675-05-29 - The End of Innocence

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The End of Innocence
Summary: Edris leads Moshe finally to Abi.
Who: Edris Alachri, Moshe Machuri and Abi (played by Teddybear)
References: re:Priestess Leshara, re:Avraham Grunhaid
When: May 29th, 675
Related Logs: Happens right after Questions for the Madame
Date of RP: 02/06/2014 (backscened)
Where: Downstairs at the Night's Dream, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: In the scene set

The morning of the 29th of May had brought an unexpected visitor to the Night's Dream. Sir Moshe Machuri had showed up, mentioned a number of knights securing the area, and asked Madame Edris Alachri some questions, which she had answered as best she could. Attired in little more than a dressing gown wrapped about her comely curves, the red-haired owner of the brothel had led the knight finally downstairs, towards the servants' quarters, to the room Abi shared with a number of maids doing 'proper' work like cleaning and cooking.

Abi is crawling on the floor. Well, she is not exactly just crawling. The woman tries to clean the floor with one of the rags. She works quite eagerly and looks very happy.Likely, feeling safe. She is quiet, but pretty. Especially her black long curls.

It is as Edris says, the woman is still within the building it's self but he does have guards posted at every exit and a couple of knights inside at the entrance. Moshe follows along until he reaches the entrance of the room and he looks to Edris. " Madame, if you be so kind to walk in and bring her out here to me or even calm her down. I wish nto to scare her away and it would nto go well if she tries to run. So it be up to you, I have soem patience but I came here to arrest her." at least he asked nicely right, though that stern look on his face seems ready to turn into a frown.

Edris will pause at the door when she sees Abi trying so hard, and for a moment a flicker of regret shows in her features, maybe even a touch of doubt, if her assessment of the girl had been right. Her grey-green gaze shifts to Moshe as he addresses her and she will nod to his request. "Certainly, Sir...", is her muttered reply, before she straightens, her fingers moving to smoothen the dressing gown, adjusting it again. Oh my, she should have slipped into a dress! But as things are, she will enter now as she is.

"Abi?", Edris says softly. "Now, I see you are really trying to be of use. How are you faring?"

When Edris enters the room, the young girl quickly jumps on her feet. She dusts her skirt and offers a very deep curtsy, nervously tugging on the rag, "Mistress..." She whispers and another deep curtsy will be offered. Poor girl keeps her eyes lowered to the ground, "I am very well and I am very thankful for your generosity, Mistress. You are a real Patron of mine, who saved me from the darkness."

The girl will peek at Edris with wet eyes. This time she is almost crying because of gratitude.

Moshe nods to Edris, seeing she is willing to help him as best and as nicely as possible. So Moshe stays outside and listens to the conversation on the other side, if there is any. he does not see how the girl reacts but hears her voice and then waits.

Frowning mayhaps a bit when she is called 'a real patron', the reference to the cult of Asmenachia probably a coincidence that reminds her of the reason why she came down after all, Edris will offer Abi a sweet smile. "I am glad to hear that. That you are well, that is... I was wondering..." And there her grey-green gaze drops to the girl's attire, "If I could offer you a better dress. Come along with me, honey. I am sure we can find some nice and fancy dress for you. I was just about to go through my wardrobe for today. Maybe you want to join me?" Edris has some experience in the art of deception as well, it seems.

The girl's eyes sparkle with amusement. She raises her hand, which holds the dirty rag, and scratches her neck nervously, "Dress? New one? For me?.." The girl blinks a few times really confused and then lowers herself into a very deep curtsy, almost kneeling on one of her knees, "Mistress... You remind me of my mother. She always let me choose one of her dresses, when I was good... But... I am not sure if I am worth of one of your wonderful gowns for now. Still so much to clean!"

"Bah, you're done for now!", Edris replies cheerfully, rolling her shoulders a bit as she glances about the room. "I have the final say here, remember? I say you can have a break now. And maybe some late breakfast upstairs? What do you say?" Her tone has slightly changed by now, it is more a purr of sorts, as the redhead tilts her head a bit to the side, grey-green eyes flickering amiably as she smiles at Abi. Her hands reach to grab Abi's and draw her to her feet. "Come along, now. You can continue later, if you wish."

"Alright, my mistress... I..." She is just on time to drop the rag beside the bucket, before leaving with Edris.

"Good girl," Edris purrs, the smile still present on her face as she leads the way, exiting the chamber at a casual stroll. One hand adjusting that damned gown that is about to slip again.

Moshe steps back from the door and waits for Edris to bring Abi out. He waits patiently for them to come out of the room and then in a very calmed voice. " Madame, would this be Abi." As another Knight would be around a corner just incase she ran. " I am Sir Moshe Machuri, if you are Abi, I would like you to come with us ,to answer some questions."

Abi's eyes widen. She fearfully looks at Edris, then back at Sir Moshe. The girl quickly offers a bit awkward curtsy and she slips to hide behind the back of Mistress Edris, "Qu-qu-questions?" poor girl stammers, "Wha-what happened, if I may ask?"

The smile seems a little forced now, but Edris nods to Moshe's question. "Aye, that's her," she'll mutter to the knight, while the girl obviously will try to use her as a cover. She will turn to face Abi now, to look at her with a mixture of concern and urgence. "Abi. We are about to ask you that same question." Then she takes a step to the side, to make room for Moshe and the other knight.

Moshe looks at Abi and her reaction and then nods to Edris as she steps away. Now he faces Abi. " I need to know what you know about all that has happened to you Abi. I have heard tales that you may have been involved in a few things and I like to hear it from you. Are you willing to tell me here or do I need to take you in a place that is cold and miserable?" his voice still calm but the sterness in his voice, she may pick up as been serious.

"Mi-mi-stress?.." the girl mutters, glancing at Edris and her eyes fill with tears, "You were lying to me?.. Am I in trouble?" She glances at the man, but quickly back at Edris, "Mistress, why did you lie to me?.. I can answer to all the needed questions..."

The girl looks back at the speaking man. She offers another curtsy and clasps her hands in front of her. She keeps her head lowered, but whispers, "I will answer to all your questions here. But I told everything to the Mistress. I was the follower of Asmenachia. However, I found the true faith with the help of a noble man. I went to the convent and studied there for one year as the rules tells. Now I have just three Patrons of the Earth. Patron Onimoria, Patron Margueritte and Patron Lotingus. I believe in the only one Prophet our Queen Abegayle Onimus, and the priestesses of the convent said, that my soul is saved, Sir Moshe Machuri. That is all, what happened to me. That is why I am no longer wearing the blue ribbon."

Edris sighs, her eyes flickering when Abi asks her that question. Some sentiments seem to boil up within her, there are signs of anger apparent in her eyes. She seems about to ready some retort, but then keeps silent instead. Almost. "It was you who lied in the first place, Abi!", she mutters, her foot tapping impatiently on the ground. "I need to protect this place. I've told you that." Then she falls silent, to leave the talking to Moshe.

Moshe had heard this before and then he hmms, seeming to be getting something in his mind a bit. " I see, where you at the Inn when the murder happened? Can this noble say in front of others that he helped you convert? Do you go to the Inn often or not at all? Did you happen to partake in the theft of the portrait of Onimoria?" his words come out not quickly but slow enough for her to answer.

The girl just shakes her head at Edris, "I didn't lie, mistress. I opened my heart for you..."

She sighs and turns her disappointed gaze back at the man. She blinks a few times innocently. There are some tears in her features. She looks like a little sad angel, "Sir Moshe Machuri, I was not at the Inn, when the man died. Of course, I knew him. Because he is an old follower of Asmenachia. Well... He was. When I heard rumors, I was kind of sad. However, his soul was already lost. He chose the wrong faith. I do not know, what happened with drawing or murder, my lord."

Suddenly her cheeks blush and she bites her lip, peeking shyly at Ser Moshe, "I am not sure if the lord will speak openly. Maybe for the judges, yes. However, openly... There is some trouble... You see..." She inhales deeply and clothes her eyes, "He converted me, because he wanted me. He wants me to be his mistress, ser. I love that man. However, our love has some trouble. Not that we can't be together. I could be his whore and that is all, but... The priestess Leshara fell madly in love with the lord. She hated me for that and threatened, that the time will come, when our love will be burned!"

The girl starts crying very loudly and flops on the ground, "And he told me, that he won't risk. He said, that the priestess is crazy and he won't chose neither her, nor me..."

Madame Edris' eyes widen when she hears this new detail about the priestess, and she turns to shoot Moshe a glance. "Now that is new," she'll mutter, rolling her eyes to the knight. "You are either very cunning or indeed a poor soul," the redhead will address Abi now, her gaze attentive and concerned - something inbetween. "Yet I suspect you to be a liar. This is the first time I hear you speak about a priestess, girl." Her gaze darts back to Moshe now. "It will be hard to get the truth out of this one, I fear..."

Moshe looks at the girl and then to Edris and finally as the girl falls to the floor he steps up and helps her up to her feet. " Stand firm Abi. You have been accused of murder. Someone has pointed fingers in your direction but if I take you to the Inn, will they tell me that you where there that night or that you are not the person they seen that night?" his hands lifting her up by the shoulders now. " I need to know and then if you have any clues, anything that may help, please do so tell me. Oh and who is the Lord that helped you, he will need to speak to me or else."

The girl will stand up with the help of ser Moshe Machuri. Her sobbing becomes even more loud, "I could never kill anyone?! Who can blame me for such things?!" She glances at Mistress Edris, "I wanted to run away from this past. Would you have given me the job, if I would say, that the priestess of Asmenachia promised to burn me down because I was converted and took the love of the man, who she loves?"

The girl looks back at ser Moshe, "Yes. We can go, where we need to go. I know, that it is not my fault, ser. You should speak privately with Lord Avraham Grunhaid. He may tell you the truth then."

"Who knows?", Edris counters in Abi's direction, one brow raised. "You said you would be honest with me. And you weren't. So now you have to answer the questions of this knight here." She turns to Moshe. "If you'll excuse me? There are some tasks I need to see to." Get dressed, for instance. "If you should have any questions, feel free to come and visit." And there she moves off, upstairs to her quarters.

Moshe nods to the girl and then looks to the knight with him. " Treat her well, do not harm her but do not let her out of your sight, she is to come wth us and see what others have to say about her where abouts." then looks to Edris he bows his head to her. " Thank you Madame, your help has been much appreciated and wish you the best of luck in your place of business." then he looks back to Abi. " I will seek this Lord out and will speak to him privately as you ask, I need to know all that is to hear. " then he sighs. " I will need to keep you where I can see you when I need to, will have to keep you in the castle." Then he motions for the knight to escort the girl out.