675-06-09 - Innocence and Invitations

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Innocence and Invitations
Summary: A healer's name is deemed cleared, and a Knight receives an innocent invitation.
Who: Moshe Machuri and Rayne Devantry
References: None
When: 675-06-09
Related Logs: Believe it or not - Rayne's Arrest, plus the thieving and murder logs
Date of RP: 2014-06-10 - Backscened
Where: Deave's Inn
Room Desc: This is a respectable inn, well-kept and tidy, with white painted walls in the common room, tables of various sizes and matching benches, carved from light birch tree wood. On the tables are vases with flowers that are regularly changed, as well as candles to offer a cozy lighting during late evenings. At the back of the room there are stairs leading to the upper floor, where rooms can be rented.

It was the night before the execusion is to happen, people have been sent out and posters have been put in the town central post. Through the night, people have started to talk about it and Moshe has decided then he needed to know, what people are saying, thinking. He is not much for disguises and had told his guards to stay away, this is him doing some research. So alone, he enters the establishment, he is wearing not so proper clothing, more like a real low born male, with some money to spend on luxuries. He is a familiar face here and as he seaks to teh innkeeper, with hood drawn up and covering most of his facial features he is given a spot in the back table, alone. Of course he is provided with food and drink and he partakes of it, though hood still drawn up.

There's perhaps much excitement bustling from most of the patrons within the main room of the Inn. Though among them, sitting on her own and nursing a bowl of stew, is Rayne. She speaks to no one, she doesn't even seem to perks up when people begin to talk about executions and the like. In truth, that could have been her if certain things didn't happen while she was a prisoner of this city. So, in further truth, she simply wasn't interested, though she was a little happy somewhere deep within her mind that the attention was finally being taken off her.

Or so she hoped.

After a moment, she glances up and around, and perhaps she recognizes Moshe, but she gives little indication. Not quite tucked in the back, perhaps a table away from the man, she eats in silence and keeps her peace. Better for her that way.

Moshe has been observing people, drinking and eating, enjoying soem fruit as well. At that time he does notice Rayne, he remembers her easily enough, good looking woman but most of all accused for murder she did not commit. He made sure of that. After a moment, he motions a waitress over and in silent words tells her something. The waitress looks on over to Rayne and then nods to him. After a moment the same waitress goes to Raynes table and bows her head. " Miss, the gentleman wishes to speak to you." then she leans in and says in more quiet words. " Ser Moshe is his name, he has asked me to ask you if you like to join him." Now she waits, seeming nervous now.

Rayne seems to be quite contented with eating her meal, that when the waitress approaches, she almost waves the woman away. Though the words offered has Rayne giving a pause, looking up to the waitress before glancing where she indicates, to the same man she had noted a moment ago. Sir Moshe. She remembered him, and as such would nod her head. "Very well, thank you." Seeming a bit dismissive over all but after a moment she stands and slowly makes her way to Moshe's table. Close as it is, she's walking with a limp and taking it a step at a time either way. Her hands are bandaged as well, and her face is bruised gently. If one could see her legs they're bandaged as well, but the wounds are noticeable enough with the limp she walks with. After a moment, she wordlessly seats herself across from Moshe, glancing up to the man with that moss green gaze and offers him a weary smile. "Sir Moshe. I am a bit surprised, yet honored, you've requested I join you. Is there something I can help you with?"

Moshe watches as the waitress does as bidded and then eventually he watches Rayne hobble over. Noting that he stands up and does go and pull up a chair for her to sit before sliding it further underneath her. Now he goes back to take a seat, he does notice much about her and he is looking stunned. " I am sorry miss Rayne, I did not know you were injured. What transpired? Did someone hurt you, do I need to hurt them back?" all that honor and stuff ignored, obviously he is schocked at seeing her like this.

Rayne waves a hand dismissively in the air. "I was in the woods. I like the woods, I live in the woods back home so...it's comforting to me..." She would speak before taking a breath. "I got lost however, and was attacked by a bigger cat-like creature. Then a storm came, and I got lost further, while the creature did a number on me. Master Marcus happened upon me, however, and we both lived to tell the tale." She would shrug then before finally a smirk toys at her features. "Hazards of being a woodland folk, I guess. Still, I am fine, and no one needs to be harmed...the cat in question was killed after it tried to attack Master Marcus." Explaining further, confessing as much, before she sets her eyes to the very interesting wood grain on the table.

Moshe looks at her as he slides the plate of fruit for her to partake in and then leans back a bit, relaxing a bit as she tells her tail. Most times he is a straight back stiff but at this time he looks a bit tired, exhausted perhaps and not so straight back as per usual. Taking a sip from his wine he does finaly nod then. " Yes, the woods are dangerous and big cats have been known to lie within, my apologies for that." then she mentions Marcus again and that brings a brow up. " Master Marcus, the sellsword? He rescued you, well, there is more to this man than I am aware, thank you. So, your on the mends then and I will presume so is Master Marcus?"

Rayne eyes the fruit a moment before reaching to pluck a piece at random and pops it into her mouth to chew and consume. A tilt of her head then before she nods to his words. "Master Marcus is indeed a man of many talents. Fingers in several pots so to speak. Not that such is a bad thing, but I also feel he is one to keep on your toes around." Such is her opinion, no matter what anyone may say about the man. "Aye, we are both on the mend, I thank you for your concern with such matters." A smile remains on those lips as she reaches to pluck another piece of fruit from the platter. "I take it your time has been busy... if the rumors of such executions are true?" Yep, to the one man who perhaps she owed a bit of her freedom to, she would raise the question. Mostly to ensure that she had nothing more to worry on in regards to her own innocence.

Moshe nods to her specialy after she states soemthign about Marcus, like she trusts him but does not. " I see, will keep that in mind then, thank you." then he does to reach for a piece of fruit and plucks into his mouth, doing as she does. Maybe he is trying it out, before he was slowly taking pieces, this may be a new thing for him. Then the question and he grins slightly. " Yes, most indeed busy." he leans in a bit more and whispers teh rest. " Miss Rayne, my apologies for what has transpired, the accusations towarsd you and the Two Rivers was a plot to make negotiations with us not happen, which almost came to pass. You have been cleared of all charges and your good name will stay as it should. Two River Folks have been cleared of any misdoing." he pauses to see her reactionn.

Her reaction? At his words, there is nothing but complete relief over her face, like he just lifted the weight of the world from her shoulders. "Sir Moshe. It certainly is fine. I knew my innocence, and I was going to stand by it regardless of the outcome. Though I am indeed pleased to hear that such did not come to pass, and my lands can continue to negotiate with your own." That smile remains as she reaches for another piece of fruit before waving down the waitress. "Could I perhaps have a glass of wine please? Thank you." Glancing back to Moshe then. "Now we can put all of that behind us, and I am happy to do so."

Moshe smiles, well almost smiles, there is a slight edge on his lips that indicate a smile. This man never smiles but seeing the relief to her innocence he felt good. " You stand by your values and it pays off. You represented Two Rivers resolve and that makes me wonder about your kingdom." he pauses and he goes back to looking grim. " tomorrow the execution will happen, we deal justice with upsolute and gruesome. What they have done is treason, murder is nothing, a quick death but treason...long and painfull." he looks to his hands then and then looks to the waitress. " Under my name please." as Rayne orders wine.

There seems to be a sort of lifting of her head, perhaps pride, perhaps honor, but something sparkles in that moss green gaze of hers. "Most would think that my values are a little lacking in some areas. The way I think on certain matters. Still, I hold resolve where I feel it counts, which is the important part, aye?" A chuckle then before she listens about the executions and there is almost a visible shudder to her form. "I do not think I will be in attendance. Mostly because it would be taxing for me to travel to where they are being held, but I also feel I would not like to see such things." Though it would seem such a topic is best laid to rest as quickly as it is mentioned and when Moshe says for the drink to be ordered under his name, she blushes. "Thank you, Sir Moshe. Your generosity is compelling."

Moshe listens to her words and then there is a nod. " I would not mind visiting Two Rivers and soon. You have shown me true desire that I only seen in a few and I am curious." at the mention of not showing up he nods again. " It's understandable, I do not expect anyone of your Two Rivers to show, it is not required." then he see's the blush and shakes his head. " It is the least I can do. I am truly sorry for all that has happend." Then a guard comes in and looks around, see's Moshe and coems in and whispers in his ear. Soon the gaurd leaves and he sighs. " My apologies, seems I am required and immediately, if you will excuse me." as he stands up to go.

Rayne smiles and nods. "Perhaps you could return with our delegation? I mean we'd have a ship going to Two Rivers anyway, yes? And leaving from here. Quite convienient really." She would say he could be her guest, but that was perhaps not appropriate considering. Her status and such. Then the guard comes and Moshe seems to need to take his leave. "Oh, of course. By your leave, Sir Moshe, and thank you once again."

Moshe nods to her then. " Yes, we do have a ship heading there. Though it be up to the Queen where I to head and my Duchess. Thank you miss Rayne and do take care if we do nto see each other again." then with that he is leaving.