675-05-18 - A Healer's Arrest

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A Healer's Arrest
Summary: The healer, Rayne Devantry, tries to save a soul...and ends up accused for his murder.
Who: Rayne Devantry, plus some NPCs played by Teddybear
References: None.
When: 675-05-18
Related Logs: None
Date of RP: 2014-05-18
Where: The Deave Inn / The Dungeons
Room Desc: Beyond the gates lies the main square of the city of Deavell. The focal point of the square is the beautiful fountain found in the middle; a large lily bush carved from marble, and to the delight of all, water is found to squirt from each flower into the basin that surrounds it. Benches are found placed about the fountain, offering places to sit near it, while others are placed beneath the few trees that dot the area, offering shade on sunny days. The square is a favored place for people to picnic when the weather is pleasant.

Early evening has fallen and most of the city is checking in for the night. Though some of the late night crowd is still bustling about downstairs, Rayne is in her room, as she has been since earlier in the afternoon, and she's working on a few salves and potions. Rumors in the halls heard, but she pays them no mind, figuring she's safe if she just keeps herself tucked away until everything blows over and the Two Rivers delegation is back home safe and sound.

The time goes and, finally, the inn becomes as quiet as the graveyard. Though, can the Inn was as quiet for a long time? BOOM! Someone falls down and bumps into the door of Rayne's room. The manly voice cusses loudly and, making a few more quiet knocks and scratches over the door, stands up. Then he makes a few loud steps, which Rayne can hear clearly. The next door are unlucked and the man stumbles inside the neighbour room. Even the walls have ears. Especially, if it is old old walls and the building is quiet. The woman gasps and shouts, "You are drunk again?! You stupid asshole! We are on our duty!" The man just mumbles something unclear about how he does not care about his duty. The woman lowers her voice. Some kjnd of sliding can be heard. Maybe she is dragging the man across the floor, "The priestess will never forgive our mistakes..."

Rayne gives a start as she hears the *Thud* outside her door. Its enough that she gets whatever she's been mixing together all over the front of her blouse. "Damn it..." Though she tries her best to clean up her mess, the walls have ears indeed as she can't help but listen to the goings on in the room next to her. A blink and she stands slowly to walk over to the wall and listens a little more. Scrapings against the floor and something about a Priestess after lines are tossed around about duty. For the moment, Rayne is still not keen on leaving her room just yet, wanting to remain locked inside for as long as possible. Yet her curiosity remains piqued and she sets her ear to the wall to listen for anything more perhaps.

The woman cusses a few times again, as she is really trying to raise something heavy or something like that, "Damn, you! Drunk barrel..." The man just grumbles, almost shouting, "Friends... I met a few friends! And we just... fuck the priestess! Damn, I did it!" "Shut up! Someone might hear..." The woman gets nervous. "People! People are... sleeping..." The man mumbles in his drunk manner. "Damn, you... Where you put it? Where is that tailor and the cloak?" "Our passage... Go till the end... I saw him. Near the oak...." And the man whispers something else. Then suddenly the breaking and falling things can be heard. The man starts cussing loudly the woman until the deadly silence comes back to the inn. It lasts not so long. The door of the neighbour room is opened, then locked, and, likely, the woman climbs down in a hurry.

Most of what she hears is mashed up in a drunken mess. Yet clearly the woman is worried about something. Or someone finding out about something. Stepping back from the wall when more clattering and such is heard, like something broke - though Rayne figured it could only have been the bed. The woman sounded like she was trying to lift something heavy. Perhaps the drunken man onto the bed, and then the bed broke. It's only after silence prevails that Rayne then hears the next sound of the door opening and shutting. She turns then to grab her cloak - no, not that one, - she grabs her black cloak, slipping it on and turning up the hood. Hoping she's quick enough to unlock her own door, slipping out and beginning to follow the woman.

When Rayne runs out of her room, if she will look around the hall, she will be able to notice, that the handle of the neighbour door has a few spots of fresh blood.

Rayne stops and glances to that neighbor door, spying the blood. She mutters a curse under her breath and turns to go back into her room a moment. It would take too much time to pick out all she needs, so she grabs her entire satchel and then quickly moves back to the other door. Only...the handle has spots of blood...and she didn't want blood on her hands - in more ways than one - so she tries to open the door, without touching any of the blood.

There are many ways to open the door, not touching the blood spot. Also, there are many ways to unlock old old lock. Rayne manages to find a way, even if it takes a bit of time. When the door is opened, the smell of alcohol and piss will reach her first. Then she will be able to notice that a small table near the bed is laying on the ground, that some cups are rolling too. On the middle of the room all trembling in fear men is trying to crawl closer to the door. His fear already made his pants wet. Also, he does not have one arm and there is a blue ribbon on the other. There is a huge dagger stabbed into his throat. It does nit let the man to bleed out for now.

"Oh my god..." Rayne speaks these words before staggering back a bit. It's the smell of alcohol and piss that has her doing this first off. Once she's passed that, and makes her way further into the room, she finds the man on the floor trying to crawl his way to the door. She gasps, seeing the dagger in his throat, which it causing him to not bleed out immediately. Either way, she knows there is no healing to be done to this man, and such a fact saddens her. "Oh god...oh god...I...I..." Looking around, trying to find something, anything, but she's at a complete loss. Even if she pulls the dagger out...if she pulls it out he'd die quicker but...she looks towards the door, then back to the man. Kneeling at his side, she wonders if she applies pressure quick enough then maybe, just maybe. So she grabs something close to her, a shirt most likely, bunching it up and tries to be quick, trading knife for cloth to try and hold it against the bleeding.

The man tries to struggle. He grabs woman's hands as if trying to stop her from taking out the knife. His eyes widen in fear and he tries to shake his head, as if asking not to do this. But he is weak and Rayne succeeds to trade the knife for cloth. The blood starts running out of the man's throat and sinks into the cloth, and, of course, woman's hands. And suddenly Rayne can hear the scream of a young maid, "MURDER....ER!!!!" It can easily be seen through open door, how the young maid walks backward and bumps into the wall, becomming as pale as the dead man on the floor. She points at Rayne and screams again, MURDER....ER!!!!" Quickly the sound of two running up guards can be heard.

Rayne blinks as soon as she feels the blood soaking the shirt and getting on her hands. Not good, not good at all and the man tried to stop her, she knew he was doing so at the last moment. Still, she was a healer, she had to try...right? Then, a scream behind her and Rayne turns around to look at the maid, her eyes wide and there's a double take back and forth before Rayne lets go of everything and stands up. "No.. no I..I didn't. I didn't do it..." Cussing inside her head, because the maid is screaming, and the unmistakeable sound of metal against metal is heard as guards are coming. "Damn it, it wasn't me, I swear!"

The maid's eyes are wide. She slips across the wall and kneels on the ground. The young girl, who is just 15 or 16 years old starts crying, keeping her gaze on the blood pool, which becomes wider and wider, "Don't do... he is dead... I didn't wan-... I am... Murderer!!!!..." Then she covers her eyes and boohoos, when shock disappears. The guards show up on the doorstep. They look over the room and at the hands of Rayne. One of the guards mumble, "Two Rivers..." People start gathering in the hall. Others open the door of their rooms curiously, but carefully. People start whisper with each other, pointing at the maid, Rayne and dead body. The guards paces straight near Rayne. One of them tries to grab the hand of a woman, "You will be able to speak with our Onis of Justice in the court..."

Rayne jerks her hand away while in the process of standing upright fully and takes a couple of steps back. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry she saw anything. Please, you can ask anyone. I'm a healer, he was hurt...I just..I was just trying to save him. On my life, I swear this as truth!" Not that...such a swear was perhaps good on her behalf. Though she had noticed one of the guards mention 'Two Rivers' and she blinks. "What is that supposed to mean? Two Rivers. As if we're a...a...a plague on your Island or something!" It seemed the case, with Baldwin, Ottis, Marcus and now her...they were all being questioned, interrogated, accused. "There was another. A woman. She left this room just before I arrived...surely -someone- saw her leaving. I did not murder this man, I would /never/ murder a person..."

"And yet, you are trying to run from the law!"The guard from whose hand Rayne escaped grumbles. Now both men stand up in front of Rayne and they try to grab her hands. The girl continues crying in the corner, "I served him ale today... He was in a good mood... and laughed..."

There is a look from Rayne as one of the guards snap at her. She wasn't trying to run, she simply wanted to plea her case. Still, perhaps it would be easier to go with them, so when they go for her hands this time, she's conceaded and allows her arms to be snagged. Though she looks to the maid then, before casting her gaze to the ground. "He was attacked by some woman...he fell to the floor...some woman was griping at him. I am sorry. I am sure he was a fine man." She would say this much before letting the guards take her.

"Good girl," one of the guards grins and starts dragging her out of the room and out of the Inn. People are staring, whispering and pointing at Rayne. One says, "She is the healer from these other lands... What she was doing?" Another answers, "Maybe she wanted to see if we are like they. You know, some healers make strange experiments..." The third adds, "She was in love, clearly and the man was follower of Asmenachia. That does not lead to good!" Some of the people makes comments that she is a friend of these other three people, who were in Piradin. Some even whisper, that maybe she was the one, who ran away from the city in that cloak of yellow and green colors. The night is quite warm outside. The guard, who is following Rayne and another one grins, "Finally, our dungeons are missing of some meat!" The guard, who is dragging Rayne grumbles, "Shut up. She is still just a suspect..." And they will drag her into the dungeons, if she won't try to escape.