675-04-30 - Jerrick asks for a Favor

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Jerrick asks for a Favor
Summary: The Prince asks the Princess for her Favor
Who: Jerrick Onimus and Zuhur Nuru
References: {{{Refs}}}
When: Wed Apr 30, 675
Related Logs: RELATED
Date of RP: 4/30/2014
Where: Gardens - Royal Guest House
Room Desc: The cobbled path ends before a large multi-storied house, it's gardens spread out around it. Before the house, there is a marble fountain sculpted into the shape of a nude woman seeming to stand upon the water in the base. It is said that it is the image of Onimora herself from the day she rose from the ocean. Whomever crafted this fountain, could not have done a better job in capturing the utter beauty in features or form. Water spurts up to fall around her, dripping over her body and into the basin beneath.

The sides of the basin beneath the fountain make for a nice place to sit, though if one wishes to stay dry, there are other benches set out amongst the various trees that are found within the garden. Many are old, with branches that reach towards the sky. And yet the native trees are not the only ones here, but other fruiting trees have been planted as well from citrus to plums and pomegranate. The fruit is often plucked and brought to guests that stay here in the house.

The house itself is surprisingly large, it's front doors flanked by guards in red and gold. To each side, small lemon trees are planted near the windows to help keep privacy of the rooms within. The windows are curved, including those upon the higher stories, each one decorated with a stained glass insert of a lily, the symbol of House Onimoria, lest anyone forget who's hospitality they partake.

The dark princess is found in this spring night in the rain. Despite being told not to play in it by sevral others she simply could not resist its cool showers. She has not been out in it for too long, just enough to dance slowly in the moonlight. One guard remains with her still and watching the garden entrance.

The young Prince is wearing quite tight black leather trousers. However, the days in the Isles are quite hot. So, it is not a surprise, that beggy enough linen white shirts are covering his upper body. Of course, a few upper buttons are unbuttoned, letting to gaze at the broad and strong chest. A strange pendant is dangling on the man's neck.

He has these wonderful black as coal curly hair, which are reaching his shoulders and swaying in the tiny breeze. The man is not shaved, but his beard is short and suits him well.

Jerrick's dark gaze catches the sight of the Princess. The view makes him laugh quietly. The smile grows in his features. The Prince walks near the grass, picks brightly yellow flower with tiny red spots. Then he paces near the Princess from Golden Lion.

Even if his own sword is dangling near the side, two guards are following the man. That's the rule, likely.

Jerrick soon appears in front of princess. He bows deeply and extends the flower to the girl, "Canna Lily - the little sun of the nature to the little sun of the Golden Lion." The man winks and the smile grows even more widely.

Zuhur ooohs a little as she licks the rain from her lips, she looks up a little embarased she was caught in the rain. She smiles as he presents her with the flower and she watches him approach her. "it is pretty." she says with a smile and her dance with the rain ends as quick as it started. "I was not expecting to see you."

Jerrick peeks at the girl's lips, when she licks these few drops of refreshing water of fountain from there. The man leans back,and because lady did not take that flower in her hands, he gently stucks that between the locks of her hair, if she will not move away, "I live here, your Highness," the man smiles warmly about her expectations. "I, on the otehr hand, did not expected to see the princess playing in the fountain like a dove!"

Zuhur laughs and she shakes her head "I was not in the fountain, it is your rain" she says as she lets him tuck the flower in her hair, she blushes slightly and she smiles however at his closeness "We do not have such treasures."

"Oh yes, I have heard about the sand. People say, it's like the ocean. There are such places, where you can't see anything green in the horizon. Everywhere you look is just the sand..." The man slips with his gaze to the horizon thoughtfully, but then quickly finds the girl again, "How people and our servants are treating you? Do you have everything here, what you need? I do hope you are not bored?"

Zuhur smiles at his concern "oh no, your brother did give me a tour". Though that is all she says about the tour with Nathan, and the conversation switches quickly. "I have enjoyed watching the tournaments though, we could do with perhaps a Masqurade yes?" she wonders her eyes sparkling slightly as she talks to the prince.

Jerrick frowns slightly, hearing the mention of his brother. Liekly,he is thinking - which brother gave the girl the tour. However, he lets her change the subject. The man smiles warmly again, "Oh, that is a great idea for the opening feast. The masquerade! I will inform our Royal Mother about this suggestion. It would let us to get to know our cultures even more, right?" The man winks for the girl one more time, "You know, such events, I do believe, are made not just for fun, but to build friendships between so different worlds. To get to know each other, sign alliances and similar things." The man scratches his neck and adds, "So, I was thinking... You see, I still notice many people being afraid to leave the circles of their own houses, kingdoms. What if we both would try to give them a sign? We coudl encourage him to interract and... Likely, you are thinking, how? Well, I must admit, I have never been very good with swords. I was trained to use knowledge, not blades, but I love participating in tournaments. Participating is more important than winning, right? So, I was thinking, maybe you would honor me by granting me with your favor for the tournament of Gold?"

Zuhur blinks, there were alot of words that Jerrick, spoke and she tilts her head slightly. She smiles to his questions, "Are you asking me on a date Sir Jerrick?" she inclines her head and she smiles slightly, "there are more romantic dates, though none we could really shake the guards for." she is now rambling and she looks up to the sky as it rains on her and she grins then after "but I do not see the harm in accompanying you to the festival of the gold." she pauses "will Nathan be performing? I have heard several knights wishing to challenge him"

Jerrick can't hold his laugh. The man looks at the girl quite fatherly, "Oh, I am so sorry. Maybe you are not familiar with such tradition?.. Though, it is strange. Let me explain," The man smiles and amusement is obvious in his eyes, "First of all, it is a tournament. Nobody brings the date there, I guess. Second, it would be improper to ask you for the date before getting approval from your father for courting you. Third, I will participate in the tournament and I was asking your favor. The scarf or a ribbon, which could blow in the wind while I am fighting. It would be sign, that you are keeping your fingers crossed for me and lady's favor brings luck for knights."

Zuhur grins all the more and she tisks a little at his explanation, there is humor in her eyes. "I do not have a father, but a brother..." she tells him softly "and yes...I understand now what you are asking." she smiles "How are you prepared to earn the Favor?" she asks him her eyes dancing as she calls out for her handmaiden to bring her some favors to choose from if she indeed decides to give Jerrick something of hers. But she would of course bestow him some favor, but what would it be.

"Oooh!" The Prince lowers his gaze, "I am so sorry about your father... I didn't know..." For a moment, he feels a little bit confused, but then the subject is chanhed and the amusement comes back into his eyes, "What if I will promise to give your favor back with a little special gift to remember your stay here in the isles? Would that be enough for your curiosity to grant me with the favor?"

Zuhur touches the dark pearls on her neck Nathan gave to her and she nods her head slightly wondering what this brother might come up with to charm her with. "alright.." she takes a golden handkerchief, looking as if it was spun out of pure gold, the threads glitter with the touch of sand. She chooses something unseen to wrap inside, then she ties the handkerchief with an equally gold ribbon. She offers this to the Knight.

"Thank you very much, your highness!" The man bows again, taking the handkerchief carefully, "I will not disturb you anymore then. And I need to practise. I have a reason to win now!" He smiles widely, winks one more time and walks away, turning a few more times at the girl.