675-08-07 - Tricking the Blonde

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Tricking the Blonde
Summary: Adara questions a Whisper
Who: Adara Zorich and Mirella, as played by Rivers
References: re:Edris Alachri, re:Nathan Onimus
When: August 7th, 675
Related Logs: Other Hidden Agenda logs
Date of RP: 07-08/08/2014
Where: Adara's Office - Castle of the White Dove
Room Desc: Passing from the Passage leading to the Queen's Council one discovers this room is a small-medium sized office. In the center of the room is a medium sized, sturdy wood desk. The top of the desk has neat stacks of parchment and scrolls, organized for quick and easy access, along with an inkwell and quill. The drawers contain black parchment and quills for writing.

A single chair can be found behind the desk which faces the entrance with a pair of chairs are in front of the desk. There are various works of art decorating the room to create a feeling that the office is being used, also to creating attractive surroundings for guests. To one side is also a sofa with a small table on each end. All the furniture looks to be quite comfortable and bears the colors of House Onimus.

A single door can be found against the back wall which leads into a small personal chamber which has a large wardrobe, a small bed, chamberpot and water basin.

A blonde woman has had an interesting encounter in the marketplace of Deavel. Being attired like a handmaiden in a rather modest garb, that still wasn't quite capable of hiding her curvy physique, Mirella had been approached by a young man in the garb of a palace guard. Words had been exchanged, giggles, and even the promise of coin, and so the blonde beauty had agreed to follow the man to the palace. After all they seemed to be acquainted, as he stressed he had seen her before, and engaged her into a game of cards that had led to a rather interesting outcome.

As Mirella had lost she had revealed herself for the briefest of seconds, allowing the guard and another a glimpse of her naked form.

But nothing more.

After that encounter she had left. And now this same guard seems to have recognized her, and convinced her to come with him. Mirella smiles as she follows along, all the way to the castle. She is indeed beautiful, Onimoria herself would be impressed should she see her in more proper clothes - or even without them. Her blonde hair is worn in a modest braid, that will be loosened, once the guard has led her into a deserted room of the castle - for a bit of 'private talk'.

The conversation will soon have switched to more non-verbal means, as kisses and caresses had been exchanged, her dress removed, this time by the guard who had himself already started to get out of his attire, and quite toroughly groped - not at all to the displeasure of the young and comely woman, whose reluctance to engage in a more intimate exchange has been remarkably low.

So here they are, Mirella leaning with her curvy behind against a table of sorts, whilst the guard is busy with kissing her, her dress already drifted downwards towards her ankles to reveal all of her curvy assets - and nothing more.

The ‘guard’ sticks his foot forward to kick back the dress as it falls fully away from the blonde, then taking a step back to take in the sight of the blonde the ‘guard’ continues after a few steps and stands in front of the closed door silently.

“An interesting situation to walk in on for sure.” comes a female voice, as the silhouette of another woman stands next to another door further in the room. She casually walks over and lights a candle and asks, “Might I ask why you are in my office?” in a calm, serious tone as the light of the candle reveals the face of Lady Adara Zorich, at least for anyone that might know it.

Mirella's soft giggle ceases, when the man steps away from her, and she shoots him a slightly bewildered glance. The voice of the female makes her flinch, and seeing her garment is out of her reach, her arms will move to cover herself up as best she can - an effort that will not be graced with much success. "This man brought me here," she will reply, with the necessary amount of trembling in her tone, "he talked me into it, M'lady." The charade of playing the timid commoner woman will fade at once as her eyes go wide, recognizing the Master of Whispers.

Mirella straightens, and her arms drop down to her sides. "You?". Then another glance is shot towards the 'guard' and the blonde exhales and stands there in silence, awaiting some sort of explanation from Adara, possibly.

Studying the woman for a bit, not seeming to care about the nudity she simply says, “So you know who I am then.” as she casually moves to place the candle down to provide better light on the two of them. The ‘guard’ remains in place, shifting more into a stance of professionalism. No one else is obviously in the room as Adara asks, “If you know who I am, then perhaps you know how I came into the position I am in, or is that a disgrace I have done well in keeping out of the ears of brothel workers?” in the same calm, casual tone. Speaking almost as though they were two normal women having an everyday chat.

"You are lady Adara Zorich, Mistress of Whispers," Mirella will reply, lowering her gaze for a moment. "And this guard," she continues, glancing over at the man, "is in your service. As I am." For a moment she studies the guard, shaking her head ever so slightly. "I should have suspected he wasn't what he pretended to be. For that I apologize. I've been lax in my attention."

Then Adara's next question comes, and Mirella hesitates. "It turned out the former Master of Whispers was a follower of the Cult," she replies then, with a cautious flicker in her blue eyes. "You were her replacement, chosen because of your loyalty to the Queen, and deeds you've achieved abroad."

Adara nods and says, “Well-informed. So down to business. Are you a member of the Cult as well?” in a calm and serious tone leaving no question she will allow no hesitation or avoidance of issues she asks about. Does she really believe this blonde to be a member of the Cult?

"Of course not!", the blonde replies with a low snort. "I believe in Onimoria, Lotingus and Margeruite." Her gaze drifts towards her dress on the floor, and she inquires: "May I put my dress back on, Lady Adara? And what matter requires you to contact me directly, and not via my Chief Whisper Madame Edris?" She already seems to be aware this meeting did not come about by chance.

Adara says, “Perhaps you do follow Onimoria given how you seem to enjoy showing off your body.” as she moves to pour some wine into a couple glasses and offers one to the blonde saying, “I’ll admit though with a pair like yours, fine curves, firm skin, and a proper lower option I don’t blame you. Granted my pair aren’t as large I am blessed they remain appreciatively firm, and for a mother of two my own curves remain well crafted.” If the wine is accepted she simply lets go of the cup, if not then she simply places it to the side and says, “The Council has expressed concerns over the recent attacks on members of the Cult and I wanted to confirm who of my Whispers follow it for additional information.”

Taking a sip of her own wine she asks, “You have already admitted you know I am the Mistress of Whispers, do you mean to say I am not within my power to question my own people concerning their loyalties? Should I not look in their eyes and judge for myself how well I trust them? Should I rely solely on the opinion on my Chief Whispers concerning such matters and not allow you to defend yourself?” Her tone is serious, her gray eyes studying the other woman. There is something a bit off about her voice however, is she actually suggesting Edris implied Mirella is a member of the Cult, and that is the reason she was questioned on the matter?

"If I should feel awkward showing it off, I would have picked the wrong profession," Mirellla retorts, smiling amiably. "After all. This body has already gathered some intelligence for the Queen." A wink is tossed Adara's way, not to seduce her, of course, rather to show off her confidence.

"The members of the Cult that got assaulted? I believe, Madame Edris has undertaken some investigations," Mirella interjects, before she falls silent, and her brows are raised. Reaching for her dress now, she will inquire in what would appear a casual tone: "Accusations, I should defend myself against? Brought up by who? Madame Edris?" And here she shoots Adara a most attentive glance.

Adara quirks a brow and asks, “How exactly have you gained ‘intelligence’ for the queen? What I have heard suggests something very different.” but doesn’t elaborate.

"How exactly? What do you think?", Mirella replies softly, careful not to give offence. "I have 'questioned' some noblemen and even richer merchants in a gentle, but very effective manner. I can give you names, if needed."

Adara nods and says, “Given what I’ve heard about you, it would be good to check how reliable you are. The rumors about your involvement with Prince Nathan being just one example, unless you have evidence he is involved in something harmful to the Kingdom.”

Mirella shrugs. "I am reliable, so please go ahead and check, I have nothing to hide." The accusation coming from Adara next though has her jaw drop. "Prince Nathan and I? What kind of rumors, if I may ask?" And she chuckles, obviously quite amused. "I never ever crossed paths with him, apart from seeing him during a parade in the town of Deavel some years ago." Then, after a moment, she shakes her head. "I am not aware of any such involvement."

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Adara=Perception Vs Mirella=6+3 < Adara: Great Success Mirella: Good Success < Net Result: Adara wins - Marginal Victory

However, Adara will notice a flicker in her blue eyes, as well as a slightly nervous twitch at the corner of her mouth as Mirella adds the latter part of her reply.

Adara’s gray eyes study Mirella for a bit before finally saying, “You are lying. It would appear my sources are correct. Don’t worry, we have skilled interrogators that will reveal what you have been doing with the prince and if the treasonous acts prove true you will be punished accordingly for the good of the Isles.” as she waves and the ‘guard’ by the door cautiously moves forward to try and take Mirella into custody, as another guard exits the room Adara entered from to do the same, trapping Mirella in a pincer. That is of course unless she can think of a way out, though given the guards are in at least partial armor and have weapons...

"I am not!", Mirella contradicts, finally slipping back into her dress. "I've been doing naught with the prince, I swear, by Onimoria and Lotingus." She moistens her lips when the guard from before moves in on her. Closing her eyes for am moment to will her breathing go back to normal, but not making any move to escape either. "Lady Adara. Why trouble interrogators when both you and I know, they will find out nothing I would want them to...", she finally says. "Being a whisper, you must know of the training I have gone through. Instead... we should perhaps try to start all over again. You will ask me questions, and I will answer them truthfully." The blonde does her best to appear calm, and does indeed display her strong will.

Adara asks, “How am I to trust your word when I can hear the lie in your voice just now? You are not the only one trained as a Whisper, and I went through many years of formal training. What do I have to prove your words are true from here on?” as the guards move in to take hold of the blonde’s arms. Holding her firmly enough to prevent her breaking loose but loose enough not to hurt her too much as Adara is still speaking.

"Why not try, and hear what I have to say?", Mirella counters, her blue eyes lingering on Adara with a hint of anxiousness. "Because you are a Whisper, Lady Adara. Just what is it you were told about me, and we start there? I have /not/ been involved with the prince. I swear as many oaths on that as you like." She will still not attempt to break free and flee. Maybe she is sensible enough to understand there would be little chance for a escape.

Adara nods and asks, “Very well, why would anyone accuse you of distracting guards, sneaking into the Prince’s room, or even having physical relations with him? That is just to start. As I said, there was also rumor you had ties to the Cult. Implications of relations with a member of the royal family, accusations of ties to the Cult, and with the recent troubles the Cult has been having is it too much of a stretch to suspect an assassin getting close to the prince to hurt House Onimus in retaliation for all the murders we are trying to investigate? If not you, there is also the question of who it was that did do these things?"

Mirella exhales, and her gaze is lowered, when she hears the accusations being brought forth by Adara. "I did never sneak into the Prince's room," she is quick to rectify. "Also, I never engaged in any physical relations with him, as you call it. I've no ties to the Cult whatsoever." She pauses and looks up. "I may have distracted guards, though, on various occasions. I will admit that much, but it was under orders." And there she falls silent, her blue eyes flickering a little, as her arms shift ever so slightly in the grasp of the two guards,

Adara waves her hands and the guards release Mirella, though remain within a foot of her. The Mistress of Whispers then asks, “Am I correct in assuming Edris ordered you to distract palace guards? To what ends, why would she ask you to do so?"

Mirella looks a little relieved when the guards let go of her. Adara's question will not be answered as swiftly though, as the blonde ponders it for a moment, her hands folding before her. "She did," Mirella finally admits with a sigh. "As for her reasons, she did not explain them to me. I assume it was some secret errand she was to do for the prince." With that said, the blonde lowers her gaze.

Adara takes note of the hesitation and asks, “Is such hesitation the result of loyalty or taking time to properly decide who you can blame I wonder? Why would she, or anyone else for that matter accuse you of so much? Perhaps, if your words are to be believed as you profess, you are involved in something illegal if not treasonous. What exactly were you told about your ‘distractions’? I want every detail, and no more hesitations, it casts doubt on your claims. Also anything else you know about Edris that might be evidence in favor or against these accusations would also be appreciated. Any secrets or perhaps overheard plans when you weren’t known to be nearby?"

"I /am/ loyal to Madame Edris," Mirella replies with a flicker in her blue eyes. "Would that be so odd? She has never given me reason to doubt her. And..." her gaze shifts briefly from Adara to the guard who lured her to the castle. "to answer your question on why she would accuse me of anything, I have no idea, as I have so far thought she is relying on my as I am relying on her. I did not ask questions, but did what I was told." Her gaze returns to the Mistress of Whispers. "As far as I know, Madame Edris has never engaged in any act of treason. Lately she has been busy investigating these matters regarding cases of death and violence against members of the Cult." Again there is a pause. "I remember an incident when Prince Nathan paid the Night's Dream a visit, but that has been some time ago. I struck me as odd, as he never comes around, for obvious reasons."

Adara furrows her brows lightly and asks, “The Prince came to the brothel, are you certain it was him? I presume he came to speak with Edris, are you sure there is nothing going on between them?” in a curious tone.

"It seemed more like a business visit," Mirella replies, the expression in her eyes betraying she is not enjoying this conversation at all. "He came without guards though, and in a more common attire. He went all the way up to her room on the second floor, and..." a faint smile comes to her lips. "He got harrassed a bit by some of the girls. Not me though." As for the second question, the smile will fade at once. "How can I be sure, when I never personally witnessed any thing? You want proof, that I cannot give you."

Adara nods and asks, “How long has Edris had you distracting people or anything else related to the castle or Prince Nathan? If your words are true and there is nothing to be concerned about concerning Edris or the Prince then none will hear of this discussion."

She is clearly getting more and more uncomfortable, yet Mirella will do her best to give an answer. "I have been asked twice, to do this. Once on..." she pauses, thinking hard as she tries to remember the day. "The 15th of June, and then about a month later." The latter date will correspond to the incident when the masked girl had observed Edris and her being in that corridor.

Adara nods and says, “I will have the matter investigated, if what you say is true then we will discuss if you will be free or not. Until your words are proven true or false however you will be held.” She then looks to the guards and says, “Allow her to dress herself properly, guard the entrance with your backs turned until she is done, then escort her to a secure location known only to yourselves and I.” Whatever state of dress or undress Mirella might be in, Adara seems to be showing enough kindness for Mirella to have the time to make herself look presentable. Even with their backs turned two armed and armored guards flanking the only way in or out would prevent most attempts at escape.