675-04-28 - An Unexpected Visitor

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An Unexpected Visitor
Summary: Edris receives a surprise call of noone less than Prince Nathan Onimus
Who: Edris Alachri and Nathan Onimus
References: re:Abegayle Onimus
When: April 28th, 675
Related Logs: Happens some time before (?) the Tourney of Knights.
Date of RP: 28/04/2014
Where: Private Quarters - The Night's Dream, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: The stairway ends in a gallery of sorts, offering a view of the activity in the room below. Through a door that is painted with a motif of two entangled lovers one reaches a spacey chamber, divided into three areas. At the back is a huge four poster bed, covered with sheets and comfortable pillows of violet blue. Drapes of a thin bordeaux red fabric can be drawn to protect those in the bed from curious gazes. Somewhere to the side where the stone floor is devoid of any rugs is a bath tub, big enough for two. A pair of empty buckets can be found beside of it, as well as a small table with a flagon of wine and two unused glasses. In another area to the front is a desk with a chair, where the madame does her book keeping. When she feels inclined to do so. A rather plain wardrobe stands beside the desk, made of dark cherry wood.

It is already way past noon, and Edris Alachri sits at the desk, with a slightly bored look to her face. Wearing a dressing gown over some attire of lighter fabric, her bare feet on the thick woollen rug on the floor beneath her chair, the woman is leaning back, her gaze directed towards one of the windows, longing for a good reason not to engage in the tedious paper work piled up before her. The wealth of fiery red locks is tied into a casual pony tail at the back of her head, and right now her eyes shift towards the door. Has she heard the noise of someone approaching? The quill she had played with is deposited on the desk as her demeanour lightens up. As any distraction would be most welcome.

Nathan can provide distraction, dressed as he is in a wayfarer cloak, princes do not need to be seen when trying to find out information. Edris is a wonderful source of information, even if he did need to fend off her girls and the like to get upstairs. His fingers gently tap at the door, no doubt, if she was curious if some one approached before, she can know for certain now, but he doesn't speak yet, she may not even be here.

"Come in!", Edris replies, rising from her seat, her hands moving to pull her dressing gown in place. Any of her girls would have knocked /and/ at least have called her name 'Madame Edris!', so she rightfully assumes it must be someone else. Grey-green eyes sparkle as she stands there, her hands resting on the back of her chair before her. "That is if you're up to the task." Added with a playfully challenging tone.

Nathan will open the door and step forward as he closes the door behind him with the heel of his boot. Surely Edris knows every one enough to know who he is. "Miss Edris, what a delightful seat you are." He says with a cheshire smile. "I hope I am not disturbing you, but you are in a unique position of power for what I am seeking." He says, not stepping closer, it would be very rude.

"A delightful seat?" Edris quips back. "I've never been called such a thing, your highness." Of course she knows who he is! If she is surprised by Nathan's visit she manage not to show it, overly much, apart from a flicker in her gaze. "A sight, perhaps," she continues, strolling closer, as the prince seems reluctant to do so. "And some have asked me to use them as some sort of seat." She smiles. "I am actually grateful for the distraction, my prince, so pray tell me what I can do... to provide you with what you are looking for." Her head tilted a touch to the side, she eyes him curiously as well with a certain amount of respectful caution. He is a royal after all, and not someone who frequents the Night's Dream on a regular basis.

Nathan doesn't stop her from closing, it's just he wasn't invited in further. "We have foreigners, of some power in these lands, and I'm curious where they frequent Miss Edris." he says, cutting to the chase, business before pleasure. "I am sure some of them might..stray from the castle, and with the business you run..I am sure that means they will appear here and run their damned fool mouths." He says to Edris with a smirk at the situation. "Information pays well, and you know my purse runs deep." After all, Prince and all.

Edris stands before Nathan now, looking up into his face as her mouth curves even more into an amused smile as he continues. "I am aware of those visitors you speak of, my prince.", she admits - he may remember she was present at that welcoming feast at the castle - as her hand moves to adjust his collar. "But no need to pay me for what I am already commissioned to do..." A wink there as she takes a step backwards, maybe an inviting gesture to beckon him further into the room. "Didn't you know that Her Royal Highness has already approached me about it?" She steps towards the small table and reaches for the flagon of wine. "Would you like something to drink?" Remembering her duties as a hostess, a little belatedly.

Nathan will follow after Edris, since she's now truly invited him in, even in what is an ambigious outfit, he's still maintaining a regal bearing. "Wine would be welcomed..and my mother has not informed me whom she has employed, and whom she has not." He admits, eyes drifting over Edris, a bit surprised. "Here from rumors, you are said to entice oh so many, and yet, I feel much safer in here then I did -getting- here." He teases.

"Oh?" Edris replies shooting him an amused glance at his last remark. "Did the girls bother you on your way here?" Her gaze flitting ever so briefly over his frame. "I can't really blame them, your highness." She hands him the glass, before she pours herself another. "Not the cheap fare you might expect," she remarks. In fact nothing about the Night's Dream does appear cheap, as it has quite a standard. "To be honest, I haven't 'enticed' anyone in a while, my prince. I have others to do that, actually." Her glass moving towards Nathan's in a toast, if he will allow it. "I feel very honoured to have a guest of such high birth visiting. Forgive me, if I am not properly dressed." Her free hand moving to pull her dressing gown back in place, as it has been about to slip.

Nathan inclines his head a bit and lets his glass touch against hers. "I believe they may not know whom I am, but merely I am a moneyed man. Especially that one whom seemed to be with child." His eyes are amused, and his free hand moves to help her. Forget not, he's used to having to keep every thing running smoothly with his sister, and that means he's used to simply dealing with situations. "So, you work for my mother then? How interesting, she should have told me." He says, seems Nathan wants his -own- connections after all.

"The one that seemed with child?" Edris echoes, her brows raising. "You mean Shianna? She's a cute little thing, isn't she?" Her grey-green eyes study him curiously. "She's not having many customers these days, seems her belly is not exactly what most men coming here desire." Nathan's assistance is noticed and acknowledged with a smile, a bit of surprise showing in her mien. "I am a woman of the Isles," she replies to his question. "And one of the many loyal subjects of your mother." Not exactly admitting to work for Queen Abegayle Onimus.

Nathan observes that surprise, Edris is capable of it? "Shiana? That would be her then." He says, name noted, poor girl. "You should consider taking my offer to work for me with the foreigners about, it could become a damned amusing situation if we discover some thing embarassing. Leverage..is important, and I am sure you don't mind the extra coin, do you?" He says, gently stroking her cheek with two fingers. "Since it seems you are a citizen and all."

Her hand moves to touch his, as he strokes her cheek. Edris smiles, although her gaze is assessing as she tries to read the prince's intentions. "You mean... You offer me coin so /you/ will be informed, if... there is anything... embarrassing happening to the foreigners?", she inquires with a slightly raised brow, chuckling softly as she lowers her gaze. "Why, certainly, my prince. I am sure you pay most generously. That will certainly push my loyalty to a higher level."

Nathan takes a small sip of the wine as she speaks. "That would be most correct Miss Edris, I see little reason to expose any follies of theirs..but I do like knowing I can if it benefits me, or my family." He says with a charming smile. "Tell me, why do you sit locked away in this room? You could be enjoying the fruits of your labour, no?"

Edris lets go of his hand as she again takes a step away from him, eyeing him over the rim of her glass as she takes another sip. "I was supposed to do book keeping and such," she admits with a sigh as she puts the glass down onto the table. "Getting some work done, before I would reward myself with a bath." He asked her, so the truth is what he will get. "I do go out and enjoy the fruits of my labour, I assure you." Her gaze flits towards the wardrobe which is certainly filled with many expensive dresses. "What about you?", Edris inquires next, in a matter-of-factly tone. "Did you come all the way from the castle for business only - or for a bit of fun as well?" A pretty forward question, considering it is aimed at a prince.

Nathan gives her a stoic look, contemplating things perhaps about her question before glancing back at the way he came. "I did not consider pleasure yet, I came here for business, many commoners came with their fleets, it is rather odd. I am curious to see if there is more to this situation then what meets the eye if you understand." He does raise an eyebrow though, a bath? "I could do with some one to deal with the infernal pain in my back, but I suspect that is not what you offer any longer. Perhaps Shianna." He says, eyes amused.

"Many commoners?" Edris shrugs. "They are part of their retinue, I suppose? And those commoners won't be allowed in here, if they cannot pay the fare." She sighs, her gaze flitting downwards. "I understand, quite perfectly. You mean they are spies?" The raised brow is noted, as is the remark about the back. "I /may/ offer it to special customers," the fiery-haired woman clarifies. "If they wish to receive that treatment from me." Her lips curl into a smile and she nods. "Shianna then? It is her you request?"

Nathan looks amused briefly at Edris' theory on them being spies. "Spies..or those who do not intend to return home. We may find our selves with those who do not belong, and thus need to be watched. I do not like unknowns, they cause dreadful problems." He says, Nathan likes to know the situation all around clearly. "Yes..I'll let Shianna try to alleviate my suffering so you may take your bath and put off your papers further."

Edris nods, and a sigh leaves her lips. Maybe she has gotten a bit bored with all the talk about commoners causing problems. After all she is a commoner too! A longing glance is cast in the direction of the bath tub that still needs to be filled, before Edris moves to the door and pulls it open, to vanish for a brief moment. "Shian! Come up here. Now, will ye please!" The tone determined but showing a certain amount of amusement as well. Returning into her chamber Edris shoots Nathan a glance. "She'll be here right away. So,... you require a massage, my prince? We have nice rooms downstairs."