675-06-16 - Charity for the Queen?

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Charity for the Queen?
Summary: The Queen herself offers ser Moshe the opportunity to become Chief Constable of the Kingdom of the Isles, but he refuses and even manages to irritate her.
Who: Moshe Machuri, Abegayle Onimus
References: re:Lisabette Zorich
When: 675-06-16
Related Logs: None
Date of RP: 2014-06-16
Where: Queen's Council - Castle of the White Dove
Room Desc: Two guards stand at the entrance at all times, their uniforms of red and gold standing out against the white of the room itself, The door is heavy and thick, carved with the images of dove across it's surface. The room itself is formed of the odd white stone, while floors are white marble. There are a few vases found within, often filled with flowers to offer a little freshness to the otherwise windowless room.
Shelving makes up one wall, small cubbies formed to hold various rolled scrolls and parchments, both bare and waiting to be written on, and others already holding various missives. In another area, various small pieces similar to that which mght be used for chess, can be found, grouped together and carved from different colors of marble. A huge table stands in the middle of the room, chairs pushed in around it for the council to sit at during meetings. The large map of Felaguria currently hangs upon the wall, and yet could easily be taken down to cover the table to be used with the pieces during strategy meetings. One chair at the end of the table is obviously larger, a throne meant for the Queen. Two other chairs are located in the corner of the room, for the servants that might attend the Queen and room when in use.

Moshe arrives at the Queen's Council and as he is allowed to enter he enters and so right now as he approuches the center, he seems to stop. He stands there, waiting, watching the shadows for anything out of the ordinary but over all he was summoned to be here and so he is. Now he stands there, hand at the palm of his sword and he waits patiently. He is not sure why he was summoned but he may suspect something about the recent executions. In either case he waits, patiently in the middle of the room untill told other wise.

Soon the Queen comes in. She is wearing quite a different dress than she is used to. The gown is very wide and sways, playfully flattering the legs of the Queen. The gown is decorated with some kind of glinting expensive pearls. The dress has the color of the ocean and the Queen could remind the mermaid. She even keeps her dark hair tress, letting them sway around her shoulders. For a moment, the Queen may look young and wild woman again.

She beams widely and extands her hands to the sides, as if offering the hug. "Oh, ser Moshe Machuri! I am so pleased to see you!" She comes closer and lowers her hands on the man's shoulders, squeezing it gently and stabbing her gaze to his, "Congratulations for handling the thievery case so perfectly!"

Moshe stands there and finaly as the Queen approuches he was going to go down to a knee but she has her hands out and then soon she puts her hands on his shoulders. Moshe notices the dress but otehr than that he listens to her. " Thank you my Queen, I only did what was asked of me. I wish to please the Queen and protect the Isles, the priestess confessed and that was good enough."

"I really like your attidute!" The Queen beams widely and looks more joyfull than during the whole years she lived. She never smiled so warmly. She shines more than the sun outside. Can it be just perfectly solved case or there is something more? Who can understand Queens?..

"I need such a trustful person, ser Moshe Machuri. If what you tell is truth, you will accept my offer. I need you to come and live here. We will give you the room in the Castle. Ser Moshe Machuri, I, the Queen of the Isles, want to make you the Chief Constable of the Kingdom of the Isles. We have over 37 islands. Each island has one constable, who is commanding to the simple guards, who are patrolling in the streets during the days and nights. However, we do not have Chief Constable right now, who would unite each of them and who would handle any treat to our peace inside the Kingdom. I want you to be the guardian of our laws. Of course, Marshal stays responsible for the whole army, Master of Laws will keep our laws updated, but you will have to make sure, that everyone follows it. You will answer to me, the Fourth and the Queen's Council. All constables and guards will answer to you. Though, the Royal Guards called the Guardians of Onimoria, will still answer just for The Fourth and the Queen. What would you say?"

Moshe listens to her and as she contineus to speak, his eyes go alittle wider and as she finaly finishes the words he stands there for a very long time and keeps on looking at her. Then he slowly kneels to a knee and then speaks, his head down. " My Queen, you give me such praise and it delights me to hear this from yourself my Queen. I am your servant but I am also a servant of another. I am Duchess Lisabettes personal Knight, I am hers to command and I will nto do anything unless she approuves of it. I have satyed away from her for a long time to help with this problem the Isles had. Now, I wish to be by her side again but if she agrees to thsi offer, I will take it as it is your wish...My Queen."

Moshe listens to her and as she contineus to speak, his eyes go alittle wider and as she finaly finishes the words he stands there for a very long time and keeps on looking at her. Then he slowly kneels to a knee and then speaks, his head down. " My Queen, you give me such praise and it delights me to hear this from yourself my Queen. I am your servant but I am also a servant of another. I am Duchess Lisabettes personal Knight, I am hers to command and I will nto do anything unless she approuves of it. I have satyed away from her for a long time to help with this problem the Isles had. Now, I wish to be by her side again but if she agrees to thsi offer, I will take it as it is your wish...My Queen."

The Queen frowns slightly. Her joyful mood fades for a moment and she does not feel very happy, hearing such words. She moves aside and walks to take a seat on her chair. The woman places her hands on the table and pats her fingers on it a bit irritated, "So, you are telling me, ser Moshe Machuri, that the work you did here was just a charity to the Queen, but you serve for your lady and not your Queen? Does that mean, that the word of the Queen can be questioned? Can be declined?"

Moshe still on a knee, he watches her go to sit and tap her fingers on the table and as she speaks he listens and he licks his lips slowly, perhaps a bit nervous, who would not in the presence of such a great woman. "No my Queen it was not charity, it was to protect you, the Isles and the treaties you wanted to do with the other kingdoms." he pauses a moment and then takes a slight breath. " I am a tool to be used my Queen. Duchess Lisabette has accepted me as her personal Knight, I serve you as a tool as well my Queen but it would not be honorable to accept something without her hearing it and speaking her words my Queen. I mean no disrespect but if I have my deepest apologies, I will take any punishment you wish to do to my person."

"You are good, handling your sword and finding criminals. Though, you still need to learn how to speak. Ser Moshe Machuri, you made it sound as if you understand all the situation as charity for the Queen. No. It was not like that. Do you know, why I chose you? I could choose anyone, but I chose you! I saw something in you. I saw potency. You need new tutors. You need to feel the life here in the capital. I, the Queen of the Isles was generous to give you opportunity to raise. However, I am not sure if I was right to do so..."

The woman eyes the man for a moment, before speaking again, "I want to know, that the man who will be responsible for the peace inside our Kingdom respects our laws. That means, he must respect me, the Fourth, the Queen's Council and our decisions. If you will take this opportunity, you will serve to the law, not to the dutchess of the Gloomy Jungles. So, I may understand your concern. I give you one day. If you won't come to me before the sun goes down, I will understand it as refusal. You can go now."

Moshe nods to the Queen then. " If that is your wish my Queen, I will take this into concideration, my apologies for speaking improperly. Thank you for the honor you have bestowed and what opportunity you have given me. I apologies for your dissapointment in me, I rectify it as quickly as possible." with that he bows his head once again, then stands up and walks out still looking at her.