669-09-30 - Velvet

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Summary: Edris receives a gift from Arif
Who: Edris Alachri and Arif Sefu
References: None
When: September 30th, 669
Related Logs: 669-09-26 – Claiming a Gift
Date of RP: 24-26/06/2014
Where: Gardens of Delight - Selafuh Palace, Lands of Sefu, Golden Lion
Room Desc: A nice shelter from the hot and dry breezes blowing now and then from the direction of the desert can be found in the shade of the palm trees, in the well maintained green that has been nurtured by regular sprinkling with water. There is an artificial pond at the back of the garden, surrounded by green bushes of hibiscus and other colourful flowers. Next to the pond there is a pavillion of white marble, and beside it colourful red rugs have been draped on the ground to offer a comfortable resting place for residents of the palace, that has been covered with a number of blue and yellow cushions, under the most welcome shelter of a white canopy. To get there however one has to cross the natural labyrinth from hedges that have been grown just for that purpose. Usually refreshments are kept in the pavillion with servants standing at the ready to serve them, such as spiced roasted fowl, fresh dates and figs, or the occasional flagon of orange or melon wine.

A particularly hot and dry breeze blows today, bringing the heat from the desert even to Selafuh palace. It is the kind of day where one would seek out the shelter of the shade the palm trees offer in the gardens, in the well maintained green that has been nurtured by regular sprinkling with water. There is even an artificial pond at the center of the garden, surrounded by green bushes of hibiscus and other colourful flowers, one would reach after passing the natural labyrinth from hedges that have been grown for that purpose. Next to the pond there is a pavillion of white marble, and beside it colourful red rugs have been draped on the ground to offer a comfortable resting place, that has been covered with a number of blue and yellow cushions, under the most welcome shelter of a white canopy.

It is here that Edris can be found, the red of her hair is almost obscured by the yellow long and wide scarf with green plant embroideries that is wrapped about her, as she rests on her side, supporting herself with one of her elbows resting on a cushion. Around her neck the ridiculously expensive necklace the Nawaab had given her, around her wrists the jingling gold of a few thin bracelets. She is not alone of course. Servants have prepared a bit of food to be served in the pavillion, there are spicy plates of roasted fowl and rice, bowls of dates and fresh figs, the flat almost white bread seasoned with a bit of coriander, and a flagon of orange wine. And he is there as well.

A low table has been set up between her and the Nawaab, and Edris cannot help but smile, when her gaze finds Arif's impressive frame. She had been a little reluctant at first, after Arif Sefu had claimed her from Hassan Allleel, but her fears had turned out to be unfounded. The Nawaab had been charming and had not in the least attempted yet to claim her in that other way too - a fact that both surprised Edris and made her curious about his motives.

Arif is sitting on the comfortable cushion on the other side of a small table with his one leg crooked and the other just curled under him. He wraps his strong arm around that crooked leg and lowers his palm to rest on the knee. The man still keeps his back straight and chin raised in some kind of arrogance and superiority. However, there is a vivid pride in his glinting eyes right now too, when he gawks at Edris like a hungry kitten at the flitch.

The smile curls in his features, when she carries one of the dates to his lips and chews on it. The young Naawab follows all the etiquette. So, he does not speak while chewing, but the moment he swallows his bite, he speaks in a low voice, "Why are you hiding your wonderful tongues of flames, which warm my heart that was frozen for such a long time, my Ruby of the desert?" Arif pats the place, where his frozen heart beats quite lively.

Then the man waves to one of his slaves, who comes closer quickly. Nawaab whispers something and the slave almost runs somewhere. Then the man fixes his gaze on the beauty one more time, but says nothing, just indulges into such a precious view.

Arisis wearing a short sleeved dark brown caftan that stops mid-thigh. Beneath are black trousers that are tucked into a pair of black leather boots that meet the knees, against his right side rests a saber on the ground. The golden pommel of the dagger is sticking out of the boot of his crooked leg.

Edris smiles when she leans forward her fingers brushing against his lips as she offers him the date, and she shoots Arif a surprised glance at his remark. "It is your wish, that I show my hair in the open?", the woman inquires, hesitating. "I had thought your laws would not allow that..." But they are in the palace garden, and he is the Sefu heir. Her hands pull the scarf back, unveiling her fiery red hair that is arranged into one orderly braid. The necklace she wears about her neck glints in the light of the sun. Those grey-green eyes follow the servant curiously before her attention returns to Arif Sefu. "Your heart shall be warmed then, Nawaab. I could not bear to take the blame for the chill in your heart..." The words are uttered softly, and there is a sparkle in her gaze as it meets with his.

The man's smile grows even more wider, when she offers him the date. He opens his lips and carefully bites the fruit with his pale teeth. However, the date quickly disappears in his mouth. The man gently takes these soft fingers of the woman into his palm, stopping them for a moment, that young Naawab could place a warm and slightly prolonged peck on them.

Then he leans back a bit, watching how that sunny scarf is taken off and the red curls are free to glint in the light of the gardens, "You are the most vivid flowers in these gardens," Arif whispers, leaning forward now, "No laws should hide your beauty!"

If allowed, the man takes some of Edris locks and raises them a bit up. The man leans even more closer and sniffs, taking the scent of the young woman's hair. He slowly slides with the tip of his nose across the woman's curls closer to her ear. She should feel his deep and slow breathing on her skin.

When just a millimetre separates his lips from her ear, Arif freezes. For a second, she might think, that he will kiss her, but instead the man just whispers, "I already can feel how the ice turns into the water and then starts boiling with the love for my redhead Sun."

Then he quietly withdraws. He still never kissed Edris even on the lips. Just a few proper pecks on her knuckles or fingers. Though, there were some tense moments like now. The young Nawaab takes a fig and touches Edris' lips with it now, "Tell me, are you happy here? Don't you miss home?"

He will find her hands to show no sign of physical labour. They have long slender fingers, and the skin is soft. The touch of his lips makes her own curve into a smile, and Edris shoots Arif a glance. "It is a beauty for you to see, but are others allowed to glimpse it too, Nawaab?", she inquires, softly, as her gaze follows his fingers, and she feels him leaning closer into her, his breath on her neck, and her own breathing almost stops. He might perceive a light and pleasant scent of flowers in the fiery red curls of her hair when he buries his nose within them. Then, hearing his comment, she straightens and shoots Arif a glance, her gaze sparkling. She does feel the tension, that much is true!

"And I feel I am in need of ice water to cool my heat," Edris whispers, her cheeks pinkening as she removes the ribbon from her hair, her fingers running through the braid, as if to loosen it slowly, until all of her fiery locks fall about her shoulders in an untamed manner.

Her lips will part when the fig is offered, her teeth digging into the soft surface of the fruit, her lips brushing ever so accidentally Arif's fingers. She will chew though, and swallow that bite before she gives her answer. "I am happy.", she smiles tilting her head a little to the side. "That one of the most impressive Nawaabs has chosen me as his company."

The man is neither speaking, nor eating, nor drinking. It may look like he is even not breathing. The young Nawaab just keeps his gaze fixed on these long and wild red curls. His gaze may look hungry, passionate, almost desperate to whirl into these hair and drown into the warmth of this beautiful woman. However, he manages to stay very proper and calm, even if his heart is wildly dancing in his chest.

"My dearest, I want that everyone would see you and would know how lucky I am, that you are walking beside me... I am not afraid, that someone might want to steal my Ruby, because everyone know, that I would search each corner of the world and I would kill everyone, who would disturb me, I would tear apart these, who would dear to hide you from me." The dangerous flames sparkle in his eyes. The man opens his lips to add something, but his slave comes back, carrying wattled basket.

The slave bows very deeply for the young Nawaab and shivers a bit, "My lord... I brought it..." he extends quite a big basket with tiny holes for the air. The man claps joyfully and gestures towards Edris. The slave approaches her. He remains leaned. The man extends the basket and places beside her. Then he disappears.

"Dearest, I won't be able to be beside you all the time. I don't want you to get bored. Please, open. I have for you another present!" And his gaze slips to the basket.

The gaze seems to be more than Edris can take. At least she averts her grey-green gaze now, shifting them towards the pond close by. Her lips tremble a little, betraying the fact that his words do not leave her indifferent. Her hands are folded in her lap, The arrival of the servant attracts her attention however, and she straightens, sitting upright now, when the basket is deposited before her. Shooting the nawaab a surprised glance, as her slender fingers reach to open it. A sound of delight escapes Edris next when she sees the contents, her hand move to gently grab the small caracal kitten, to take the endearing little animal carefully out of the basket. Her eyes sparkle with delight as she inspects the kitten which offers something between a low purr and an attempt of a menacing growl. "This is delightful, Nawaab Arif. I thank you." The gratitude seems to be genuine, as she brings the small animal closer, cuddling it with an affectionate smile.

Arif watches the young woman and that tiny kitten with amusement in his eyes. He reaches for the goblet of wine and sips the drink slowly. However, his dark gaze is fixed on Edris. He is so charmed by her red long and curly hair, as if he would be hearing the song of mermaid. The man can barely move, barely breathe and all he wants is that all this would never end.

The Nawaab swallows the last gulp of his wine before speaking in his calm and beautiful low voice, "I am very glad, that you like it, my..." He makes a bit longer pause as if hoping to get Edris' attention, "...love," he finishes. "How you will name the kitten?" Arif quickly changes the subject, taking the fig and chewing on it, while his free hand rests on his own knee.

The caracal kitten is still cuddled to her chest, her chin against the soft fur of the animal, when Edris beams back at Arif, a delighted smile dancing about her lips. It is when he pauses, before addressing her as his love, that her own breath stops for another moment, and she sets the animal down in her lap. "You honour me, Nawaab," she says, looking very honoured indeed as she lowers her gaze to the kitten, her fingers gently stroking the fur, as she ponders Arif's question. "Now what name to pick, hmm?" she mutters as her grey-green eyes meet the gaze of the animal, that seems to enjoy the treatment as the low but steady purr betrays. "Your fur is so soft, like velvet. So maybe that shall be your name then? Velvet?" And there she smiles as she looks up, glancing towards Arif. "Velvet." There, the answer to his question.

Caracal kitten.jpg