675-05-28 - Interrogation of a Priestess

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Interrogation of a Priestess
Summary: The Priestess of Asmenachia is questioned by the knight Sir Moshe Machuri
Who: Moshe Machuri and Priestess Leshara (played by Rivers)
References: None.
When: May 28th, 675
Related Logs: 675-05-27 - Seizing a Priestess
Date of RP: 29/05/2014 (backscened)
Where: Interrogation Room in the Dungeons - Castle of the White Dove, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: In the sceneset somewhat

The group of 30 cultists of Asmenachia had been led to the Amphitheater where they all have been chained to posts, before the eyes of the Priestess Leshara who had watched the proceedings without even the hint of a flinch or a sign of any emotion on her features. The expression in her eyes had been grave however, and soon she had lowered her gaze. Her journey had not ended there. Moshe and some guards had led the priestess away from there, leaving those thirty people behind, a great deal of them women, and all adorned with that blue ribbon that marked them for what they where, chained as they were and still watched by a sufficient number of armed guards. Leshara had been silent on the way to the castle, and down into the dungeons, where she will be questioned more thoroughly in the interrogation room, a ghastly place with several means of persuading someone to divulge information he rather would keep to himself. Two guards stand at the door, the room is lit by a pair of flickering torches at the walls. Leshara so far unharmed as she stands there, her eyes closing for a moment, her nostrils flaring as if to take in the air of the place - and maybe the ethereal presence of those who have found their death right in this chamber. Her back still straightened, she'll then turn slowly and shoot Moshe a glance. "So,... this is where it's supposed to end? Why am I denied my right to speak with the High Oni first?"

Moshe looks at her as he walks around her. She would be laid on a table, shackled to it by the ankles and the wrists. She still has her clothing on, that has not been denied her. "Who above everyone on the Isles is the supreme ruler?" then he grabs what looks like pliers and comes closer to her. "Please tell me the ones involved and where the portrait is." he says in a normal sounding voice, no malice.

There may have been a little resistance when the priestess had been secured on that table, as now for the first time a hint of fear had entered Leshara's mien. "The Queen!", is the answer to Moshe's question, as she closes her eyes again for a moment, her jaw setting, before she opens them again and looks into the knight's face, her gaze locking with his. "A fine knight you are, to treat a woman like this. Tell me,... are you enjoying this...?" And there she chuckles, it is more like a mad sounding cackle rather. "Ylirena, give me strength...", muttered afterwards.

Moshe continues to walk around now, the sound of the pliers ever so slowly going off with every step he takes. "I do not enjoy this but duty binds me to what I must do. " he keeps on walking and then stops beside her, then leans in and whispers." The queen has ordered me to do so, so, your request for the High Oni is denied." then he stands up straight and reaches out to her one finger, griping it tightly." I hear nails when pulled away from the fingers is very painful, shall we try?" then the pliers come in and take a hold if her nail."Unless you want to tell me who was involved, where they are and where the protrait is."

"Ylirena..." Another mutter, as Leshara presses her eye lids shut, tensing as she hears the sounds of the pliers. "Do what you must do...?", this said in Moshe's direction. "No duty can force you to... inflict pain, Sir Moshe Machuri!" The whisper into her ear has her flinch now, as in her position it is hard to follow the man with her eyes. Then another flinch, as the knight grabs her finger, pulls it away from the fist she tries to make, a low cry of terror escaping her now, that she feels the cold steel of the pliers against her fingertip. "By the Patrons!" Then she falls silent and closes her eyes, trying to calm her slightly agitated breathing. If the knight will show enough patience, to not tear that nail off right away, it will certainly pay off well. As Leshara regains her calm, she'll open her eyes again and nod with a sigh. "No need to try, Sir...", she says, her tone slightly changed, as if she had come to a decision. "I had... no part in this. But I am aware, the punishment will take place, as there's no other way."

Moshe stops and looks at her, his eyes daring her to say more." Alright, if you had no part in it then who?" Now he sighs and looks around." I have all the time to do what is needed." as he starts to walk around again and then stops at her head again." So tell me, I have patience but not much. So, who, where are they and where is the drawing? What ever happens it's on you, your flock wandered and caused trouble. Now as the leader of the flock, it's on you, no one else."

Leshara exhales when he lets go of her finger (because he does, right?), nodding frantically while he starts to pace around the table once again. "I know... I know the ones who did it... I will tell you... Everything." There her eyes close again and a brief prayer to Ylirena leaves her lips. "It was that woman,... Abi... and her betrothed. They had a plan, but when I learned about it, it was already too late. They took the protrait, and hid it somewhere. You'll let me go, if I tell you where it is?" The pitch of her voice rises towards the end, her eyes trying to lock with Moshe, but he seems to keep out from her view. "Dear Sir, this is the way it will happen, won't it?"

Moshe looks at her for a while, even as she says all that she has said and then sighs openly and then walks about to face her, to look at her face, to look at her eyes as he leans in. His breath hot to her skin as he speaks and it's a slow way he does. " You will tell me now , this information has bought you time, that is all." then stands up straight and looks to her. " Location, and where she can be found. What you should have done once you had found out is brought to our attention. All this could have been avoided and now, look at what has happened. Abi has killed her man, they have stolen the drawing and hidden it. Now 30 of your followers are chained to posts."

Leshara's lips form a thin line for once, as her jaw tightens again, while Moshe speaks to her. "The oak," she says, then, after a moment, her voice but a whisper. "They hid it beneath the oak. In the forest. I can show you." The latter part added hastily. her gaze flickering. "Abi,..." she hesitates for a moment. "She is gone... went into hiding." She flinches should Moshe start to pace about the table again, and sensing his impatience or maybe suspecting it rather, she'll add. "The Night's Dream."

Moshe listens to Leshara and then he nods slowly, his eyes not leaving hers but he does walk around some more, thinking perhaps. Then he stops, just behind her head. " No, you will not show me, I will send people who know the forest, describe in detail and how to get there, how to find it and it best be in good condition." then he leans in from behind her head, his eyes looking to hers. " If what your telling me is true, you have bought yourself time, just hope the queen is as generous as I have been." then he stands up, walks around once again and looks back ot her. " Abi will likely be executed for murder. I will seek her out at this Night's Dream with a few of my men. Describe her to me and do it quickly, my patience is running low." then he looks to one of the guards at the cell. " Find a man that knows the forest and make it quick." he says in a very commanding way.

Leshara will nod and give the requested information, describe the location of the oak, which is indeed a bit trickier than Moshe may have expected. The description of Abi is not that hard however. "A slender woman with dark hair." But then again, the Night's Dream will have plenty of beauties that wil match that description. The look in her eyes betrays however the Priestess of Asmenachia already is aware there is little hope, although she nods when the queen is mentioned. "Generous..." Almost snorting there. "...indeed, Sir." It will be the last words that leave her lips for now, as she falls silent, the look on her face troubled to say the least. While her lips curl into the faintest of smiles.