675-06-08 - Bruises

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Summary: Rayne tells Baldwin about the incident at the forest, and another one in her past.
Who: Baldwin Ivounel and Rayne Devantry.
References: re:Slider
When: June 8th, 675
Related Logs: 675-06-07 - A healer's mending
Date of RP: 13-15/06/2014
Where: The Deave Inn - City of Deavel, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: This is a respectable inn, well-kept and tidy, with white painted walls in the common room, tables of various sizes and matching benches, carved from light birch tree wood. On the tables are vases with flowers that are regularly changed, as well as candles to offer a cozy lighting during late evenings. At the back of the room there are stairs leading to the upper floor, where rooms can be rented.

It is an afternoon like so many others at the Deave Inn, most patrons are downstairs in the Common Room, taking a meal or simply just enjoying a bit of ale, while the hallway is less crowded and actually much more tranquil. The sound of doors opening and closing is scarce at the moment, so when the door to Baldwin's room opens, it may be heard by any keen ears in the vicinity. Out of his room steps the young Ivounel knight, and instead of proceeding rightaway to those stairs that lead down he pauses, his grey-blue eyes fixating Rayne's door, as if he were pondering something.

Just having woken up, checked and changed her bandages, and got as dressed as she felt like getting for the day, Rayne would hobble towards the door to her room. Hobbling was the best description, as she still was not as steady on her feet as she would like to be. The coming and goings of people are noticed, but ever since that night she found the murdered body - and got caught up in all that mess - Rayne actually tried to ignore her curiosity. A bit of a stumble to her steps has her catching one hand on the wall and her other on the door knob to her door causing it to rattle a moment. The healer just about ready to give up and hobble back to bed before deciding to just open the door and step into the hallway, steady and slow as she goes.

That rattling against the door will catch the attention of the young man outside of that room at once, and he'll take a few steps towards it, with concerned determination as if suspecting some trouble there. There have been strange things at the in of late, that is for sure. So when the door then opens and Rayne steps outside he seems at least relieved to see she is alive. That is his first reaction, soon, dimming considerably when he sees the state she is in, her bruised face, the limping, the hint of bandages worn beneath her clothes, all these things are noted in a quick glance he casts her, before he closes the distance between them to grab her by the shoulders. "Miss Rayne! What... by... I mean... What has happened to you?" Quickly swallowing a reference to Melgrath's shattering ways, before it comes over his lips, Baldwin will study the face of the healer with astonishment and concern.

Rayne blinks as she takes note of Baldwin being there in front of her before feeling him take her by the shoulders. She smiles, and then lowers her gaze a moment. "Nothing of grand scale, Sir Baldwin. I was out in the woods, as I tend to like the woods, and was attacked by a large cat-like creature." She begins to regale him with the tale, lifting her green gaze to find his own blue-grey one. "I managed to escape the beast, only to get caught in a storm, which led me to being lost in the woods. Master Marcus happened upon me, and in no short form helped me out of the storm and to bandage me up. The next morning we were attacked by - likely - the same beast. It got Master Marcus as well, and then it managed to find it's death. Both Marcus and I returned yesterday at some point...and well...here I am?" She would chuckle a little before shaking her head. "I was just about to go get myself something to eat if you..perhaps..wish to join me?"

Baldwin gasps at the news. "A large cat? How could you...venture out there all on your own, Miss Rayne? You look like you could have easily gotten killed.", he replies, with maybe a hint of reproach in his voice. "So... I owe Master Marcus my gratitude for saving you, then, I suppose." A flicker in his eyes goes along with that assumption, before he nods, his gaze then dropping to his hands at her shoulders that gave her a too firm squeeze, before he releases her from his grasp with a sigh. "I am... sorry Miss Rayne. If I had known about this I would have came to save you myself." Maybe that is the reason for that flicker in his eyes from before. "I am glad you are well, though, and would gladly keep you company, if that is agreeable to you. For a meal." The latter part added a bit hastily perhaps.

"Well. Looking back on it now, it was perhaps a bit silly of myself to go tromping through woods that I've little knowledge of. Yet, surely you know that being from Woriscant, and living within the woods of Woodwatch...they are sort of my forte?" Asking this of Baldwin before giving a scoff at what he says about Marcus. "You can save your tongue on that one, Sir Baldwin. Master Marcus may have been the hero, but it's no more because he's put it upon himself to keep an eye on me than being genuinely concerned about my well being." Saying that, perhaps with a bit of venom on her tongue and then she shakes her head once more. "You wouldn't have known, Baldwin. How were you to? It's not like I put a big sign over my head that read follow me to the woods or some such. I went of my own accord...so the fault is truly my own." Saying that much more before she shifts to move out of her room completely, shutting the door behind herself and then smiles to the man and nods her head. "I am well, and I do appreciate your concern. Come, lets go dine because I'm absolutely famished..." Then again, a couple days tromping through the woods with little provisions might have been the unspoken cause of that.

A bewildered chuckle is the reaction to Rayne's remark about Marcus. "How do you mean that,... he has put himself to keep an eye on you, while not being concerned?" Baldwin steps back to allow the healer to close the door. Then a smile comes when she mentions having the follow me sign, and he shakes his head. "You could have asked me to accompany you, and I would finished off that cat before any harm could have come to you," he remarks with the unquestioning confidence of a young knight. But there his smile fades, as he considers the rumors such a trip to the woods, with just her and him, could have stirred. Not voicing these thoughts however. Instead he nods, as he accompanies Rayne downstairs, chuckling softly at her remark about being hungry, as they move towards a vacant table in a corner.

Rayne takes a moment to collect her thoughts, if because she could be hasty with words if she didn't. "Master Marcus is one of those that I feel should be kept close only so he doesn't stab you in the back. He made it seem like he was paid to watch me and make sure I stayed out of trouble, and then suddenly changed his story to that of him just wanting to be sure I stayed out of trouble." A shrug given as she offers him a smile while they make their way towards the stairs. "I could have. I'm sure I do not need to list a few reasons as to why I was a bit apprehensive in doing so." Unaware that his thoughts sort of strayed precisely to what she was hinting at as she follows him to that vacant table once downstairs. "The good thing is, I survived. Perhaps by the skin of my back, but never the less...and hopefully we'll be headed home soon. Also, the wounds will heal...and they are not my first of course."

"Now, that is odd," Baldwin comments on the matter of Marcus. "Maybe I should speak to him about it?" That more of a question than a statement really. Then he frowns and nods. Aye, their thoughts had strayed to exactly the same obviously. "Ah yes, home,..." he sighs although the glance he shoots Rayne next does not really convey joy. But it is dimmed somewhat by the faint smile curving his lips. Her latter remark has him raise a brow though. "Oh? You seem to get into trouble often then?" He chuckles softly.

Rayne shakes her head a little. "No. Master Marcus will soon be a figment of our imaginations I believe..." Saying as much before she shrugs, and when home is mentioned but he doesn't seem too thrilled on the aspect of such, she frowns a little. "I do miss Woriscant, something fierce, Sir Baldwin. I long for my little cabin and all my herbs...I fear how they've fared since I've been gone." Admitting as much before taking a seat and then she scoffs at his last little jokeful question. "One can only count it as trouble if one is caught. I am never caught. Therefore, no, I do not get into trouble often... just... mishaps. Yes. We'll call them mishaps." A sparkle in her eyes as she says this.

Baldwin nods after a moment, given what Rayne says in regards to Marcus. "Very well," he replies. "I would believe he will return with us." His gaze then softens when Rayne speaks of her home. "Your herbs will be fine, I hope," he remarks, not at all versed in the art of gardening, but that does not keep him from giving his reassuring comment. Then another chuckle follows to her jesting remark. "Aye, mishaps then, Miss Rayne." Catching that sparkle in her eyes as he shoots her a glance. "So you admit to engage in some shady activity now and then?", Baldwin inquires, leaning back in his chair as he studies her with amusement - a rare look indeed, given the usual dutiful expression on his face.

Rayne gives a soft chuckle and a nod of her head. "Perhaps he will. Though he seems as fleeting as the wind." A smirk on her lips then as he remarks about her herbs. "As I am sure they are fine...and if not, it isn't like I cannot coax them back to health one way or another." Tilting her head just so then and that smirk remains in regards to her and these so called mishaps, though she doesn't comment on them. When he inquires about shady activity she raises a brow. "When it becomes necessary to engage in such actions then perhaps." Though her expression sobers just a bit. "Not that I would sign a confession here and now of such a thing, of course." Her attention going to an approaching waitress. "Just a glass of wine, if you would, and a platter of mixed fruits for myself."

Baldwin smiles at Rayne, when she speaks about reviving those plants. "I could never manage," he admits. "But... give me a sword and tell me to spar with someone,... that may work better." Noticing her expression sobering a little next, he'll raise a brow. "Oh? Need I get worried, Miss Rayne?" Then his gaze shifts and he orders some wine for himself as well, along with some bread and cheese. "I know very little about you," he continues after a moment, when the serving girl hurries off, "apart from that you live in the Woods of Woriscant... Have you lived there all your life? Were you born there? What about your parents? Are they still alive?" Inquired curiously as he shoots her a glance. "Last time we spoke we talked about me, and /my/ family..."

Rayne lets out a chuckle. "Then I can tend gardens and you can spar to your hearts content.." A shake of her head at his next question. "No, Sir Baldwin. I'm speaking in jest of course. I've never really done anything note worthy. I simply make my wares and sell them in the market. A pretty simple existence." Then they were placing their orders and once the servant girl wanders off, Baldwin would ask the questions that Rayne had - in truth - been dreading about herself. In fact, a few times she skirted the topic entirely just so she didn't have to speak on it yet knowing she would have to eventually. "I was born in Woriscant, aye. I was actually born in the same house I live in now. So, yes, I have lived there all my life. I learned and honed my skills from my parents who - sadly - are no longer with us, actually." She pauses then, finding the wood grain of the table particularly interesting now. "It's been five years. I buried them myself because I couldn't afford to call for anyone. So it's been me and my little woodland shelter and the forest for some time now. A quaint and quiet existence - I suppose - but it suits me fine." Lifting her gaze then, to find Baldwin's own, perhaps to read his expressions and such.

There is a nod, given to her information of what she does to make a living. His gaze shifts briefly to the serving girl, but then Rayne will have all of Baldwin's attention. "So... born in Woriscant," he will echo with a smile, the information about her parents taken with a bit more concern. "They died five years ago? It can't have been the plague, nor the famine. What happened, Miss Rayne?" He hesitates. "That is if you don't mind talking about it." Maybe sensing a bit of reluctance to do so?

Rayne gives a little shrug of her shoulders. "They were old. They always spoke about how I was their little miracle. A blessing of the gods or some such. I don't remember too much about that morning." Which was a lie, slightly, because what child who - finding their parents dead - forgets such a thing? "I do not mind talking about it. I just...have an odd view of death. It happens. What more is one supposed to do about it?" If one could tell signs, Rayne spoke volumes in silence. Knowing a bit more than she was letting on.

"Oh?", again a brow is raised. "But then, you must have felt pretty loved and appreciated, if they indeed called you a miracle," he remarks with a smile. "And you found them both dead? That must have been horrifying," he says next as he leans a bit forward to reach for Rayne's hand. "How old were you, when it happened?" Sensing something about her bearing there, but not really surprised by it, given the information.

"Oh I did. Do not get me wrong, Sir Baldwin. I loved my parents with everything, and that child's love has never faded..." Finding him leaning forward, taking her hand, she would blush a little with a small smile. "My parents died from nightshade, Sir Baldwin. Nightshade is a plant...a very dangerous and deadly one when not prepared properly. It's one plant I refuse to work with, despite its healing properties." Essentially, her parents poisoned themselves, and died of their own hands. "I was just about twenty. So I was able to spend a decent amount of time with them." Her gaze shifting to meet his own then. "You compell me, Sir Baldwin. I had intention to not say how they died...but I even more so did not...do not...wish to keep anything from you. Secrets and such."

Those grey-blue eyes widen when Rayne speaks of the poison that killed her parents. A bit of news that Baldwin needs to digest for a moment, it seems. "So... it wasn't a natural death, but induced by these herbs...?" Still failing to grasp the full meaning of it all, Baldwin will shoot her a bewildered glance, that will turn into a frown when she speaks of her own reluctance to tell him. "I have no right to ask you about your secrets as you call them, but even moreso I am far from putting any judgement on you nor on your parents because of them. Not right away. But tell me... did they choose death deliberately? If so I cannot help but be wroth at them, for leaving you behind, in such a way." He hesitates and lowers his gaze. "If you would want to talk about it, that is..."

Those moss green eyes seem to shift to a more jade color before Rayne takes a breath but offers a smile never the less. "It was as natural a death as any apothecary would risk when dealing with herbs to turn into potions and salves, Sir Baldwin." She explains with a gentle tone while watching as his expression turns from bewilderment to a frown. "I simply regard it as a secret, Sir Baldwin, because I do not wish people to think they are drinking an elixir to heal them but have fear it may also bring their death. It is why my skills come with a risk and a price. Sometimes we excel in our tasks and other times..." She trails off, mostly because the waitress has returned with their requested food and drinks. A soft thanks offered to the woman before she is puttering off once more and Rayne shifts her gaze back to Baldwin. "I believe they did it quite on accident, an accident that took them from me and gave me insight as to what not to work with as far as herbs and plants are concerned. Who better to test such things on then the one making the concoction to begin with?" To think of it as anything else would pain the young healer too greatly, and perhaps she convinced herself of one over the other some time ago.

Baldwin listens to what Rayne has to say, the hard expression in his eyes soon fading. "So... an accident it was... I am sorry, Rayne, that you had to cope with such a loss. You must have been alone in these woods,... why didn't you move from the woods to the next town? Maybe a bit of company, and socializing with others could have helped you to endure your fate...?" His gaze shifts briefly to the serving girl, as she brings the drink and food, acknowledging their arrival with a nod. "I had no idea, your profession could be this dangerous," he remarks to Rayne, after the girl has left them again.

"I grew up in those woods. For me, they're home. I did not know how I would fare in a town with people. And as example has set here recently...apparently I do not fare very well.." Rayne would speak, and she would joke, before shaking her head a little. Reaching to her platter to pick a random piece of fruit, popping it into her mouth to chew on for a moment. "It was my fate to handle, Baldwin. I've no other family, no siblings or elders, and if my parents had or have such I do not know of them." Another shrug and at his remark about her profession being dangerous she would let out a light laugh. "This coming from one who makes his profession all about sticking sharp objects into people. I admit, there is a certain level of danger in what I do, but I would take it over being stuck with a sword any day."

A faint smile appears, when Baldwin dares to contradict the healer. "What transpired recently can't be blamed on your living in the woods,... realy. You were at he wrong place at the wrong time. In fact you might realize we town folk are actually not as bad as you think, if you should give us a chance..." Teasing her a bit there, obviously. Her laughter brings an amused smile to his face however, and he can't help but chuckle at her next remark. "True indeed. But then again, it is my task to protect our realm, the weak and the innocent. Which may - now and then - require sticking a sword into some villain."

And they continue to eat, drink and chat, albeit about less troubling things, until their meal has reached its end, words of goodbye are exchanged and each continues on the errands of the day.