675-06-20 - A Princess Declines

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A Princess Declines
Summary: Princess Madalyn Onimus and King Barret Brais meet for a talk.
Who: Barret Brais, Madalyn Onimus, Nimoria and Ralph Fennim
References: re:Abegayle Onimus
When: June 20th, 675, afternoon
Related Logs: Recent Isles logs
Date of RP: 20/06/2014
Where: Feasting Hall - Castle Equitaine, Duchy of Athereyne
Room Desc: Banners showing the Leaping Horse of Lenouvi on a field of yellow and green cover the walls of the Feasting Hall, inbetween torches that offer a flickering light in the evenings. The floor and the walls are of an ocre toned sandstone, that give them a warm yellow glow whereever the light of sun manages to touch them during the day through four high but narrow windows. On the far side of the hall is one single trestle table on a dais overlooking the the others, and it is here the Ducal family and honour guests usually will be seated. Always present are the guards and servants, standing at the ready to serve the nobility with wine, mostly Athereyne Red, and the meals of the day.

The second ship of the delegation had arrived on the previous day, and with it another two ships from the Isles, bringing a royal guest. No official meetings had taken place on that first eve, apart from a feast in the Grand Hall of Castle Equitaine, where Princess Madalyn and her retinue had been welcomed officially, along with those returning home. It is on the next morning that word has been brought to the Princess, that King Barret Brais would like to speak with her in the Feasting Hall. The Hall has been cleared, tables brought to the sides, there are guards guarding the entrance, and King Barret Brais sits on the ornamented chair that is usually meant for the host, Duke Herrik Lenouvi. He is attired in better clothes than usual today, a doublet and fine breeches in the red and black of House Brais, a crown rests on his head, and he shoots glances to the doors, as he waits for Madalyn to arrive. Beside him stands Lord Ralph Fennim, who had led the delegation once Duke Alajos had left the Isles, and both converse in hushed tones.

Madalyn arrives in the hall without much fanfare, followed as she always is these days by guardians. She approaches the king slowly, calming to a halt several feet from where he is seated and performs a formal courtsey. "Greetings, your majesty," are her only words. It's all quite formal and polished, but everything from her tone to her posture seems sullen and gray.

Of course, the Princess will not be alone when she enters, as the pale white-haired ethereal beauty known as Royal Oni Nimoria will accompany her. She wears a dress today, a fact that will please the Fennim as he advised her to do so. Although this dress is by no means usual in regards of the fashion worn at Two Rivers. A long dress in white, deeply cut out at the front almost down to her navel although managing to cover her womanly curves, the skirts slid wide at the front as well, showing off her long legs. "Your Majesty," Nimoria will greet, before she falls silent, keeping to the background for now.

Barret will rise when Madalyn enters, a friendly smile curving his lips as he bows to her. "You highness. I am glad you made it safely here, I hope the journey was not too unpleasant?" His manner is polite, but also containing a certain warmth, his eyes widen maybe a bit as he studies her, as she is indeed quite young.

Ralph meanwhile will remain silent, a deep bow to Madalyn the only greeting coming from the Fennim.

Madalyn offers a second curtsey to Fennim before turning to answer the King. "It was not, your majesty. I have never had a chance to travel so far by boat before ..." She seems about to continue that thought, but just halts and closes her mouth.

"I am sorry to hear that," Barret replies, a bit of regret flickering indeed in his brown eyes as he gestures for a servant. "It does not feel right to have you standing here before me, your highness, like a common courtier. Won't you have a seat, and we speak like equals? After all the matter that needs be discussed demands it." A chair is brought and put down, to face Barret's, leaving three feet of distance between them.

Madalyn bows her head graciously at the offer, moving her way up to sit in the chair. "My thanks, your majesty," she offers in gratitude. "What did you wish to speak about?"

Barret's gaze shifts to Ralph briefly before it comes to rest on Madalyn again. "I have had word that your mother, the Queen Abegayle Onimus wishes a bond to be forged between our kingdoms. She has suggested a match, of quite an ambitious kind. I want to know how you feel about it, as she offers me your hand in marriage...?" There is a flicker in his eyes, suggesting he may already expect some objection on her part. After all he is old enough to be her father, no older in fact. His voice is gentle though, and the smile he gives her, warm and understanding. "You may think I am pretty old, and aye, you're right, I have children, and they are older than you, even. My two sons died in the prime of their years, during the plague. Your mother is aware I am need of a male heir. I am honoured by her suggestion. Indeed."

Madalyn does a rather poor job of keeping her emotions from her face, rather clearly not happy with the idea of the marriage. "It is the will of the queen and Onimoria that I wed you. My thoughts on the matter are silly and meaningless," she replies calmly, avoiding giving any kind of real answer to the question.

"Hmmm," Barret considers, watching Madalyn with a thoughtful smile, as he waves for a servant to bring them wine. "I am aware you do not know me at all, your highness. You may see and old grumpy man here, sitting on the throne of a kingdom that has seen many hardships in the recent years. A man who has had to deal with loss, a man on whom time has left his marks indeed..." And there his hand brushes over his face, as if assuring himself of the wrinkles here and there. "I am still the King, and as such I serve my country and its demands. You are a beauty, your highness. You may have dreamed of another much younger husband. You are aware of your mother's wish. But what are your own thoughts...?"

Madalyn cracks under the repeated question, tears starting to flow down her pale cheeks. "I don't know! Everyone keeps telling me I am just a silly little girl, and that I have to do what is expected of me, what Onimoria needs of me, but why would she force me to marry a man I do not love, do not even know?!" she sobs, well on her way to being hysterical. "This isn't what I want - what I imagined would be, this is ..." she just trails off quietly. Finally realizing what she just said and to who, her cheeks flush red in embarrassment and her teary eyes are wide in fright.

There is one thing the King cannot take, and that is tears flowing down on a face of a young maiden. He gets to his feet and walks over to Madalyn, waving the servant arriving with the wine off for a moment. His hands reach for hers as he pulls her to her feet, concern and sympathy showing in his brown gaze. "Do not cry, your highness, please! Just calm down. Everything is going to be alright.", he assures he while handing her his handkerchief, embroidered with the coat of arms of House Brais. "Remember to breathe, and that you are alive. Nothing will happen to you, I swear."

"Careful...", a soft voice murmurs from behind Madalyn now, as Nimoria has suddenly crossed the distance. "Don't forget what you promise, my princess."

Madalyn starts to breathe when directed, using the handkerchief to wipe at her face, that is until Nimoria speaks and she stiffens - thoughts of calm gone. "Please forgive my outburst, your majesty," she almost sounds like she's begging, even leaning forward to cling to the king. "It was stupid of me to speak so."

The gaze of the King shifts to Nimoria briefly, as he seems to have heard her remark as well, then Madalyn leans forward and he cannot help but hold her, his arms closing about her slender form in a reassuring hug. "There's nothing to forgive, your highness. I see you are desperate.", his baritone voice assures her. "I will not force you in any way," this added at a lower volume, whispered into her ear, and he smiles when he lets go of her. "No... You have quite a temper, a thing I admire in a person."

Madalyn manages a weak little laugh at the last comment. "Thank you, your majesty," she breathes, showing some signs of relief. "I have been told that I can be quite the handful. It has always made mo-the queen cross, so I am trying to be better about it."

"There. You are feeling much better now, I suppose? Maybe a sip of good Athereyne Red may add to your enjoyment," Barret replies, before returning to his chair to claim his goblet of wine. "And then, after you have calmed down a bit, I will repeat my question, and I ask you to answer it with honesty. How do you feel about marrying me, Princess Madalyn? But for now... to your safe arrival here in Two Rivers. We are glad to have you as our guest." He raises the goblet in a toast, offering her a friendly smile before he takes a sip.

Madalyn returns to her seat, taking her own wine carefully in both hands to make sure any unsteadiness on her part doesn't lead to a spill. She raises her goblet at the toast, adding, "To my hosts," to it before taking a small sip of her own. Once that is done she rests the goblet in her lap, letting her fingers fiddle with it nervously but not drinking more.

Barret studies her attentively, letting the silence linger in the hall. A low sound comes when Ralph shifts a little in his stance, he so far has been quiet, his glance now and then checking on what Nimoria does. The white-haired Royal Oni leans forward now, a cold hand reaches for Madalyn's shoulder as she whispers into the princess's ear: "Time to give him the reply, my princess." Then that hand releases Madalyn's shoulder as Nimoria steps back. Allowing silence to reign again.

Madalyn winces slightly at the touch on her shoulder. Forcing a deep breath in her lungs, she looks up from the goblet to speak. "I do not want to marry you," she answers honestly. "I had held out some small hope until we met, but you feel like a father or uncle, not someone I could be happy with." she hangs her head in shame. "I am sorry."

There is a sharp inhale behind Madalyn. "Excuse me, your majesty," Nimoria says with an outwardly playful smile. But now Madalyn's shoulder is grabbed from behind again, this time with more effort. The voice of Nimoria lowered to a hiss, as she whispers: "Take that back, at once! This is a decision, that will affect all of your future, child! Be aware of the consequences. If you won't marry him, you will become nothing. You will lose your family, your Kingdom, you will become a poor noobody, an outcast. A traitor to your country and all your mother believes in...? Is that what you want? Really?"

Barret smiles when he hears her reply, it does not seem to surprise him that much. He seems about to say something, but waits until Nimoria has finished her whisper. His bushy eyebrows are raised, as all in the hall awaits Madalyn's reaction to the Royal Oni's advice.

Madalyn's eyes widen at what Nimoria says to her. "Mother would never ... she loves ..." she begins, not bothering to talk quietly enough to not be overheard, but she does trail off as realization dawns on her face. She looks back to Barret, thinking for a moment, and finally just setting her jaw. "If mother does not want the daughter she was given, then so be it," she finally says.

"You brought it about yourself, child," Nimoria says as she straightens, and takes a step backwards.

Barret's forehead wrinkles at the words of the Princess, not so much about the decline to marry him, but the cosnequences that are hinted at. He rises to his feat once again and swiftly crosses the distance to Madalyn. "What is the meaning of this...? You are not free to decline?" looking a touch surprised at the realization.

"She can't return to the Isles," Nimoria now says, her voice cold as it rings through the hall. "She is not welcome there any more. She has lost her status as a princess of the Isle of the Crown. If you would excuse me?" A curtsey is offered and the white-haired ethereal Royal High Oni moves to leave.

"Is that so...?" the King inquires, looking astonished as his gaze shifts to Madalyn. "I... offer you the shelter of my court, Princess Madalyn." Stressing the title there. "Until your mother has made up her mind, see yourself as a guest. I would be honoured of you accept my offer of hospitality."

Madalyn sheaks her head slightly, a sad little smile on her face. "No, your majesty, it would seem I was not. I do not believe the queen will change her mind, but I would be glad of what shelter you will offer until the matter is resolved to your satisfaction. My apologies for bringing such dour events to your halls."

"No apology is required," King Barret assures her, although the glance he gives her is thoughtful. "See yourself as a guest then. You will accompany me to Castle Mergorand in a few days, if you wish. I will see to it, that you will receive guards and handmaidens as suits your station as princess." In a way deliberately ignoring Nimoria's comment there. "You may move freely through the kingdom if you so wish. But a knight will be assigned to you to personally see to your safety. He will report to you, as soon as I've found someone who is suited for the task."

Madalyn bows her head graciously to the king. "You offer more than I deserve, your majesty, and of course I will accompany you, to the Mergorand or wherever else you wish. You have all the gratitude I can offer and more."

Barret smiles when she accepts. "There is a good thing about this," he admits. "You can get to know the kingdom. Its is a good kingdom. And, to be honest," he shoots her a glance. "I felt awkward about this too. You are so young and beautiful. You feel indeed much more like a daughter to me. But for now, I beg you, get some refreshment, food and wine. Get some rest. And if you should wish to speak with someone, let me know. I am at your service." And there he returns to the chair, exchanging a glance with Ralph, whose mien has taken on a sombre expression, and sits down with a sigh.

Madalyn rises from her seat, and curtseys, a genuine smile actually on her face once she's done. "I have always wanted to see more of the world. The queen was never one to let me wander from the palace. I will take my leave and find some rest as you suggest. It has been a trying day."