675-06-14 - The Culprits have been punished!

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The Culprits have been punished!
When: June 14th, 675
Date of RP: 14/06/2014
Where: The Isles

Two commoners meet on the Deave Plaza, and engage in conversation:

"You've been there, at the amphitheatre, when all those followers got what they deserved?"

"Oh yeah, that was something! Couldn't get my eyes of that gore...", the other replies, his eyes sparkling.

"Hah, even if that evil priestess couldn't keep her mouth shut!"

"Yeah, she was pretty annoying. Got what she deserved in the end though."

"Pretty mess there on the field."

"Yeah, I 'm so happy I wasn't one of those who had to clean up that mess afterwards. I mean... limbs and stuff!"

"Yeah. Bloody limbs. And torsos.", the other replies with a grin.

"Lots of fodder for the pigs."

"Yeah. More than they can eat really."

And there they share another laugh before each continues on his errand.