675-08-14 - The Princess Visits the Guard

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The Princess Visits the Guard
Summary: Princess Madalyn seeks out the Chief Constable for more information about the Cultist victims.
Who: Madalyn Onimus
References: None
When: 675-08-14
Related Logs: The Soiled Ribbons Plot
Date of RP: 2014-08-14
Where: The Chief Constable's Office
Room Desc: A TP room was used.

The city is busy as it always is. Off the plaza are the Constable offices, among them is the office of the Chief Constable. It is here there is a knock on the door as he looks up from his paperwork and grumbles softly as he stands and makes his way over to open the door asking with an exasperated, "What is it?" in a tired tone.

Madalyn enters the office gracefully, stepping over in front the chief constable's desk. "Good day, master constable. I hope that I am not interrupting anything too important to put aside for a few moments while we speak."

The Chief Constable straightens up when he realizes who it is that has just entered his office and closes the door bowing his head saying, "Forgive me Young Majesty. Please sit." gesturing to a chair as he moves to retake his seat asking, "What did you wish to discuss?"

Madalyn slides into the offered chair, not seeming to have been at all offended. "It was brought to my attention that there have been several cult members murdered, and I have decided to look into it further. I've already spoken to the whispers, now I'd like to know what information you and your men have on it."

The Chief Constable nods and says, "I see. Well truth is we know more about the victims then those responsible. To date no one has witnessed that crimes. I suppose you wish to start at the beginning. The first woman was violently assaulted, she is very scared and didn't give us much. She was obsessed with the idea that whoever did this would return to kill her. No telling what she thinks now after three murders, but we know she wasn't one of those found dead. Are you sure you wish to hear about these things Young Majesty?" with a bit of uncertainty in his tone.

Madalyn nods, surprisingly calm. "I ca not help if I do not know what is going on. No one, cultist or otheriwse, should be fearing for their lives in this kingdom. Please continue."

The Chief Constable nods and says, "As you wish. All of the victims have been long-standing members of the Cult, seems they were all born into it, but that is typically the case with them anyway. The double-murder. The young woman was in a back alley, given the amount of blood she was likely killed there, though no one claims to have seen anything. We couldn't judge if she was killed silently or if the locals were simply too scared to talk. The man was killed in his own home, he lived alone, and the place was smashed up. There was clearly a struggle, but no one claims to have noticed anything. In this case we feel it is pretty clear the locals were too scared to say anything as our people said the neighbors were nervous and weren't willing to say too much."

Madalyn frowns at what she's told. "Perharps they will be more willing to talk to me. Can you give me information to find the one survivor and the neighbors of a few of the others? Also any other leads you might would be appreciated."

The Chief Constable says, "I would advise against it Young Majesty. Most of those areas aren't safe, and mostly neighborhoods for Cult members, they might not... Value the authority of House Onimus much. Besides most of them refuse to even leave their homes out of fear. A few have even threatened my people if they tried to come in." Taking a breath he adds, "There is more. The latest victim, the old woman. We know she was killed elsewhere and her body was taken to the temple steps. It is clear she was left as a message, we eventually found her home and there is signs of violence there but she lived more on the outskirts and her neighbors are few enough they might not know anything as they claim. There was signs of dried blood, we believe she was killed in her home. In all cases a message was found. All of them claimed the victims confessed to being part of the theft of the portrait of Onimoria. Based on the violence in the home of the middle aged man, we do not believe he signed the confession himself. It was marked with an 'x', however the degree of violence in the home we believe he was the type of man that would sign such a thing whether he was guilty or not."

Sighing heavily he adds, "The violence in the old woman's house, she might have signed out of fear or out of guilt, we cannot say. The young woman we can't say if she signed it or not. The first victim... She also had a 'confession'. She wouldn't admit to whether she signed it or not, or if she were guilty or not. We think she was too scared and just wanted them to stop hitting her, she was... Well she was savagely beaten I'll leave it at that. It is clear whoever is doing this blames the Cultists for the theft and do not believe the investigation was finished, and the crime was fully punished."

Madalyn waves a hand dismissively. "I will make sure to have plenty of guards, but a member of House Onimus must not be afraid to tread anywhere within the realm. Whether they appreciate our authority or not, we have it, and I intend to use it to keep them safe whether or not they will help. However if you would feel more comfortable, you can have them brought to me in the castle, but I do not feel that will have the same impact."

The Chief Constable says, "If they are so scared they won't talk to my people, I doubt they'd talk around any type of guard I fear. I can see if any of them are willing to come in to speak with you though. I can't promise anything. I can tell you the woman that survived certainly won't come, she has threatened to kill herself if my people didn't leave, she hasn't left her home for some time now. I'm not even sure if she's alive... She might have starved to death rather then leave her home. By far she was the most scared of all of those people."

Madalyn furrows her brow a bit in thought. "I see. Perhaps a different tack will need to be applied," she mumurs, rising from her seat. "Thank you for your help, master constable. I will let you return to other matters."

He nods and says, "I would agree there, though I don't know what more my people or I can do. I am willing to help in any way I can, just let me know." as he stands and offers a respectful bow of the head before going to open the door for the Princess.