675-05-11 - Late Night Healing

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Late Night Healing
When: May 11th, 675
Date of RP: 11/05/2014
Where: The Isles

"You remember them three what came to the Inn when he was about to shut down? Apparently the worst of them hurt, that Knight which was in the tournament? She went into his room that same night!"

"Who went into his room?"

"It was that healer! The one they say goes out to the woods all the time on her lonesome!"

"You're spurtin' lies. Got things all meddled up in there, the man can't even talk to women much less has a bedmate."

"It ain't lies! I heard two voices from that room, it was his and hers! Too bad ya couldn't make out what was being said between the two."

"You see her go in?"

"Well, not exactly..."

"See anyone leave?"

"She was in there half the night!"

"Oi! G'back to yer drink, I'm sure it wasn't nothing."