675-06-03 - News for the Niece

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News for the Niece
Summary: The King of Two Rivers presents his niece with news of a betrothal
Who: Barret Brais and Avaline Brais
References: re:Alajos Fennim, re:Ralph Fennim
When: June 3rd, 675
Related Logs: Alajos/Avaline logs
Date of RP: 08/06/2014
Where: Salon - Castle Equitaine
Room Desc: This room offers a lot of light during the days through a number of medium sized windows. At one wall there is a smaller one, of oval shape, a picture composed of stained glass glowing in many colours should the rays of the sun happen to pass through it; the motif being a ship on a calm ocean, below a blue sky. There are a number of cozy chairs arranged about a table of dark cherry wood, that can be used for gambling or just for taking a moderate meal. There is a small hearth to the side, showing ornaments in the shape of leaping horses, a reference to the coat of arms of House Lenouvi. Tapestries depicting ships in varied landscapes and weather adorn the walls, and a thick carpet in yellow and green covers the stone floor.

It is the morning after the return of the delegation - well part of it, as some have remained in the Isles for abit to return with Lord Ralph Fennim once some agreement has been reached. The Solar is today claimed by the King alone, as there are some talks to be had with those that returned, and Duke Herrik Lenouvi has been kind enough to leave the room to his King for as long as he needs it to perform his Royal duties.

The King sits in a comfortable chair by the hearth, a goblet of wine beside him, his attire rather modest, a comfortable tunic of red and black along with breeches of a dark shade of grey. His head is bare, a crown is absent; but the golden chain worn about his neck with the official sigil of Two Rivers shows this is the King indeed, as does his bearing. There are lines in his face, deepened by worries of the past years. Those brown eyes may look slightly weary, but there is a flicker within them, when he looks towards the door, as if he were expecting a particular visitor.

What quarters had been assigned to her had been taken to by Avaline for the purpose of relaxing and refreshing herself after the voyage home. A proper bath was a near impossiblity upon a ship! Morning had found her refreshed, awaiting word on when the proper curtesies were to be considered paid and the trip homewards might be made, or if there was some other duty for her to yet see to. Wearing a simple gown of a bluebell coloring, that young woman had found her way to the Solar to give greeting to her uncle and King. A light knock had sounded upon the door, a brief pause waiting acknowledgement to be admited before she would step in. Making a few light steps before she would sweep into the low and graceful curtsey protocol demands, though a smile of warmth is given to her uncle.

When Avaline is admitted to the room, Barret will rise, this not being the swift movement of a twenty-year-old, but an effort that requirees a bit more time. The smile on his features will be warm however, a handwave given in response to her curtsey. "Avaline. I am glad to see you're back, and you're looking splendid as ever." A step towards her is taken as the King wraps his strong and battle-hardened but also already somewhat aged arms about his niece, for a warm hug of welcome, should she allow it. Caring obviously less for protocol when it comes to his own kin. "How was your voyage?", Barret inquires as soon as he releases her and takes a step back to study her for a moment. Then moving to resume his seat from before he'll motion for a chair. "Pray join me, dear niece. Would you care for some wine?"

Propriety must be kept in most days, never know who else might be lurking about. Avaline is swift to raise from the curtsey and to step to greet her uncle in the hug he extends. An embrace she warmly returns, a light familiar sort of peek to the cheek even made in the family fashion for her uncle. "It was pleasant, the weather held for the return trip. It made it pleasant as the deck could be taken to more so." Certainly a thing also helpful for those in the group prone to sea sickness. "The Isles was a most...interesting place to visit. Though I am sure you have heard much of it already, and of Sir Yldon's victory, yes?" Gracefully accepting the invitation to join him,"Some wine would be lovely, Uncle. How have you been?"

An amused chuckle leaves Barret's lips at the remark about see sickness and he shakes his head. One hand goes up to signal a servant to pour his niece some wine, his bushy eyebrows furrowing a touch as he hears Avaline's comment on the Isles. "I've heard some of it, aye. So... Sir Yldon it was who won the tourney?" He nods, looking impressed. "Barbeta was not able to remember his name.", he adds after a moment, smirking. "Seems she didn't pay that much attention."

Then the King takes a sip from his wine, as Avaline is handed her goblet, before he replies to her question: "How have I been? There have been the usual troubles up north, and I have sent Duke Solinus some enforcements to stop the barbarian raiders, at least for a while." He shrugs, looking suddenly very weary. "I hear some troubling developments have taken place in the Isles. But you are back and Lord Ralph has stayed behind to come to some agreement with the Queen?"

There is a gentle nod from Avaline, mildly surprised her cousin would have paid that little of attention,"Yes, it was Sir Yldon who won the tourney, least the one that allowed him to marry and start a House of his own." There is a strained smile as she explains,"There was another where gold was to be the prize, while the skill to be displayed would have been a thing to see, I fear, I had not wish to see just how they would determine the prize." The Isles and their freedom with nudity!

A polite incline of her head goes to the servant who pours and serves the wine to her. Taking a small sip from the goblet as she listens to his response to her question. "I am certain Duke Solinus will see that the raiders are stopped, Uncle." Least as much as they ever can be. There is a faint touch of a frown before Avaline nods,"Yes, there were some troubling times. I cannot speak ill of how they saw to our comforts as their guests. But it did seem as if for a time we were more prisoners," hostages even," when a series of crimes occured and they saw the city and the island entirely locked down. Yet at the time, there was no information on what had transpired, that there were the crimes. Lord Ralph and Duke Alajos were able to get enough and manage the situation, hence we are returned. And Lord Ralph has stayed on to complete the talks and agreements." Drawing another small sip of wine before speaking again,"I can see their wish to catch the criminals, for it was a murder as well as I heard, theft of an item they hold dear to them. but it just seemed their immediate actions caused more panic and did little to help them."

King Barret nods when Avaline speaks of Sir Yldon's fate. "I have heard as much, but am still awaiting a more detailed report, perhaps from the Duke, as Lord Ralph is not avialable?" His lips curve into a smile, pondering to add something, but then Avaline continues and he frowns. "Barbeta spoke of three of ours gone missing in a village called Piradin," he says. "And a healer who was accused of a murder." His forehead wrinkles a bit at that, still maybe needing more information in this regard as well. "But I hear she was released, because of a letter one of the delegation wrote...?" He shoots Avaline an inquiring glance.

"I would think Duke Alajos would have more information to deliver, as I am certain Lord Ralph saw he had any information that needed to be delivered and reported on to you, that he was not already aware of." Avaline hesitates a moment,"I have heard most speaking only of the lose that comes with Sir Yldon becoming of the Isles, the lose of his arm. But do we not have oppurtunity to gain as well? A friend amongst the Isles, and one who can offer advice and guidance concerning their customas as he better learns of them himself? "

"Piradin, yes, I heard about the incident. Sir Baldwin, Marcus and the blacksmith, Master Ottis, I think, were the three. Though from what I had heard it was more an altercation occured there, more then they went missing. But perhaps got lost and that is why they were there. I am afraid, I do not know the full details of all what passed there, just that many of the servants seemed to be all a twitter about it. I know we had been warned off from the village, it almost sounded as if it were a place without law." The young girl gives a small shrug, not quite understanding the nature of the particular place. "Ah, yes, Duke Alajos wrote some letter, I believe. For news was sparce in occuring, especially to hear from rumors that one of the delegration was held, Mistress Rae..Raelyn..no, Rayne, I think it was. It sounded like there was yet to be a trial on the whole affair, but that she was released until it occured. I do imagine that Duke Alajos shall have all the particulars cocerning it."

"I understand," King Barret replies to the information regarding Sir Vandrik Yldon, "an interesting arrangement, for both parties involved." Then he falls silent listening to what Avaline has to say about the healer matter, while he takes another sip from his goblet. When she is done, his lips curve into a smile. "So it was Duke Alajos who wrote that letter? It did stir something, obviously." He smirks at that. "Barbeta mentioned some threat of war? I will certainly have to speak with the Duke of Woriscant about this diplomatically doubtful but obviously very effective strategy." The goblet is put down onto the table, when King Barret Brais raises his brown eyes wo meet Avaline's gaze. "So... I'm curious. What do you think about him? The Duke?"

Avaline nods,"Yes, it was Duke Alajos who wrote it, and it did seem to draw immediate results. He does seem to expect a conversation upon the matter, ah more like seemed a little worried about what your opinion might be of how he handled the situation." Her eyebrows raise just a touch over the edge of her goblet, mid-sip as the questions comes. Oh so many ways to answer /that/ question. "He seems to yet be struggling with the lose and changes in his life, that we all have been dealt in these past years. Even if he has gotten more thrown upon his shoulders them some, but he seems to be trying to learn what he must to see try and be the Duke that Woriscant needs. I admit, considering his age," which /is/ old," there were certain areas he was not as polished in as I would have expected. But perhaps it is different for men and being given leave to set their own paths when there are many thought to be before them to shoulder duty."

As she opts with the entirely diplomatic style answer!

"Oh?" Both eyebrows are raised, when Barret hears about Duke Alajos worrying about the inevatable talk that would sooner or later have to take place. "He need not be. But then again... he's young. Not old. /I/ am old, Avaline. He was not born as the heir. He'll learn I'm sure." His face twisting into a wry grin of sorts, he will inquire: "So you have gotten the chance to converse with him on several occasions? Your verdict does not sound that crushing, dear niece, that it gives me hope. I have had to consider some important decisions, regarding our kingdom. One of those concerns you, my dear. I have been looking for a good match for you, and found Duke Alajos to be an eligible candidate. So... hearing you speak so well of him, I assume you might be pleased to hear, that you are about to be betrothed to Duke Alajos, and will become the future Duchess of Woriscant."

Avaline nods a little,"I told him so, that he should not worry as he was. That once he explained the situation, you would understand, even if perhaps have desired perhaps a smoother method of diplomacy. And I would know he is young for A Duke, but he is still many years older than I, Uncle." A gentle smile coming,"And you are not that old, Uncle." Another sip of wine is drawn before Avaline nods,"Yes, I was able to speak with him several times upon the trip." Her eyebrows rise a little,"Hope?" And then comes the reason for it. Her pale blue eyes do a slow blink, it was not that she did not know this day would come. But right after the trip, and.....him? It is far more than a sip of wine that is then taken. Another few moments before she can find her way to speaking as her young mind deals with many a thought. "I know you have been considering a match for me," since it had been left to him with the death of her parents. "I know it will be benifical for a match between Brais and Woriscant, it is a fine match, Uncle. " There is a small breathe as she still tries to come to terms with.....betrothed! Her! "When shall it be announced, Uncle? " There is a slight pause before she asks,"How long has he been aware?"

There is a faint flicker in Barret's brown eyes as he observes the reaction to his announcement. The smile he offers her is warm and caring. "Avaline. I know this is not easy for you. It rarely is for anyone. I was not asked back then about my opinion, when I was betrothed to Livia. I am asking you now. Is this something you could live with?" He studies her carefully when she calls it a fine match, before giving his reply to her questions: "It shall be announced as soon as possible, and when all arrangements have been finalized. As for Duke Alajos,...I will tell him personally on our next encounter. I have so far only spoken with his cousin, Lord Ralph. So I can hardly tell if the Duke is aware or not. He might be, if Lord Ralph has told him."

It takes a little while but Avaline does nod in the end,"Yes, Uncle, I think it is something I could live with." She manages to smile, even if a touch faintly,"I knew the day would come sometime, but I...am not sure what I expected. I have in truth tried not to think much about how it would or would not be." To keep from building up expectations, or silly dreams perhaps. And it could be worse, right? There were worse offerings in Two Rivers, or should could have been sent along back to the Isles. "I...assume once the arrangements are finalized, I will be informed fully of what is expected of me? For the betrothal and..." slow breathe," what the wedding arrangements may end up to be?"

A bit of concern had shown in the King's brown eyes, as he awaited her reply. A relieved sigh leaves his lips when he finally gets it, the faint smile of Avaline finding a warmer echo in his own. "I am sure you two will learn to complement each other, and with time your bond will grow." Her questions will earn her a nod. "Aye, you will be informed. And we will make the necessary arrangements, for the wedding; decide where it will be held, and the date."

Avaline gives a nod,"I am sure it will be so as well.....in time. As we learn more of one another." That or one will end up killing the other, either way, it'll all work out in the end. Right? No doubt it is an idea that she will need some time to completely get used to. There is s light blink when a thought comes and thus comes a question,"Will I not be returning home then, Uncle?"

"Oh...um...Of course you can return home, after the betrothal has been announced. But maybe... maybe you would prefer to spend some time at Woriscant to get to know the duchy, the lands and the people.", Barret replies after a moment, looking a bit baffled by the question. "I will return home, in any case. I am merely here at Athereyne to greet my family and the delegation." His hand reaches for the shoulder of his niece, patting it gently. "I will leave the decision to you, Avaline. Think about what you would like to do. But also what makes sense, given the circumstances." And there a smile flickers across his features. "I have always admired your sense. It is a rare quality, and one you should be proud of."

Avaline seems to almost say something but pauses instead. Taking a small breathe before actually speaking,"I will think about it. Thuogh I am sure, no mater which I go to first, I shall come to spend some time in Woriscant to get to know the duchy and it's people." No doubt Alajos as well. So much for her to get used to! She gives a nod,"I will give it some thought and do what makes sense," a faint smile is managed," it is much to consider. And I know my mind has not fully taken in the news." The smile does deepn, a faint hint of color to her cheeks,"Thank you, Uncle. I shall hope to be proud of it, and continue to make you proud. Though I should perhaps give others time to greet you and time for myself to consider these matters."

"I understand," Barret replies, a low grumble discernible beneath his voice that may hint he does indeed understand too well. "You may leave and consider the matter, but know this: If you have concerns, come with them to me! Regardless of any other matters, you are still my niece, and in my care." His lips curl into a smile, and the warm flicker in his gaze suggests he means what he just said.

There is a smile that comes,"I am sure I shall have concerns and questions, but I know I must give myself time to consider it all. As some that may first come up, time to think shall show me that they were silly things to be concerned with." Avaline seeming to know that first reactions are sometimes...a bit emotional. Raising and moving to give a hug before she would depart, warmly so,"And you are my uncle, and I know you do wish the best for me."

"Indeed. I do.", Barret will reply, after rising as well to accept the offered hug. His voice maybe just a touch hoarser than usual. Offering her a smile as she turns to depart, her eyes following her until the door closes behind her.