675-07-15 - The Ties that Bind

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The Ties that Bind
Summary: A letter and a token, sent from Rayne to Baldwin
Who: Rayne Devantry, Baldwin Ivounel
References: None.
When: July 15th, 675
Related Logs: Other letters
Date of RP: 15/07/2014
Where: Somewhere in Athereyne
Room Desc: None

In the middle of the afternoon, a familiar face could be seen searching through the Duchy of Athereyne. The strapping lad, face and clothes covered in a bit of dirt, would search far and wide until finding the one he was looking for - though he was discreet about it as well. Soon approaching Baldwin when there seemed to be no eyes around. "Sir Baldwin." Knowing the knight now, he would hand off a package, wrapped in simple cloth, and tied with roughened string. "My mistress prays you will keep this close to you come the tournament...and will look for her among the stands." Saying only that much more before he would turn around and disappears.

Upon opening the package, there is a scarf wrapped around itself and a letter. Should the scarf be unwrapped, Baldwin will find a vial of the same green tonic he had been given at the Isles when he faced wounds and ill fortune. The letter is written in finer handwriting, perhaps this one being wrote with less of a hurry, so more time was taken to get the scripting near-perfect. (A futile attempt, but its evident she tried!)

"Dearest Baldwin,

And so it begins, as it always does, where our Kingdom wishes tournaments and spectacles of grand scale. Perhaps I look upon these now with a bittersweet thought, as something as simple as men showing their skills in the arena could so easily take a heart away. I hope this letter and token find you well, as further talks around the city have listed your name among a handful of others as being participants in the events.

Know that I will be among the spectators, and that I will be looking for the knight who so secretly yet proudly wears the token within. I hope the vial does not bring you dismay, but I know that no matter the length one lasts in these events, they can be painful and dangerous so I wish to aid as best I am able.

With each day that continues to pass, there are little reminders I am given of you. Even something as simple as a flower, for red dahlias grow within the woods now. I am afraid I shall never be able to attain the task of forgetting you, and I refuse to let my heart know the pain of being denied what it longs for. So know that still there beats a heart that loves you, and wishes you all the best.

With Love,
