675-08-10 - A Visitor in the Night

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A Visitor in the Night
Summary: Adara pays a visit to her last lead before confronting the two main suspects.
Who: Adara Zorich and A brunette woman controlled by Rivers
References: re:Edris Alachri and re:Nathan Onimus
When: 675-08-10
Related Logs: The Hidden Agenda Plot
Date of RP: 2014-08-10
Where: A commoner's home
Room Desc: A TP Room was used

Her leads were running low, and now there was a deadline. Adara Zorich had her Whispers track down the last lead, and now Lady Adara sits in the woman's home, her guards flanking the inside of the door, simply waiting for the owner to return so the door can be closed and secured once the woman is inside. Adara is dressed a bit more toned-down then normal, though would still appear as someone of money, aside from her cloak which would make her look more a commoner if it weren't draped over the chair the Mistress of Whispers sits at. She is simply sitting in silence, and darkness so as not to alert the owner she and her guards are there, as she has already had a look around the domicile to check for all possible exits and potential weapon locations. Also to get a rough feel for the kind of person the suspect was.

Lady Adara will have found the domicile of the woman to be small, plain and in a way typical for a common woman of not too much of an income. Certainly not showing off the grandeur of the castle or even her own manse in the woods. Finally the door will open, already way past midnight, and a woman will enter. The darkness will soon fade a little, when an oil lamp is lit, spreading a flickering but very dim light in the humble abode. In the light a young woman will be discernible, of comely physique, wearing a rather plain brownish dress below an unobtrusive cloak, her features quite beautiful, her brown hair falling openly about her shoulders.

Adara waits in silence allowing the woman to tend to matters, once it is confirmed she is the woman described to her by the guards she nods to her own guards who secure the door as Adara asks, "A brothel worker, or a serving girl at the castle, which are you?" in a calm, casual voice from her seat. Her guards flanking the door to bar any escape, closely watching the brunette for any signs of resistance or attack.

The woman looks up, her eyes widening in alarm, when Adara addresses her. Her first reaction will be to jump to the door, but seeing it is barred by the guards she will remain where she is, her gaze flickering with fear as she turns again to look at Adara. "Who are you? What do you want of me?", she will counter. "And... what are you doing here?"

ADara says, "I am Lady Adara Zorich, I understand you've had dealings with a Madame by the name of Edris am I correct?" in the same calm, casual voice. Her guards constantly watching the woman.

The corners of her lips will twitch into a faint smile, as the woman hears the name being mentioned. "I work for her at the Night's Dream," she replies, a bit breathlessly perhaps. "Why are you asking me this?"

Adara notices the look and says, "You know my name, which I assume means you have been given at least some training as a Whisper then. What task did Edris hire you to perform, you may be loyal to her you may not, but bear in mind she answers to me." there is now authority in her tone as she asks the details, there is even a hint of a threat with what she says last.

"Lady Adara," the woman repeats, her eyes going wide now. "You are the Master of Whispers!" Astonished at the realization, she will almost stumble back a little, as if she had received a blow. "What task? What do you mean?", she inquires next, looking a bit at a loss.

Adara says, "You delivered wine I believe it was to the private quarters of prince Nathan. I have reasonably good evidence to suggest Madame Edris ordered you to do this. I wish to know why, and exactly what your orders were. Leave out no details or I will know, I have a keen eye and a keen ear for lies. It was what I was best at during my formal training as a Whisper, training I went through for many years." The authority is still there, and when speaking of details and not lying more threat leaks into her voice. It is clear she wants details, and accurate ones.

"I did not.", will be the first reply to Adara's statement. "Deliver wine /to/ the Prince's quarters. Madame Edris asked me to accompany her there, as part of my training. We went there disguised as common handmaidens." The woman looks down at her hands now. "I was to... bring the guards wine and flirt with them, while she would disappear somewhere. Never knew where. She would reappear an hour later, and we went back to the Night's Dream."

ADara nods and says, "So you were ordered to compromise the security of the castle. There are far better ways, and ones that are more legal, to instruct Whispers in."

"It was more about getting there and back," the woman retorts. "or so I thought. I never questioned her motives. I trust her. When she proposed this to me she made it look like a little adventure, for the both of us. I never compromised anything really, the guards were keeping an eye on the corridor - at least occasionally. It wasn't like, I drugged them."

Adara says, "There is adventure enough in training without such actions. The truth of the matter is, you compromised security. No you didn't drug them, however you said yourself they were mostly watching the corridor. Not the entire time, or they would have noticed Edris slip out, and where one can slip out another can slip in. Your actions, ordered or not means there was the possibility for an assassin to slip into the Prince's room to kill him, or Princess Madalyn, or even the Queen and her unborn child. Why did she pick the Prince's room, how long did she send you out of the room for?"

The woman swallows when she is faced with more questions. "If that was the case, I am sorry, Lady Adara. I just did as I was told. I was in the corridor during the whole time. I did not pay attention into which room Madame Edris disappeared. I was eager to carry through with the task, and keep the guards... entertained. Although, it was just talking and they had a bit of the wine. So... as I said. And hour or so. It was late evening, and well... It must have been already two months ago, almost."

Adara nods and asks, "Was this the only time you performed this sort of task?"

"Aye, M'lady," the woman replies, looking down at her hands that are folded before her. She will wait for some verdict of any kind probably, while being too timid to ask what will happen next.

Adara nods and says, "As you were following orders and only guilty of one offense I will be lenient. You will not report to work in the morning, instead you will pack your belongings and head for the port. I will arrange a ship to take you to the isle of the Gloomy Jungles where you may be given proper training. It may take longer, but such is the price for your actions. I will have someone meet you at first light to ensure you go directly to the port and help you with your belongings. You have a long trip ahead of you, I would recommend you remain in your home and do nothing but pack and sleep." Though from the toen of her voice the recommendation sounds more like a threat and command then a suggestion.

The woman will look up and nod when she hears Adara's words. "It will happen as you say, M'lady." Her gaze possibly showing a bit of relief that moving to another Isle will be all consequence she will face. "And thank you, M'lady."

Adara nods and finally stands making her way towards the exit. Of course she'll have a Whisper watch the house to ensure word doesn't get back to Edris, but the brunette doesn't need to know that. Now for the more sensitive suspects...