675-06-07 - A Dangerous Game

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A Dangerous Game
Summary: Madame Edris has an encounter with Prince Nathan and gives him a report on various matters.
Who: Edris Alachri and Nathan Onimus, Bertram is once again lurking somewhere in the background.
References: re:Rayne Devantry, re:Zephan Onimus
When: June 7th, 675
Related Logs: 675-04-28 - An Unexpected Visitor
Date of RP: 07/06/2014
Where: Gardens - Castle of the White Dove, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: This garden is not quiet, even if it is surrounded by the pale walls of the castle. First of all, the melody of murmuring and bubbling fountains can be heard. There are a four of them, one at the end of the four main small paths. Benches are scattered about for sitting. The fountains are all the same; large bowls seated atop the forms of bare tree, the water dribbling over the edge into the basin below. The other source of sounds heard within the gardens are the many birds found within. With so many different types of birds found on the isle itself, one never knows what they may see here, taking food offered to them. The flora within the garden is the same that can be found anywhere's on the isle, and yet here, tended carefully by gardeners. Trees of various fruits, along with ferns and bushes of edible berries vie for attention against the vibrant colorful flowers. It is said that the scent of the flowers can wake up the most pleasant of emotions, even in the coldest of hearts. The gardens are barely lit during the night. Just a few fragile flames of torches tremble at the ends of the paths, closer to the fountains.

It seems Madame Edris Alachri is a frequent visitor to the castle these days. For whatever reason she is lingering in the gardens on this early evening, enjoying the view of the many colourful flowers - being a bit colourful herself and therefore a nice addition to the scenery. Wearing a dress in a little more subdued tones as usual, dark green and modestly cut, a perfect way to accentuate her fiery red curls that are arranged in a courtly fashion, the woman shoots a glance to the tree below which a man in fine clothes with a rapier at his side is positioned - a fancy bodyguard who accompanies the Madame when she is doing business in the city or even at the castle. The man inclines his head but remains where he is, his pale blue eyes soon drifting to scan the area with a slightly bored look to them.

The Prince Protector can easily be found in castle grounds..since..he's sort of the Prince. The Gardens are just a place where he often can hide from various dramas..political pressures, and generally boring discussions. It's just a pleasent surprise to find Edris in the gardens..especially after she had agreed to a peculiar arrangement, but he doesn't approach yet. One does not simply make their way to a Madame, make the Madame beg for one's company!

Edris seems to be in thoughts, her hands are folded before her. Perhaps she is waiting for someone in particular? And so it is the bodyguard who notices the Prince's arrival first, and straightening he will cast the Madame a glance. Ironically enough, this movement will draw her attention to Bertram at once, and noticing his look, she will turn and look in Nathan's direction. It may not have been him she has been expecting to see, her grey-green eyes widen for a fraction of a second. Soon regaining her countenance however, to offer the Prince a deep curtsey with her gaze lowered. "Your highness." A flicker in her eyes, as she straightens and offers the prince a smile. "What unexpected pleasure."

Nathan seems to notice the bodyguard's reaction before Edris' reaction, maybe because armed bodyguards are always an interesting thing to consider. "The ever so lovely Edris...the pleasure is all mine." He says as he strides towards her, the surprise in her eyes seem most interesting. "Do you care for company?" He asks, though his eyes wander over her, yes, company indeed, perhaps questions! Perhaps he needs intelligence work!

Edris unfolds the fan in her hand, maybe this sudden appearance has brought a slight rosy colour to her cheeks? After all, it is a warm summer evening. "You flatter me, your highness," she replies. "I would be pleased indeed with such an honour. Mayhaps..." And there her gaze flickers briefly towards Bertram, "... you'd like to join me for a little stroll about the gardens? They are indeed very lovely, the flowers look even more breathtaking in the light of the setting sun."

Nathan inclines his head to show his consent about the walk. "Of course Madame Edris." He says, offering his arm to her, so she can be properly escorted..and if the bodyguard doesn't think Nathan can protect her..!

The bodyguard stays where he is, leaning against the tree his arms crossed before him. He will incline his head casually to the prince, should he look his way, but nothing more. Edris meanwhile will take the offered arm. "These gardens haven't really changed," she remarks after a moment as they move further into the garden, "I used to sneak in here, when I was a child. Sometimes, when mother didn't notice." Then her grey-green eyes come to linger on Nathan and she inquires: "I trust you want to know, if I can report any... odd behaviour of foreigners in my place. Alas, I fear there has been noone visiting. Only people of the Isles. Your highness."

Nathan will listen to Edris..she is older then him now isn't she? She likely saw -him- when he was a child and she was a teenager, how amusing..but once out of sight of the Bodyguard, the arm will move to slip around her waist. "Is that so? Odd..I thought the merchants would have visited your establishment and revealed secrets.." he murmurs and then gently moves his fingers to rest against her middle..gauging perhaps if she's putting on weight?

Nathan may even remember her being seen quite often with his cousin Mikhail Grunhaid, who has been teaching her to read and write - among other things. Those grey-green eyes will sparkle with amusement, her lips even curve into a pleased smile, when Edris feels the arm of the prince about her waist. "Now,... isn't that a bit audaucious, your highness?", she'll inquire teasingly, before her gaze drops to his fingers against her midst, and a soft giggle escapes her. No signs of gaining weight thus far, sorry! Instead of going into that she chooses to reply to his question: "They didn't," she says. "They came with their own... female company so I hear. The weapon smith has his own wife with him, and I hear rumors of a knight getting a treatment late at night from a healer of his own country. Seems they brought their own entertainment along, I would think." Another chuckle, as she raises her gaze to meet that of the prince.

Nathan seems to be considering these things when she mentions they brought their -own- entertainment, it might annoy him. "I can not fault a man for remaining faithful to his wife." He says, but the healer issue..it may be rather interesting at some point. "I wonder if healers of their lands are...held to a certain standard..some thing to exploit." He murmurs before squeezing her waist playfully, fine, she isn't gaining weight yet..one can yet hope!

Edris raises a brow, when Nathan persists on the healer topic. "How do you mean? You want to... acquire an injury and see if she treats you just the same? To get an insight... into the work of Two Rivers healers?" She smirks. "I wouldn't think you mother would approve, my prince." This probably added in regards to another topic as well, that Nathan seems to persue non-verbally. And there she lowers her gaze for a moment, her amusement for once fading. "It seems the other task you had for me was graced with more success.", she says at a lower volume. "But it will take time, and... it will have consequences. If... all goes well."

Nathan smirks just a bit at her mention of injury. "No, I do not mean to do that, but if their healers have a creed and she violated it..that is wonderful information to have in case we need leverage." He says to her and listens as she grows quieter, grinning briefly at the news. "Oh? I think the gold I offered would keep you rather quiet about it and pleased to be swollen like a prized pig." he teases.

A nod to the remark about possible leverage is given, but at Nathan's reaction the fiery haired woman will raise her gaze, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Quiet? Yes. But people will notice, of course. And get ideas.", she replies, with a wink. "But I am sure, noone will be bold enough to guess the truth."

Nathan's eyes drift off a bit as he considers people who might ask questions before drifting back to her. "If they do, I can have them silenced." He says, a statement he makes with conviction before leading Edris towards another stand of trees that offer shade and bids her to settle in. "So..do I need to have delicacies brought to you in your home?" He'll ask in a teasing but sincere manner.

"Oh I don't think that will be necessary," Edris replies to his first remark as she follows him to the stand of trees, smiling. "Delicacies? Now if that doesn't raise suspicions, I don't know what would. So better not, I would think?" Her hands move to remove the cloak she wears, to put it on the ground, or that fine dress of hers might get soiled.

Nathan isn't so worried about his light cuirass of armor..if he kept it pristine all the times, people may assume he's merely a show piece. "Come Edris, do not worry so much, surely you have lovers who send you exotic things and baubbles." he teases her, waiting for her to settle in..so he might yet steal a kiss or two.

"This is a dangerous game we are playing, your highness." Edris remarks with sparkling eyes as she lowers herself onto her cloak beside him. "You know the law. And I trust you have higher moral standards than your brother, Prince Zephan." She smiles at his mention of lover's gifts. "Rasil Imamu used to send me the most breathtaking dresses," she mutters pensively, fanning herself a little. After all it is still quite warm on this summer evening.

Nathan cracks his fingers a bit when she mentions his brother. "My brother is a drunken fool and if he continues to bring shame to my House, I will see that is is rectified." Nathan may be suggesting murder..or just locking up all the liquor in the kingdom, hard to guess which is the better plan. "Oh? So I shall find you beautiful dresses from far away lands.." he says and moves to gently kiss her cheek.

A sigh leaves the lips of Edris, in regards to Zephan. "He is a prince. That's why he may not get away with it, in the long run." The remark about dresses manages to cheer her up though. "I already have some," she says with a smile. That smile deepens when she feels his lips brushing her cheek. "You really mean to challenge me? To see how far I will go? Here? In the castle?", she murmurs, her grey-green eyes flickering as they meet Nathan's gaze. The expression within them amusement, but maybe a bit of anticipation as well.

Nathan has to consider this and he gently drums his fingers against his own leg in thought for a long moment. "I suppose it isn't my -best- plan..but what ever will you do when you begin to swell and people are curious why you always hold your hands over your belly?" he teases her before gently biting her neck.

A pleased giggle escapes Edris when she feels his teeth at her neck. "That's not difficult," she replies. "My state will be too obvious to deny anything. So I will think of an official culprit..." Another giggle leaves her lips and her gaze drifts from whence they came.

Nathan stops the gently biting before to long and gently soothes his fingers along her midrift in a pleased fashion. "My brother?" he teases her and gently shifts so he can draw her more closely to him. "It is not likely any would suspect me over him."

Her grey-green eyes flicker aver so briefly about them, to check if they are relatively obscured from any curious glances. But seeing they are shielded by the trees and even a few colourful rose bushes, Edris will not resist the prince's arm drawing her closer. A bit of amusement shows in the smile she gives him. "I was not referring to your brother, my prince." She chuckles softly.

Nathan will take full advantage of her proximity to gently kiss along her neck as she speaks. "No? It might solve oh so many issues for me.." he murmurs and gently runs his fingers rather low on her back side..to let his hand hold some thing he dare not in polite company, her bottom. "Now what ever did you intend to do with me in this garden.." he teases.

"Would it really?", Edris counters, smiling as she notices where his hand is venturing. Tilting her head just a touch at the question. "Did I... intend anything really?" She smiles, but that smile diminishes a touch when her eyes meet his, and she gives him a look that almost appears to be sincere affection. "I fear anything beyond a kiss would be improper, here in the gardens. And even that... would be a bold move, your highness.", she murmurs softly.

Nathan will concede the point..after a firm squeeze. "Perhaps I will need to slip away to visit you at your establishment for business purposes." He murmurs..whom knows, business may lead to pleasure or vice versa, she likely knows many secrets he hasn't thought to ask about! "As for my brother..yes..he'd be forced to shape up or be considered a possible outcast.." he says to her.

"Perhaps," Edris agrees softly. "But when you do, make sure noone sees you. The streets have eyes, and not all of the are benevolent." She shifts a little, moving a bit away from him. "I feel not so much at ease here. Anyone could come by. Maybe I should return to the Night's Dream. It is already getting late..." Suddenly a bit restless it seems.

Nathan inclines his head a bit to her when she mentions both returning..and not so safe streets. "Will your guard be sufficient Miss Edris?" he asks, he has no issues sending additional men at arms to make sure she is safe..sides, they'd probably spend their coin there.

Edris shakes her head as she rises, her fingers smoothening her skirts when she stands. "He will do. But I thank you for the offer." She says with a smile. "Would you escort me back to my guard, my prince?"

Nathan rises with her and moves to help her put her cloak back on. "Of course Miss Edris." He says, offering his arm to her again.