675-06-25 - A Chance Meeting

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A Chance Meeting
Summary: Rayne Devantry sells her wares in the Equis marketplace and happens to have a familiar visitor.
Who: Baldwin Ivounel and Rayne Devantry
References: Re:Erek Ivounel
When: 675-06-25
Related Logs: All logs pertaining to Baldwin and Rayne's 'relationship', and two letters
Date of RP: 2014-06-27 thru 2014-06-29 (backscene)
Where: Equis Marketplace
Room Desc: The small square is scattered with stands and tents in all colours, although green and white prevail. Here the merchants from abroad sell their wares, and some even offer quite exotic fare that has reached Equis by ship from far away lands. A few established shops can be found here as well. There is the Smithy and the Apothecary Shop, as well as a baker and a tailor.

Rayne had figured she had hidden herself in the woods for long enough. She had to rethink a few things when it was becoming evident she would need to go to town for some supplies regardless. Besides, she had a sort of obligation to the people of Worisant and there was a promise made to friend and fellow healer Maerwynn due to a certain condition the woman was suffering from. All in all, the return to Two Rivers was bittersweet. She was glad to be home, glad to be among the familiar, but she could not cease the pain in her heart. A sort of hole left there because some Noble with a stick up his ass couldn't see beyond station. Love was said to be a powerful thing, and yet it was something that could not seem to withstand the cold heart of a bastard.

So, finding herself among the city of Equis, Rayne would begin to spend her time as she did. Setting up at her stall among the others in the free-form market within the middle of the city. Sometimes she would have to leave, as people would ask for her to leave and come tend to their sick or injured within the home. Most the time, it was simply her selling various vials of potions and salves that she had mixed up the week before. Come weeks end, she would be here for a few days, and then back to the woods. A life that seemed a bit meaningless and simple these few days past.

The return to Two Rivers had brought similar conflicting emotions about in Baldwin. Glad on the one hand to be home, and reunited with his family - and yes he had missed his little brother! - other reunions had not been as pleasant. He had hardly seen anything of Livessa of late, and his own father had summoned him for a most uncomfortable talk. Afterwards he had not been the same, all hope suddenly lost of managing the impossible to persuade his father to agree to a match below their station. His heart broken as well. A state that had been fueled further upon receiving a letter from Woriscant, and after a while, writing a reply to it.

Baldwin looks rather sombre these days, despite the fact he has been given the task to watch over Princess Madalyn. Although that office helps to keep his face frozen in that dutiful expression. They are still at Equis but soon to depart, for whatever direction. Baldwin hasn't been informed so far that he will be among the small esort that will accompany Princess Madalyn home to the Isles.

And so he uses the opportunity for a stroll over the marketplace, as the princess is watched over at the Castle. His stride less determined than before, his grey-blue eyes thoughtful to say the least. Baldwin will most probably not notice Rayne at first, he is not paying attention, as well as he certainly would not expect to meet her here of places. Still convinced she is in her little shack in the woods.

It was likely, also, that Baldwin would not recognize Rayne. Her features all covered by a purple cloak she hadn't worn since they went to the Isles. The hood, for a moment, was not raised but as time went on and more people stopped by her stall to peruse her wares she would feel more and more inclined to raise her hood. Hide away her features, and perhaps there would be no talks among the people of Equis that the healer had come and gone from them. Though, her wares alone would attest to that fact, none would realize it was Rayne, herself.

In a discussion with a woman at the moment, speaking about one of her more popular elixirs, Rayne would glance up perhaps just in time to recognize Baldwin among the small crowd. "Yes, and if you drink a draught per evening for the next seven days, all of that should clear up nicely. If you'd like, I could come back into town in a week's time and see personally to the fact of whether or not you've been mended, hmm?" Maybe facial features couldn't be recognized in the shadow of her hood, or the darkness her stall provided, yet Rayne had a voice that could be heard a fathom away.

"Alright, Miss Brighton... you take care now." Pocketing the coins transferred for the vial and then she would turn to set a few more vials around the small board at the front of her. A shift of her glance and she would curl the corners of her lips up a little before lowering her head out of respect for the knight as he passes. "Afternoon, Sir Baldwin..." Wondering, just so, if he would stop - or even recognize her.

Lingering in his thoughts as he is at the moment, the young knight's gaze has brushed the people on the market rather haphazardly. But something quickly manages to pull him to the here and now. A voice, that is so familiar to him and his head turns, and a pair of grey-blue eyes settles suddenly on the hooded figure selling wares. A few steps take Baldwin closer to the stand of vials and herbs, his gaze downcast, as he waits for Rayne to complete her transaction with the woman. That gaze is raised to meet that of the healer, once the woman moves off. And for a moment it seems he is not going to give a reply, apart from that smile that conquers his mien.

"Miss Rayne." There finally her name leaves his lips in a soft, almost apologetic tone. "I... hope you are well?" The words some random phrase offered in a state of slight bewilderment ot meet her here of all places. Before he lowers his gaze again she might catch some unrest within his eyes, some conflicting emotions at the encounter, as well in the twitch at the corner of his mouth.

Those moss green eyes could not be hidden, not even in the shadows of the hood of her cloak. Though now she felt silly with it up and so her hands would raise so she could lower it down. Her own smile would form, but there was something deeper in those eyes which she tried to hide behind the smile. Though a few come and go to look over her supply and then turn away, Rayne's attention was on the young Knight before her. Not so long ago, in moments she now wished lasted a lifetime further, they would be able to perhaps dare a touch, even a hug. Yet here, in the eyes of people who knew them far better than those of the Isles, it would be like knowing one was doing wrong and everyone would know.

"I am quite well, Sir Baldwin. I hope the same is for you?" She asks, at least that much, before it would seem someone calmly and without question picks up a vial to purchase. The transaction is done and then Rayne's attention is turned back to Baldwin. "I'll only be here for a few days, and then it will be back to Woriscant. I... have a few things occupying my time." Her smile turns the corners of her lips upwards before she takes a breath to let out slowly. "I was pleased to receive a letter from you... I would have responded but...I was already journeying here." Explaining at least that much, though she also knew their letters would perhaps have to be few and far between as well.

Baldwin will keep his gaze lowered, only now and then raising it to shoot Rayne a glance. "I am as well as can be expected," he replies, the smile fading a touch. "The king gave me a task," he adds after another moment. "To look after our guest, the Princess of the Isles. So I am quite occupied as well at the moment." The mention of the letter has his eyes flicker, and his smile returns, albeit a touch fainter than before. "I am glad it reached you,... I felt your letter deserved a reply, but I am not good with words..." Baldwin's voice trails off, and a slightly pained expression shows in his eyes, followed by a sigh. "I am so sorry...", he starts another attempt, before he falls silent and shakes his head.

Rayne would shift a little, lifting her gaze to Baldwin once he begins to speak, and when the topic is of tasks given by the King her brow would raise. "Is that so? I had almost forgotten we brought the Princess with us when we returned." No doubt having heard such truths while on the ship and then Rayne chuckles. "I suppose such a task can either be taxing, or boring, without much in between." Then the talk turns to their letters and a blush would brighten Rayne's cheeks just a bit. "Your letter was fine, Sir Baldwin. I was happy to receive it from you." A blink and her gaze raises to him once more as she shakes her head and takes a breath. "Wh-why...are you apologizing? It... the fault is mine... Sir Baldwin. I had... I had no right..." Trailing off her own words then and she moves to fiddle with a few vials before her, her gaze shifting down to them as well.

"She was on one of the other two ships following in our wake," Baldwin explains. "I feel there is some trouble. She is the guest of the King and he has ordered me to look after her safety." Not commenting on how troublesome or tiring that task may be. The ease with which the reply was offered will fade when the knight hears Rayne's reply about his letter. "I am happy then, that I dared to write it, Miss Rayne," he admits, some colour conquering his cheeks as well now. As for her next remark, it does something to him that makes himself forget any caution, and he steps closer now to reach for her hand. "No... not your fault. You didn't do anything that could be held against you, Miss Rayne," he offers at a lower volume, leaning a tad closer as to ensure no others might overhear them. Then letting go of her hand as he steps back, becoming aware this gesture may not have been his wisest decision today.

"Well if anyone can keep the Princess safe, it is you, Sir Baldwin." Rayne would remark with a smile. Perhaps a bit of a bias opinion, but then topics of conversations past included how their jobs were both somewhat dangerous. When he speaks on the letter once more, that smile remains and she gives a nod of her head as if to agree with the words Baldwin speaks. It is the next moment that sort of has Rayne taken back a little, as she feels her hand taken, and takes note that he has stepped closer, leaned in further, a thing which causes her to take a breath or two. "You are too kind with your words, Sir Baldwin. I acted upon impulse and I... I let our stations take second to what I felt in my heart. For that, you have certainly had a stern talk with your father. I can only imagine how he treated you upon such notions after what he said to me." Her hand is let go of, but not before she can give it a slight squeeze, a thing that she would at least be able to remember for the time they are apart. Another patron looks through her wares, and she offers them a bit of information, answers to questions, and it is all done with a smile. A vial retrieved, and coins exchanged, she takes another breath. "It has been a good day... I might just be able to afford some fresher food stuffs this time around..." A comment made in passing, of sorts, as she sets more vials upon the shelf.

Baldwin's lips curve into a smile at Rayne' reassuring comment. "I am doing what I can, Miss Rayne. After all, it's the king's order." That squeeze to his hand is noted, as can be told from the flicker in his grey-blue eyes. "Do not worry about how my father, I've certainly get over that experience," he remarks with a faint but not really enthused chuckle. His gaze follows Rayne when she moves to do her business, and for a moment he'll just stand there, looking a bit forlorn. Finally rolling his shoulders then, as he decides to move on. "I thank you for the talk Miss Rayne. May you be safe from any harm. But for your own saftely, I have to advise you to keep away from my family." Referring to his father there, most probably, and his sister. "It has been good to see you are well," the knight adds after another moment, with a pensive smile.

"I will see you." Added after another moment and with a meaningful glance, before Baldwin offers a bow in goodbye and moves off.