<FS3> Baldwin rolls Perception: Success.
A strange kind of deer comes running along the road from Woodwatch. In fact, it is a rider on horseback, and one that Rayne may be familiar with. As she probably is not that close to the road, she only will hear the muffled sound of hooves on the muddy path and a snort coming from the horse, when it is reigned in and brought to a halt. The rider dismounts, his blade drawn from its scabbard as he peeks between the trees. One hand holding onto the reins of his horse Baldwin's eyes will narrow, as he thought he had noticed a figure somewhere in the woods. Lurking. A bandit mayhaps? The horse behind him bobs its head and another snort follows, while the knight's stare searches the trees, then finding the shadow he had noticed from afar. His fingers let go of the reins and he attempts to move into the woods with as little ruckus as possible. Aiming to get closer and find out if it were friend or foe.
<FS3> Rayne rolls Perception: Good Success.
Rayne's ears twitch just a little when she hears those noises behind her. Then she hears noises in front of her and her attention is drawn once again. It wasn't often that people traveled into the woods, but with the season of hunting upon them, they would be a little more frequent than normal. Which is all Rayne thought it to be - the sounds - until she spies something else pawing at the ground beyond a couple of trees. She smirks, knocking her bow and arrow to take aim, she slows her breathing down - steadying herself. A count is given in her head as she waits for the opportune moment to strike at the deer. Rustling around her, she tries to forget it all and have nothing here in the woods but herself and her target. One final breath taken, and she slowly releases that breath and on the end of the draw she lets the arrow fly only to immediately snag another arrow to knock and shoot.
Baldwin meanwhile may have gotten close enough by now to recognize his wife, at least he notices her focused movement, the grace with which she places the arrow and then releases it, an ease in her manner that is even noticable from behind. He will remain where he is, as not to distract her more than necessary, and will wait until she will pause. His grey-blue eyes do sparkle with admiration for Rayne. Her courage to venture out into the woods on her own, to take it upon her to hunt for them. A faint smile that will grow in intensity curling his lips, as he shakes his head in wonder at the Gods' whim of having Rayne's and his fate entangled in the way it was.
It's a thing practiced time and time again. Rayne had to find out how to feed herself while living in the woods on her own after all. Both arrows hit, one a little off, but the deer still went down. Setting her bow aside then she takes a breath and then pauses a moment as if determining how she was going to haul the deer from where it fell back to her house. "Why do deer have to be so damn big..." Saying this much as she - unaware of anyone behind her just yet - begins to trek towards the deer itself.
When the bow is lowered Baldwin will seize the chance to approach his wife. "That was a pretty good shot," he smiles, keeping his voice soft so as not to startle her. His grey blue eyes drift over to where the deer must be and he chuckles. "Seems I just came back in time... that's why deer have to be so damn big, because your husband will arrive, just when you need him and help you get that huge thing home." A gesture indicating her that his horse is waiting by the road.
Rayne gives a blink and then glances over to Baldwin when she hears his voice. A smile comes to her lips and laughter then lightens her eyes as she nods her head. "Is that so? Well then, husband, I am glad you have arrived." She glances to where he gestures and takes note of his horse there. "Back from town I imagine?" Asking as she moves towards Baldwin then to offer him a proper kiss.
"Certainly," Baldwin replies to her question, his arms wrapping about her in a hug while he returns the kiss soundly. "I've been to Woodwatch Keep and have spoken with Lord Ralph Fennim there, as the Duke is currently in Beresgond." His grey-blue eyes are smiling in their own way as he looks at his wife, impressed, intrigued, and certainly in better spirits than he had been before.
"Oh? What did you and Lord Fennim speak on?" A curious tone to Rayne's voice as she asks that much. Her arms lift up to gently wrap around Baldwin's neck as they choose an interesting spot to linger and converse within.
"It seems there may be work for me," Baldwin replies softly, with a slightly thoughtful touch to his mien. "Lord Ralph told me of an expedition to gather information, towards Granville and beyond. I am to seek out a Lord Jarvis Bainsworth. He should be at Threewater right now. I am sorry, Rayne, but it seems I have to get that deer home with you and then leave you for a time... I don't know for how long, really. One last night, however will be granted to us," he smiles, when thoughts wander off towards more pleasant ways of whiling away such a night.
There was a pause, and Rayne would shift back just a little to look upon Baldwin as he spoke of work and what the work would entail. Listening further to whom Baldwin has to meet, where, and how he would be leaving her for a time. There is a brief closing of her eyes as she takes a breath and then smiles. "Well, if one last night is all I have with you for the moments coming, then perhaps we shall make the most of this night, hmm? First, we'll get the deer home. There's some stew left from last night's meal if that will suffice, and then we'll perhaps curl by the fire." Saying that much as she continues to smile at him, leaning in to briefly offer a light brushing of her lips over his before then moving to pull away and head towards the deer they were going to have to haul to his horse.
There is a flicker in his gaze when Baldwin takes in her reaction, and he smiles, looking a touch relieved. "I am sorry to leave you so soon after our wedding, but... I will send you letters whenever possible." He exhales as if aware of the great promise he has just given, of an occupation he is admittedly only tolerable in - writing letters. "Indeed," he'll reply to the remark about making the most of their last night before he has to leave. "And all of that sounds very tempting." That smile no longer being held back as he looks at her with a sparkle in his eyes. The brief kiss is returned, and he will content himself with that, at least for now, knowing there is more to come, later. Then following her as she walks over to the deer, to offer his assistance.
That promise alone was enough to keep a smile on Rayne's lips. She would nod her head as well, "Just as I will reply to them when I can." Knowing there was a chance that even if Baldwin was the kind to write letters, with this mission it may be hard to attempt such a feat. Their attention taken by the deer for a moment she would take Baldwin's help in getting the carcass up and to the house.
When all was done, she would move into the kitchen to set a few herbs out to begin drying. The deer hung and she would deal with the rest in the next day or so. At the moment her mind was more focused on spending time with her husband fair. "Was that all you did in town, love?"
After helping Rayne, Baldwin would lead his horse carrying the deer by its reins back to their cottage, leisurely walking beside his wife. It iss not far from where she had shot the deer, and so the walk is mostly spent in silence, and once arrived, he would assist Rayne in getting the deer off the horse and hanging it somewhere as required. But when that has been seen to, he will gladly reply to her question.
"In fact, not all. I went to the Squirrel Market there as well. It is different from the market in Equis, surrounded by a wall that will protect it at night. A nice arrangement for the guests of the Leaping Horse Inn, as they will be well protected. Anyway. I've brought you something. Couldn't walk past it, really." The confession comes with a bit of an awkward smile, as he reaches into the saddlebag he had brought in from outside. When his hand reappears he holds it out to her, a small wooden thing, not bigger than his hand. Carved by the expert hand of a local artisan, a rider on horseback presents itself before Rayne's moss green eyes, the work executed in surprising detail. The rider looking awfully much like a knight in martial attire, even the sword hanging from his belt can be noticed under closer inspection. The thing being of course a toy, a little boy would be happy to play with. And the grown up eyes of such a boy are staring at Rayne now, full of excitement and wonder. "Isn't it just perfect? It didn't cost me a fortune, but I just had to get it."
Rayne would listen and she would watch as Baldwin seems to pull something from his saddlebag. When he presents the wooden carving she gasps and then reaches to take it from Baldwin as he offers it over. "My goodness, the carving work is exquisite..and I love that it's a rider on horseback, looking like a knight." A shift of her moss green eyes to Baldwin and she approaches him to lean in and offers him a full kiss - however brief. "Like my knight..." Saying the words before shifting to walk towards the cottage. "Come. Let me give this a proper home, and then we can have a meal, and enjoy this last night we have together until you return..." Saying as much while leading her husband fair into the cottage.