675-07-27 - A Mother and a Daughter Talk

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A Mother and a Daughter Talk
Summary: Adara visits Madalyn on a serious and important matter.
Who: Adara Zorich and Madalyn Onimus
References: re:Abegayle Onimus and re:The Queen's Council
When: 675-07-27
Related Logs: 675-07-27 - Matters of Faith and Rule
Date of RP: 2014-07-27
Where: Madalyn's Room - Castle of the White Dove
Room Desc: The princess's chambers, mirror the white stone walls and marble floors of the rest of the castle, but from there, the princess's personal tastes take over. The room is heavily decorated, hiding most of the austere white behind warmer colors. Tapestries adorn the walls and thick fur rugs cover the floor.

To the left of the door, there is a large, canopy, bed, covered in blankets and pillows. At the foot of the bed is a wooden chest, and on the side is a small nightstand, which usually holds a candelabra and a storybook.

Around the rest of the room, other furniture is scattered, including a small drawing table with a chair next to it under the room's only window, and another more comfortable looking chair resting near the fireplace. Atop the many small tables and other furnishings in the room are vases full of fresh flowers, leaving the room smelling much like the castle gardens.

It was the morning after the talk, Adara makes her way to the Princess' quarters. Nodding to the guards she says, "I am to speak with the Princess under orders from the Queen, as they move to clear her path she knocks on Madalyn's door. After a momet say says through the door, "princess Madalyn, it is Lady Adara. We need to speak." in a somber, serious tone.

"Enter," Madalyn directs. Inside she is seated in the chair by her drawing table, but rises to greet Adara. "I never thought that I would miss my old room. What do we need to speak about?"

Adara enters when given permission, ADara then nods and says, "I had similar feelings when I returned from my assignment to the other kingdoms." she then closes and locks the door. After a few moments she looks to Madalyn with a serious expression and says, "There has been a development." Pausing for a moment she says, "Princess Madalyn Onimus, you remain the Queen's youngest child." she then grows quiet, watching the Princess, perhaps trying to determine if she is able to figure out what Adara means without further elaboration.

Madalyn smiles warmly. "Yes, I had heard that my mother had decided to keep me. I am quite releived. For all our arguing, I do love her and wish I wasn't such a disappointment."

Adara frowns and walks over to stand close to Madalyn, and place a comforting hand on the Princess' shoulder if Madalyn allows it. She then says, "She lost her child, and your mother is in very poor health. The Four have said that without a miracle she will die soon."

Madalyn covers her mouth with her hands as she gasps in horror. "No! That can't be right. She was going to have the daughter of Longtinigus, the one she'd always wanted. My mother is too strong to fail like that." She quickly moves from horror to denial. "You must have heard wrong."

Adara adjusts her skirts to kneel down so she is more eye-level with Madalyn and says in a soft, serious voice, "I spoke with one of the Four personally, they left after telling me to tend to your mother further. I did not here wrong child, though I wish I had. I considered your mother a woman worthy of respect and a friend, I do not want this any more then you. We can continue to pray for the miracle to save her, but until the results of such prayers are known there are matters which must be addressed." She then softens her expression a bit, and if allowed moves to wrap her arms around Madalyn to hold her.

Madalyn is too shocked to no allow the hug. "Mother can't be sick ... she just can't be ..." she says on the verge of tears. Her voice hardens suddenly. "Well if she needs a miracle, we will just go get her one. There has got to be some way to get to the kingdom of the clouds. I will go beg Onimoria for help personally if I have to."

Adara holds Madalyn as she speaks, once done Adara looks to the younger woman and says, "The only way I know of is your mother's ring, however by law it doesn't leave her finger until she dies. We will be making announcements to keep the population calm. You must not reveal to anyone the Queen's state, do you understand that?"

Madalyn nods slowly. "Of course. This would be grave news to let people know. I won't tell anyone. Is she well enough for visitors? I should go to her. There has to be some way I can help ..."

Adara says, "You can speak with Nimoria about that, she is attending the Queen and a member of the Four. There is a duty you must perform however. You need to call for a meeting of the Queen's Council, there are matters to discuss, among which is the appointment of a new Mistress of Coin."

Madalyn furrows her brow in confusion. "Me? Why would I need to do that? Whenever my mother has been away before, the four always rule in her name. Surely they can handle it. I need to help Mother."

Adara says, "You are not yet of age, so the Four and the Queen's Council do rule. You are still the heir to the Kingdom of the Isles, and the day-to-day running of the kingdom still must be considered. In addition to that, we must prepare for the worse, it is the practical consideration. These meetings is how the kingdom is ruled, and whether your mother lives or not, we must act on the worst case scenario and prepare you as best we can. If you wish to help your mother then perform the duties you have to the best f your ability." Taking a breath she continues, "This is a chance to make your mother proud, perhaps by ensuring her kingdom continues when she is on her sickbed, she will be returned to us so that she can thank you personally and see that there might be a queen in you after all. Or if not a queen, then perhaps at least a Duchess."

"But ... I .. I can't rule the kingdom. I couldn't even handle getting married and all that took was saying yes," Madalyn stammers. "Mother will pull through this. I know she will. There's no need for all this worry."

Adara says, "You won't be ruling the kingdom, you aren't of age. There are still duties expected of the heir under these circumstances. Those you must do. You failed your mother once when you said no. Do you want to fail her again? Do you want to betray the Isles and the patrons again?"

Madalyn slumps in defeat. "No ... I will do what is needed of me," she sighs. "Will you be there to help? I really don't know how to do any of this. The most I have ever done is throw a party."

Adara reaches up to stroke Madalyn's hair if she allows it and says in a soft tone, "You aren't alone child, you have the Four and the Council to help you." offering a soft smile. If allowed to stroke Madalyn's hair Adara continues to do so for as long as needed, as she then attempts to kiss the Princess' forehead softly.

Madalyn nods, letting Adara comfort her however she sees fit. It seems to help at least some. "I suppose. I still wish I could just be with Mother, andhelp her get better."

Adara says, "As I said you can speak with the Four about seeing your mother, they may allow it, I cannot say. The meeting might help you understand better what your mother has to go through. Let us start with the basics. Do you remember the positions of the complete Council?"

Madalyn frowns slightly as she thinks back to her lessons. "There's uhm ... well obviously the four, and the duchesses, then theres ... uhm ... you, the mistress of coin, the mistress of law, my aunt, the marshal ... I think I am missing one."

"Mistress of Common Affairs." Adara says, as she wraps her arms around Madalyn once again and asks in a soft tone, "Do you remember our duties to the Queen?"

Madalyn looks quite uncertain. "Well, you are responsible for the information the whispers get. Mistress of coin handles the money. Mistress of law is in charge of well the law. Marshal handles the army. Admiral the navy. The duchesses represent their isles, and the four represent the churhc. Common affiars I suppose is responsible for like roads and farms?"

Adara says, "More a connection between the commoners and the Queen. Otherwise you are correct. For my Whispers, it is more we provide the Queen with information about the Isles and other kingdoms. Mostly information about who can be trusted and who is a threat. Currently not the entire Council can be gathered, but the majority would. This is useful if the meeting results in a vote for the new Mistress of Coins, you may need to vote as well. Also know that you are not expected to know all or have the guidance of the Patrons. The Council's purpose is to advise, so if you have questions ask them of the Council and we will advise you on the matter."

Adara sits back a bit, still kneeling but now facing Madalyn better and asks, "Do you know the names of the current Council members?"

Madalyn shakes her head. "No. I know the duchesses, and I've met my aunt, you, and Nimoria, but those are the only ones I know. I rarely have opportunity to speak to any of them, even if they are attending a feast."

Adara nods and says, "Then you will meet a few more at the meeting. Firstly I would suggest that you call the meeting under the claim that your mother requested it so that she could rest. After all it would be problematic to fit the Council in her bedchamber. This is likely to be believed by those in the castle, and if anyone talks outside of the castle then it shouldn't cause concern when combined with the announcements to be made. The Council will meet and will either know about the Queen's health or will be told at the meeting. Do you think you are capable of such? It is a mix of truth and deception, but is unlikely to draw too much attention to those that hear it."

Madalyn nods. "I can do that. I am sure they all probably know already anyway. I'm usually the last to learn things like this."

ADara smiles softly and says, "You aren't the last, the people will be. If your mother recovers then they won't be told as there will be no reason."