675-05-28 - Calm the Waves
Calm the Waves | |||||||
Summary: Ralph bids Alajos goodbye at the harbour of Deavel, shortly before the Nymph of Aliara departs | |||||||
The ship is ready to depart it seems, with some sailors bringing last-minute provisions aboard and passengers saying goodbye to newly made friends from the Isles. Duke Alajos doesn't seem to have anyone to say goodbye to. He's up on the poop deck, left alone for now, broodily looking out towards the city and the castle. Perhaps waiting for someone.
And indeed, from the road that leads to the city of Deavel two riders can be seen rapidly approaching. Forced to slow down to a trot once they reach the harbour, the horses are reigned in, and Ralph Fennim dismounts and boards the ship via the planks that has not been removed so far. The guard in his company remains ahorse.
The gait of the older Fennim seems spirited enough, as he approaches his cousin, the smile pensive and a bit brooding, aye, as is usually the case with Ralph, but his dark eyes seem to have acquired a new sparkle. "Cousin." The greeting comes with a hint of a bow. "I'm glad I... came in time,... before the ship departed... Wanted a few words with you." Obviously he is a bit out of breath. But he made it after all.
"Certainly, cousin.", Alajos replies, turning to offer him a smile, "There is no rush, the captain told me we'd be sailing on the noon tide. Have a seat..." He points to the seating arrangement under a canopy nearby. No drinks have been set out yet out, but there's a bowl of fresh fruit. "I am sure you are perfectly capable to bring trade negotations to a close on your own.", he adds.
A relieved sigh escapes the depths of Ralph's chest. "And I thought the tide would be earlier,...lucky me then." The offered seat is taken, and the absence of beverages does not even make him raise a brow. And so he just takes a grape and pops it right into his mouth. Taking his time as he chews it, before he swallows and nods. "Trade negotiations, cousin,... I have a feeling that this will be about more than that." the older Fennim muses thoughtfully, as he shoots Alajos a glance. "This odd... female, I don't really know what her role is actually at court. Claiming to have been created by /their/ Gods to bring the Isles fortune and prosperity,... Maybe the Queen made her the new Royal High Oni. Who knows?" He gives a light snort and shrugs. "However, this woman,... Nimoria she calls herself, she kept on stressing that the Isles need us to prosper. And the Queen seems to hold this woman's opinion in high regard."
"Well, that is favorable for us then, is it not?", Alajos replies, looking rather cool about it all, "I cannot say I have been impressed by what I have witnessed here and thus I don't know if I should feel glad that my single letter was enough to set us free or angry, that we had to take such drastic measures to be allowed the right to leave. This is simply not how to treat foreign dignitaries and I expect you to have a firm stance on mutual respect in any future dealings with these people." His tone is calm and measured, thoughtful, with perhaps a hint of the potential he could have as a statesman if he only put some effort into it.
There is indeed a proud flicker in those dark eyes as they come to linger on the Duke. "Cousin, even if I feel the letter was in a way a drastic means, I am glad to see you showed concern for your people and the willingness to do something about the situation. I will be ready to defend your move any day. Although I feel I won't have to. The theft /and/ the murder are blamed on a third party now, someone who wants to thwart any alliances between our kingdoms, or so I was told by this Nimoria and the Queen." He pauses and eats two more grapes, his gaze dropping to the bowl, and after another moment he continues: "You will, however, explain your reasons to our King. The fact I stay behind, may be something that will help, I am sure. Because I feel, they will propose a match of sorts. Marriages have always been a strong means to secure an alliance. Maybe... they'll offer one of their princes to one of our princesses...? It woudln't help with the King's dilemma, but, to adjust the Book of Laws to allow the Crown to be inherited by a male heir of one of the King's children, even female ones, if the males are no longer alive." Yes the old heir problem. King Barret had sons, but they died during the Plague. Noone will want the Crown to go to a lesser branch of House Brais, really.
"Whatever Mistress Rayne's problems are, it is not just to imprison a foreign citizen without trial or indeed proof. I felt it was a slight to Woriscant and a slight that could not be ignored. Neither the fact that we were being held here like prisoners and under suspicion as well. I am glad that my letter made the right impression, for believe me, cousin, I had found very little pleasure in attacking these Isles." Would he really have? Who knows. In many ways it's probably best that Alajos was not put to the test. "I shall explain myself to the King and I am sure he will agree with my stance. It is in his interest too, to not see his bannerman slighted by foreigners. And whatever marriage they may wish to work out -" He makes a dismissive waving gesture with his hand. "It is none of my concern, really." He gives Ralph a very pointed look. "You know where my own concerns in this lie."
A smile appears on the usually so brooding features of Ralph Fennim. "Aye. You are right, it was a slight. And you reacted just the way I could have wished you would. Your father would have been proud of you!" To think that he would say that, actually to the young Duke, is really remarkable enough in itself. "A Duke is not a diplomat, however," Ralph continues, amusement now glinting in his eyes. "So here is where I come in, to calm the waves your letter has stirred. Quite an efficient practice in politics, actually," he winks to Alajos, "let the Duke make the threats, and let the ambassador see to the negotiations afterwards. For the good of our kingdom."
"About marriages,... your mind is set then?", Ralph inquires next, taking that pointed look the way Alajos intended, or so he hopes. "You will agree to the betrothal to Lady Avaline, should the King propose it to you?"
Alajos looks rather proud at the compliment - which might mean a lot more to him than he'd ever admit. "I'm glad you think so.", he just says softly and reaches for a few red berries which he keeps in the palm of his hand to eat one by one. Until the last question makes him drop the berry back into his hand. "I thought it was settled already?", he asks and for moment looks, like he might actually balk. But then he sighs. "I know I have no choice but to marry some day and I admit that I've found the lady Avaline rather pleasant company during our stay here. I... yes, I will agree.", he finally says softly.
That look is noted, and that smile on Ralph's features seems to grow a bit in intensity. "I am quite surprised actually, as I didn't expect you would gain so much from this voyage. You have grown, cousin. Which is good for you, as well as for Woriscant." Then, as Alajos continues, he shakes his head ever so slightly. "It was not settled, as you would have been free to choose another match, here on the Isles. Good. I am glad, you have gotten to know her better and find her pleasant. Now /that/ is another thing I didn't dare to hope for." A soft chuckle escapes him, as Ralph rises. "Now we can only hope your audience with King Barret Brais goes well enough, so he is not tempted to rethink that offer. So now all that's left for me is to wish you a pleasant journey and a safe return home. Your Grace." Emphasizing the title as he offers a deep bow, now in much better spirits obviously, as the expression on his features betrays. "I will send word as soon as there is any success to report. I'll be back home within a month, at the latest, although I expect I'll return much sooner. But who knows,... Time does seem to obey different rules here one the Isles." And with that said, the Fennim turns and leaves the ship, watches, as the planks are pulled in and the Nymph of Aliara gets ready to depart.
The look clearly says O.M.G. when Ralph suggests a match on the Isles. But it's just a little moment, mixed with amusement even. He is clearly pleased by his cousin's appraisal of him and gets to his feet to walk him to the flight of stairs that leads down from the poop deck. "Yes, please do stay in touch, cousin. I will send word of our safe arrival back home in Woriscant, too.", he promises. Then, almost as an afterthought, he adds: "And good luck with the queen." He'll watch Ralph leave the ship before he goes back to flop into the chair under the canopy to wait for their departure.