675-07-24 - Plots and Freedom

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Plots and Freedom
Summary: Lady Adara speaks with the Queen about Madalyn.
Who: Adara Zorich and Abegayle Onimus
References: re:Madalyn Onimus
When: 675-07-24
Related Logs: 675-07-14 - Perceptive Lectures
Date of RP: 2014-07-24
Where: Queen's Council - Castle of the White Dove
Room Desc: Two guards stand at the entrance at all times, their uniforms of red and gold standing out against the white of the room itself, The door is heavy and thick, carved with the images of dove across it's surface. The room itself is formed of the odd white stone, while floors are white marble. There are a few vases found within, often filled with flowers to offer a little freshness to the otherwise windowless room.

Shelving makes up one wall, small cubbies formed to hold various rolled scrolls and parchments, both bare and waiting to be written on, and others already holding various missives. In another area, various small pieces similar to that which mght be used for chess, can be found, grouped together and carved from different colors of marble. A huge table stands in the middle of the room, chairs pushed in around it for the council to sit at during meetings. The large map of Felaguria currently hangs upon the wall, and yet could easily be taken down to cover the table to be used with the pieces during strategy meetings. One chair at the end of the table is obviously larger, a throne meant for the Queen. Two other chairs are located in the corner of the room, for the servants that might attend the Queen and room when in use.

After her most recent visit with the former Princess, Adara requests an audience with the Queen to discuss Madalyn. Once arrangements are made Adara makes her way to the Queen's Council chambers dressed in a light silvery gown which provides full modesty, though the silks do cling to her curves here and there. The Mistress of Whispers remains near the door, though not blocking it and remains silent until addressed by the queen, whether she is already present or not.

The Queen is a bit late. However, she is i a pretty good mood today. The woman smiles warmly to the Mistress of Whispers and gestures to enter inside, "I am sorry for being late. I was in a check up of my new child!" She proudly paypats her belly, moving after lady Adara inside. Then the Queen settles in her chair, "Why you needed to see me?"

Adara nods and smiles softly and says, "I remember those evaluations well Your Majesty." She then turns a bit more somber as she takes her customary seat and adds, "I'm sorry to bring up such a serious matter at such a pleasurable time but I feel it is important. I have given Madalyn a few lessons and she has had varying degrees of success."

Pausing for a moment she adds, "I have been giving her a shortened form of Whisper training due to the fact we lack years for proper study. That said however I do not believe the training will benefit anyone. To be direct Your Majesty I have concerns about her maturity and ability to keep a secret. She is already aware that not only am I a Whisper but your Mistress of Whispers as well has the potential for complications. I have told her not to inform anyone of such, however her personality poses a risk that she will keep it when on her own, such as with her future husband." Pausing a moment to let that sink in she adds, "I do not believe she would intentionally betray that secret, here in the Isles it can be dismissed without too much effort. In another kingdom however it could pose a risk, and potentially could even jeopardize what I did as your emissary. I do not believe she will be able to keep secrets well, even if she wanted to. For that reason I don't believe she will ever be a good choice as a Cloak or Whisper."

The smile fades from the Queen's features, "Lady Adara, I asked you to be her guardian for awhile. So, tell me, what do you think Madalyn is good for? You talked with her a lot, I understand, what do you think? Is she bewitched by the banished patrons or she is just still a young and silly girl? Feel free to express your thoughts..."

Adara says, "I cannot say for certain, the realm of the Patrons are not my field, but she seems somewhat reasonable, I feel she is just a silly girl blinded by idealism and a head full of young notions that don't benefit a grown woman. I will say however that I think there is another way she could be of use, whether you marry her off to one of the Isles or another land. First I ask, do you know much about servants or slaves?"

The woman frowns a bit, "I am not sure, I understand, what are you suggesting, lady Adara..." The Queen drawls and leans a bit closer, "Do you have a husband to suggest for her?"

Adara shakes her head and says, "A resource and a guardian. Most of the nobility and royalty of the world do not give much mind to servants and slaves. This is one of the early lessons those who are given full Whisper training are taught, even I was taught to disguise myself as either. I've simply not had much cause to do so. My suggestion is that if you marry Madalyn to one from the Isles then we should assign a Whisper to watch her. One that the former Princess believes to be a friend and confidant, one Madalyn would never suspect of answering to me, and by extension yourself. This would make a suitable way to keep an eye on her without her being aware of it. If she is married off to another kingdom the same 'handmaid' could also function as a spy for the Isles while there. What are your thoughts?"

"I see..." The Queen presses her lips together firmly in thoughts, "That sounds... Yes, I agree with you, lady Adara. Would you be so kind to take care of this matter, when I will find a husband for Madalyn? I don't know if she has very trusted friends, but maybe you know someone, who could become one? I am sure, that it's what you do and understand, yes?"

Adara nods and says, "You understand completely. I suggest I find someone qualified for either task. A Senior Whisper who is old enough to be a confidant and perhaps a bit of a second mother to her, yet also young enough to appear to understand what she is going through. One that is supportive but not overly condescending. I also suggest once found she can be sent to Madalyn under the claim your heart is not completely cold, and that she was sent so Madalyn isn't completely alone all the time in her current quarters. Give some time for the two to get along, and when reports come in from this 'friend' that the time is right Madalyn could be released from her current quarters and allowed a degree of freedom, at least until marriage arrangements are formalized."

Taking a breath for a moment she adds, "This 'servant' would be a connection to the outside world aside from the two of us, this means that Madalyn can come to believe she has a friend that can send out messages or the like, yet this also would provide the Whisper the chance to report in as needed."

The Queen just nods, perfectly understanding, what Adara has to say, "However, I would like to send a aord for the people, that Madalyn's title of princess is restored and until the birth of my new child, she stays as the heir. I talked with her too and I don't think, that she has anything to do with the banished Patrons." The woman places a hand on her belly again and tries to stand up. It is a hit hard for her, "Could you do that for me? I need to spend more time in the bed, says my healer. Nothing to be afraid of. Just... the pregnancy in this age is a bit harder."

Adara nods and says, "As you say your Majesty." she then stands and walks over, offering to help the queen to her feet if she will allow it, if not the younger woman simply takes up a respectful distance away.

The Queen just straightens, when Adara comes closer, and does not except help. She still feels as a strong Queen after all. "Thank you, lady Adara. No, if there is no any other urgent matters, I would like to come back into my chambers..." And the Queen leaves, if Adara does not speak about anything else.

Adara nods respectfully and says, "Of course your majesty, I'll see to the arrangements soon." and without further word provides plenty of room for the queen to depart.

Though, just before stepping out of the room, the Queen stops, "Oh, and I almost forgot, when the announcement goes out, let Madalyn walk out of the room. She will be free to wander in the teritory of the castle and around it. Also, she can walk in the city of Deavel, but can't leave it. Four guards and two handmaidens have to be beaide her. One simple handmaiden and another... friend of hers about who we talked, alright?"

Adara nods once more and says, "I understand completely." offering a soft smile.