669-09-26 – Claiming a Gift

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Claiming a Gift
Summary: Arif Sefu meets Edris Alachri, offers her a gift before claiming her as a gift as well, from her current protector Hassan Alleel
Who: Edris Alachri, Hassan Alleel (played by Rivers) and Arif Sefu
References: None.
When: September 9th, 669
Related Logs: None
Date of RP: 19/06/2014
Where: Selafuh Square, Lands of Sefu, Golden Lion
Room Desc: In the scene set

A particularly hot and dry breeze blows today, coming from the desert surrounding the city of Selafuh. The sky is blue, the sun almost blinding with its light as it burns from up above. And as it is already about late morning, many have sought out the shelter of several canopies fastened to poles, that give a bit of shadow for both the merchants and their stands on Selafuh Square, as well as their potential customers. And many canopies of that kind are scattered across the square, in many colours, giving the place an almost festive and cheerful look.

Coming from the direction of the Palace is a small group of people, led by a handsome man, easily to be recognized as a retainer of House Imamu by the colour of the cloth that covers his head. A retainer of higher standing perhaps, as the woman walking somewhere close behind him might suggest, she of surprising light skin and beautiful features, the fabric of the skirt and short chemise in green of more expensive quality, yet it is the wide scarf in green and gold that catches the eye most, wrapped about the woman's comely form in a way that covers most of her head and her body. One single tiny fiery red strand can be glimpsed on her forehead - pointing to a foreign origin despite the Golden Lion attire she wears. A few men accompany them, to ensure their safety perhaps, although their relaxed stride suggests they are not particularly alert at the moment.

The olive skinned man stands proudly at six feet and four inches, staring at the stall of a merchant, who sells various pieces of jewelry for women. Born to a region that prizes martial prowess his athletic frame is clearly not disappointing. Differently! His muscles look like they would be pulsing under all these clothes to tear them apart and show up in all their glory.

Arif moves to the stall beside, carrying himself with an air of arrogance and superiority. A silken black and gold threaded turban dons his crown. Dark and near straight eyebrows are etched above a pair of beady, seemingly black eyes. There is a small scar above his left eyebrow, but it just gives the young man an even more handsome look. Maybe this scar is the reason why a tiny bunch of ladies are giggling, blushing and staring at the man, letting the improper naughty shivers run across their tan skins, especially when the man gives a quick evaluating look to their directions. Or maybe a thick black mustache, which spreads across his lips with a visible part in the middle makes the man so attractive.

Arif is wearing a short sleeved forest green and black caftan that stops mid-thigh. Beneath are black trousers that are tucked into a pair of black leather boots that meet the knees. Hanging from his waist against his right side rests a saber with a pommel made out of pure gold. So, it is not a surprise, when he reaches for the most expensive necklace on the stall in front of him. The necklace has very thorough golden ornaments and a gem of the color of fire in the middle.

The man doesn't look afraid of the heat. He has no man who would be carrying the canopy above his head. However, there are two other knights not so far away from the younger man. These two men have emblems on their clothes with the heraldry of the House of Sefu - the snake color of heated sand on the golden background.

The small group passes the stand of the jeweler, and the man leading the procession will pause as he cannot help but notice Arif's presence. A deep bow is offered to the heir of House Sefu, when the Imamu man offers his greeting, his voice a lower pleasing register. When he straightens Arif may notice the man is in his mid-thirties, his skin tanned from the sun, a certain proud bearing inherent in the way he carries himself, although it is slightly veiled at the moment by the polite courtesy with which he addresses the man.

"A good morning to you, Nawaab Arif," he says, pausing to let that greeting linger, before he introduces himself. "I am Hassan Alleel, sent here by Shaykh Hilmi Imamu to deliver a message to your father, Shaykh Munsif. Which I have just done,...", he explains, gesturing towards the palace.

The woman pauses as well as the rest of the group, her gaze lowered, her hands engaged with holding the scarf in place about her form. Although, a brief flicker is given in Arif's direction, as she takes in his frame - too brief a moment to really be offensive, but maybe too long as well to be just perceived as a fleeting look. The jewelry in his hand seems to attract her attention more, but she will remain silent. That much she has already learned in her time in this country.

Nawaab Arif is too much interested in the necklace. He runs with his rough fingers across the red stone, trying to be gentle, not turning the gaze away. Though he slowly nods his head, acknowledging the introduction of some kind of a minor lord beside.

Then he extends the necklace to the old merchant, "Please, pack it," he points at the wide and long, but thin box, which is sheathed with the soft fabric color of the greyish green algae of the ocean. While the merchant is packing that expensive necklace, Nawaab Arif takes off the pouch filled with coins from his waist and takes out the handful of coins. He places one after another on the stall, counting. Then he stops for a moment, glances at the merchant, but speaks with the other noble, "What message? I hope it was not one of these messages, which make my father furious?" Then he just adds one more additional coin to the merchant, bringing a wide smile into the old man's features.

The merchant bows deeply, extending the box to the heir of the House of Sefu, who carefully takes that fragile thing into his strong and firm palm, which is more used to clench the pommel of the saber. Just then the man looks at Hassan Alleel. It takes less than three seconds for the skilled eyes of Arif to notice a foreign woman in the other noble's company.

His deep, mysterious, dark brown eyes are fixed on that tiny red curl for a moment. There might be a brief sparkle of lust and temptation in that look of the man, who easily made the legs of a bunch of ladies tremble a minute ago. There is a possibility, that his right eye gives bare noticeable wink, but it may be just a random twitch as that whole moment of enticement could be easily mixed with a simple compliment send to the female's direction without any words.

"The message did not contain any bad news, I'd say. But an invitation,", Halleel explains confidently at the question, looking hardly troubled by Arif's proud bearing. "I will stay here in Selafuh until your father has written a reply I am to take back then," which can't really take more than a few days. The Imamu emissary straightens a touch though when he notices the glance Arif shoots the woman in his company. "This is Edris," he says, with a sudden cautious flicker in his brown eyes. "My concubine." A bit of pride there in his tone, as he certainly is aware of the exotic impression she must make.

When she is introduced, the woman will look up and meet Arif's gaze, her grey-green eyes widening ever so slightly as she notices him staring at her. The almost wink will have her lips curl a little into a smile. "I am pleased, Nawaab Arif, to make your acquaintance," she says, lowering herself into a curtsey, her gaze dropping to the ground. She speaks Common with a slightly foreign accent, her voice is soft and pleasing to the ear though.

"Invitation?" the man's eyebrows jump up curiously. Just this word attracts his attention to the man from the beauty of foreign lands. "My father is invited somewhere, but I am not?" He grins proudly, "If that is a feast, it won't be good without my presence. Rumor has that I might be the best dancer..."

With these words Nawaab Arif glances at Edris one more time as if letting her to note the fact, how she could be whirled in the Great Hall or his own private chambers by his strong arms. But then there is another word, which attracts the man's attention, "Concubine, you say?.." the heir drawls, looking over the man one more time.

"How you managed to lure such a woman for yourself, who is not even a former slave?" There is a twitch on his lips, which curl into a smile, followed by the old-fashioned look as if Arif is really surprised that a woman can be interested in this noble in front of him and be not a slave forced to do so.

Edris keeps her gaze lowered, until she hears Arif's comment about dancing and she looks up, now clearly returning his gaze, as if she senses his intention perhaps in stressing that fact. Any reply on her part might be perceived as flirting so she rather chooses to remain silent, apart from a low delighted chuckle that leaves her lips. As if she imagined him whirling her about indeed.

Hassan nods, and repeats: "Concubine, yes. She has spent some years in the lands of Imamu, and I was fortunate enough to win her attention," A warm smile spreads over his face as he shoots Edris a glance that makes her smile back before she lowers her gaze. After all she had been in need of protection, once Rasil had dismissed her, especially after his death.

Feeling there might be something missing in the reply, Edris will be bold enough to raise her voice now, with a flicker in her grey-green gaze as she looks at Arif. "I was sent to the Golden Lion as a gift," she explains, "to Rasil Imamu, after he had visited the Isles. And aye, I'm no slave." But then again, she is not much more either, in these lands of endless wastes.

"You were sent as a gift to Rasil Imamu, who is dead right now?.. You are a free person. You do not belong to anyone anymore. Why have you chosen to be his concubine?" Arif looks genuinely surprised.

"Such a beautiful young woman should be known as Begum and be beside the man, who can offer more. He is but a minor noble. Tell me, why you didn't seek attention of the Rasil's sons or brothers? More importantly, why you decided not to go home?"

The man clearly forgets the owner of such wonderful concubine. He just fixes his gaze on that red lock, which sticks out of the scarf so playfully.

"Hassan Alleel is a kind man," Edris replies with a smile, although that question seems to take her by surprise as that flicker of her grey green eyes suggests. "He has offered me shelter and affection. Rasil...", and there she hesitates. "He didn't have brothers, nor did he have any sons. His father, the Shaykh told him to let me go. And he obeyed the wish of his father, shortly before he died." The beautiful features take on a thoughtful expression at the memory, as another hot breeze comes and blows the scarf about her head, revealing even more red hair now that has the colour of fire.

The expression on Hassan's face turns a bit stony as Arif continues to speak with Edris as if he were not present. "She is mine now, with the Shaykh's blessing.", he states calmly. "Her home is where I am."

The laughter of Nawaab Arif Sefu ripples across the market, attracting attention of many passersby. Hard to say if he is just amused by these fiery locks or by Hassan's words.

If allowed, he will step closer to the woman, who does not belong to him, and he will try to extend his hand in order to touch these soft tongues of flames, "Are they burning like the fire?" Mischief sparkles in his dark brown eyes.

Another more forceful gust of wind comes, with her fingers reaching too late for the scarf to pull it back over her head, so all of it is suddenly exposed, long red locks, that have been tamed into a braid at the back, with some strands here and there having escaped the hairdo, gleaming in the summer sun like fire. Edris looks up, her grey-green eyes widening as she notices Arif stepping closer to touch her hair, but she is too stunned to actually pull back, her fingers holding onto the expensive green and gold fabric of the scarf.

Her lips part, as if a reply were about to jump from them, but the sparkling glance she shoots Arif will be all reaction he will get from Edris, after a brief look towards the Halleel.

"May I remind you, this is /my/ concubine, Nawaab?", Hassan interjects with a slight undertone of irritation. "May I ask you to... keep your hands from her, with all due respect?" His hand comes to rest on the pommel of the fine dagger at his side, and the men in his retinue exchange surprised glances when they notice a certain tension in the air.

The moment, when some kind of minor noble touches the pommel of his dagger, two guards of Nawaab Sefu, who were observing everything from afar, appear beside Hassan.

Such a quick appearance of two guards of house of Sefu near the group attracts the attention of simple commoners and merchants. Some of these merchants quickly start hiding the goods under the stalls, just in case. Likely, they are aware of the temperament of their heir.

"You are in my lands, lo-... whatever name you have. When you are in my lands, nothing belongs to you, even your life," very calmly explains Arif Sefu, who manages to catch one of these wild fiery strands and wraps it around his finger.

Arif Sefu fixes his gaze onto that greyish green of Edris for a moment and he even stops breathing, just indulging in the view in front of him.

However, soon he raises the hand with the box, where the golden necklace is hidden. He extends it to Edris, "It was destiny, my most shiny ruby of the desert!" He addresses the woman, who is so close to him, "The box color of your eyes, the stone of the necklace color of your hair, color of your heart and fiery soul, I believe!" He gives a playful wink and encourages the girl, "It's yours..."

Hassan frowns, the grip on the pommel of his dagger tightening as those two guards appear beside him. A low snort leaves his nose when he finally lets go and his hand dropping to his side. "Very well, Nawaab." A bit of forced calm there, although his displeasure clearly shows in his mien, watching the interaction between Edris and the Sefu heir. "I will," Hassan continues, "make mention of this to your father. With all due respect."

Edris meanwhile holds Arif's gaze, her grey-green eyes showing a mixture of so very different emotions that it is hard to tell which one prevails at the moment; there is fear, excitement, fascination, a bit of bad conscience maybe, worry and confusion. Still she cannot break the gaze, Until he starts to play with that strand of hair, and her gaze follows his twirling finger.

Then the box is offered, and Edris' eyes widen in astonishment, her hand reaching for that finely crafted box before she really can consider the consequences of her action, her fingers caress the smooth surface of the wood, and a smile curls her lips.

"Edris," Hassan murmurs, his mouth twitching, an almost unperceivable shake of the head directed towards her.

Catching that glance, Edris will sigh, her smile diminishing as she leaves the box in Arif's hand. A light shake of the head is given, as she declines the offer. "This is very kind of you but I fear I can't accept your gift, Nawaab." Another glance to Hassan and she takes a tiny step backwards.

A sigh leaves Arif's throat, before he steps one more time closer to Edris. He smiles warmly, a bit mischievously, playfully at her. His dark eyes are flirting with the woman obviously. At some point he is already mentally undressing her and dancing with her in his own chambers with the way he looks at her.

"Are you a slave, Edris? I don't see the collar! Actually, I don't see anything on your neck and such a wonderful neck must be decorated with the most expensive jeweler! Here..." He offers the box again.

It doesn't matter if she will take it or not, but soon Arif straightens and fixes his gaze on one of the gawkers, but he speaks with Hassan, obviously.

"Do you remember how I became the heir and the favourite one for my father even if I was the youngest child? It was my father, who ordered his children to fight each other in the arena. He said, that the one, who will stay alive will leave the arena and will become the heir. Here I am standing and my brother is laying under the ground with the hole in his throat. That was my father's will, when I was just a fourteen years old boy," for a brief moment something dangerous, something extremely dangerous and dreadful flashes in the eyes of the young man, when he turns to face Hassan, "Do you think, that my father will care about your words? He will tell, that there is the only one justice named "Duel till death", which can solve all the differences. So, you can face my father's justice or you can give me a gift called Edris. After all, guests shouldn't come with empty hands."

Her hands move already to put the scarf back in place, over her head, when Arif steps closer, and returning the gaze Edris will read it correctly, probably, her cheeks colouring a little, while her lips curve to return his smile. "You honour me. I... thank you," she offers finally, after a moment as she now reaches for the box, an apologetic glance shot towards Hassan, as there really is no way for her not to accept the gift.

Then Arif speaks to Hassan, and the Imamu man turns pale. "You mean to... threaten me...?", he inquires, staring at the Sefu heir in astonishment. "A duel till death...? You must be joking..." A nervous flicker is in his eyes when he looks to Edris once again. "You mean like... you challenge me?" The words directed to Arif, while his eyes remains locked on the red-haired beauty.

"Oh no, he doesn't," Edris interjects now, as she shoots Hassan a worried glance. "He was merely asking for a gift?" She may have noticed the dangerous glare in Arif's eyes.

"Oh!" Arif sighs in amusement, raising his hands a bit for no reason, "This ruby of the desert is right! She is so clever, not just beautiful!" The man nods slowly, stepping a little bit closer to the Imamu man, "I was asking for a gift. Everything else is left for your good manners. After all, I repeat myself, you are the guest here, who should have come with the gift..."

Arif's hand slips to the pommel of his saber.

Her gaze follows Arif when he steps closer to Hassan Alleel, and Edris's arms move upwards to cross before her, a bit of worried tension there in her face as she watches the two men.

Hassan's eyes are locked on Arif's, he may be pale, but he is composed. "You must excuse my manners, maybe, yet I'd still prefer to bring this before your father, Shaykh Munsif. As I am not willing to offer her - to you, of all." His hands hang down at his sides, they are not even near the pommel of his dagger now. "If he will suggest a duel, then I will gladly oblige. But no one shall say that I, Hassan Alleel, came to the Lands of Sefu to kill the Sefu heir - without consulting with his father first."

Beads of sweat are visible on Hassan's forehead now, because of the heat, of the sun, or because of the tense situation. His gaze flickers towards the saber of the Sefu, as he expects Arif to let go of the pommel.

"I am no longer a boy of fourteen years old, that I would let some kind of a stranger interrupt my father's business because of a woman. Edris here is a lady and worth the best man, who stands on the sand..."

Arif mannerly takes off one of his gloves, which was attached to his belt and tosses it on the ground in front of Hassam, "Do you need father's approval or will you be a man and raise the glove to meet me in the duel?"

The young man stands proud, maybe even arrogant, but fully self-confidant. "She is worth the best, that ruby of the desert!" He looks over Edris and gives her a wink, before curiously fixing his gaze back on Hassan.

The crowd gathers around and silence comes to the market, when everyone waits. It is a legal matter to challenge a man into the duel, especially, if there are witnesses and at least one of them is the priest. Good, that there are no markets without a priest and even a few are presented.

A deep frown appears on Hassan's face when the challenge is issued. "Strange then, that you do not show the wisdom of a grown man," he retorts with a slightly strained voice, no amusement there at his own quip. A glance is shot about a bit hesitantly, taking in the crowd that is gathering about them. After speaking of his honour just a few moments before makes it even harder not to take the perilous road of a duel that Arif seems to intent on.

"Very well then," Hassan Alleel concedes with a sigh, sweat glistening on his forehead in the merciless heat of the noon sun as he bends forward to take the glove and accept the challenge. "A saber!", he calls to one of his retinue who offers him the weapon immediately.

"Hassan!", Edris exclaims, as she runs over to the Imamu man, to wrap her arms around him. A few words are whispered into his ear as she hugs him for a long moment. When she lets go of him, her eyes seem to be glistening with moisture. The hug is returned, and a kiss to her forehead given. "Do not be afraid, Edris. I have to do this." /To protect her, who knows?/ Hassan gestures for her to move to the side then, his own brown eyes locking on Arif's darker gaze.

Is it despair and worry that flickers in Edris' grey-green eyes? Her arms wrap about herself now, as she watches the fateful spectacle commence.

Arif just sniffs at all the sudden explosion of love and feelings as if all this would be unknown. He very lightly withdraws his own saber and whirls it between his fingers.

Then the man tosses his saber just to catch it with his left hand, where he whirls the weapon as if his left hand would be right one.

It looks like Arif Sefu is ready to give quite a show for his people. He starts moving here and there, playing with his saber in the hands as if it would a woman and he would be leading her on the dancing grounds right now.

Then suddenly he stops just in front of Hassan, pointing with the sharp edge at him. The wide grin flashes in his darker mien, but he says nothing, indulging into a few quiet and timid applause.

Hassan Alleel stands there, waiting patiently until Arif has finished his showing off of skills. He seems to be little entertained by the demonstration, as he removes the saber from its sheath and assumes a ready stance. When Arif stops in his dance and is close enough, Hassan will launch his attack, his eyes narrowed in concentration, his sabre aiming for Arif's right upper arm. Maybe he plans to render him defenseless by dealing him a severe wound there.

Edris has watched Arif's graceful movements, her arms tightening about herself as she realizes he will be hard to defeat. Still, something about how he moves, the grace, the dancelike movements, makes it hard for her to avert her gaze.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Hassan=5 Vs Arif=Blades < Hassan: Good Success Arif: Great Success < Net Result: Arif wins - Solid Victory

When Hassan attacks the young heir of house of Sefu, defending his own honor and his own property, Arif just springs like a young and strong lion to the side, deflecting the attack with his own saber.

The metal jingles, bringing gasps of women and cheering voices of the men. People around already have their favourite fighter and the Golden Lion wouldn't be known as merchants Kingdom, if people would not start to bet on a fight. Mostly, all locals look very natural as if duels happen here every day.

Arif uses his strength to push the opponent’s saber to the side at that time and then just springs, moves like a whirlwind to appear behind Hassan's back, sending a strong kick at the man's back.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Arif=Blades Vs Hassa=5 < Arif: Good Success Hassa: Good Success < Net Result: Arif wins - Marginal Victory

Hassan's jaw tenses when he sees his attack go astray, even though he certainly cannot have assumed it would be that easy. He is on his guard though, moving a few feet away, but then Arif is already behind him and he is kicked forward, landing on his hands and legs. But no time is to be lost, so Hassan springs back to his feet, and attempts to slash the Sefu's right thigh.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Hassan=5 Vs Arif=Defense < Hassan: Good Success Arif: Good Success < Net Result: DRAW

Arif is just on time to lower his own saber in order to stop the hit on his thigh. He leans a bit forward and fixes his dark gaze on Hassan. The look of the young Sefu sparkles with amusement, joy, some kind of strange pleasure. He uses one more time his own strength to push the man away and then swings his saber as if ready to hit Hassan's ribs.

However, it is just a tricky move and actually Arif tries to grab the man with his bare hand and toss him on the ground, while Hassan would concentrate on countering the attack.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Arif=Blades Vs Hassa=5 < Arif: Good Success Hassa: Success < Net Result: Arif wins - Marginal Victory

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Hassan=5 Vs Arif=Defense < Hassan: Good Success Arif: Failure < Net Result: Hassan wins - Solid Victory

There is something in the way Arif fights, a certain arrogance as if he were merely playing around with Hassan. A fact that seems to enrage the Imamu man, who takes this fight more seriously, for obvious reasons. An irritated grunt is the reaction to being once again tossed to the ground, and it is now that the Alleel focuses all of his anger and displeasure into one single attack, springing to his feet, as he aims to slash Arif over his rib cage.

The young and handsome heir was clearly not expecting his little rabbit to get so furious. Caught by surprise, the man is too late to bring up his sword and the sharp blades of Hassan's saber slices across the clothes and flesh of the Nawaab. He frowns just slightly and freezes.

Some ladies gasp in fear, clearly being afraid to lose such a wonderful catch because of some kind of redhead. One of the ladies even gives a very angry glance to that woman, the killing glance.

Arif raises his hand to touch the bleeding wound, "Ah... The little rabbit shows his teeth. And I thought it will be a boring fight..." He grins and raises a hand to stop the guards, who already became quite tense.

Despide the blood running across his side, the man raises his hands up and points the tip of his saber at Hassam. Then he draws his arms back, raising them a bit up as if ready to job. Though, he slow, very slow for a bit.

Suddenly, he throws his own blade away and jumps on Hassan like a wild lion, trying to bring the man down on the ground and grab his hand, turning the blades into the man.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Arif=Blades Vs Hassa=5 < Arif: Good Success Hassa: Success < Net Result: Arif wins - Solid Victory

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Hassan=5 Vs Arif=Defense < Hassan: Success Arif: Good Success < Net Result: Arif wins - Solid Victory

There is a bit of astonishment in Hassan's face when he sees he has actually managed to deal the Sefu a wound. The Imamu man will stand there for a moment, "So it's settled then?", inquired with a hopeful flicker in his brown eyes, a smile forming as he sees that sabre being dropped.

The sudden attack takes him completely unawares, as Arif suddenly jumps at him, pulling him down, grabbing his right hand and twisting it about, the blade piercing the fabric of his attire and his flesh. When Hassan hits the ground and Arif lands on top of him, the sabre is pushed further by the Sefu's weight, and a scream of pain leaves the throat of Hassan Alleel.

"You fight without... honour...", the Imamu spits out, pushing Arif off him and rolling to the side, after pulling that saber out where it had got him, luckily stopped by the ribcage, or more damage would have been done. He'll slash at the Sefu heir again, alas, his attack lacks momentum, and the blade doesn't even connect.

Edris stands at the side, her grey-green eyes wide, one hand moving to cover her mouth when she sees Hassan go down.

"People die because they try to follow some kind of code. The nature itself does not follow any rules of honor!" shouts back Arif, grabbing the hand of Hassan, which holds his saber. Arif still does not have any weapon. He twists the hand of Hassan and turns Hassan's blades on Hassan itself, moving with the sharp edges just on the man's throat, "Tell me, that she is mine and you will walk out without pride, but at least alive..." He hisses into Hassan's face.

His breath is labored, when Hassan suddenly finds Arif once again grabbing his own hand. His gaze flickers when he feels the blade against his throat, and for a moment he seems to gasp for air not responding to Arif's request right away. His free hand moves to the bleeding wound on his ribcage, and the corners of his mouth twitch. The expression in his brown eyes dull and suddenly looking very weary and in pain, as he turns his gaze towards Edris.

The red haired woman stands there still, her hands clenched into fists as she slowly shakes her head, catching Hassan's glance, her lips trying to form an encouraging smile before she inclines her head and lowers her gaze.

"She is yours."

Hassan finally says with a sigh, his face turning even paler now from the blood loss. "Just promise me..." And there his gaze shifts to Arif. "That you will treat her well."

"I will treat her as a true lady, don't worry!" Arif nods his head and releases his grasp, letting the man go or flop on the ground and be gathered by the guards of Hassan.

Then Arif, finally, feels the pain on his side, covering it with his hand he walks closer to Edris and if she will allow, he will place a peck on her cheek, "I can't wait to see you with the necklace, my Ruby."

Then the man gestures toward the palace as if asking to go.

Hassan does indeed fall to his knees, as people of his retinue come to help him. A glance is shot towards Edris before he is helped up and led away.

The expression on her face is that of astonishment, as Edris' gaze follows Hassan when he walks off. Her gaze shifts to Arif then as he approaches her, the smile she offers him a little uncertain maybe as she studies his face for a moment before she nods and turns to follow her new protector to the palace.