675-05-26 - Damsel in the Tower?

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Damsel in the Tower?
Summary: The Royal Mother visits Rayne and takes her to a tower.
Who: The Royal Mother Eleora Machuri (played by Teddybear) and Rayne Devantry
References: None.
When: 675-05-26
Related Logs: All logs concerning Rayne's arrest
Date of RP: 2014-05-26
Where: Tower Room
Room Desc: It's like a Noble's room, only there are guards outside the door and a lone maiden trapped inside.

Time has come and gone, which has not bode well for the woman in waiting. Rayne lies in the bunk of her cell, eyes closed, but to say she is sleeping would be stretching it. She hasn't slept, and the only food she's readily consumed has been what a friend has brought her upon visiting. Over the last several days she's perhaps gotten used to the scents of the dungeon, the heavy dampness in the air from the sea long settled from this stone tomb. Never the less, she rests, with whatever attempt she can manage /to/ rest while waiting for whatever lies ahead.

The Royal High Oni, who is the Regent, while the Queen of the Kingdom of the Isles is missing, climbs down into the dungeons and quckly finds the young woman. She looks being in a very good mood. Also, it is clear, that she is used to the scents of the dungeons. When she approaches the cell with the healer, the priestess pushes the bowl with warm soup and bread into her cell, "Good morning," her soft and friendly voice whispers.

The scraping of something on the ground nearby stirs Rayne into 'waking' as she opens her eyes and glances over towards the cell door. There's a raising of her brow as she shifts to stand and moves towards the cell door kneeling to retrieve the food until she takes note - perhaps - of just /who/ is standing before her and so Rayne remains kneeling. "R-r-royal Mother...t-to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?" A pause, "That is...if I may be so bold as to inquire."

The Royal Mother waves for the guards to unlock the cell. She walks inside and squats down beside the young healer. The priestess extends her hand to brush her hair gently, "Eat, child. You need to eat. Something warm will make you feel better. And I am just a servant of the Patron and the Queen of the clouds Onimoria as you are. You don't have to kneel before me," she explains and stands up. "While you will be eating, I would love to hear your story too. How happened, that such a pretty young child was involved into such dark matters?" She turns to the girl, "Is it because your gods abandoned you? Or is it because you all decided to abandon your gods - your light?" The woman becomes really sad.

Rayne gives a blink and then a nod of her head. "Thank you. This is very kind of you to bring." Saying that much as she stands, and upon standing lifts the tray as well walking it back to her bunk where she sits. A chunk of the bread is broken off, dipped into the soup and then consumed before mossy green eyes would glance back to the Royal Mother. "Gods? I...I beg your pardon, Royal Mother, but gods are not something we speak on in my kingdom. It has been some time since anyone has mentioned faith in such things." Still, it seemed the thing to speak on with such a question presented. "That being said. I do not feel my gods have abandoned me. I feel as though I have some how...angered them...in some way." Another dunk of the bread, a bite consumed and while chewing she thinks. "It all seems so simple in it's complexity, my story. I heard arguing, a thud, someone leaving. I meant to go follow the one fleeing the Inn and instead I followed a trail of blood into the room she fled from. Found a man, tried to save him, was found kneeling over his corpse...I can see where one who just happened upon the room would think I killed the man." A glance to the Royal Mother then, "yet I can assure you on any honor I may possess, on my life..on my faith..I did not murder that man...yet I cannot point to the one who did, so who is to say someone must pay for the crime, innocent or not?"

"Hmmm..." Drawls the Royal Mother, clasping her hands on abdomen, "I understand... That is a perfect way to avoid the punishment of the crime, telling, that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time..." She sighs really sadly and speaks almost in a whisper, "Do you know, that death always comes to the persn way more easier, if his heart is free from sins? The best way to free your heart is just at least tell the truth at the end..." Then the woman turns away and starts pacing in the cell, "I understand, why your Kingdom has some concern about gods. However, our Kingdom has a very close relationship to the Patrons. They are always watching us, helping us, leading us, speaking with us. Soon... Very soon the Queen will come back and my words will be proved. However, we can't meet the Queen and a very special creature, who she is bringing back with her without our drawing of Onimoria. It's a very very important holy kingdom's heirloom..." She looks at the young woman one more time, "Do you know, that the man, who was killed, lets say, not by you, is a follower of the Cult of Asmenachia? They believe in the Patrons, who were lack of strong will to fight against their greed and killed their own siblings. The justice won and Onimore with Lotingus were brought back to their Kingdom, while these other patrons were banished. However, these followers are trying to help greedy patrons to take over the power. These people can;t be trusted as their friends can't be trusted. If you had any contacts with them... We can't trust you. However, lets make a deal...If you will confess of the crime and will point us to the drawing - you will be allowed to take more qucik death. If you will tell the names of your helpers, you may stay alive..."

"The Portrait of what?" Rayne asks first before everything else seems to sink in. A shake of her head is given and she actually stands to face the Royal Mother. "I beg your pardon, but I am not going to confess to a crime I did not commit. All of this is news to me, save that when he went to the room drunk, she did swear at him and made mention that the Priestess would be upset with them. No names spoken, so I could not point to them whether I knew name or visage." Enraged, slightly, Rayne would turn away for a moment. Her mind swirled with how to handle this, and then she glances back to the Royal Mother. "I know not of this painting, its whereabouts, or even what it looks like. So I could not tell you where it is. I have never set foot anywhere close to the Palace or it's surrounding buildings. My time has been spent within the forests gathering your herbs to make new medicines and tinticures as that is my position. I am a healer, I nurture and protect...I do not harm, I do not murder. I follow gods against the will of my kingdom. So you have no deal, Royal Mother, because I am as innocent now as I was the day that our ship set sail from Two Rivers. Trust me or not, believe me or not, I am not lying or spinning a tale. It is as I have spoken." Shifting to sit once more, Rayne would shift a hand to swipe at her eyes. Thinking on things, like her own death and what she would not have the chance at, tore her apart in ways she could never imagine. "I have never harmed another, I have never been anywhere in this land save the forests, and the Plaza and Inn of Deave. Yet if it is death I have to face, then I will face it alone, with my lips having only spoken truth, and my innocence on the hands of your courts should they deem my death so."

The Royal Mother glances at Rayne almost apologetically, "Oh, child," she looks very sad now. Even more than before, "Think of your words very good. Your trail is coming. We do not follow blindly nor your, nor other words. We are trying to find out more about that woman. I believe, that you have met sir Moshe. He is really trying, but..." She sighs and approached the woman, just to brush her hair, if allowed, "Think of your words again. Have you never harmed anyone? Really? Because a person approached us and informed of knowing, that you and another person have the drawing hidden somewhere. Usually, we do not trust the words of simple people, who bring us such news. But right now, we have the word of a noble against yours. The trail is coming..." She sighs and stands up. The woman waves for the guards to come in and they will take Rayne's arms, if allowed, "You will be taken out of dungeons. After all, we still are not sure, what is going on, but... For now, we would like to keep you and your friends separated. You will be taken to the room of the tower and two Guardians of Onimoria will always be behind your door. Just ser Moshe and I will be allowed to visit you. The food will be given to the guards, who will slip the food under your door..." And the guards will move to take the woman out.

"Who...who would say such a thing? I do not know of any drawing...I have never touched a painting of anything..." Rayne's words would trail off as she looks down, letting tears freely fall from her eyes. Such slander, such lies, and with so many rumors around about her, what was it for one to believe one more? When the guards come, she is at such a loss that she allows her arms to be taken, and when it is spoken that her friends will not be allowed to visit her she simply nods. "So be it. So long as no harm comes to them... they were only ever trying to help prove my innocence." Saying as much before allowing the guards to begin to take her from the dungeon and lead her to this tower.