675-08-15 - As Healthy As Possible

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As Healthy As Possible
Summary: A few days after arriving at the castle Edris receives Royal High Oni Eleora, who has come to check on the health of both her and her unborn child.
Who: Edris Alachri and Eleora Machuri, as played by Notus
References: re:Nathan Onimus, re:Abegayle Onimus
When: August 15th, 675
Related Logs: 675-08-12 - The Stain of Treason
Date of RP: 24/08/2014
Where: Edris Alachri's Room - Castle of the White Dove, Isle of the Crown, The Isles
Room Desc: Plain as this chamber of slightly less than medium size is, the first impression is one of overall tidyness. It offers room enough for two beds, placed at opposite walls, and may easily be the best room available in the servants quarters, as it is lighted by two windows. Edris has done her best to give it a bit of a personal note. There is one of her favourite woven rugs on the floor, a thick carpet that now fits perfectly whereas it before was too small to fill her quarters at the Night's Dream. A small assortment of rather modest dresses in slightly subdued colours are stowed away in a rather tiny wardrobe.

It has been three days since Edris had been brought to the castle. Three days she had used to at least attempt to give her chamber a bit of a personal touch. However, she cannot really change the size of the room, nor the minimalistic interior. Even the dresses that have been brought to her are the less obtrusive ones, that have been changed by a tailor, to fit her current form. The handmaiden is always present, and two guards have been positioned before her door.

The fiery haired woman wears her curls in an orderly braid these days, which gives her a rather modest apperance. At the moment she sits on her bed and stares out of the window. Seconds turn to minutes turn to hours, when there is nothing to do but to wait.

There is a knock on the chamber door before the door opens and in walks Royal Mother Eleora in her wimple and dress with an overly high neckline. Looking to Edris she nods politely and says, "I am here to check on you and the child dear. How are you feeling?" in a soft, polite voice.

Edris rises when the door opens, her grey-green eyes flickering ever so briefly when she recognizes the Royal High Oni. Eleora has been long enough in her current position for Edris to know who she is. Dipping herself into a curtsey she will greet the woman. "Holy mother." Her tone is polite, a faint smile coming to her lips when she hears the reason for the visit. "I am well enough.", she replies softly, her gaze lowered, her hands folded before her.

Eleora smiles softly and says, "That is good." as she carries a tray with vials of liquids, small bowls of powders and pastes, and other materials and moves to set it down on the end table and then turns, grabbing her sleeve to keep it out of the way and attempts to feel Edris' forehead asking, "Any pain, abnormal discomfort, feeling overly hot or cold, or anything of that sort?"

Those vials will receive a curious glance from Edris. She will not flinch when Eleora reaches to touch her forehead. "No pain, and no nothing of the kind," she replies, the corners of her lips twitching upwards. "I was feeling unwell during the first two months, but that has subsided. You know, the usual morning sickness." Even if Edris has not been with child before, she has had plenty of opportunities to study the symptoms of pregnancy at the Night's Dream. Because pregnancies do happen, even there.

Eleora nods and says, "You have no fever, and yes that is quite typical." She then reaches down to feel Edris' pulse and looks to the tray a moment and says, "I will admit they may not taste very good, but they won't harm you or the baby. They will actually help keep you and the baby healthy, which is why I'm here." as she finishes taking her pulse and says, "A strong heartbeat, a very good sign, you take remarkably good care of yourself for your profession." as she continues with the more intimate parts of the examination, giving the guards a rather pointed look before starting.

"What are those tinctures? I haven't taken any so far.", Edris replies thoughtfully. "So I have to drink some of what is in those vials?" A flicker in her eyes - very briefly - before she nods. "If you say so, Holy Mother. I will obey." The next comment will elicit a smile from her. "Indeed. I /do/ take care of myself, and despite what you may think, I am /not/ a whore, but someone who ran a brothel, which is a difference." The pointed look to the guards will catch the redhead's attention and she'll inquire: "Do I need to disrobe, Holy Mother? If so, I'd very much appreciate if the guards were not staying in the room, please?"

Eleora says, "You don't need to fully disrobe no. Unfortunately the guards must remain by the Queen's orders." She then looks at them, as though her gaze were drilling directly into their souls and adds, "I am sure they can move to the side where they will not see anything unsuitable, isn't that right." The last word said more as an order then a request. The guards promptly move away from where Eleora is standing, allow her to examine Edris further, using her own body to further disrupt any attempts to view Edris in an improper way. "As to the mixtures, they are simple tonics to help you stay healthy. As you progress further more things can go wrong, as we need to ensure your body is strong so it can fight off any such complications. The Queen wants to ensure you are as healthy as possible, the same with your child."

Edris shoots the guards a sceptical glance, but as she isn't really in a position to object, she will shrug, a bit of relief showing when they move to the side. "We have our own midwife at the Night's Dream," she remarks casually. "The woman has checked on me regularly. She never mentioned any tinctures, that would be necessary. But I trust the queen is not eager to kill me nor the child. She could have gotten rid of me much more easily." The redhead will follow the directions. "I feel the child already sometimes. It feels like a butterfly fluttering in my belly," she smiles suddenly. "Like right now."

Eleora smiles and says, "That is a good thing. No, they aren't required, but they will help you stay healthier as your baby grows. The Queen wants the baby and you to be as healthy as possible, which is why I have prepared them. Currently one every few days will be enough, though as you develop they will be more common, and possibly more of them depending on how well your progress is."

Edris will incline her head to Eleora's explanation. "I see, and I will follow the queen's wish in this. So one every few days? And how often will you come and pay me a visit, to check on me? I... trust I am allowed to go for a walk outside, in the gardens, whenever I feel like it?" The questions is offered along with a glance from grey-green eyes, that study Eleora most attentively.

Eleora says, "I'll likely check on you at least once a day just to make sure you and the baby are okay, though not always this intimate of examinations." as she finishes her examinations and says, "You look to be doing very well." smiling warmly. "From what I understand of the Queen's instructions you are allowed to go anywhere within the castle, though you are to avoid the Prince and his chambers."

The warm smile will find its echo in Edris's features. "I am feeling well, too, so I suppose, the little one is doing well." A nod will come to Eleora's additional remark. "I am aware, yes," she murmurs softly, lowering her gaze, that smile fading. "I will look forward to your visits then," she says looking up again. "As we have this wish in common that my child will stay healthy."

Eleora nods and says, "As long as the Queen wishes it, I also do not seek harm to an innocent child, especially one that hasn't even seen the world yet."