675-06-23 - Unexpected Delivery

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Unexpected Delivery
Summary: A letter from Rayne to Baldwin, and his reply.
Who: Rayne Devantry and Baldwin Ivounel
References: re:Erek Ivounel
When: June 23rd, 675
Related Logs: None
Date of RP: 23/06/2014
Where: Somewhere in the Duchy of Athereyne
Room Desc: None

A young lad, no older than his teens, appears. Covered in dirt and other boy-hood dust, he still attempts to make himself look unkempt before the Knight. "S-Sir Baldwin?" Upon confirmation, he would hand over a sealed letter. He does no more than this, and utters not another word before turning and taking off as soon as the letter is accepted.

Upon the letter being opened, the following can be read :

"Dearest Baldwin,

I pray that this letter has found your eyes only, and that you are well. I am sorry for any trouble that I may have caused you, and I just want you to know that I am well myself. Your father summoned me, I am not sure if you were aware of such things. I suppose you have already spoken with him, and while perhaps a part of me always knew it would end like this, I had hope it would not be so. Still, your father forbade I see you ever again, he did not tell me I could not write you a letter, hence this.

I write this in haste so get it to you before anything drastic happens. So pray you forgive me if it seems a bit to point and not some heavy handed romantic gesture. The woods are grand, and my few and far between helpers will only wait so long and do so much.

Know that no matter what is spoken about us, no matter what is said about what we can or cannot do, that does not kill what I feel in my heart. Though I was a little surprised to learn that some thought I had you under a spell! Witchcraft indeed, I would no sooner practice than have my tongue cut out of my mouth. That aside, and despite it all, I love you with a passion my heart can barely contain. Though I know that duty above all is something you take pride in following. Know that regardless of what comes in our lives from this point forward, that you are loved, that I still hold on to hope even if it is fading.

Perhaps, just once, the fates and the world will be kind to ones such as you and I. Until then, be well, my most brave and dearest Knight.

With Love,


That same lad delivers another letter two days later, to a shack in the woods of Woriscant.

"Miss Rayne,

I am not a good writer of letters. In fact I never was. But I feel your letter requires a reply, and my heart would not let me rest until I had written down some of what is on my mind.

I am devastated about how bad my talk with father went. He did not even give me a chance, nor what has developed between you and I. Instead he chose to humiliate me, blame my sister's follies on my incompetence and most of all, to tell me that I am not to see you again.

I am hardly surprised he summoned you for a talk, as my father prefers to make himself quite clear, twice and thrice if needs be. I apologize for what you most probably had to endure. Duty demands that I follow my father's wishes, although my heart tells me otherwise. But I know that I am not to expose you to dishonour, and should be well adivised not to seek you out in person, for the time coming.

However, duty will not keep me from cherishing the few moments we had, as my feelings remain unchanged. It has been a short time of happiness, a light in the darkness that will give me strength to continue on whatever tasks life may still hold in store for me.

I will remain under the spell of your unique character, and I feel blessed you think me still worthy of your affection. And even if that may be of little comfort to you, I doubt any other woman will make such a lasting impression on me, as you did.

I am aware this is a kind of goodbye, but should you ever find yourself in peril, do not hesitate to let me know, and I will come to your aid. This I swear, by my honour and by the Two Rivers.

May the Gods guard your way, forever and always,

Sir Baldwin Ivounel."