674-08-26 - A Planted Seed or Coincidence?
A Planted Seed of Coincidence? | |||||||
Summary: King Barret speaks with Lady Adara during the plague of the Kingdom of the Two Rivers. | |||||||
The Kingdom of Two Rivers is going through hard times. First, there was the famine, which lasted for almost three years. Starving as the population was, it had little to hold against the next trial they had to endure. It had begun in the spring of the year 674. Now, by late August, the plague has already claimed a lot of casualties, among thoses of low birth, but also among nobility.
It is after a long day which had brought more dreadful news from Granville as well as another wave of people that had caught the desease in Beresgond, that King Barret Brais has felt the urge to retreat to the battlements of his castle, Mergorand, situated on the Hills of Perescan. Standing there, leaning against the cold stone of the battlements, his brown eyes scanning the horizon, the King has a weary look to him. Little sleep he had been graced with during the recent nights, which led to him falling asleep mid day now and then, fatigued not only from the lack of sleep but also by the never ending wave of grave news arriving from all over the kingdom.
Attired in the red and black of House Brais, the plain crown made of bronze rests heavy on the head of a King. There are two guards patrolling the battlements, but apart from them, there is only the occasional gust of wind, blowing in about the towers of the castle.
After about ten or twenty minutes the King may or may not notice another figure approaching, a feminine one judging by the outline of a gown, and… Other things. Some might mistaken it for his wife checking on him or such, but instead its the foreigner. Lady Adara Zorich, technically the emissary from the Kingdom of the Isles, approaches wearing a silken black gown. Atypical compared to the lighter colors she normally wears, but then even she has heard of the large numbers of deaths of late and what better way to show she mourns with the kingdom she is visiting? Typically she likely wouldn’t be allowed on the battlements, but then with the plague and other matters some of the guards might not have cared enough to bother trying to stop her, at least as long as she doesn’t pose a threat to their king. That or they simply aren’t aware she is there.
“Your Majesty.” is the softly spoken words which announce Adara, if she hadn’t been noticed already by the king, as she draws closer, though still a resectable distance away. The reason she came had been handled a few weeks after she arrived, offering time for when the king was in the mindset for the task. Now she was stuck in the castle due to the plague, and the desire not to send word back to the Isles that their emissary died of plague. Adara was a smart woman, knowing when to leave people alone to their grief and also always there with a smile to try and improve one’s mood.
The guards are on patrol, one of them stops when Adara passes him, and he offers a bow before he moves to a palce close by. She is a foreigner, and his King may have need for his protection. Hearing the sounds, at least those the guard's steps produce, Barret will look up, his eyes narrrowing first a touch as he tries to place the woman, but when she is close enough, he will incline his head in greeting. "Lady Adara.", the King greets politely, his brown gaze lingering on the woman for a moment. A faint smile is playing about the corners of his lips, while his mien is still governed by the grief and concern for his people. "What can I do for you?" Already suspecting she did not come all the way up those narrow winding stairs without a particular reason. Her smile is noted however, and Barret for once shifts his gaze from her towards the view that can be enjoyed from up here. The fields of Perescan, the Glinting Lake are close by.
Adara says, “Nothing your Majesty. I was missing my girls a bit and thought I’d get some air.” Pausing a bit to observe his body language and tone she finally asks, “Do you mind if I remain here for a bit? It is a wonderful view and I wouldn’t mind someone to talk to. Unless of course you’d prefer to be left alone."
Barret inclines his head. "Your daughters," he says, as he looks to Adara. "I am sorry, the current situation keeps you here. But the Isles have closed the borders, prolonging your stay. I hope you find yourself provided with anything you need?" Then at the question he smiles. "I certainly do not mind. A bit of conversation may be just the distraction I need at the moment."
Adara smiles softly and says, “I don’t blame you at all your majesty. Plagues happen, more often then not as punishment from the gods for the sins of their followers. I am grateful for your hospitality, you did not have to allow me into your home when I arrived. It is true I didn’t have the plague, but there are some that panic and will refuse anyone out of fear regardless of evidence saying otherwise. If you had not welcomed me I may well have caught the plague or died by now."
Those bushy eyebrows furrow a touch at Adara's remark about the gods, before he shakes his head with a faint smile. "I am not sure this can be blamed on our gods. And if so, then only to test our perseverance.", he replies evenly, shooting Adara a probing glance. "They are not your gods, I am aware of that. But would you so easily blame Onimoria if some sort of discomfort would hit the Isles? I am not sure you would." A chuckle comes in response to her next remark. "You arrived here prior to the plague. Lady Adara. And you are our guest. Anyone bringing forth accusations will have to talk to me first. As for certain reservations,... I think they would occur in your lands as well. Anything or anyone foreign will always stir questions and rumors. And has supicions arrise. But suspicions are just that. Talk of the common folk. If someone would be so bold to accuse you directly," and there he shoots her another glance, "will have to bring forth more than that. As for welcoming you... the guest right is held in high regard on the Two Rivers. You are welcome at this court, Lady Adara. And I am sure this plague will soon be over, and you safely on your way home to the Isles..."
Adara smiles and says, “We can only hope, not only for my desire to return home but also so the suffering of your people can end and rebuilding can take place. As to the gods, if hardship reached out for the Isles I would believe the Onimoria were not pleased about certain that is for sure. Whether I believed it was the fault of my own House, my Queen, the common people, or some other cause that I cannot say. I have always been a bit of a woman of faith though, so that might play a role. Some might blame their gods for my… Delay here and away from my girls, but that is not the kind of person I am."
The mention of the suffering of his people has the King lower his gaze, and the corners of his mouth twitch into a faint smile. "Aye, they are suffering. One can only hope for an end of this desease. Yes, hope is vital these days, it is the thing that keeps us going. Also... I hear there are more people attending the services at the Great Temple in Farris. The Gods will come to our help, when the time is right." Or so he hopes.
"I have had word from Granville," Barret continues after a moment, now with a slightly more cheerful flicker in his brown eyes. "Your nephew, Deen Zorich seems to be well enough, and sends you his regards. The Istiveans keep to their Castle these days, barely venturing outside as not to risk an infection. That way he should be safe. even though that will keep him from continuing his training as a squire. But that," he gives a light shrug, "seems to be a minor concern indeed."
Adara smiles softly and says, “A minor concern indeed, though I imagine not for him. Thank you for word of his health, it is good to hear in times like these. As to the Great temple, it makes sense. After all who better to save us from such times then the gods? If it is punishment from the gods then such actions will undoubtedly show we have learned our lesson. Whether the Onimoria or whatever gods one may follow, the gods punish when we have sinned, to punish when no wrong has been done and yet the gods punish then they must be evil gods, would you not agree? Evil gods punish when there is no just cause, just gods only punish when we have earned it in some way. Rest assured your people are in my prayers as much as my own family and people are. I’m no priestess, but prayers rarely go amiss when they are genuine.” smiling a bit brighter, perhaps trying to cheer up the foreign king a bit more.
"Hmmm," Barret scratches his chin pensively, obviously considering the musings of his noble guest. "So you are suggesting this is a punishment of sorts? The famine? The plague? When indeed perhaps one thing of them led to the other?" This kind of contemplation seems to bring new life to his tired looking eyes, as if it were stirring him from a paralyzing lethargy. Finally looking up to meet Adara's gaze, as he replies: "We did no wrong against the Gods. So this can't be a punishment. Why should they punish us? Or even torment us without reason? To revel in our despair? Impossible! Felgurna the Mother watches over us. Peetairas the Father leads our way. No... If this is the doing of the Gods, it can only be for a higher goal. To have us grow with the expereince and find wisdom for the future."
He chuckles softly. "It is all too easy to blame everything on the Gods. But of what use would that be, really, when instead of trying to cope with the situation we find us accusing the only beings that gives us hope? The only ones who might be willing to help us, when we pray hard enough?" A smile appears when the King acknowledges Adara's remark about her prayers with a nod. "And for this I am most grateful to you, Lady Adara. As I am sorry your visit would come at such an unopportune time as this, that puts you in peril and keeps you from returning to your home."
Adara smiles once more and says, “The Onimoria has kept me safe I have no doubt. I suppose it could be the famine leading to the plague, though from my experience, such as it is, to have such hardships to come following one another is more an act of the gods. If it is true your people have done no wrong, then forgive me I would say your gods are evil. I am sure this is not the case though, perhaps the wrong that was done simply has no occurred to you as of yet. Perhaps something as simple as having a heathen cult within your borders that you aren’t aware of as of yet, perhaps a guest insulted your gods and they were not punished in some way that appeased them. I cannot say as I do not know your gods well beyond general matters. I mostly focused on not causing offense in my travels as my visits were intended to be brief."
"I know little of your religion," Barret replies with an apologetic smile. "Much less probably than you obviously know about ours. But forgive me if I disagree. There is no heathen cult within our borders. And when you speak of a guest giving offense, do you mean to suggest a guest such as you? No. My faith in the Gods of Meladrys is strong. They will help us, of that I am sure." Said with some finality to his tone, as the King lets his gaze drift again over the horizon, where dark smoke indicates where those who have succumbed to the plague are being burned.
It is now that a servant arrives, a young and rather thin looking lad of less than twenty years. "Your Royal Highness," he mutters his gaze lowered as if afraid to meet that of the king, "Prince Adlard is feeling worse. He shows the symptoms. We have sent for the Royal physician." And then after a pause he adds: "Her majesty the Queen is with him."
Adara counters, “I was merely suggesting possibilities, not that any are true.” As the servant arrives and mentions the prince Adara’s smile fades as she frowns, and if she isn’t stopped she reaches out to try and place a reassuring hand on the king’s forearm. If allowed she then gives a gentle squeeze before letting go, whether permitted to touch the king or not she says nothing further, and moving out of the way so the king can see to his son as she remains to look out over the smoking remains on the horizon as she lowers her head to offer a prayer.
"Oh I am aware," Barret replies to Adara. "And I for once only want to point out, how unlikely they are..." His words are dying on his lips when the servant comes and delivers his highly discouraging message. "Adlard." The name leaves his lips in an astonished sigh, his face turns pale and his usually so steady stance wavers a little. The reassuring gesture is acknowledged with a brief glance towards the Zorich lady, although the gratitude within his gaze is tiny compared to the horror and pain. "My lady. If you will excuse me..." the king offers with a voice that sounds a bit hoarse, before he follows the servant to the spiral stairs that lead down, into the castle, offering Adara a last glance, as he passes her. The expression in his eyes, pained and desperate - but also with a hint of anger.
As if a seed that was planted were already about to thrive.