675-04-13 - Prelude to the Feast

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Prelude to a Feast
Summary: Nobles are getting ready
Who: Alajos Fennim, Avaline Brais
References: {{{Refs}}}
When: 13-04-675
Related Logs: Happens before 675-04-13 - Feast at Castle Equitaine
Date of RP: 13/04/2014
Where: Entrance Hall - Castle Equitaine, Duchy of Athereyne
Room Desc: The huge double doors of the Castle open into a spacious entrance hall, with banners showing the coat of arms of House Lenouvi to the left and right. Six statues of dark grey stone have been placed into the niches along the light coloured walls, each depicting one of the famous ancestors of this family. Stairways to the left and right lead upstairs to the private quarters of the Lenouvi family as well as the guest suites. While the Feasting Hall can be found ahead, behind the huge door that is painted with the likeness of a white leaping horse.

Some nobles are already milling about in the Entrance Hall, waiting for the big doors to open and admit them to the feast. For now it's some polite chit-chat between those who know each other and careful eyeing of strangers to see whether they are friend or foe and if they dressed a fraction richer than the own group.

The Lady Avaline was dressed as elegantly as she should be, befitting the niece of a King. The red and black of her House perhaps doing little to properly draw out her features and coloring, but the colors were worn all the same. The young woman being content to remain upon the fringes of those who had gatehered for the much awaited feast. Some mild conversation had in polite fashion with those fishing for information, gossip and tidbits to cause the wagging of tongues.

Obviously the Duke Alajos would rather have been anywhere else than here, amid the people. He arrives rather late, sticking close to Cousin Ralph's side. With them are another young cousin, the Lady Sirelle and her handmaiden. While Ralph seems happy to greet an old acquaintance, Alajos seizes the chance to slip to the back of the room, where a large plant can keep him company and he can just watch proceedings.

In time the light conversation comes to some end as the others move on, perhaps disappointed that the young woman is skilled enough to let anything to juicy or worthwhile actually slip. Or perhaps she just doesn't know anything. Whichever the case may be, Avaline is soon let be with her maid. Taking note of the Duke met in the gardens the day before, a slight turn of a curtsy is offered to him, or perhaps it was to the plant, hard to say.

The plant would probably offer more exciting conversation than the duke. At least Alajos notes that the woman is actually curtseying to him and inclines his head to her with a little smile. He'd probably happily go on ignoring her then if he wasn't spotting Ralph making his way towards him with three strangers. Looking rather alarmed, Alajos heads over to Avaline and bows again. "Good evening, Mylady."

Likely by the end of the evening, Avaline will be able to decively say which is the better conversationalist. And it might even be her preffered conversation partner for the vening, the plant that is, but then the Duke is actually coming over towards her. Wasn't he happy to get away from her the other day. A polite little smile settles to ehr lips,"A good evening to you, Your Grace. It does appear many are antsy to proceed with the feast."

"They are hungry, I would assume.", Alajos replies, not a far-fetched guess after all. He folds his arms behind his back, hovering, not sure what to say to the young lady he hardly knows. "Did you walk to the viewpoint yesterday?", he finally asks, happy to have found something to say.

"It is plausible, and surely curious to see how the hall has been arranged." Comments Avaline in return. Her hands lightly folded before her, delightful small talk. "Oh, yes, I did manage to make my way there after I finished the sketch. You were quite right in that it might be a thing worth to paint or draw. It commands quite the view from there. Did it meet your expectations, Your Grace?" Her gaze drifting from him as there seems some activity near the doors, people perhaps being allowed into be seated.

"It wasn't bad.", Alajos replies, not too enthusiastically, "My cousin and I rode out to the Fangs today. It was quite impressive..." Then he runs dry once again and notes to his relief, that the big doors are swinging open and the first people are streaming into the Feasting Hall. "Shall we, Mylady?", he asks. Not that he'd be offering her his arm or anything. He just stands there, waiting to see if she'll follow.

"Is it a thing you would recommend to visit as well?" Avaline pausing just briefly before adding,"How long a ride would it be?" Trying to manage some manner of conversation since he continues to remain. If she is relieved about the doors opening, she does not show it. "Yes, of course, Your Grace." When there is no offer of his arm to go with the words, Avaline does give the plant a glance, could it not escort her? But she is soon joining those streaming into the hall as well, though certainly keeping to some place behind the Duke himself.