675-06-05 - Princess and the Bastard

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Princess and the Bastard
Summary: Princess Zuhur presents Moshe with a golden scroll.
Who: Zuhur Nuru, Moshe Machuri
References: {{{Refs}}}
When: 675/06/05
Related Logs: None
Date of RP: June 06/2014
Where: Gardens - Royal Guest House, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: The cobbled path ends before a large multi-storied house, it's gardens spread out around it. Before the house, there is a marble fountain sculpted into the shape of a nude woman seeming to stand upon the water in the base. It is said that it is the image of Onimora herself from the day she rose from the ocean. Whomever crafted this fountain, could not have done a better job in capturing the utter beauty in features or form. Water spurts up to fall around her, dripping over her body and into the basin beneath. The sides of the basin beneath the fountain make for a nice place to sit, though if one wishes to stay dry, there are other benches set out amongst the various trees that are found within the garden. Many are old, with branches that reach towards the sky. And yet the native trees are not the only ones here, but other fruiting trees have been planted as well from citrus to plums and pomegranate. The fruit is often plucked and brought to guests that stay here in the house. The house itself is surprisingly large, it's front doors flanked by guards in red and gold. To each side, small lemon trees are planted near the windows to help keep privacy of the rooms within. The windows are curved, including those upon the higher stories, each one decorated with a stained glass insert of a lily, the symbol of House Onimoria, lest anyone forget who's hospitality they partake.

Zuhur moves from the guest house she has a small parchment of paper, an official looking scroll. Her eyes pan around and she licks her lips gently as she looks about for the young Moshe. She seems very nervous but trying to keep herself poised.

Moshe had been very busy of late, his common duties have been taken away to focus on more the investigation to the murder and the theft of the tapestry. Now he can take a rest, he is looking a little leaner perhaps, looking a bit more tired but over all he seems to be relaxing some on one of the benches within. It does not take him long as one of the guards assigned to him makes note of the Princess. So Moshe stands up, adjusts himself and as Zuhur comes into view he bows his head and himself at he waist. " Princess, it is good to see you once again. How goes your stay and I hope nothing has been upsetting you?" he says this in a nice tone, perhaps actually caring.

Zuhur holds out the scroll to the young knight and she draws a little breath "This is a formal invitation ... from my King to meet you." she says as she hands the scroll of golden parchment over to him. Her eyes flicker to him and then she moves to eat some of the fruit her handmaidens carry.

Moshe blinks once as she hands him a scroll and then takes it in hand. He does look at it, the outside and seeing the golden parchment closer. He still can't believe what she just said though, he does not unroll it, not yet at least. " Princess , he honours me, you honour me with this invitation." he looks at it again. " I do not understand? Why would your king want to meet me?" then he looks to the guard with him and he motions for him to go on his way. The guard does and goes on his way, not looking back. " Please, sit Princess, where are my manners."

Zuhur looks to her own guards and she nods her head though they stay with her. "Thank you". She sits and her eyes flicker to her servants as she eats more of the fruit. Though she dose not say much about his inquiry, not yet.

Moshe watches as she takes a seat and then he takes a seat at the other end of the bench. He still holds the scroll in his hand, he has not even looked at the writing yet. " How has your day been?" as he looks about to her guards and then her hand maidens. Then finally back to her. " As for the invitation, I just do not understand, why me and not someone else?"

Zuhur says, "Because I... like you." she shrugs, then she sighs "You do not have to accept his summons you know, he will understand". She says carefully folding her hands in her lap. Her attention is on the young knight to see what he might do with what she has just given to him. "My day is going fine, thank you for asking."

Moshe looks at her for a very long time as she confesses she likes him. Though he already had the incline that she did, he did not think she come out and say it, very unusual. "I see Princess, that is alone a great honour. As for the summons, I would have to present this to the Queen and my Duchess." he pauses as he thinks on how to say the words properly. " At this moment in time the Queen has me working on her behalf into finding the ones that stole the tapestry and the ones who committed the murder. I am also the Duchess Zorich's personal Knight and my life is hers to do as she wishes. " now he licks his lips, seeming parched all of the sudden. " If and that is if they agree to the summons, I will surely accept it, not before." then he looks back to the scroll. " May I look what is written within or shall I wait?"

Zuhur looks to him "Moshe. This is not to be taken lightly". She says quietly motioning to the scroll, her eyes on him as she stares openly at him with a heat in her eyes. "You do what you think you need to but this summons could very well...turn you into a prince if you play it right."

Moshe looks at her as she mentions it not to be lightly. Then her other words and he looks at the scroll and back to Zuhur. He looks back to the scroll and he hesitates, he even looks at his other hand and then back to Zuhur. There is shame in his eyes then and he sighs. " Princess, your words, they ...they are songs to my ears, songs I truly enjoy." he pauses, looking down at his hands and shakes his head. " I am not worthy of you or that title Princess. You do not know what I am Princess, I am nothing compared to your blood, ...I am ..."then he looks up to her . " I am a bastard Princess. Blood of a noble and blood of a whore run through my veins, I can't and will not sully your name and home."

Zuhur nods her head as she looks to Moshe. "so we legitimize you, but before all that, meet my Brother... my king... he will be the one to decide...but only do so if you wish this chance... this choice should be yours alone. He knows you are a knight, that much I have told him."

Moshe looks at her and then blinks, his eyes can't believe what he is hearing. He looks very stunned and he is rarely stunned as so. " I will speak to the Queen and my Duchess and see what they say." he then finally opens the scroll and read what is says, just to make sure he is not dreaming.

The scroll is simple red ink on the gold parchment requesting Moshe's presence to meet with him. It dose not say why or anything but then it wouldn't need to. It is signed and stamped.

Zuhur watches him and she shrugs. Nothing else was said from the princess, she stands and beckons her crowd and they turn to leave the knight with his choice.

Moshe keeps looking at the parchment and then he looks up as she starts to walk away. He can't say much else as he looks to the parchment again and then sigh, rolls it up and goes on out of the gardens again, back to what he was told to do.