675-05-27 - Seizing a Priestess

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Seizing a Priestess
Summary: Sir Moshe comes to Piradin to arrest thirty followers and a priestess of Asmenachia.
Who: Moshe Machuri and Priestess Leshara (played by Rivers)
References: None.
When: May 27th, 675
Related Logs: 675-05-26 - The Queen's Arrival
Date of RP: 29/05/2014 (backscened)
Where: Temple of Asmenachia, Village of Piradin - Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: In the scene set

The Cult of Asmenachia is a religion that is tolerated on the Isle of the Crown, although this variant of worship is rather frowned upon. It is no surprise then that there is only one Temple of this Cult, and this Temple can be found in Piradin. The building in itself may be lacking the grandeur of the Temples of Onimoria, it is slighter higher than an average house, and only the blue banner beside the door hints at what is to be found inside.

After entering one would find a plain altar of dark stone, covered with a blue piece of cloth, the walls unadorned and white, but there are the statues of all Patrons of the Cult. These statues have been crafted of red marble by a master stonemason, with so much detail they look as if they could spring to life any moment.

Before the altar stands one single figure, wearing a wide plain gown of dark brown, most of her head is covered by a wimple in light blue. The hands folded before her as she turns to address the small crowd of about fourty people from all over the isle. "...let us give prayer then, to Ylirena, the mother,..." Both hands are raised as the priestess smiles at the followers of Asmenachia, her voice a deep alto, the one that carries and will be heard.

Moshe had been ordered to come and take in the priestess and 30 of the followers. He knows they have caused a lot of trouble and he has no qualms about bringing her and the followers in as instructed by the Queen.

The outside then is been sorrounded, thirty men in all and himself. Archers, spearmen and guards with shield and swords. All wearing colors that are red and gold, except for Moshe as he is wearing the colors Blue and Green, colors of Zorich. Once twenty men have been stationed around then temple, he nods to two knights with him to open the doors so they can enter.

Moshe enters the temple, his face stern and he is the first to go in and keep on moving through, straight towards the priestess. There are five knights with him but they stand now along the path to the priestess and four guards stand at the door, shield and blades. Moshe has not removed his blade yet. " Priestess of Asmenachia, you are here arrested and thirty of your followers as per order of the Queen." he says loudly and in a very commanding voice.

Maybe some of the followers have already caught some strange sounds outside, sounds of weapons being unsheathed, people moving in armor, sounds that will be heard if no precautions are being taken. Here and there a hand goes to the blue ribbon that is wound about the arm of each follower, the right arm, and in some cases the left arm, where the right arm is no more. Low mumbles rises from the group of followers, agitated gazes are being shot towards the doors when they are opened and Moshe enters. There's an outcry from the group when the knight walks towards the priestess. But hell breaks loose when the words of the Machuri carry far enough for everyone to hear. Most of the followers start to panic, about twenty or thirty of them start for the doors, following their urge to get outside, while the remaining keep standing where they are, astonished looks on their faces as they lower ther gazes in realization of the meaning of this.

The priestess meanwhile lowers her hands slowly until her arms hang down by her side. Her gaze shifting to the knight. "What is your name, knight, and what is this order you speak of," she inquires, calmly. It is then that she raises her voice again. Now addressing the followers. "QUIET! STAY WHERE YOU ARE. Ylirena watches over us. She and all the other Patrons. She will take care of us, cradle us in her tender arms." Some of the people who had started for the exit do indeed pause and calm down again, soothed by the voice of the priestess. And only 15 will reach the doors, and try to break through to escape.

The guards at the doors were prepared for this and keep their weapons pointed but back behind the shields. Outside there are archers ready to shoot anyone that gets past the ones inside as well as spearmen. The five knights inside wait for the panic ones to stop and if they do not they will start to look at the ones already going to the doors and not stopping.

Moshe watches as they scramble but he looks determined and simply waits. Once some turn back to sit, he looks at the ones already going to the door. " It seems we have fifteen already willing. Escort them outside, where they will be shackled and chained by the others." he says this loudly enough, there is no remorse at this time.

Finaly Moshe looks back at the Priestess. " I am Sir Moshe Machuri. I have been tasked to bring you and your followers in. There is evidence to show that two of your followers have commited an act of treason." then he frowns and then looks around to all within. " Until the culprits are revealed, every third one will be put to death." he says this loudly. Then he looks back to the priestess. " The location of the tapestry is also required." he pauses a moment and then steps closer to the priestess. " Where is the tapestry?"

Those that try to escape are easily seized by the men Moshe had left outside, and soon cries of despair and fear reach the ones still in the temple, when those unfortunate souls are shackeled. "Ylirena help us!" The remaining followers stay put, especially now that they've learned the fate of those too eager to run.

The Priestess looks at the knight still, in what is almost staring. She does not incline her head in greeting when he introduces himself. "I am the Priestess of Asmenachia," she says with a proud tone to her voice. "Leshara I am called." And there her gaze drifts to the followers: "I have no idea what this knight is talking about."

Moshe looks around as the people within seem to panic at first and then go quiet a bit after. It is then he looks back to the priestess and frowns a bit more. " Oh really, I see how it will be." then looks around to all of the ones within the temple. " She will cause your deaths, who ever has broken the law will cause your deaths." he says loudly and then looks back to the priestess, ignoring her name and what she may think her status is here. " You priestess, no tapestry, then you get to pick who the other fifteen shall be. " he steps to the side, his hand on the pommel of his blade and then with a stern voice. " Chose and make it quick. If you do not, then I will chose." his voice stern, he has no patience, no real regrets by the look of things.

Leshara looks down for once when Moshe addresses her followers, pursing her lips. Her features seem devoid of any emotions. Looking up, her deep charismatic voice will once again ring clearly through the temple. "We are all equal, in the eyes of the Patrons. I will not pick. It will be you." And there she lowers her gaze again. "I do not know what tapestry you speak of... but if it is the one that was stolen from the Royal Chapel," she almost snorts there. "I did not have any hand in it." Her gaze finds once again the eyes of the knight and she shrugs. "We are in Ylirena's hands now, Sir Moshe Machuri. Carry out your orders, however unjust they may perhaps appear to you." Because she knows how the game is played. Those thirty followers will be killed either way. As obviously cultists of Asmenachia committed the crime.

Moshe looks to the priestess and then nods. " If that is your wish and so it shall be." then he looks around, purposefully pointing at couples and taking mostly the women by the look. As he points, the knights will gather them and push anyone away to get to them. There is no remorse here, there is but duty and this continues up until all thirty have been gathered.

Finally Moshe looks to Leshara and frowns. " You know what will happen, the time is now and if not, we shall leave this place as well as with you." He waits, perhaps she may feel that remorse but on how she has acted so far, it's not going to happen.

The women will try to shy away from the guards when they are grabbed, wails of despair ringing through the temple as 15 more are seized. Leshara watches with an outwardly unmoved face, although there is a flicker in her eyes as she keeps it lowered. Remaining that away until the work is done. "I wish I could help you, Sir Moshe." she then intones looking up, when the knight addresses her again. "Even though you may not be aware, and I doubt somehow it will matter to you,... But I forgive you sir, as you are acting on orders. This is not your doing. We are all in Ylirena's hands. So do what your duty demands. Even if it is a huge mistake. Sir." And there she falls silent and for the first time an emotional expression shows on her face, a sympathetic smile, as she looks up at the knight.

As the last are taken away and others complain and suffer the loss the guards move out and three of the knights as well, leaving two knights and Moshe inside. Moshe looks towards the priestess and then blinks at her, the words would have convinced other men, other knights but not Moshe. He is dedicated and has honor to uphold but over all he seems not to care, remorseless by the look of his face. " I have given you a chance, we will speak again and you will wish that you had spoken here." then he motions with his head for the door, to head out. " Make sure she is also shackled as the others." as the two remaining knights do escort her out. Moshe waits until they left that he looks ot the rest remaining. " Bring me the ones responsible, find me the tapestry and all shall not die. Do not and I can't stop what is to come." then with that he starts to walk out, towards the exit of the building.