675-07-01 - Investigations and Pregnancies

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Investigations and Pregnancies
Summary: ...are the topics being discussed when Edris pays Adara a visit in her office.
Who: Edris Alachri and Adara Zorich
References: re:Avraham Grunhaid, re:Abi
When: July 1st, 675
Related Logs: 675-06-19 - The Beaten Woman at the Docks
Date of RP: 01-02/07/2014
Where: Adara's Office - Castle of the White Dove, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: Passing from the Passage leading to the Queen's Council one discovers this room is a small-medium sized office. In the center of the room is a medium sized, sturdy wood desk. The top of the desk has neat stacks of parchment and scrolls, organized for quick and easy access, along with an inkwell and quill. The drawers contain black parchment and quills for writing. A single chair can be found behind the desk which faces the entrance with a pair of chairs are in front of the desk. There are various works of art decorating the room to create a feeling that the office is being used, also to creating attractive surroundings for guests. To one side is also a sofa with a small table on each end. All the furniture looks to be quite comfortable and bears the colors of House Onimus. A single door can be found against the back wall which leads into a small personal chamber which has a large wardrobe, a small bed, chamberpot and water basin.

Edris hasn't been seen much at the castle of late, which, given her profession should come as no surprise. But considering how often she has been spotted here of all places, well, this fact may be a bit thought provoking for people with an imagination. She is here now, on this late morning, having entered through the castle gates, in a tasteful dress of dark blue, a nice contrast to her fiery red hair that is worn in a courtly hairdo. A cloak wrapped about her against the occasional gust of wind. Her shadow, Bertram following in her wake, attired in a courtly way that will have him blend with any nobles crowding the place.

After crossing the courtyard, the pair will head into the castle. Not long after a knock can be heard, against the door of Lady Adara Zorich's office.

Looking up from her paperwork, which she is still catching up on after around a month or so since becoming Mistress of Whispers, but then her training was cut a bit short. "Enter." is offered to the door in a soft, polite tone as she makes a few notations and sweeps the parchment up and moves it aside where it can't be easily read. After all she doesn't know who is at the door till they enter.

The door will open, and Edris enters. "My lady," she greets with a curtsey, before she closes the door behind her, leaving Bertram to guard the hallway. Removing the cloak from her shoulders now, her grey-green eyes will shift to the wall, and spotting a hook she will hang the garment there. "If you allow," muttered as she does so. Turning then to face Adara a scroll in her hand, she will pause for a moment, before she will start to speak. "I hope I do not come at an imopportune time, Lady Adara.", Edris remarks with an apologetic smile. "But there have been strange occurences in the harbour and Deavel. I have a report here, written for you." Extending her hand now to hand the scroll to Adara, she will step closer. If Adara would care to notice, Edris may look slightly changed. It is in her complexion, her eyes sparkling. And the dress she wears appears to be a little tight around the waist.

<FS3> Adara rolls Perception: Good Success.

Adara turns her own gray eyes to Edris and nods politely as the madame enters and says, "Of course." she then accepts the scroll once it is provided. Looking over the red-head for a few moments she nods and asks, "When did you find out you were with child?" with a gentle smile.

Those grey-green eyes flit downward at the question, as one hand comes to rest on her belly. "It has been two months," Edris finally replies, her lips curving into a smile. "But I wasn't sure I could keep it." She bites her lower lip. "I've seen many pregnancies come and go. Just recently one of my girls gave birth to a wonderful little boy. But I've also seen women go all desperate, then after a few weeks they'd have a bleeding and that would be it." Her fingers pat the slight curve that is already about to form, too little significant to be noticed by a fleeting glance, but clearly visible for those who care to look. "But it seems, Onimoria has been kind, and I am with child." There is a sparkle in her eyes as she admits that.

Adara nods and smiles softly, "I remember such things before I left to act as the Queen's emissary. I am blessed my own daughters are doing so well, it looks as though Liat might even end up a Lady-in-Waiting soon enough. I am sure this is not the strange occurrence you speak of. Do you speak of the recent rumors?"

"Oh no!" Edris replies with an amused chuckle. "And yes. The rumors. I've looked a little into the matter." The mention of Adara's daughter becoming a lady-in-waiting has her incline her head. "You must be very happy," she offers. "To have your daughter soon settled here at this court." Her gaze flickering as if considering to add more, before she falls silent.

Adara smiles softly and says, "Now I just have to see to the youngest." giggling softly, before adding, "I assume your report covers your findings on this matter? Do you feel it is worth further investigation?"

A smile comes in reaction to Adara's remark about her youngest. It will fade a touch when Edris gives her reply: "They have not been many so far, alas. But it seems 'someone' is assaulting followers of the cult, at least there has been one woman who has been beaten up, and now two have been found dead. All of them wore the blue ribbon. I've managed to speak with the woman briefly, but she was too intimidated to really say much. She mentioned some men, so I fear we are dealing with a group here. As for the murder... you may look into the report." Edris remarks, her hand still resting on the small curve of her belly. "So yes, I would definitely think it deserves further investigation. Especially, since there might be more incidents in the future."

Adara nods and asks, "Do you wish to continue personally? Do you think it will be safe for you to do so given your condition and the risks that could be involved in this sort of matter?"

Edris lowers her gaze for a moment when she hears that question, looking perhaps a touch surprised at it. Pondering it for a moment, before she raises her eyes to meet the gaze of her superior, with a confident smile. "I do not see why I should not, Lady Adara, as there are indeed many ways I can persue the matter further. I never ventured out before and I will certainly not start now, as there is always at least Bertram watching over me." Her lips curl a little when she speaks of her guard. "And I can always resort to help from my employees, if I should not feel up to the task to question people personally, why I could have them brought to me. It is all a matter of organization, I would think."

A glance is shot towards Adara next, as a thought seems to cross Madame Alachri's mind. "Or do you doubt I can carry on as before, and should find a replacement...?" The question uttered with a bit of caution, those grey-green eyes narrowing slightly as Edris tries to assess Adara's motives. Needless to say, her hand still rests on that comfortable small curve of her belly.

Adara gestures passively to the hand on the belly and says, “You care for your child and seek its safety. I know that feeling well and I know the ways being with child can affect the mind and body. I was simply evaluating how you felt about the matter. If you believe you are up to the task then you may follow through with it. I will say however that if your condition affects your work, then as you say, another will take over the more dangerous aspects. As your condition advanced you will face different risks and I would not see you or an unborn child risked with there are alternatives. Until that time you have my leave to investigate the matter further, good luck in your pursuit and may the Patrons watch over you and your child.” smiling softly at the end.

Edris inclines her head to Adara's reply. "I do care for it, aye," she assures with that genuine warmth many pregnant women so generously display. "It will be my first... maybe my only child. And while it wasn't exactly planned I will give this whim of Onimoria a chance." She smiles. "It is just that I feel little obstructed for now, and I am willing to find out more, while I of course will avoid any possibly dangerous situations."

A deep curtsey is offered to Adara, as she more or less dismisses her for now. "I thank you, I will come up with more details when I get them. Oh,... by the way... " And here she pauses. "I wanted to ask you some days ago actually, but... have you had the chance to speak with this Abi girl, or Lord Avraham Grunhaid? They have been officially freed of any accusations. I am not to continue any investigation regarding them, I suppose?"

Adara says, “Not in regards to the plot regarding the portrait at least. I have spoken with Lord Avraham though. I believe he is involved in something but I cannot determine yet what it might be. I do not like stains on my family, and regrettably that womanizer is my nephew by marriage. For now I would say to keep an eye out in regards to him and report anything that seems out of place. I am unsure if he’s connected to the portrait plot, but I do believe him involved with something. We simply must find out what it might be. As to the girl, I’ve not had the chance to speak with her as of yet, though I plan to."

"I see," Edris will remark in regards to the Grunhaid. "He may drop by at the Night's Dream, and when he does I will tell my girls to keep their eyes and ears open." A little smirk curls her lips. "He is what he is, my lady. Noone can honestly put a blame on you. If he does come by I will let you know."

As for the girl,...Edris will thoughtfully incline her head. "Ah. So in case she returns and asks for employment, I might consider taking her into apprenticement." Chuckling softly as she looks to Adara. "No, not as a whisperer. Certainly not. But she wanted to work at my place. That way I might keep an eye on her, if I assign two or three girls to watch any step she takes." A mischievious grin curls her lips. "I have some non-whispers working for me as well, although they are very few. Mostly new girls that still have to prove themselves to be trustworthy."

Adara nods and says, “It would be the easiest way to watch her, I am unsure if she is part of anything as of yet. As to my nephew, like so many men he is driven more by what is between his legs then his ears. Your girls may well learn something, just make sure it is your most experienced that are assigned to him, your most subtle at extracting information during the act without alerting their client's attention or putting them on guard. That would likely be you best chance."

"I have no evidence against either of them so far, and maybe they are indeed not involved in any of this," Edris concedes. "It is just that I will try to find out more about them, given the chance." Her lips purse as she considers Adara's advice, before they curve into a smirk. "Certainly. I already have one or two in mind that are quite capable in that regard."

Her hands move to smoothen her dark blue skirts as Edris shoots the Mistress of Whispers a glance. "If that will be all, Lady Adara? I will leave you know to your daily tasks..."

Adara nods and says, "I get the feeling my nephew is up to something, the question is if it's something worthy of notice by the realm or the Queen. I know him too well to know he's entirely innocent. I believe he had at least arguments with the priestess in charge of the portrait theft, though whether he was involved or not is another matter. I don’t believe he was as I see no benefit to him for it, though I believe he is involved in something I just don’t know what. Thank you for your efforts and may the Patrons bless you and your child to ensure health to you both now, during the birth, and the years to come.” as she waves dismissively.

"Very well, my lady." Edris nods and offers another curtsey. Taking the information about Adara's thoughts on her nephew without any further comments. "And... thank you." This in regards to the good wishes for her health and that of the little one growing in her belly. A warm smile is offered, her hand already moving again to her belly as she turns and heads for the door.