675-07-17 - Redhead in Piradin

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Redhead in Piradin
Summary: Edris continues to investigate, this time the death of an old woman who was found before the Temple of Asmenachia
Who: Edris Alachri, a priestess as played by Adara
References: None
When: July 17th, 675
Related Logs: Other Soiled Ribbon logs
Date of RP: 30-31/07/2014
Where: Temple of Asmenachia - City of Piradin, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: A temple - few followers

Edris Alachri does not come often to Piradin, but when she does, she makes sure she is properly disguised as a plain commoner - and not alone, as Bertram, attired like a common thug, is following her and watching over her. And as she is aware, that her red hair may be a little too obvious, she has hidden it below a piece of cloth that washer women usually wear about their head, her dress is brown, and more loosely fitting about her than the one she wore last time.

Edris will approach the temple of Asmenachia, with her gaze lowered. She will not enter the place however at least not at first, as she casts a look about the area before the temple. Everyone knows that different rules apply in Piradin. Crimes won't be prosecuted here. At least not nearly as persistently as anywhere else on the Isle of the Crown. Any investigation should be persued with the utmost care.

Most people are going about their regular lives for the most part, though all are more on guard since recent events. Those not going about their normal affairs are pretty much staying in their homes. One thing that is noticeable though is the distinct lack of individuals with blue ribbons on their arms, presumably they are the ones staying home.

Edris glances about, and noticing there are no blue ribbons to be seen, as well as a lack of activity and even people, she will then move towards the temple's entrance, inhaling deeply before she enters, with Bertram following in her wake.

Once more the temple is relatively empty aside from the priesthood of the Cult. As Edris enters one of them walks over and says, "Welcome my child, we do not have any services planned right now, though if you wish to pray you are of course welcome to." in a polite smile.

Edris' hands will fold before her, and for once she will straighten, giving her posture some authority that the priestess may notice she is here on some official business. "I am sorry," she says, "I did not come to pray, priestess, but rather to inquire about the incident. The woman that was found dead." Pausing she will study the priestess, her gaze drifting briefly over the interior of the temple, and the few she can glimpse there.

"I trust noone has come so far to investigate the matter?"

The priestess looks to Edris' arm and asks, "And why would one such as you care?” in an almost cold voice. “We know well enough how much our faith is cared for by those outside of it, why else would our temple be placed in the most dangerous, and lawless city in all the Isles?"

"I care," Edris remarks, smiling faintly as he gaze flits briefly to her arm as she notices that glance, "because the woman - the supposed follower of your cult was not receiving an official punishment, but was murdered. Even though different rules may apply for Piradin." And here her grey-green eyes narrow, "it seems /someone/ has chosen to administer justice without approval of the authorities. Such a development needs to be investigated, and that is the reason I come here. On this rather unofficial visit."

The tone of the redhead's voice is determined, but polite. Still, not exactly friendly. After all, Edris is faithful to the official religion of Onimoria and has not too much sympathy for any followers of Asmenachia.

The Priestess nods and says sarcastically, "Yes I am sure it is without approval, after all the document looked official enough and was even marked with an 'X' on a confession of involvement. Then of course there were the others murdered, or did they also confess involvement and that is why nothing has been done about them either?" The priestess is clearly mad and doesn’t believe Edris, the anger may also be coming from fear as she wears the ribbon, or simply anger in that no one seems to be doing anything about it.

Edris frowns at the displeasure the priestess displays, and a bit of air leaves her lungs in a sigh. "We are aware of two more who were killed. Were there more cases? And need I stress the fact, that my presence here, and willingness to ask questions should be proof enough to you, that something is being done?" She raises her brow pointedly. "I am of course no guard, as official investigations will be met with resistance in these parts."

A faint smile sneaks onto her mien, as Edris steps closer. "I am not here to spy on your cult, priestess. But to find out, what you know of what has happened. Were there any unusual people seen here in the vicinity of the temple? Have you or any of those who frequent this temple heard anything? Was the dead woman..." and here she pauses, lowering her gaze momentarily in a gesture of respect for the dead. "Was she a frequent visitor? Was there... blood on the steps that lead up here, where I hear she was found? What about that parchment and the dagger that was used to nail it to the door? Do you still have them?"

The priestess says, "You know nothing of who rules this city. If it will get rid of you, fine. There was no blood, the one slain was a regular, and quite devoted. She never hurt a soul and lived a simple and virtuous life, the last person to ever do anything wrong, though I’m sure you wouldn't believe such with that 'confession'. No one unusual was seen, but I imagine whoever killed her just dumped the body and placed the note. Those who frequent the temple were the ones that found the body, and as you can see the message got across loud and clear, proven by the abundant crowds you now see in this very temple." there is clear contempt in her voice now. "If you want the dagger then feel free to search the pockets of every criminal in the city, as to the message, I believe the 'guards' took it. Whether it was taken to your guards or not I have no idea. Is that all?"

Edris nods to the priestess's words about the old woman. "I believe you," she says, with a shrug. "I never said I would take what was allegedly said in that note for granted." Her face grows pensive next and she tilts her head a little to the side. "Who can blame the followers, when such a warning has been issued?", she muses pensively, before she looks up. "Guards? What guards? When did they come and what did they look like? Did they question you?"

The priestess says, "Local guards, the ones that always patrol the city of Piradin. You can look for one and see if they passed the note along to the guards of the capital or somewhere else, though I wouldn't hold out much hope if you aren't a guard."

"There are local guards?" A low snort leaves Edris's nose, as the information does not seem to please her. She falls silent for a moment, her brows furrowed as she ponders the case. "Priestess, I have to ask," she finally says, looking up. "So far I know of a woman that has been beaten up at the harbor of Deavel. A man and a woman that were killed at Deavel, and now this old woman. All of them wore blue ribbons. Have there been any other... occurences? Threats, maybe? If you have any hints or thoughts on the matter, pray share them with me."

She frowns. "Are there still being services held for the followers of Asmenachia? I believe most would be too afraid to come here anymore. But... mayhaps you have resorted to an alternative place? Maybe..." and here Edris pauses for a moment, as her grey-green eyes flicker. "Maybe you could use someone to watch over you - unobtrusively. Just to give word when another of these dreadful deeds take place. As I somehow have the feeling, that going into hiding will not help your cult - from still being subject to these assaults..."

The priestess says, "This is still a city of the Isles last I heard, of course there are guard. As to services they are available but as none will dare to come here we aren't bothering preparing any until that changes. As to holding them elsewhere, why don't we all just bend our neck to the block now? There are clearly defined rules and I’m not going to risk my followers lives more then already are by attempting 'interpretations' that are more likely to just get even more of us killed. We learned the lesson well during those 'executions' with that fool what happens when any of us step out of line. If I sought any to watch over us, I wouldn’t go to the likes of you.” She clearly is getting irritated with the continued questioning.

"This is a city of the Isles," Edris affirms with a light shrug. "Yet you and I know, Piradin has its own rules. I understand your stance in this. You do not need to accept my help." A faint smile flickers over her face. "Still, we will continue to investigate the matter, but something tells me this is not over yet..." And with that she inclines her head to the woman. "Priestess. I thank you for your time." A glance is shot Bertram's way and he gets ready to follow Edris out of the temple.

The priestess says, "That is stating the obvious, your kind will use any opportunity to attack mine." then simply turns to return to what duties she has without services to run.