634-09-26 - Judos Broadstein(aka. Slider)

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Judos Broadstein
Summary: Life of the man called Slider
Who: Slider
References: REFS
When: 634-09-26
Related Logs: RELATED
Date of RP: Feb 18-2015
Where: Known Kindoms

Slider can only remember a few things, not much about his youth, though he can only remember events after waking up in a gutter, bleeding from his head. At first he thought it was rain, since it was pouring rain when he woke up but the taste of it was surely his own blood flowing down his face to his lips.

Walking through the rain and barely conscious this young boy stumbles out of the gutter onto the street and begins to move slowly. It is here he barely notices that his hands and feet are chained up, suppose he has barely enough energy to even move. The alleyway he happened to turn into is dark, gloomy and the sounds of the chains dragging along the ground can be easily heard echoing through the darkness. He did not notice or care that all of the sudden his world turns literally as he is picked up and stuffed into something wet, dirty and it stunk of mold. There is no fight in him, he just aches and in so much pain that he falls asleep.

It felt like a lifetime before he comes too again, this time he is covered in a small tattered blanket and his chains are off. The ache on his head still throbbing and then he feels wetness on his lips, water is slowly given to him, he is not sure by who but it feels good for his parched throat, murmurs are barely heard as he drinks more and soon he starts to see shapes and in small bit of time he see's the face of the one providing cool water down his throat. Moira was her name, she was young, perhaps ten or slightly younger. He see's other young kids, not much older than Moira looking at him, wondering to see who the stranger is.

It is then that his world changed from barely alive to nightmares from hell. Jack, that is all the kids called him and for good reason. This man was a tower of a man and perhaps as round, moves fast for his size and his voice carries loudly. All the kids instantly move out of the way and he can feel the floor shake as he approaches the new kid. Without a word Moira moves out of the way and he appears above the boy and reaches down , grabs him by the neck and wraps his thick fingers around the boys neck. Here Jack holds him, his neck stretching, his breath not been able to release or take in one and all he can hear is mumbleling and it felt like forever when he finally is let go and he crumbles to the floor.

That first night was nice compared to what followed, he seen Moira barely eat to give him food, to recuperate from his injuries. Slider came to understand that he had no clue the language they were speaking, he had no clue where he was from or even his name. His age did not matter much but to Jack it did. They presumed eight or nine since he had no clue but he understood that he needed to earn his keep. Eventually he had enough strength, Moira kept encouraging him to get better and it helped, he came to love Moira as all the younger kids did, like a mother.

It took Slider a bit to understand what they had to do, earning their keep meant they stole, pick pocketed in the markets and ran as fast as possible, even took from merchants if they could. It was in one of these little adventures that Slider got his name. It so happen it was raining, middle of the night and a mob of kids went after a couple of fellows, they were have drunk and intoxicated so it was a easy catch, at least they thought. When things can go wrong, things went wrong and this was no different. Two of the kids were grabbed, no pouches were taken, it was a loss. It is here that Slider decides he was not going to be a coward no longer.

Slider starts his run, in the middle of pouring rain and the rain drops were so thick and he starts to yell, loudly, drawing the two men's attention. The two men do turn to look at him but Slider was already on the move, he was sliding through one mans leg and still sliding along to kick the other in the knee. The resounding crack is heard and the man screams in pain, dropping the one kid he had and dropping to the ground holding his knee that must of popped out of joint at least. As quickly as he could he turns to face the other man that has already dropped the one kid and is charging him in anger, the drunk man was no longer drunk. Slider instantly drops into a ball, the man was not quick enough to compensate and stumbles over Slider and onto his partner that is hollering in a lot more pain than before. Slider felt the pain of the charge but he survived it and so quickly gets up, turns, grabs the mans belt pouch and runs as fast as possible, sliding himself off the road and into of one of many alleys.

The story spread of what he did and soon enough Slider were on all the kids lips, he had become one of them, not just one trying to survive, perhaps a family. It was not to be, Jack simply took him to the side and beat him senseless for no reason but most thought he was going to kill Slider but Slider survived, though it would take him a week to recover from his injuries.

Over the years he developed more skills, faster, sneakier and he could perceive well over others. It may have been the year he was twelve that Moira was crying, afraid and he understood. She was developing woman features and here, you pay well for young girls, all understood, most have seen it happen to another before Slider came along. He talked to her, trying to comfort her, though his words came to him easily, she knew that it was coming.

It was around this time a man had taken a interest in the young man they called Slider. This man had watched the young man from afar and at night, not even been seen by the young lad, soon his interest was enough that he made himself bait. It did not take long for the man to punish Slider for his folly but he promised training, training if he would only kill Jack. Then the man let him go and told him he had a week, that is all, no longer. Now Slider needed to kill Jack, the man was big, quick but Slider had filled out some, still skinny but he was fast and dexterous. It was the time that one night Moira was no longer there that he knew he had acted to late. Out of anger or pain that once Jack came in, he attacked the man without any remorse , he was backhanded once and pretty much out for the count. His mind spinning, he was crying but anger surged through this young lad but he got up again and faced the man once again, this time ready to think.

Jack chuckles deeply and Slider moved and quickly, which surprised Jack and himself. Dodging the very slow fists, he attacked the man on the sides of his body and chest, arms and this man simply shrugged it off. It was not until Jack pulled out a dagger that Slider became aware that he kills Jack or Jack kills him. Slider moved and dodged, Jack slashed and connected on occasion . The big man was getting tired, Slider was cut in several places. Knowing he was not going to last much longer, watching the man hold the knife rather loosely now he decides to go for the knife. Pretending to go one way, Slider in the last second manages to evade, his foot comes up and kicks the man hard on the wrist which makes him drop the blade instantly. Slider had hoped it drop and it did, right to his hand. Never used a knife before but he had seen others use them and he rolls between the mans legs then, slicing both his heels and the man quickly falls to his knees, then his hands, in pain. Ever the thug, he starts to threaten and Slider asks one question but it was never answered, the mans throat is cut. Jack drops to the floor, bleeding his life blood there, it is here that Slider falls unconscious.

It turned out that Slider was helped and taken by the man that made the promise. Two days after the incident they left that city and traveled and Slider was meant to serve the man. Over the years the man started to teach him how to use a sword but Slider preferred daggers, though in the end he was taught both. Along the way it came to his notice that Slider picked up things easily and his memory was like a sponge and the first he started to teach him was how to pick up certain words by hearing them, how to understand the meaning of words he does not understand by action and followed by other words. It is unusual for a commoner to learn how to read or write but his master knew a couple and well.

His master had many names and he changed them often and that was usually at every new town or city they stopped at. He told Slider that one may never know who is following you and changing disguises as well will indeed challenge them. His prime job would have been a herbalist, went around and helped who needed pain herbs or anything of the sort. It is here where he learned that many plants in the world can make healing remedies and or toxic liquids. Like a sponge he took it in, and found that he enjoyed it. Over the years he would learn more and more, eventually he found that learning another language was not that easy but the words, movements and how people say them that helped him learn a few things about languages.

Six years he stayed with the man, not once was he given a name and not once was he even asked what his real name was, he was simply boy and the man was master. One day he was alone, a few marks in his bundle of clothes and a well written letter.


I have been your master over these years, you have learned well and have a capacity that most do not. Take what you have learned and seek out your fortune. Here is a few marks to get you started, learn travel and enjoy life, your free and a man now.


Nothing else, simple words and the freedom to be his own man and do what ever he wanted.

His next stop was to Two Rivers, at first he was a peddler of herbs, he earned some coins and the common tongue came easily to him and learning to use the dialogues of others made it a lot easier to deal with them. Here he come to learn a few things, there is a lot of power been moved about and people are needed to be spied upon. Perhaps this is a better venture and in time it paid well, better than just been a herbalist. He had learned to disguise himself well, walk around like a simple commoner that had no business knowing how to speak Two Rivers language. Learning many secrets and passing them on for coin was indeed something he enjoyed or even thrived on. Yet more years went by and he come to speak to a herbalist, a older gentleman by the name of Judaous Astorndem. They became fast friends and spoke of many different things, mostly plants, rumors and healing properties. It was then that this man retired from been a Healer and was going to go on a pilgrimage, to learn and travel and Slider asked to follow along and protect them older gentleman.

Yet more years went by and they ended up travelling to a desert place, where it was hot in the day and cold at night and water was rare. Still here he was taught by Judaous the language of the people, the writing was amazing but it was indeed something he look into with enthusiasm in time. Like always they talked a lot and Slider learned many things about plants, how to grow them in certain environments and what they can have for chemical properties. More years passed and more he learned, he kept his skills up, still information gathering was some what of a fascination to him, perhaps it was the excitement of been caught and what may happen. Still he continues and once again his skills improved, even if spotted, he could easily evade, run and hide himself well. Always with a different disguise, always one step ahead of his enemies.

Over the years he came to trust the man so much that he told him who he was , what he had to do to survive and what he has learned. His friend only smiled and nodded at the confession but never judged, simply he understood or could see why. If Slider ever had a father, it be this man and he would protect him as long as possible.

Time passed even more and once again they move out of the desert country to a more island placed kingdom. Once again he was taught how to speak , all this he learned with ease and still with excitement. Here he did frolic, enjoyed the woman's touch and the beauties of paying for them. Here on the islands they would move from town to town and he would enjoy every brothel. He would not talk, he would simply do and in time become addicted in a way. Though his ears picked up several conversation, his old instincts told him they were not just brothels. The workers talked a lot, mentioning certain clients and he would listen, he would ask simple questions but nothing they may take in as gathering information. All he found that was useful he would trade for profit, always in a disguise and never the same one.

It was on the Islands that he learned many things and one was the ability to not get lost in the wilds as he searched for certain herbs and plants for remedies. Learning to hunt and on occasion hunt down prey to make his meal for the night for staying out to late. Though always he came back to the old man and helped him, though by the look of him he was getting very old. As they traveled from island to island, he asked the sailors how one come to know about learning of how to sail on ships. He was put to work and showed the ropes and Slider learned well and fast, he had the agility to be a good sailor some would say, sure footed. It is here that Slider met Dorm, a very agile and respected captain of a ship called The She Devil. Slider spoke with Judaous and agreed to meet back in a year, while he learned new things.

Slider did learn a bit about sailing and how to learn the hard way to swim, thrown right in. They traveled from port to port, even managed to go to ports that the law could not touch. All was and adventure and his skills once again came into affect, the fighting, the whoring and the ability to sneak about and gather as much info as possible. All the while he used different identities in each port and the captain understood, he too had many himself, though Slider was one that usually stuck. As time passed he met many and his confident words, the ability to speak the way they do, made it essential in his survival, still he lived on the edge, he loved it. It was time to go back and meet up with Judaous and with some regret he left The She Devil.

Slider met Judaous and he looked much older when he last seen him but he was still vibrant as ever. They talked for days as they traveled back to Two Rivers, it was here that all things changed. The plague hit and people started dying, Judaous helped as many as he could but to no avail. Many people died and Slider helped as much as he could, still he could do so much. It was here that Judaous got hit and in time died himself. He died not alone but with Slider by his side, once again he cried, mourning the only man he thought as family. Now a small home, decent savings he looks around, what to do for the next stage of his life. He is not as young as he used to but he is still able and competent, his mind always working and he still has that tingling sensation in knowing secrets, always secrets.

Years and Dates with References to Places traveled:

Year: 634- September 26. Judos Broadstein was born to Charles and Jayden Broadstein. Only child of a couple that had been trying for years. They lived in the woods within Rosthsttin. Mother a herbalist, father a hunter/tracker, both well liked in the area.

Year: 641- Sometime during the night, they were attacked, both mother and father killed by bandits. Deciding to take the child and sell him as a slave.

Year: 641-643-(Travelled the lands of Estoria) Judos was put into races, let lose to run and win. If he lost, he eat only once a day and if he win he get two meals.

Year: 643-(City in Ellistrin)Judos ran from the slavers, lost them in the rain and darkness. Though it was then he ended up slipping down a slope and hitting his head. Lost his whole memory , including identity,

Year: 643-Met Moira and the kids. Jack was the leader, grown man that pushed them to steal so he can feed them, barely enough.

Year: 644-Got his first real beating from Jack, which continued for years, almost always out for days at a time.

Year: 647-Moira is taken away (Many years later she would become headmistress of a brothel, still to present). Jack tries to kill Slider(is the name used as he has no clue who he is). Though through sure will alone, Slider manages to kill Jack.

Year: 647-653-(Several cities in Macreddin) Master Jackobs Johandson(real name of his master). Who has many names he goes by , takes him in as his pupil. He is taught how to use blades, move stealthy, observe better, hide well. Starts to teach Slider how to speak. Master hints on what types of job he does. He gets paid to spy, rob, poison and plant rumours, does a decent living off it. Master continues to teach him skills , survival, hunting, tracking.

Year: 653-654-(Couple of cities in Rothsttin) Master teaches Slider to listen to rumours and other people. Also shows the variation on disguises to look discrete. Master leaves Slider a letter, marks and disappears.

Year: 654-655-(Passes smaller villages to Woodwatch) Slider keeps his name but has several aliases he uses (first: Johnson, Marcus, Judos, Nathan. last: Grandstine, Athersons, Johansons, Stephonos. *different combinations*). Also has his first try in selling information , or passing on rumours he may have heard. Some success but marginally.

Year: 655-658-(Passes smaller villages to Whitstock) Takes on bounties in tracking individuals, dead or alive. Succeeds on several but stops as has come to understand his limits. Taking his knowledge of plants and several other things, he starts to use the skills in making poisons, mostly slow acting. Like always using disguises and different aliases he manages to make a small profit but in time pissed off a group of thugs that wanted a bit of his coinage he was making for coming up with the cure. After a bit of struggle he runs for his life. (Organized protection racket , still around and they may remember him, they may have got bigger and expanded to other cities.)

Year: 658-660-(Passes smaller villages to City of Equis) Enjoys the city, begins to use most of his abilities to earn a small profit. Meets Judaous Astorndem(39) (Healer/Apothecary in Equis), which became fast friends with. Leaves on a life long dream to visit lands from afar with Judaous Astorndem(41), both agree this be a grand adventure.

Year: 660-664-(Travels the Lands of Sefu) Judaous continues to teach Slider how to speak, once again Slider takes to the lessons well. This land is dangerous and not just the climate but the people and what runs in the wild. Several occasion Slider defends them, while Judaous heals his wounds. As they travel with a group of nomads and with great fortunate coincidence as they just happened to be travelling and in between cities they met Nawaab Arif. Judaous helps to heal a mother and child slave without wasting to much of Arif's time. It was a brief but memorable moment of the lifestyle in this land. Slider is curious of the Unknown Land but decides it is best not to get caught in the middle and end up chained. Slider learns more about the human anatomy from Judaous.

Year: 664-666-(Travels the Lands of Eniola) Jadeous and Slider travel but through here they tend to move often than any other land, makes for difficulty finding them anything worth while other than the city. Reaching Asdenah they have a brief introduction to Bani Eniola, his wife Samaria and his children. Talal, Ajmar and Najla, all still young.

Year: 666-667-(Isle of the Crown) They travel to several cities. It is in these lands that Slider has more freedom to pursue his means , once again going back to spying, rumours. His skills always kept up, even managing to teach Judaous to use a blade.

Year: 667-668-(Isle of the Gloomy Jungle) Here the area is a little dangerous, many deadly critters and they learned to travel quickly. Also learned that certain plants and flowers had certain properties that can be used for remedies. Here they would stock up on certain herbs and plants not found anywhere else.

Year: 668-670-(Isle of the Giant Pearl) Slider and Judaous part ways as Slider takes a job on the ship called She Devil. Captains name is Dorm (Age 40), here Slider learn certain things about seamanship, he was agile enough. She Devil would port in Paradin , here betting, whoring and fighting was a great past time, Slider enjoyed it a lot. The deadliest place on the Isles of the Crown and Slider was thrilled of living on the edge.

Year: 670-672-(Isle of the Crown) Slider and Dorm(pirate) became good friends, fought side by side. By now Slider had grown a full beard and his hair long and went by the name Helious mostly. After some close calls in Paradin and perhaps many hearts broken or sliced, Slider made a promise to Judaous to meet. Slider has a tattoo on his right side breast of the She Devil, been one of it's crew for ever.

Year: 672-Met up with Judaous, both talked about what they had done (mostly) and they decided it was time to go back to Equis. (Judaous is very old).

Year: 672-674-(Two Rivers, City of Equis) Upon arriving, Judaous establishes himself a small home, retiring from doing much else and Slider helping him out as much as possible. Also going back to his spying and gathering information.

Year: 673-674-City of Equis is hit with the plague, people start to get sick and eventually dying. Judaous sets himself to helping as much as possible. Slider helping him along but in time Judaous succumbs to the plague himself, Slider never left his side.

Year: 675-(City of Equis) Slider lives in a modest home, his work at helping with small remedies is keeping him fed and working but he wants something more to do. He hires himself of as a hunter/tracker and on occasion finds bounties. Slider looks for the highest bidder, someone that may need his talent. Slider cares not what is needed but as long as he has that thrill, perhaps of one day been caught.